Raechel Bolton - Business Support and Marketing

Raechel Bolton - Business Support and Marketing

Raechel Bolton is a Business Support and Marketing Specialist, helping business owners thrive in busi


Honestly I get that it looks like a lot but let me break it down for you⬇️

The Digital Revolution has changed the landscape for so many industries. We now have the greatest range of options for HOW and WHERE we work. We’ve seen technology lead to massive industry disruptions in transport (Uber), entertainment (Netflix/Spotify etc), Dating (Tinder/Bumble) … the list goes on.

Being aware of or able to look for technology that will serve you and your industry is now a critical career skill.

2️⃣ Work-life balance
We’re all sick and tired of being sick and tired. We’re all deciding there has got to be a better way of doing things. And companies are starting to listen. But you’ve still got to be able to identify your balance needs and advocate for them with your clients, management/coworkers, loved ones and yourself!!

Women and minorities are often more aware of generalised bias, because we experience it regularly. Understanding and questioning your internalised bias, and learning to advocate for the removal of biases in the workplace will help to create a better working environment moving forward.
Checking your own biases towards “non-traditional” career moves can also lead to fulfilling shifts in your career.

4️⃣Labour Environment
Understanding the external forces on your industry or role, like economic and societal shifts, will help you prepare for change and identify what spaces you can move into laterally, or grow into.

5️⃣Labour Market
Examining labour supply and demand in your area helps you to decide if you need to change to a more in-demand or less competitive industry, or if there’s space for you to start preparing for upward progression.

6️⃣Growth Skills
Identify your own skills for growth helps you to pinpoint any deficits you may need to adjust and any strengths you have. This will also help your decision making process for professional development opportunities.

Like and comment if this helped you
Share with someone who needs to hear it
Follow for more on taking control of your career 💕

In Career Transformation Masterclass there is an entire module dedicated to The Dynamic World of Work and how to make it work for you. Grab the presale here: https://ignitewithraechel.com.au/career-transformation

Photos from Ignite with Raechel's post 29/11/2021

What if, when showing up is hard, you encouraged yourself to keep going?

This week in Habit Maker we’ve been talking all about creating success habits, breaking through limiting beliefs, questioning your negative self-talk, becoming your own motivator and encouraging yourself when showing up is hard.

Stop right now, open your camera, film yourself saying “I am so proud of how hard you are working. I know today might be tough, and that’s okay. Your goals and dreams are waiting for you, so today I want you to do just one thing that will bring them closer. I love you and I know you can do this.” Save the video for when you need someone in your corner.

Whatever your goals are, I know you can reach them 💕


Last night I delivered an AWESOME live training for the first day of Habit Maker.

The content was 🔥, the people were great, and I was amazing (if I do say so myself). The live was …. not.

Even though I’d tested and tested the software beforehand something slowed my stream down so there was a massive lag between what I was saying and what everyone could see. The video kept freezing, the audio was mismatched so I was talking about slides that weren’t even on the screen yet, and when I ended the live I lost the last 3-4minutes of the training.


So I had a choice, take it as a sign or a lesson. I could let self-doubt and anxiety get their claws into me and pull me down, or I could re-record the training for the replay and figure out what happened to the stream for next time.

I chose option B, the lesson. Because self-doubt and anxiety aren’t going to achieve my goals for me, because the value I have to offer isn’t lessened by a technical glitch, and because I literally spoke about the importance of fostering a resilience mindset in the training!!

After the training I got a message from one of my clients telling me she loved that when I spoke about goal setting I asked “do you feel like achieving your goals belongs to you?” and she got value not just from the content but from how I conducted myself as well. 🥰

Tonight I am going live at 8pm AEST to talk about Removing Barriers and Making Space for Your Success Habits.

Drop a comment to get the link and join us for this FREE training 💕


We start tomorrow!!

Habit Maker is a FREE 5-day program, deep-diving into all the habits we have that impact our effectiveness in creating meaningful change, from mindset to scheduling to boundaries. This program will help you identify your goals and reframe the habits that aren’t aligned with your success.

The Habit Maker content will be delivered via Live in the Soul and Goal Aligned group over 5 nights, starting Sun Nov. 7th 8pm (GMT+10).

This is the last time I am running this as a free program so make sure you’re in the group to get the course before I make it paid!

Comment “yes!!” to get the link 💕


“Nothing changes if nothing changes”

“Change what you can control and don’t worry about the rest”

They’re clichéd and oversimplified sayings but they are valid.

I’ve worked with so many women who are overwhelmed in balancing their job and family, feeling like they’re in a career rut, or feeling guilty for prioritising work.

Often these feelings are accompanied with a belief that they don’t have a choice.

“Work sucks but I need this job. I don’t have a choice.” Yes, you do.

You have the power to choose to create change, start where you are and work to where you want to be. It won’t be overnight, but you can get there.

In Habit Maker we deep dive into all the habits we have that impact our effectiveness in creating meaningful change, from mindset to scheduling to boundaries.

This is the last time I am running this program for FREE. Join us here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/480296566406576/


I refuse to let anxiety steal the best years of my life.

One of the reasons why I work the way I do, with the people I do, is because I know what it’s like, I have been there, I have lived it.

I was stuck in a career rut, taking 🚩 and entry level jobs in industries that didn’t align with my soul’s purpose because I believed that was as good as I could get as a young (then) single mum.

I was anxious and scared to show up as me, and I wasn’t utilising my skills or qualifications.

I had crippling mum-guilt and desperately wanted to have more flexibility to meet my family’s needs.

So I made a choice. I chose to step into my own power, to take control of my career, life and mind.

Now I am in control of my hours and my income. I am passionate and fulfilled by my work because I am confidently living my soul’s purpose. I am a full time WFH mum working around school hours and extracurriculars.

All because I refuse to allow a chemical in my brain to steal the best years of my life.


Meaningful change has to start with a choice.

The choice to do something different. The choice to be courageous, to learn something new, to make a plan, to look for opportunities, to work hard, to be more present...

Whatever change you are waiting for, it starts when you make the choice.

If you're ready to create a habit of choosing meaningful change, Habit Maker starts Nov. 7th. Comment or DM to get the details.


Your habits run deeper than how you make your coffee.

Do you have a habit of approaching Mondays with dread? Groaning the Garfieldian “I hate Mondays” as you roll out of bed?

What about your inner voice? Do you have a habit of beating yourself up or being your own harshest critic?

Call it whatever you want, manifesting, signs from the universe, confirmation bias - your brain filters the world around you so you only perceive what you are looking for.

The first step to a Success mindset is to change your habits, approach each day as a 24 hours full of potential, speak to yourself as you would your closest friend.

If you’re ready to take a deeper look at your habits and how to create meaningful change for yourself I am running a free 5-day training starting November 7th.

Drop the emoji that best represents your mindset habits in the comments to get the deets.


Have you ever been in an awkward business or career situation and been unsure how to respond? Or wish you’d responded differently after the fact?

I am recording a series of short clips with transferable responses for common awkward situations.

Let me know your awkward situations and I’ll record a video of how I would respond professionally, gracefully and firmly. (Feel free to DM if you’d like your situation to remain anonymous).


Just recorded a 🔥 training on mindset and how your habits shape everything!

Drop an emoji in the comments to get access!


I have opened 4 more 1:1 coaching spaces for November before my fees increase so for 4 women It’s time.

If you’re realising that 2022 is a mere 2 months away and you need something different, it’s time.

If you’re ready to start the next chapter in your career and business, it’s time.

Time for:
The CLARITY of a personalised step-by-step action plan.
The TRANQUILITY of schedule that includes work life balance
The CONFIDENCE of knowing that you have the tools to hit your goals, again and again.

DM to secure your space before our fee increase


Miss I has started learning about persuasive writing at school and immediately tried to use her new skill to bargain for a pet 😅

She’s off to a good start with a clear headline stating the topic, and a couple sentences about what I can expect to happen.

What she’s missing is the benefits, why do I need her to have a cat? How will a cat make our life better?

Persuasive writing doesn’t have to have a hard sell, but it does need to speak to the problem and solution you are offering. How does your offer make your customers life better?

Knowing how to communicate the benefits of your offer will take the “ickiness” out of selling your offer and help you effortlessly attract your ideal customers.

See what I did there? 😜

DM if you’re ready to upgrade your writing and communication skills for effortless customer attraction

Photos from Raechel Bolton - Business Support and Marketing's post 18/10/2021

Whether your goal is to generate a bit of extra income or to grow a business over time to become your full-time job, there are several positive impacts starting a business has on your career.

DM for guidance on how to make your micro business work for you

Ignite with Raechel


I actually hate the term "side hustle".

Don't get me wrong, having multiple income streams is the best way to protect your financial wellbeing and grow your career, but we'll talk about that later.

I hate the term "side hustle" because words are important indicators of the value we place on anything and everything, and "side hustle" indicates not a lot of value but a whole lot of effort. Something on the side is something you can take or leave, it is secondary, a fragment of your main goals.

Your life isn't meant to be lived in fragments, and referring to part of your life in language that indicates it is less important to you, your career, and your goals discounts your investments. Your time is valuable, your skills are valuable, your passion is valuable.

Your micro business is part of you achieving your goals, your financial security, your career growth.

Value your business, no matter the size, and you will receive value in return.


You know the best way to avoid burning out? 👇
🗣 Schedule your down time!
Believe me, I've been there, done that, got the t-shirt and burnt out HARD!
and then I did it again, and again, and again until I physically couldn't anymore. I didn't make myself stop before breaking point and now my body does it for me. But even managing chronic pain I have never been happier, because I've learnt how to balance my priorities, when to push myself and when to stop, when to be flexible and when to unapologetically take time to relax.
you could even say I wrote a book on balancing life and business, because I did.
Check it out here:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09J1LCF6N
Apple Books: https://books.apple.com/book/id1589478573
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/.../balancin.../1140325916...
Ignite with Raechel: https://ignitewithraechel.com.au/.../balancing-life-and...


The greatest asset you can have as an entrepreneur is a work life balance.

Balancing Life and Business: A Planning Guide for Sole Traders and Small Business Owners is now published and available to purchase from Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books and Ignite with Raechel. GooglePlay to be announced.

This e-book is an actionable guide to escaping the "hustle and crash" cycle and creating a peaceful work-life balance. This guide includes planning strategies and tools for you to implement as soon as you've finished reading.

You can get here:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09J1LCF6N
Apple Books: https://books.apple.com/book/id1589478573
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/.../balancin.../1140325916...
Ignite with Raechel: https://ignitewithraechel.com.au/.../balancing-life-and...


Our virtual drop in office is now available Monday to Thursday, 10am to 2pm!
Get 20 minutes of the same high quality insight and coaching for only $30, and solve your business and career roadblocks quickly and affordably.
Bookings at https://ignitewithraechel.com.au/bookings -8f88-461d-896a-ae09375ae9c1

Our virtual drop in office is now available Monday to Thursday, 10am to 2pm!

Get 20 minutes of the same high quality insight and coaching for only $30, and solve your business and career roadblocks quickly and affordably.

Bookings at https://ignitewithraechel.com.au/bookings -8f88-461d-896a-ae09375ae9c1


From October 5th the Ignite with Raechel “virtual drop-in office” will be available for same day, 20 minute calls to quickly answer your business and career coaching questions!

This is for anyone who:

• doesn’t have time to filter through google searches trying to apply solutions to your situation

• wants coaching support without the financial and time investments of long-term coaching

• needs a same-day answer to a simple question

The 20 minute sessions will be available Monday - Thursday, 10am to 2pm AEST

Booking and details at www.ignitewithraechel.com.au/bookings


Communication is an art that involves knowing what you're wanting to say, who you're wanting to say it to, and how to say it so that it will be understood as you intend it to be.

Refining your communication skills and learning to adjust to other communication styles will ultimately help you to better understand your audience, and increase the value you can provide to your customers.

Ignite with Raechel


Particularly in this age of innovation, market disruptions, and digitization - learning should be considered a lifelong mindset, instead of a stagnant point in time.

Ignite with Raechel


The skills you need to successfully grow in your career or business are actually essentially the same 👇

✨ Business management skills
✨ Teamwork and leadership skills
✨ Communication and listening
✨ Customer service skills
✨ Financial skills
✨ Analytical and problem-solving skills
✨ Critical thinking skills
✨ Strategic thinking and planning skills
✨ Technical skills
✨ Time management and organizational skills
✨ Branding, marketing and networking skills

How many of these skills do you feel confident in? What can you do to address any skill gaps and increase your growth opportunities?


Habit Maker 28 Day Free Challenge starts today, Monday 6th September!

DM or comment for details 💕

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What if I told you that you had an incredible power coursing through your veins - that you are one moment, one breath, a...
