Snap That Home

Snap That Home

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Always remember, there is never a bad question when you’re considering purchasing a property.

Do your due diligence, and ask EVERY question you can think of.


Interest Rates on Hold at 4.10 per cent.

We’ve got reasons to smile as The Reserve Bank has held official interest rates steady with inflation on the decline.


5 Tips to help you on your journey to Home Ownership 👇🏼

​✔️ Set your goals, write them down (be specific) and make them happen

​✔️ If buying with a partner, keep the conversation open with them – you’re in this together

​✔️ Budget smarter, make use of apps or websites to ensure you can see your budget when you're out and about to help keep yourself on track

✔️ ​Be realistic about your savings capacity and how that aligns with your goals

✔️ ​Don’t give up everything – you still need to live in the now


We want to help make the Aussie dream of buying your first home a more enjoyable experience.

✔️ Expert Help & Guidance

Easily converse with agents and industry experts throughout the process.

✔️ Simple, Silkier, Enjoyable

You will be able to tailor your searches and be notified of listings that match your criteria.

✔️ Ease & Convenience

Removing the overwhelming long list of properties and replacing it with a carefully curated listed based on your search criteria.

Stay tuned our App is coming soon!


The first thing to consider when you’re looking at home loans is whether you want a fixed rate or a variable rate.

✔️ Fixed rate: will give you a fixed interest rate for
a period of up to 5 years.

✔️ Variable loans: will have an interest rate that will change according to the current interest

Variable and fixed rate loans have their pros and cons, and ultimately, the choice is yours.

However, it’s an important choice that requires research and careful consideration.


If you don’t know what you spend, how can you know how much you can save?

Make a note of everything you spend for a month or more.

Not just the big items like rent, bills and groceries, but the smaller stuff like takeaway, petrol, coffee and subscriptions.


Do you have to use a Mortgage Broker?

The simple answer is no, of course you don’t.

If you’re confident and know exactly what you’re looking for, you can go straight to the bank.

However, mortgage brokers can help you get the best deal, maximise your borrowing power and improve the chances of your loan being approved.


Targeted to first home buyers.

Our soon to be launched App will allow you to see properties based on not only the first home buyer requirements within your state, but also your personalised selection criteria

Stay tuned!


Hey you! Pay off any existing debts!

For example, you should focus on paying off your ‘buy now pay later’ account as soon as you can.

Having at least 6 months' worth of 'clean' bank statements before you apply for a home loan will go a long way in being approved.


Home Loan Feature.

A popular feature found with many (though not all) home loans is the ability to make extra repayments.

This could include paying a lump sum onto your mortgage principal (such as when you get a tax refund), or making regular principal and interest repayments that are a bit higher than the required minimum amount.

Additional repayments can help to lower your outstanding mortgage principal, potentially lowering your interest charges and helping you pay off your property sooner.

Is this something you’d want in your home loan?


Hey you, have you started organising which conveyancer you are going to use?

They can help you with the ins and outs of the legal process, including title searches and reviewing your contract.

They will act as a middle person between you, the seller, the lender and the government.


🍃 Attending open homes this weekend? 🍃

Here are 3 tips to help you make the most of it 👇🏼

✔️ Arrive early and take your time inspecting all aspects of the property carefully.

✔️Jot down any observations or questions you may have about the property, and don't hesitate to ask the real estate agent any questions you may have.

✔️ Take photos and videos during the inspection can help you remember the details of the property.


Wondering what the cash rate actually means, and how it affects the interest rate of home loans?

At the end of each day, banks lend or borrow money from each other overnight.

They do that to ensure they have ample money for the next day's trading.

That little market is called the "cash market."

The price in that market is the interest rate on those interbank loans.

And that interest rate is referred to as the "cash rate."

The cash rate is an important interest rate because lots of other prices and interest rates in the financial system are based on it.

So the RBA deliberately changes the "cash rate" to manipulate the price of money flowing through the financial system.

For example, if it lifts the cash rate, banks will increase interest rates on the mortgages they provide to cover the increased cost of borrowing money in the overnight cash market.


What is SNAP That Home?

A one stop shop for home buyers, primarily targeting first home buyers.

Making the purchase of your first home, easier and more enjoyable than ever before.

Coming soon!


Found the perfect home?

To give yourself the best chance of being the successful buyer, it's a good idea to gather all your paperwork and deposit together, plus pre-approval, before you begin shopping for property.

This puts you in a much better position to negotiate, sign a contract and snap up your dream home when you find it, because you'll be ready to take immediate action.


Found a place you’d love to put an offer on?

It’s time to negotiate!

Negotiation is about finding a balance between what the owners want to sell their property for and what you’re willing to pay.

Knowledge of the seller’s situation and why they’re selling can give you negotiating power, helping you get a better price.


Wondering how the recent RBA cash rate increase may affect your mortgage?

These figures are based on a an initial rate of 5.49% and a new rate of 5.74%. All decimals rounded up to the nearest dollar. Approximate figures only


The Reserve Bank has today increased interest rates by 25 basis points to 4.1 per cent.

This is the twelfth time the interest rates have been lifted in just over a year.

Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe had the below to say on the reasons why 👇🏼

“Inflation in Australia has passed its peak, but at 7% is still too high and it will be some time yet before it is back in the target range.

This further increase in interest rates is to provide greater confidence that inflation will return to target within a reasonable timeframe.”


The RBA is tipped to hold rates at 3.85% in June.

“We expect a pause in June because the RBA has slowed down the cadence of rate hikes.

And having gone in May after pausing in April, we are not sure the data makes the case for them to go as soon as June, even as we do still expect (one) more hike," said Taylor Nugent, economist at NAB.

The decision will be made on Tuesday (6th June).


In the journey of house hunting, having a friend by your side makes all the difference.

Who do you send your property links for a second opinion to?


As soon as you enter a home you are considering buying, you will get an immediate emotional response - negative or positive.

A positive emotional response is very guiding, but don’t get too invested before making important structural checks, investigating the utilities and sussing out the new neighbourhood!


For so many people, their pets are a big part of their family.

So it makes sense to consider their needs too when you evaluate a home’s potential — and you’ll save yourself a lot of post-move frustration.

By considering your pet’s needs early on in the home search process, you can narrow down your list of possibilities and ensure you find a home that works for you and your pet.


An ensuite is now considered to be an essential feature of any modern home.

Is an ensuite a must-have or a want on your list of criteria for your first home?


Hey you, put your savings first!

If buying a home is your top priority, then saving for your house deposit should be the first thing you do when you get your pay.

Transfer the money as soon as you get paid or better yet, set up an automatic transfer so you don’t even have to think about it. This way, you’re putting money aside for your deposit before you get a chance to spend it.

Having regular deposits in to a growing savings account always looks favourable on your loan application!


Created for first home buyers.

We remove the overwhelming long list of properties and replace it with a carefully curated list based on your search criteria.

Stay tuned our App is coming soon!


Experienced love at first sight?

Buying the first house you look at is kind of like marrying the first person you go on a date with - not necessarily a good idea.

Surveying your options will also help you avoid buyer's remorse.

If you buy without looking at several homes, you could end up feeling as though you've made a mistake.

If you still love the first house you saw after visiting a few more listings, you can be confident in your decision to make an offer.


Hey you!

Friendly reminder to always compare loans from at least two different lenders.

Compare the below features.

✔️ Interest rate (per year)
✔️ Comparison rate (per year)
✔️ Monthly repayment
✔️ Application fee
✔️ Ongoing fees
✔️ Loan term
✔️ Loan features


Have you started looking at home loans?

It’s important to choose the best home loan to suit your lifestyle, financial needs and personal goals.

But finding the best home loan involves more than just hunting for the lowest interest rates.

Conducting a home loan comparison and looking at the rates, fees, features and benefits of home loans from a variety of different banks and other mortgage lenders can help you work out which mortgage offers are the best for you, and not just the cheapest.