

Microsoft 365 IT support that helps you maximize your investment, streamline your business and be more productive.

Timeline photos 24/12/2021

Bringing you cloud migration for small and medium sized businesses.

Timeline photos 28/10/2021

Common challenge #8

Are your meetings starting late because your team are unable to join them?

Still getting appointments from co-workers which are solely set for physical locations?

Don’t know how to join your meetings when you are not physically present?

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Timeline photos 21/10/2021

Common challenge #7

A team or channel has been created but no one knows what to do with it. Unless people know what they are supposed to be discussing or saving they are bound to get it wrong. Have you provided your team with a framework?

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Timeline photos 14/10/2021

Common challenge #6

Can’t find what you are looking for? More teams than members? You are very likely to have gone too detailed in your business structure. No Karen, we don’t need another team to manage the next office party!

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Timeline photos 07/10/2021

Common challenge #5

You are struggling to creatively enhance each channel with customised tabs, your channels only have 3 tabs the generic Post, Files & Wiki.

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Timeline photos 30/09/2021

Common challenge #4

Your chats are used for team conversations 5 members in one chat talking about 20 different things no posts are linked together, only in chronological order

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Timeline photos 23/09/2021

Common challenge #3

The post tabs in our channels are collecting dust. Indicating a pointless channel or the continued use of inefficient email communication.

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Timeline photos 15/09/2021

Check out our latest blog on , keeping your teams meeting productive.

Microsoft have created breakout rooms, a wonderfully simple solution to an ongoing problem.

to the blog

Timeline photos 09/09/2021

Common challenge #2
You are stuck with just one team or chat for everything you do. Every member of your organisation should be a member of at least 2-3 teams.

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Timeline photos 02/09/2021

Common challenge #1
Your business has recently set up Microsoft teams, now what? Are you actually using it?

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Timeline photos 26/08/2021

Due to the impact of Covid-19 businesses have had to adapt to help their employees communicate and collaborate without being in the same room. Some have struggled more than others …

Follow us through the most common challenges faced by many.

Timeline photos 21/08/2021

Check out our latest blog on a positive outcome from the pandemic.

"The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic impacted every aspect of our lives, from the way we shop for groceries to interacting with friends, but the biggest impact was arguably the way we work. Suddenly, with just days to prepare, entire offices had to switch to remote working, and while there were some challenges in that initial process, businesses around the world found ways to work with a distributed workforce...."

Timeline photos 15/08/2021

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Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00