Livability Occupational Therapy

Livability Occupational Therapy

Livability Occupational Therapy supports people experiencing mental illness build their most livable lives.


This week we celebrated 2 years of Livability OT! What a wild ride it has been stepping out of my long term role and comfort zone to start on a quest to provide high quality occupational therapy services to those who experience mental ill health.

Thank you to my ever supportive husband who encouraged me to take the leap, to the wonderful support coordinators who took a chance on me, my most generous friend Danielle who provided me with so much guidance and advice and of course my amazing clients who never cease to amaze me.

This milestone comes with another. My one-man-band has expanded to 2! Welcome Brianna to Livability OT! I’m so glad you have made me a we!

Bring on the next 2 years!


It’s R U OK day today! Please take the time to ask R U OK not just today but everyday!


Allow me to preach to the choir abit here

Timeline photos 10/09/2020

Please ask more after ‘RU OK?’
Start a conversation! Listen with an open mind, support to find a plan of attack and check back in!
Please help us reduce the stigma surrounding mental health. It is OK not to be OK!

Tomorrow is R U OK?Day, a reminder to start a conversation that could change a life today, tomorrow and any day it's needed.

Learn what to say after R U OK? so you can keep the conversation going when someone says they're not OK. Visit


This is an infographic on the research paper: Effectiveness of anxiety reduction interventions on test anxiety: A comparison of four techniques incorporating sensory modulation.


This technique is a really fast calm down strategy.

Timeline photos 21/06/2020

We have created a list of frequently asked questions about the different ways you may need to use your plan funding.

The answers cover questions about low cost Assistive Technology, plan flexibility, using your budget and more.

Tap here to read 👉


Katie Mary shared this wonderful explanation of occupational therapy on our page on January 18.


I love this!!

Timeline photos 23/03/2020

For anyone who needs a helping hand in these tough, unpredictable times ❤️
If you are in an emergency, or at immediate risk of harm to yourself or others, please contact emergency services on 000.


Open for business from 29th January!

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00