Soul Mama Birthing

Soul Mama Birthing

Certified Hypnobirthing Australia Practioner in North Lakes, QLD. Visit my website or @soulmamabirth

Photos from Soul Mama Birthing's post 07/08/2022

As draws to a close; and tomorrow marks 1 whole year of breastfeeding Alva; I thought I’d do a little post on my own journey.

With my first born, Elon; I had a lot of tears and struggles. (I’m working on a blog post on this; to explain in more detail )- but the hospital which I gave birth at did not help my breastfeeding journey at all. I didn’t find out or realise how bad; until I investigated when Alva was born after some push from my new midwives.

Understandably I was very scared I was going to have the same experience as last time- so when Alva was born I was ready. I had done so much more research; and knew what I needed to do if circumstances changed during birth.

I even had a lactation consult with my own chosen provider about a month in to double check I hadn’t missed anything! (She hugged me and said- you got this 👌)

So; to say Alva has been healing for me is an understatement. I was convinced my body could not do it; but she proved it could.

While we may not have those long slow breastfeeds any more; and it’s turned into a quick sip and a bit of gymnastics over my belly; I couldn’t be more proud.

Breastfeeding is hard. Struggles or not. I’ve done now almost a whole year of feeding on demand and it is a full time job in itself. It’s exhausting. It’s beautiful. It’s raw. It’s not spoken about enough.

So here’s to you, Alva. With me in this journey every step (or sip) of the way ❤️
We bloody did it! 🙌


Merry Christmas from my family to yours 💕🎄
And an extra special Merry Christmas to all of my beautiful couples spending their very first Christmases with their new babies this year 💕🥰🎄


In the hospital they usually tell moms to try to breastfeed every 2-3 hours. Wake baby to nurse every 2-3 hours. That way you can make sure to nourish baby and bring in a good milk supply.

Unfortunately this isn’t exactly how it works🙄 this visual was shared in a post from a friend that I shared a couple years ago and it’s incredibly accurate.

It’s basic math that they use in the hospital to give you the “ideal” feeding schedule. This “ideal schedule” equals about 8-12 nursing sessions in 24 hours which means baby would only have to nurse every 2-3 hours.

This is their way of saying that baby needs to eat often, but this isn’t exactly how it works for mom and baby in real life. Which can cause a mom to really struggle when her baby wants to nurse more often than every 2-3 hours! Nothing like setting new moms up to fail🤦‍♀️

Because they push this so heavily, I’ve noticed that parents seem to think breastfeeding is going to be super simple and perfectly spaced out feedings like the cereal picture. It also makes it look as though all feedings should be the same size so they should be nursing for the same amount of time each time. Which also is NOT accurate.

THIS IS NOT THE REALITY. In reality, baby will have big/long feeds sometimes. Or little/short feeds. Or feeding sessions while they are still mostly asleep. Or feeding sessions that aren’t so great. Or anything in between! They are not guaranteed to sleep better just because their feedings are all spaced out perfectly and done for the same length of time.

Instead of watching the clock and timing sessions, let baby lead! Watch for feeding cues from your little one and go from there😊

I also wanted to say that I love the blueberries portion of this visual. It shows more of a reality for how nursing sessions go. Some are bigger. Some are smaller. Sometimes there’s a longer amount of time in between. And in counting the berries, there are STILL the correct number of nursing sessions for the day.

Amazing, right?! Our bodies and our babies know what they are doing. Let them lead💙💚

Can you spare a minute to help Lauren Beardmore? 25/07/2021

No one should have to attend appointments, scans, labour and BIRTH alone. Ever. 🙌

Can you spare a minute to help Lauren Beardmore? 1726 signatures are still needed! End Birth Restrictions


As most of you know, I’m due with my very own hypnobub in the coming weeks 💕 So, I’m putting this post here to let future couples know I probably won’t be as responsive to emails for the next few months, and I won’t be holding any classes for the rest of the year! I do have another wonderful practioner though that I can help put you in touch with though if you are looking for someone this year!. Next years start date will be announced on here when I feel I can give 100% to class again 💕
For those who I have already taught this year, you already know all this- but this is also reminder that while I’m on leave that I am still available for you to help you find any research you need, any support you need, and just for a chat if that’s what you feel as well! My maternity leave doesn’t mean you can no longer contact me! (Except maybe if I’m you know, literally in labour🤣 so if I don’t reply for a few days just bear with me 🤣)
So much love to you all for your support this year, I have loved teaching, sharing information with others, and just generally trying to help our current birth system in Qld, Aus.
I’ll still probably post in stories when I fell like it- but I’ll try to limit my posts on my feed so you can easily see when I’m “back”!
Have a great rest of your year everyone, and enjoy those baby snuggles! I know I will be 💕😍
Lauren x

Photos from Blue Bay Whale Watching Byron Bay's post 15/07/2021

How incredible is this 😱

Men, witches, machines and babies - mechanical birth | Vicki Hobbs 05/07/2021

I always go into a bit of history in my classes, and this article from Vicki Hobbs - Back to Basics Birthing is a great read for those wanting a little more!

Men, witches, machines and babies - mechanical birth | Vicki Hobbs During the Middle Ages women continued to use natural medicines and holistic care for the wellbeing of their families and pregnant women, while men attended university to become physicians, which then started the restrictions on natural healers who were considered “witches” if they were performi...


Kindest words from another beautiful couple I taught this year 💓

“You're never sure how you'll find the trainer going into any learning or course so naturally I had my reservations about Lauren or if I'd even need the course but now having done it, not only am I but my partner too, so pleased to have done it and found Lauren to deliver it.

Lauren was engaging to listen to and made the learning interactive. We both feel more confident about birthing with that change being immediate (we are actually quite amazed ourselves).

I was hoping to gain confidence around the birthing process and not feel pressured into anything the hospital wanted to dictate for me and I definitely got this and more.

Keep being awesome you Lauren, your passion for delivering this content is amazing and makes it more interesting to learn.”

Thank you Melissa & Adam! 💕



*Share around to all your pregnant friends so they don’t miss out ! *

Come join me as I teach ‘s The Positive Birth Course ™️ this Sunday and the 20th!

What a crazy and wonderful year it has been teaching some beautiful people in their pregnancy and birth journeys!

After this class, it will be my turn again!
I am positively excited to welcome our little girl into the world sometime around August, and will be taking a break in July to fully immerse myself in all the techniques I teach and preach!

I can’t wait to finish off my Hypnobirthing Practioner year with a bang!


As I’m due around August, this will be my last class now for the year!
What an incredible first year of teaching it has been, meeting so many beautiful couples and sharing in their pregnancy and birth journeys 💕
I can’t wait to finish this year off with a bang! 💥
If you are interested or have any questions, please reach out! 💕
More info on classes on my website ⤵️


💕Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful Mums out there! 💕
Whether you are a new mum, a veteran mum, a soon to be mum, someone who yearns to be a mum, a mum who is no longer together with her child on Earth, someone who may not be a mother and doesn’t want to be, someone who never had one but appreciates them anyway, or someone who misses theirs greatly- Happy Mother’s Day! 💕💕💕


Beautiful words from a beautiful couple 💓

Upcoming classes with spots available 💕
May 16th & 23rd
June 6th & 20th


Some beautiful artwork by ; and very fitting for April being Caesarean Awareness month 💕 (I know I’m late with half a day left- but hey - pregnant with a toddler my days are very busy! 🤣)

Firstly... let’s celebrate them! 🎉

So- to all the beautiful people who have had a caesarean:

🙌YOU. GAVE.BIRTH. - don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

👏You were as incredibly brave and powerful and strong as anyone else who gave birth any other way.

🙏A caesarean can be just as positive and empowering as a ‘natural’ birth!

Of course, a caesarean is a major surgery, and should be treated as such ; however - how lucky are we to live in a time where such life saving surgery exists 👏 !

There are medically necessary reasons for a caesarean, AND there are not. It’s a tricky pool of misinformation and confusion at times that can often leave you feeling very lost as to what the RIGHT decision is or WAS.
My job is not to tell you what to do, but instead empower you to do your own research and make an informed, consented decision. (with some helpful guidance to help get you started of course!)

Birth is beautiful, however it happens. But with the right preparation, tools and knowledge you can feel in control and empowered no matter which way your birth journey takes you.


2 Spots left in my May class! 16th & 23rd May 💓
If you’re wanting to learn some incredible techniques, tools and knowledge to help prepare you for a truly positive birthing experience; then look no further🤗 I’ll teach you and your chosen birth partner the Positive Birth Program™️ by to help you feel empowered and confident (and honestly EXCITED!) to give birth, while also giving your birth partner the support THEY need in order to support YOU.
PM me or email me at [email protected] to secure your spot 💓


I realised I forgot to share some exciting news here... Soul Mama aka Lauren aka ME ... IS PREGNANT 🤰🏻
This is an old scan now, when I was just over 12 weeks.
Now I’m nearing 18 weeks and most days my busy toddler makes me forget I’m pregnant (I still have nausea and dry heaving so that’s my only reminder 🤣) I’m still yet to have my first midwife / prenatal appointment, and by this time last pregnancy I had had sooo many scans, sooo many appointments mainly because of some spotting; and I was veryyyy stressed out.
This pregnancy is turning out to be very different to my last so far that’s for sure! Who else’s 2nd or 3rd pregnancy was very different to their first?

So what does this mean for my classes? Well I’m obviously still teaching, and would like to run a few more classes before my guess month of August, and will keep you updated when my last class of the year will be. Stay tuned!
For those wanting a class that’s getting closer to August, please reach out and we can chat about your options 💓


As I sit here, surrounded by half eaten quarters of avocado toast and an array of household objects my son has decided needed to be removed from their homes in the cupboard and onto the floor; (measuring cup, broom, sock, sleeping bag) , he’s giving me the most loving couch cuddles 🥰 and I couldn’t agree with this statement more ❤️


➰Birth Partners➰
An integral part of birth, but, for a long time many were not allowed in the birthing room.
But, it seems they have returned to their rightful place, by mamas side, with a vengeance.
So thank you, birth partners...
For protectively giving support, strength, love, and kindness in a time where you needed it most.
For standing up for the birth preferences, you both painstakingly thought out in the months leading up to this moment, and asking the right, educated questions when need be.
For giving water, nourishment, and an endless supply of whispered affirmations as you breathed your baby down.
For massaging the same spot on your back for what felt like days, till theirhands felt like they could fall off, just to give you a little bit more comfort.
For having the strength, courage and confidence to be a birth partner.
While you take many forms; husbands, wives, partners, mums, sisters, friends... You are all appreciated more than you know ❤️
Words by me💓
.babymoon with
Found on• ⁣
Caption: ⁣


Do you want to feel empowered during labour and bringing your baby into this world? Do you want to feel confident in your decisions surrounding your pregnancy, baby, body and birth?
Do you want to feel in control, rather than full of fear?
My next class has some spots available, contact me today to secure your spot in class 💓
I’ll be teaching the Positive Birth Program from Hypnobirthing Australia which is an incredible and extensive course to prepare you for birth with knowledge, tools and support.

If these dates don’t work with you, still reach out for my other options, or, I can let you know if I open up another class 💓🥰





From my family to yours, Happy New Year(‘s eve!)
I hope the new year brings happiness and joy into your life in all the ways you wish!

During the holiday season I haven’t been as active on socials and emails as I have been busy enjoying some family time while my husband has some time off. If I don’t reply to you immediately do not fret! I absolutely will when I can ☺️

What a whirlwind year that feels like it has flown! I’ve gotten used to life with a baby, then a toddler, started studying something completely new, started a business in an area I am so passionate about and have started booking up my classes! I have now only got 1 more space in my February class! I’m so excited to start teaching birth education and giving parents the ultimate birth course in Hypnobirthing from Hypnobirthing Australia. Get keen my February parents! Not long now! 🥰

I hope everyone has a wonderful night and can’t wait to meet you in the New Year! 💓

Much love,
Lauren! X


Just LOOK at these INCREDIBLE stats from the goddesses over at ITAVM 🙌

Wow! 💓

It’s the time of year to reflect upon 2020 and the year we have had. So here are our 2020 stats. Thank you to all the beautiful families that chose us to be part of their journey. Looking forward to 2021 and our expanding team able to support more women.


Are you a small business specialising in something to do with pregnancy/ birth or even beyond? I am looking for YOU!!
I am in the midst of curating a little goodie bag to gift my couples when they complete a course with me! 💓
If this is you, please reach out I would absolutely love to chat!
I’m looking for online brands or local businesses to the North Lakes Brisbane region who could do discount codes or would even like their physical product on show in breaks. You could even have your info in the bag for them to find you if they need 💓I’m on the hunt for birth affirmation cards, birth photographers, placenta encapsulation, pregnancy massage, float tanks, ... honestly the list is endless of who could go in there so contact me if you think this could be you ! I’d love to chat to see if you’d make a great fit for a lasting relationship 💓

If this isn’t you, but you know someone who might want to be involved, tag them or dm them 💓


This December, a lot of mums around the country (and world) will begin to be pressured into early inductions to make it easier on the health care system during the holiday period. Your baby will come when they are ready 🙌 know your rights 🙌
(This coming from a medically necessary induction mama 😂)


This was too good not to share with you all 💓 the has done it again with such an informative, yet beautiful graphic to highlight the importance of the female body and its natural mechanisms in place to birth your baby. That wonderful hormone oxytocin, rightly nicknamed the ‘birth hormone’ plays such an integral role throughout labour, birth and beyond. Trust your body 💓🙌


This image stops me in my tracks every time I see it. That contracting belly is pure testament to the strength of this mama! I remember when I was in labour my sister said all my back muscles were contracting so hard it looked like I was a body builder. (I in no way have a body builder figure 😂) It just proves women’s bodies are AMAZING. Don’t you also love just how serene the doula is? A strong support, and with more of a “here if you need” attitude it seems. Love this 💓
Photo and words below from 💓
Look at this birthing body at work. A good doula knows how to help birth keep moving (like suggesting the always amazing toilet position), but also knows when to stand back, let you get in the zone and rock your birth. The hardest part of birth can be getting out of our body’s way. The strength in this photo is physical and mental. It’s immeasurable. A doula is there to help remind you of your strength when it feels impossible. We know you can do it. You are doing it.⠀

Photography and Doula from Gather Birth Cooperative | Minneapolis, St. Paul Birth Photography + Doula + Postpartum Sessions + Film + more⠀


[image description: A woman sits on a toilet, her pregnant belly bulging with a contraction. Another woman, a doula, sits across from her rubbing her legs.]⠀


Loving this graphic from showing just how quickly unnecessary interventions can happen.

While for rare, medical reasons some interventions are necessary; for me, the issue is that a lot of these interventions are pushed on women as the only option - and making them feel like they don’t have a choice in the matter.

Well, you absolutely do. It is 100% your choice, your body, your baby.

If you are getting pressure from a care provider for an intervention, do your research and become your own health advocate 💓 Ask questions, and get a second opinion if doesn’t feel right. Remember, you hold the power.


What a brilliant quote from ! 🙌🙌🙌 Agree x a million ! 😍

Photos from Soul Mama Birthing's post 17/11/2020

For world Premature day I thought I’d share a little bit about my little early guy 💓 I went to hospital at 36+4 weeks with some suspected fluid leaking, which turned out to be a hind water leak. Because I wasn’t even 37 weeks, they wanted to try and keep little dude in at least a week longer as long as I wasn’t showing signs of infection and he not showing distress.
I’d done my research, and had been in close communication with the midwives and obstetricians that were now monitoring me, and knew that unless they really needed to, they didn’t want to induce me.
But alas, the next morning I had an increased BP and elevated temperature and they were just a bit concerned. I was induced that afternoon at 36+5 weeks, and that night gave birth to my beautiful boy. Due to his lung immaturity, he had some respiratory issues and he was whisked away to special care after some mere seconds of bonding time.
For the days that followed, a hazy blur they seem now, I walked the seemingly never ending hallway to the nursery every couple of hours to feed, change and hold him, then go back to my room to sleep, wake up, eat and do it again. The chorus of nurses and even janitorial staff asking “Haven’t you got your baby yet?” Further dug the knife in that, no I did not have him yet. And no, he didn’t feel like mine yet. It was strange in the special care unit, you didn’t feel like you were allowed to be there, but at the same time, you were encouraged to be there. I wish I had found my voice during this time, but I was honestly so exhausted, I didn’t have the energy. When he finally came to my room (about 5 days later) it was the most incredible thing. He finally felt like our baby. 1 in 10 babies are born prematurely. Even though my guy made the cut by only a few days, his need to be in special care made sure we didn’t take it lightly he was a premmie.
My advice to future mums of premmie baby’s needing care would be- don’t let them boss you around, they are your baby and you can be in that nursery as long as you like. Educate yourself on your rights as a parent, and get as much support you can if you can’t find your voice 💓


It takes practice, and LOTS of it to make the relaxation of your pelvic muscles second nature when you do your breathing for birth. In class, I will teach you the basics and how to; but it is ultimately up to YOU how much time and energy you spend honing this technique.
For my own birth, my breathing was so important- and helped me meditate myself into a state of deep relaxation. I’d spent the last half of my pregnancy practicing the breaths and it really paid off 💓
