Train with LW

Train with LW

Train with LW is a private group community for those who want to master their habits and achieve their goals


POV period pain be gone with PCOS and ENDO,

proof is in the pudding, the methods work when applied well and consistently!

working with a coach who actually can deliver the

pain relief
regulate your cycle
lose weight
no longer self loathe with PCOS

is actually poossible, but unfortunately you just havent signed up to me yet ??? jokes, not jokes!

DM me now PCOS let have a chat and change the mehhhh to an ahhhhhhhhh


While exercise is crucial for managing PCOS, the misconception that any exercise is beneficial can lead to poor exercise selection, potentially exacerbating PCOS symptoms rather than alleviating them. Here’s an exploration of why the right exercise choices are important and common pitfalls associated with poor exercise selection:

Improving Insulin Sensitivity a COMBO OF BOTH Cardiovascular Exercise and weights based training is crucial for you : Aerobic exercises like walking, cycling, and swimming can improve insulin sensitivity, which is crucial for managing PCOS. These exercises help the body use glucose more efficiently, reducing insulin resistance.
Strength Training: Resistance training, including weightlifting and bodyweight exercises, also enhances insulin sensitivity by building muscle mass, which helps in glucose uptake and metabolism. If you need more guidance on a structured approach to beat the PCOS inflammation responses and arent getting results with your current cookie cutter program, dm me INFO and lets get a program sorted for you!


Eating slowly can have several benefits for gut health and overall well-being, particularly for women with PCOS.

Chewing food thoroughly and eating slowly ensures that food is broken down more effectively in the mouth. This mechanical breakdown aids in digestion as smaller food particles are easier for the stomach and intestines to process.

Eating slowly can help prevent overeating and reduce the likelihood of experiencing bloating, gas, and indigestion. It allows the digestive system to keep pace with the intake of food, leading to smoother digestion and fewer digestive issues.

give this a go and see how you feel with your bloat and intake next time you have a meal.


PCOS is closely associated with insulin resistance, which can impact gut health. Insulin resistance can alter the gut microbiota, and vice versa, leading to a cycle that exacerbates both PCOS and digestive issues.

Here are 2 things YOU can do today to reduce this cycle of blah

1. drink your water, i know its simple but lets drink more of it.
Adequate water intake aids in digestion by helping to break down food, allowing nutrients to be absorbed more effectively. It also helps in the smooth movement of food through the digestive tract, preventing issues like constipation.

2. eat your damn veggies and fruit to increase fibre intake, NOT just supplements!
Fiber, particularly insoluble fiber found in many fruits and vegetables, adds bulk to the stool and helps it pass more easily through the digestive tract. This can prevent constipation and promote regular bowel movements.

need more help with YOUR PCOS , then i got you boo! dm me INFO lets chat about my coaching packages together so we can customise your gaps with handling your PCOS together!


PCOS is often associated with dyslipidemia, characterized by elevated levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides, and low levels of good cholesterol (HDL).

Psyllium husk can help improve the lipid profile by lowering total and LDL cholesterol levels.

The soluble fibre binds to bile acids in the gut, which are then excreted from the body, leading to a reduction in cholesterol levels .

Whens the last time you got your blood panel checked for your PCOS?
for a full breakdown of what bloods to get checked for your PCOS markers and health, to reduce your bloat, manage your weight BETTER, dm me for coaching package information using the word INFO.


Many women with PCOS struggle with weight gain and obesity, which can exacerbate symptoms. Psyllium husk can promote a feeling of fullness and reduce appetite, leading to lower calorie intake and supporting weight loss efforts. By aiding in weight management, psyllium husk can help alleviate some of the metabolic complications associated with PCOS .

THIS alone coupled with our bespoke supplement stack we offer to women in our PCOS coaching capsule based on their symptoms and needs is a winner! for more info on the full list and coaching options dm me INFO.


High sugar and refined carbohydrate intake, common in insulin resistance management, can disrupt gut health and contribute to gastrointestinal symptoms. Conversely, a diet rich in fibre and whole foods can improve both PCOS symptoms and digestive health by promoting a healthier gut.

Give this a go and let me know how you feel after 2 weeks

If you'd like a MORE indepth approach for YOU with personalised meal ideas, a structured routine and lifestle stack for your daily PCOS management DM me INFORMATION lets have a chat!


PCOS needs to be addressed individually , with the right approach , education and care!


did yo know that: Women with PCOS often have dietary patterns that can affect digestive health.

Ive got a 3 step plan i can send you to focus on to help you with your digestive health and PCOS bloat and pain! Drop me a comment below if you'd like the info.


fukkkkkk its annoying when you're doing ALL of it

4 sessions a week
you're killing your nutrition
getting your steps in
sleeping like a baby

your results dont say so....

I hate to break it to you BUT girl its because

your nutrition isnt tailored to your hormones at all
your program at the gym doesnt consider your homrones and how they actually work for you?!
your sleep is ok, BUT is your stress management ?

I know you well

your sat in your wet towel onthe edge of your bed, looking at your puffy tummy, and wondering why all the hard work isnt paying off

its your program boo....

this is where having a dedicated, structured plan actually makes a real difference

we get down and dirty all thingzzz homrones, we assess, we create, we build, we get YOU!

you know the drill here, if you're done wasting your own time, lets get specific and get results, dm me INFO lets have a chat.


i know you! save this dinner/lunch and snack idea if yall want to take back control of the pantry, your hormones being all over the places! annnnd from woolies, per serve we are looking at on average $6.50 - $8.50 per serving of deliciousness !

lets break it down here

Protein 🐔Chicken
Roasted Veg for fibre needs
Brown rice for carb source
Dairy free ice-cream option (great to assist with anti bloat/inflammation for women with PCOS and Endo)

A well balanced plate is where it's at

Here's the hot scoop, I can create EVEN more meals monthly for you on my hormone, weight loss and muscle build online coaching platform, OR via my EmpowerHER monthly subscription hub. wink wink!


ya girl is saving the day day, here's a quick 3 day meal plan for your PCOS inflammation , SAVE This bad boy! please note no macros or calories provided, as this is personal, and i can do this with you and for YOU on my nutrition coaching package ! (hint hint)....

Day 1:

Smoothie made with spinach, frozen berries, flaxseed, almond milk, and a scoop of protein powder.
Whole grain toast with avocado spread.

Quinoa salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, avocado, and grilled salmon. Dress with olive oil and lemon juice.
A small handful of walnuts or almonds.

Baked chicken breast seasoned with turmeric and served with roasted sweet potatoes and steamed broccoli.
Side salad with mixed greens, shredded carrots, and balsamic vinaigrette dressing.

Greek yogurt with sliced strawberries and a sprinkle of chia seeds.

Day 2:

Overnight oats made with rolled oats, almond milk, chia seeds, cinnamon, and topped with sliced banana and a drizzle of honey.
Lentil soup with vegetables (carrots, celery, onions, spinach) served with a side of whole grain crackers.
Mixed fruit salad (pineapple, kiwi, grapes).
Grilled tofu with stir-fried vegetables (bell peppers, broccoli, snap peas) in a ginger-garlic sauce served over brown rice.
Steamed edamame sprinkled with sea salt.

Sliced cucumber with hummus.
Day 3:


Scrambled eggs with spinach, tomatoes, and mushrooms.
Whole grain toast with almond butter.


Turkey and avocado wrap made with whole grain tortilla, sliced turkey breast, avocado, lettuce, and tomato.
Carrot sticks with hummus.

Baked salmon with a honey mustard glaze served with quinoa and roasted Brussels sprouts.
Side salad with mixed greens, cucumber, and a vinaigrette dressing.

Apple slices with almond butter.

Additionally, for personalised nutrition advice is recommended, especially when managing a condition like PCOS. This is where i can SAVE the day for you and creata some custom cool meals to fuel your soul and get rid of the bloat! DM me meal plan and letssss gooooo


yeeet! time for a ted talk on this one..

you see, recently i asked a PCOS self help group what their main struggles were, an audience of 40k plus women struggling...

it wasnt the struggles they had but MORE then approach they take, which was my main concern.

Im very driven, maybe OCD over how to overcome PCOS symptoms and it stems from
- the lack of education
- the cluster fu***rs of a one size fits all well known program on IG, that charge you for an app access where every other woman gets the same plan and approach

IM NOT HERE for that girl! i hate it

So heres what i found, the HOW they are approaching it is just plane and simple WRONG.

Women are hounded over 20 supplements to take in a day, and then are left wondering why the heck they arent getting results: like their cycle, weight loss, inches off their waste, self hate and confusion is mounting here.

CUT the bu****it, please!!!

taking supplements, yes in fact is highly important for PCOS hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance and regulating HOWEVER its legit 50% of the THING you need to get done

this is where i am differnt , and i dont say that with any light intentions, i am literally going to walk you through
- your food consumption, how its impacting your PCOS and actually amend this and get your energy, thrive and zest back, stop the hungry feelings and lose inches
- we are infact going to talk about movement, as it appears supplements dont and arent a magic fu***ng pill girl. YOU gottta move more too, and lets not add in the fact the way YOU move matters with PCOS. this grinds my gears alot
- I will keep it real with you, and ive had countless chats and many women who ghost me because, unlike YOU, they arent open to the fact that their lifestyle habits NEEDS to change stat.

If you're a go getter, confused, done with the PCOS groups who loooove to self loathe and prescibe 20 supplements and want to actually get the results where you turn your life around, hit me up in the dms


the dreaded facial hair and extra bodily hair, got you feeling self conscious AF, and its often 1 symptom of pcos that isnt addressed by many women, so lets get you some help stat!

NOW im gonna be the devils advocate here, but you cant expect some symptoms of PCOS to clear without adjustment to
Your diet
Your movement
Your hydration
Your stress
Your sleep

its like whacking out a band aid , and ignoring the root cause! ya hear me?

Anyhow i could go on and on, and if I was YOU id high consider the above list and think to myself, AM I REALLY doing the things... if the answer is no, girl we need a chat asap, with much love and respect! because i know how ambitious you are, killing it in all areas of life but your PCOS isnt one of them

Alright, i diverge.

Heres how to assist facial hair, the good old hirsutism

Hirsutism is characterized by the growth of coarse, dark hair in areas where men typically grow hair, such as the face, chest, and back. It is caused by an imbalance of hormones, particularly elevated levels of androgens (male hormones) like testosterone, which is often seen in PCOS.

Heres what to do , no gatekeeping here !

drummmm roll...through diet , focusing on foods and dietary patterns that may help regulate hormone levels, particularly androgens.

Low Glycemic Index (GI) Foods: Opt for foods that have a low glycemic index to help stabilize blood sugar levels and insulin resistance, which can in turn help regulate hormone levels. Examples include non-starchy vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and fruits like berries.
Healthy Fats: Include sources of healthy fats in your diet, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish like salmon. Healthy fats are important for hormone production and can help support overall hormone balance.
Lean Protein: Choose lean protein sources such as poultry, fish, tofu, and legumes. Protein is essential for hormone synthesis and can help regulate blood sugar levels.
Fiber-Rich Foods: Incorporate plenty of fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes into your diet. Fiber helps with digestion and can aid in the elimination of excess hormones from the body.
Anti-Inflammatory Foods: Include foods with anti-inflammatory properties in your diet, such as turmeric, ginger, garlic, and berries. Chronic inflammation can exacerbate hormone imbalances, so reducing inflammation through diet may help manage symptoms.
Limit Processed Foods and Added Sugars: Minimize your intake of processed foods, sugary snacks, and sweetened beverages, as these can contribute to insulin resistance and hormone imbalances.
Limit Dairy: Some research suggests that dairy products may contribute to elevated androgen levels in certain individuals. Consider reducing your intake of dairy or choosing dairy alternatives like almond milk or coconut milk.
Herbal Teas: Certain herbal teas, such as spearmint tea, have been studied for their potential to reduce androgen levels and hirsutism in women with PCOS. Drinking herbal teas in moderation may complement dietary changes.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to support overall health and hormone balance.
Portion Control and Balanced Meals: Focus on portion control and balanced meals to maintain a healthy weight, as excess body fat can exacerbate hormone imbalances associated with PCOS.


Say goodbye to restrictive diets and hello to pasta!

got ya there! plus there is no catch! so if you're listening to some health professional tell you YOU MUST cut out carbs all together, you needs a new coach!

If you've been told that pasta is off-limits because of PCOS, we're here to shake things up and share some exciting news: You can enjoy pasta AND still achieve your weight loss goals!

Gone are the days of feeling deprived and restricted by overly strict diets. We believe in nourishing our bodies with delicious, satisfying foods that support our health and well-being.

That's why we've ditched the no-pasta approach and embraced balance instead. Pasta can absolutely be part of a healthy diet, even for individuals with PCOS. With the right portion sizes and mindful choices, pasta can provide energy, fiber, and satisfaction without sabotaging your progress.

And guess what? By incorporating pasta into our meals, we've seen incredible results! Our clients have not only lost inches but have also experienced increased energy, improved mood, and better overall well-being.

Ready to Join the Pasta Party?
If you're tired of restrictive diets that leave you feeling hungry and unsatisfied, it's time to join us and embrace a balanced approach to nutrition. Say yes to pasta, yes to nourishment, and yes to achieving your health and fitness goals!


Don't let PCOS derail your weight loss journey!

Here's how NOT to lose weight with PCOS, lets tick off the ones you're doing and maybe flip the switch as an empowered woman on a mission to rid her symptoms, take back control and get clarify on alllll the s**t I see that's not going to work for YOU!

Fad Diets and Quick Fixes
yeah girl! lets slap on salad, Fad diets promising rapid weight loss can be tempting, but they often do more harm than good for women with PCOS. These diets can disrupt hormone balance and exacerbate insulin resistance, making it even harder to lose weight in the long run. We don't need to do this anymore, we don't live in the 90s like aunt Susan does.

Ignoring Insulin Resistance
Girrrrrl come on, we know that PCOS and insulin resistance go hand in hand, and you sweeping it under the carpet doesn't help you! t's often overlooked in generic weight loss programs. Ignoring insulin resistance can lead to stubborn weight gain and difficulty in managing blood sugar levels. We can make friends with pasta, and eat at regular intervals with PCOS, there are lifestyle habits we use in our program to aid insulin resistance.

Overlooking Hormonal Imbalance
PCOS is characterized by hormonal imbalances, including elevated levels of androgens (male hormones) and irregular menstrual cycles. Traditional weight loss approaches may not address these underlying hormonal issues, making it challenging to see meaningful results. We don't cut carbs, we don't just tell you eat a salad and send you on the way, heck I don't even just prescribe weights or just cardio. Understanding how your androgens, and irregular cycles and insulin resistance is impacting your weight is FAR more important right now.

HOW the heck do I turn this around???!!!!

I understand the unique needs of women with PCOS and tailors a personalized approach to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Here's how I can help:

🔍 Comprehensive Assessment: I conduct a thorough evaluation of your health, including hormonal balance, insulin sensitivity, and metabolic function.

🥗 Customized Nutrition Plan: Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all diets! Icreate a nutrition plan that supports hormone balance, regulates blood sugar, and promotes sustainable weight loss.

💪 Targeted Exercise Strategies: I design exercise routines that are tailored to your body's needs and focus on improving insulin sensitivity, building lean muscle mass, and boosting metabolism.

📈 Ongoing Support and Monitoring: I provide continuous support and guidance throughout your journey, adjusting your program as needed to ensure optimal results.

Ready to finally see the results you deserve? Don't let PCOS hold you back any longer! Send us a DM to learn more about how our specialized program can help you conquer PCOS-related weight loss struggles and achieve lasting success. 💪✨


this isn't just any old before and after.... this is Cass, and like many women Cass has had her own demons to battle, of which with the help of coaching we are shining bright and I couldn't be more proud of how Cass has navigated a particularly hard time in her life, as a busy FIFO woman.

Here is Cass' journey, in her own words, because quite frankly nothing I say would do this justice.

"I’ve always been quite self conscious of my arm and didn’t like the way it looked in photos. After the miscarriage it got a little hard to love my body so in doing a bo***ir photoshoot it’s allowed me to celebrate my body and feel beautiful about every aspect. Being in the process of starting my fitness journey all over again from scratch and just really see the effort I’ve put in since January in my body. It’s made me love myself in a way I never knew I could, made me feel less self conscious about my arm and accept my body and that it does what it needs to. It was also fun among all the other perks , Thank you I really appreciate it a lot it’s definitely been the hardest thing I’ve gone through "


girlll I see it time and time again, you've tried it allll

the self help groups
groups for advice
allllll the things!

except what I see fester in these is the victim mentality, and lets be honest here hun, we don't self loathe our way with our goals, we fu***ng smash them out the park, by being excited and educated AF to achieve them! because that breeds a positive and healthy relationship to your needs.

wallowing in self help, asking questions daily in a group where Susan then comments and makes you feel super empowered because she just told you another sob story, praying on your insecurities rather than uplifting you, is a quick way to NOT achieve your goals here with your weight loss and PCOS.

I do things different here, we don't pray, we celebrate the super powers, we embrace them, and we educate here at EmpowerHER. BE that woman instead! because I know deep down you deserve it


When Cat was trying to tone up, lose the belly, she got frustrated AF that ONLY way to achieve this was to reduce her carbs or cut them all together...

Then WE DID THE OPPOSITE, and added carbs in MORE and this happened 🤯

Cat BELIEVED this result wasn’t possible because in the past she experienced major bloating, and no results, while running several times a week and quote "eating healthy by cutting carbs right down"...

Turns out she didn’t need TO CUT CARBS to achieve
these results.

she just needed THE right program to reduce the bloat, inflammation FOREVER.

Here’s the truth:

👉 We don't cut out carbs all together in our program, because we work with YOU to uncover WHY you are bloated to start with, then we do a custom kick ass plan to harness the real issue for you.. because there is always one that needs to be refined first.
👉 We want you to enjoy some pasta and pizza with the girls on the weekend, because soul foods and your relationships to loving them, matters a lot to us!

If you’re stuck FEELING ashamed of your bloat, not sure what to do to slim down your waist and inflammation so you can have the damn pasta and wine, the online empowerHER program is for you, and you need to work with me!

DM I LOVE PASTA to explore my online coaching program designed for women to take back control and eat the bread!


IF you have PCOS read this like your life depends on it today !

now lets chat about how insulin resistance with PCOS can be managed so that you can feel

like fireee, freeeee from the crux of pain, can lose the weight and fit that dress you've wanted to for 3 years, not cut carbs out (girl you can eat your bread!)

like you don't have to constantly live in fear of your periods being on time, or coming for that matter!! yes to that sis'

reduce that damn extra facial hair, cause that's made you feel like you have to shave it each 3-5 days and have a 5pm shadow on your face.

HOW the heck do we do this Leah, you're asking aren't you??


lets start with WHY regulating is important for you: hormonal balancing, periods being regular, less facial hair, actual weight loss, fertility, reduced risk of diabetes, less frustration, anxiety and depression. BECAUSE being in control matters to you after years of dealing with this s**t to begin with!

SO here's HOW

1. this may surprise you BUT: lets take the scale away, stop focus on the weight, and lets focus on the life you want to live girl! what does it look like??? more energy, less fu***ng stress, wearing the clothes you wished! having a baby?, not freaking out over eating pasta...

OK OK I got you!

1. Lets focus on the simples first: nutrition, hear me out! focus on dairy free for 30 days, this will address your inflammation first and foremost, less bloat, less pain!!!! less flare ups YAY

2. lets focus on a diet that's balanced in nature: hit that fruits and veggies like they are running out of fashuuun. Focus on high protein, at least 30g at each meal, because this will stabilize your blood sugars, first up!!! higher protein intake can enhance insulin signalling pathways, promoting better glucose uptake by cells and reducing insulin resistance.

3. Lets get you moooooving! After each meal aim for a 10 min post meal walk! why?! By reducing postprandial (after-meal) blood sugar levels, a post-meal walk can help mitigate the insulin response and improve insulin sensitivity over time. I know it seems way toooo simple doesn't it?! This effect is particularly beneficial after meals when blood sugar tends to spike, and this my girl is what we are wanting to manage the BEST!!! with minimal effort.

4. Training the right way for PCOS... what? really? yes there is a right way to train for PCOS, see your super power is your higher levels of testosterone, so if we just focused on really high and heavy amounts of weights training you may or may not become hulk, youll freak out and see the scale go up. WE may not want this, so try the strength aerobic method of training. A mix of strength movements followed by circuit styled cardio/HIIT training.

Both strength training and aerobic exercise have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity. Strength training increases muscle mass and enhances glucose uptake by muscles, while aerobic exercise improves cardiovascular health and insulin sensitivity by increasing glucose utilization in muscles. Combining both types of exercise in the strength aerobic method maximizes the benefits for insulin sensitivity.

i know it looks like a bit to carry on with, HOWEVER you can and it'll benefit you grateful for your PCOS symptoms, feeling like fireeeeee and actually losing weight! give it a go! unsure of how this may look for you? that's ok, DM me lets have a chat, I can take you to the next level with taking care of and back in control of your PCOS, love your pasta, and your body!


NOW before you AT me, because you cant cut out dairy, heart me out!! for the love of god

Here's how going dairy-free for 30 days might help reduce inflammation with PCOS: hello less gut overhang on those jeans....

Lactose and Casein Sensitivity: Some of us have sensitivities or intolerances to lactose, the sugar found in dairy products, or casein, a protein found in dairy. Consuming dairy products when you're sensitive to these components can lead to inflammation in the body, which may exacerbate symptoms of PCOS. aint no body got time for that!

Hormonal Factors: Dairy products, particularly those from conventionally raised cows, may contain hormones such as estrogen and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). These hormones could potentially contribute to hormonal imbalances and inflammation with PCOS. Hello girl to a regular cycle?!

Gut Health: research suggests that dairy consumption may negatively affect gut health in certain individuals, leading to increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut) and inflammation. Chronic inflammation associated with gut dysbiosis (imbalance in gut bacteria) could contribute to systemic inflammation, which may worsen symptoms of PCOS. We don't need bloat, or runny pooo do we ?!!! didn't think so.

Give it a go, tag your PCOS bestie, and track your dairy consumption, and reduce it for 30 days! let me know the impacts it has for YOU !


Imagine karyn in accounts asked you to do a massive project, its 2pm on a Thursday, you're wrecked and your eyes are being peeled open with chopsticks, because your PCOS energy has plummeted like your will to live??

yeah didn't think I was too far off on that one was I?

Energy, or lack there of in PCOS women is very normal, and I am here to break you free from the crux of it, just like you text your bestie at 1030pm to save you from a blind date.

Boosting energy levels when living with PCOS involves adopting lifestyle habits that support overall health and address specific symptoms of the condition. Here are some strategies to consider:

Limit Sugary Foods: Minimize intake of sugary snacks and beverages, as they can cause energy crashes and worsen symptoms of PCOS, including insulin resistance. We really don't need to lose our cool at Karyn today in accounts cause you're eating like a 7 year old.

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Dehydration can contribute to fatigue and decreased energy levels. I never believed this until I sorted out my water intake either. BOOM helped a lot

Regular Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity, such as walking, jogging, swimming, or yoga. Exercise can help improve insulin sensitivity, boost mood, and increase energy levels. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, as recommended by health guidelines. GIRL you need to move more, I now it sounds counter intuitive but you do! trust me on this.


🌟 Calling all women with PCOS! 🌟

Feeling unheard and frustrated by the fitness industry's lack of understanding when it comes to managing PCOS? le sigh, me too!

You're not alone! Many of us have experienced the struggle of trying to navigate our health and fitness journey while feeling like our unique needs are being overlooked. Too many cookie cutter BS coaches out here, and Im not here for it.

But guess what? It's time for a change! cause fu being unheard girl.. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I've been there – feeling like a failure because my body didn't respond the way I thought it should. But let me tell you, it's not your fault, and you are NOT alone.

Here's how I'm different from the average coach: YES I will scream this until the cows come home because I AM GOOD

I LISTEN: Your voice matters. I take the time to listen to your concerns, struggles, and goals without judgement . Together, we'll create a personalised plan tailored to YOUR needs and preferences. girl you have a life, so do it! lets not get you on 5-6 days a week of stupid programming. NO

I EDUCATE: Knowledge is power! I'll provide you with the information and tools you need to understand how PCOS affects your body and how you can make empowered choices to support your health and fitness goals. It's time you KNOW the secrets.

I SUPPORT: You're not just another client to me – you're a valued member of our supportive community. I'm here to cheer you on every step of the way, celebrating your victories and helping you navigate any challenges that arise. I am here!

I ADAPT: One-size-fits-all approaches simply don't cut it when it comes to managing PCOS. I understand that what works for one person may not work for another, so I'll work with you to adjust and refine your plan as needed. stop doing bullsh challenge plans on a platform for PCOS warriors that does not fit in with your symptoms or needs, heck no!

Together, we'll break free from the limitations imposed by the fitness industry and embrace a new approach that honours and empowers women with PCOS.

Are you ready to reclaim your health and fitness journey? Let's do this – together! 💕

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Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 19:30
Tuesday 08:00 - 19:30
Wednesday 08:00 - 19:30
Thursday 08:00 - 19:30
Friday 08:00 - 19:30