

25 yrs Experienced Psychic Medium. Certified Reiki Healer, Meditation Guide and Holistic Counsellor with Singing Bowls, Aura Imaging.

Consults in-person and online by appointment. Also at Living Energies at Warringah and Bondi, Sydney, Australia.


We are here to heal, love, and create. 🌀🌹


How true is this? On our journey through life, as we dance the spiral... we come back to places scenarios and circumstances that we once dealt with or understood from one perspective only to have learnt, the lense we viewed this with, well... the glasses were sitting unevenly on your eyes, and now your whole view is askew. We're you wrong, for coping the best you could then? Are you more right for how you view this now? Sometimes, when we begin building anew, we have to appreciate what we're using to build our new foundations upon. It may not seem right, from this point and perspective you hold now, but this is all you had to offer yourself at that point in time, with all the resources you had available at that point in time, neither position is more right, or more wrong than the other. To prove this point, you're still here right!? What you did had pulled you through.... sustained you. That is more than enough. Be grateful, radically except both perspectives, radically accept yourself. You used a messy circumstance to grow, as you're going to do again and again. You will grow, change, transition between perspectives.... that's all they are are perspectives... perhaps a belief you came to hold, largely created through late night over thinking marathons of the situation in hindsight. Keep using what works for you, let go of what isn't... feel overwhelmed? Need encouragement and support? Reach out. No one needs to suffer, especially alone. Xx


Continuing growth, evolution and expansion on multiple levels in multiple ways.
Working on further study and attunements for reiki, with a new updated certificate program already commenced.... you're just going to have to be held in suspense temporarily while I continue my journey...
Following, space permitting... I'm going to expanding my business front. Returning to in person healings and treatments, sessions... if enough space is acquired, the venue right for our needs, I'm also looking toward group sessions in a variety of forms. So please, stay tuned.
In addition to this, I'm returning to study in late April, an art therapy certificate to develop my skills, to support, encourage and enable you to express yourself more openly, freely to complement and support your voice, your experiences and lenses.
Space will also be being sort for this likewise whilst I continue to study.
Hopefully this will all be ready, sometime hopefully in the new year to provide a broader, more rewarding and holistic service.
Contact me if you would like further insight or information or any other service I may be able to provide. Blessed be!


Compassion. Compassion. Compassion.
If you don't love yourself, you can not fully love another nor be loved fully in return... we dampen our dreams ourselves, with limiting beliefs and self inflicted wounds. Never being enough, never feeling full, whole. We tarnish the moment over thinking. Come back to centre, breathe be still. Be grateful for all the gifts of the present you find around you. Stay there. Love and light to you all. Blessed be.

Ive looked mine in the eye and I continue to do so, healing is a lifetime process.


Im still on the leaderboard with 15 points on the are you psychic? Interactive intuition training app. I’ve been using it a while now. Achieved the score in 2022.


So true!!! Sometimes there’s no seemingly logical reasoning behind our sense of knowing. It comes on, with a rush. Just as easily as we become confused, and forgetful, or completely ignorant and unaware. We can have an epiphany of some sorts. We come to, an awakening, a coming to awareness of, a growing, an evolution. Sometimes instantaneously, sometimes after lifetimes of trial and error. Having a hard time hearing you higher consciousness, intuition, self? Book in for a session. Come down to earth, come home, come back to you. X


A new age juju practitioner was smudging. The ghostly ghoul said upon smelling the blend. “Ooooooh I am quite incensed.”


Wow. It’s been a while. So much going on. So many animals to rescue. So much love to provide to those suffering. I’ll admit. I’ve been over burdened and drained lately. Addressing that now I’m feeling better. I cleansed, cleared some negative thoughts, addressing my shadow, I’ve come out feeling lighter.
Thank you to the souls midwives for this post I’m sharing.
Sometimes we need help, space and a sympathetic ear to delve. We spend time avoiding healing, for fear of the pain we may dredge up, for ourselves and those around us. We hold onto a vacant space that continually becomes triggered because if suppressed emotions, all energy needs to complete its course. You needn’t be carrying energy that is not of your highest good. Remember like attracts like. What we think we become. Lighten up. Let me know if I can help in anyway. Soul growth doesn’t need to be painful, likewise we needn’t darken our existence because of the dimness we’re scared of addressing. It’s there, we self destruct and live in denial by avoiding. Something better is in the other side of acknowledging grief, beyond acceptance there can be healing in expression. Sometimes we need to hear we are right! That it did hurt, that it shouldn’t have happened, needn’t live in the shadows of our life We can shed light love and healing where we are holding on to negativity. Freeing ourselves from the shackles of the past. Something else awaits. X blessed be. You know where I am should you need anything contact me. X

The black sheep are the artists, visionaries and healers of our culture, because they are the ones willing to call into question those places which feel stale, obsolete, or without integrity. The black sheep stirs up the good kind of trouble. Her very life is a confrontation with all that has been assumed as tradition. Her being different serves to bring the family or group to consciousness where it has been living too long in the dark. As the idiom implies, she is the wayward one in the flock. Her life’s destiny is to stand apart. But paradoxically, it’s only when she honors that apartness that she finally fits in. The world needs your rebellion and the true song of your exile. In what has been banned from your life, you find a medicine to heal all that has been kept from our world. We must find the place within where things have been muted and give that a voice. Until those things are spoken, no truth can find its way forward. The world needs your unbelonging. It needs your disagreements, your exclusion, your ache to tear the false constructions down, to find the world behind this one.⁣

~ Toko-pa Turner. You can find Belonging here:

art | Caitlin Connolly


Self work, is about being who you're meant to be. Work to be you! You don't need to be unhappy, stressed and overwhelmed alone. These feelings aren't healthy nor are they beneficial. It's time to grow beyond circumstance and experience. Don't let the world make you bitter.
We do not acquire happiness, peace of mind, serenity nor acceptance. These hard to come by expressions of character have to be earnt, practiced and practiced. We stumble regularly forgetting where to find what we are seeking.
Alot of these traits and characteristics, are not things to possess they are things to become. They are to be learnt, unlearnt and relearnt a new, time and time again as circumstance challenges us. We need to be leant time to understand the challenge, space to find the skills, and embrace the gift that comes through transcendence of this experience.
It takes time, time to learn, practice and experience our inherit gifts, and sometimes we need encouragement. Make the time now for you to be learn how to be how you are want to be.

Photos from jo.anne.maree's post 16/04/2023

What a fantastic morning. Here’s hoping for a better afternoon. Only 45 minutes left then it’s time to pack up and head home. Looking for something to do over the next hour. Drop by and say hi. Blessed be. X

Photos from jo.anne.maree's post 16/04/2023

Today I am hosting a stall at Wanderlust MacArthur here at Campbelltown RSL. There’s so much happenning, healers, psychics, mediums, crystals and ofcourse I’m here doing readings, performing healings and selling my wares. It would be absolutely amazing to see you too. Come on down and say hi and have a great weekend. Blessed be xx

Photos from jo.anne.maree's post 15/04/2023

Here at Campbelltown RSL for Wanderlust MacArthur. I am here until 3pm with my wares, performing readings and healings. Come in. Say hello. Look at all the wonderful stalls. It will be wonderful to see you. :) blessed be. :)

Photos from jo.anne.maree's post 13/04/2023

Reading at Wanderlust MacArthur at Campbelltown RSL 10am -3pm this Sunday the 16th of April, 2023. Entry is a gold coin donation to a charity supporting women escaping domestic violence. Come along, purchase a lovely gift and have a psychic reading. It would be lovely to see you there. Let’s make this a magical event. :) Blessed Be!!!


Yes, whatever it is. It needs to be sat with, curiously investigated, like a cavern of crystals, we fossickers for the gem, that one piece of insight that means so much, is so invaluable. We garner insight from sessions. Where we lend space to our pain to feel it fully, acknowledging its presence and place in our lives. Getting to know our pain, we learn from it. Feeding it love, we embrace it in session. Not moving from it, to shuffle it away, covering it over, hiding it. Bottling up pain leads us to explosions or detriments later. Be brave. Face Everything And Rise. Over come the past and move forward. I can not tell you how to fix anything nor what to fix, but together we can journey the path and find meaningful solutions that suit you. Blessed be x

You can't rush your healing, you need to embrace every feeling. Years of layers need pealing, so you can begin revealing the pain you've been concealing. This is how you start dealing with all the pain you've been feeling 💗


And then this!? Reflecting upon my learnings and the Krapmann Drama Triangle.... Remembering it all comes from a place of fear or anxiety when we enter the drama triangle, the cycle of which helps us deal with fear or anxieties. It is not us, it is how we feel. We have to feel it to heal it. We have to learn to understand our triggers, observe the roles we play, and those people around us play.
We have to transcend subconscious patterns that recur within our lives, let go of the drama. Shift between these roles, stagnation and inertia are dangerous when change is necessary. Change hurts, but so does staying in a detrimental cycle for a long period of time.
Transcend detrimental patterns by being mindful and understanding others and their positions. Replace roles with authentic responses. Creator is our true way of being. The ideal place to come from. It is empowering to keep control within.
Roles become us, we pose, sound out, articulate and act out our roles. Here we often lose ourselves in a negative pattern, but, that is where we find ourselves. Through mindfulness, ownership of the situation. These light bulb moments highlight to us where we come from, our triggers.
Our conscious awareness realizes that we play a part here. This shift to a higher state of consciousness allows us to take ownership, responsibility and control. We become creator.
Play up to the roles. Call them out for what they are. This will shift peoples stances. They will play a new role, simultaneously losing the old role. Breaking the pattern. Shifting the cycle.
Move. Break your body physiologically and psychologically our of the role any way you can. Shake. Move. Dance! The pattern shifts. Breathe. Centre yourself, and come back to reality.
Breathe through conflict and drama. Come back to yourself. Find yourself, feel what you feel and release that, let it go and go with the next moment. Play! Move! Dance! Create!
What are you doing to avoid the cycle?

“Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.”

Wayne Dyer


Happiness is an expression of joy, we create our own. Why waste time creating negativity in your life. Make a decision and make a plan. Do what brings you bliss. X


I will be appearing at Wanderlust Festival this weekend at Kembla Grange Racecourse on Saturday the 4th of March 12pm-8pm and Sunday the 5th of March 10am-4pm. If you’re in the area, drop in by say hello. Have a reading buy done boutique boho items or experience a healing. I’ll be set up with my aura reading imaging device, singing bowls, reiki lounge and ofcourse divination tools. :) it will be a wonderful day. :)

Photos from jo.anne.maree's post 21/12/2022

Merry Christmas to You All. May this year, the next and the rest be filled with miracles. Blessed be. # # #


"I think, therefore I AM!" - Rene Descartes.
What a powerful, insightful and inspirational quote. Remember, our thoughts create our reality, be mindful of what you choose to think. Remember it is as much a reflection of you and where you are at as anything else. Nothing is set in stone. There are no hard and fast universal truths, especially in self work. Ahhh, such is life. :)



The universe isn't binary, it's not as simple as good vs bad... life is complex and dynamic. Like swimming against the ocean's churning currents, things can feel overwhelming and insurmountable. We don't grow in comfort. It's only by shedding our identity, feeling the discomfort of growing pains as we learn what is of us, what is not. What is meant to be, whilst it will be, as is all life, it is but a transitory illusion, it's up to you what you view. You can see yourself struggling against your own flow, or you can see what a powerful person you are, realise the warrior within, heal the battle wounds, appreciate the scars, for behind them lays your story. Never forget who you are, what it's taken you to get here. The world, is a better place for you choosing to come a long for the ride, you too are better for embracing the highs and lows, going with the flow, wherever that takes you. Remember, to accept the changes within, you do you, what you need to do to survive. The world will adjust to you being you.



Here it is, the life you always dreamed of. It all starts now.
Healing doesn't happen embracing others projections of ego nor by becoming consumed with our own. It's only through soul searching and seeking within, connecting to your higher self, acknowledging your lower self and shadows needs are simple, love. Offer yourself the same time, space, energy you would offer others. Do what YOU need. Now is the time to say yes to YOU!


Don't let them steal your light, dimming your shine. It's your turn now. Show them how they can't change what is meant to be. What is meant to be will always find it's way. Never give up! Never give in!



Like attracts like! Happiness like love, is an inside job and best manifested first, as is the case in a lot of spiritual work, where self-mastery is essential, if YOU want to manifest love in the world, be the love in the world.... do the ground work within, see the ground work with out. ;)
I searched outward, looking to fall in to love... only to find that source of love was within all along. Blessed be. :)


So great to have positive feedback from loyal customers. Please contact me for your distant reiki needs. I also offer psychic services, holistic counselling and meditation coaching. Feeling stressed? Run down? Not well? You need to make the time for you!! All services are private and confidential. Sessions are provided remotely, via messenger, Skype, or email. These services are complementary only and do not replace conventional medical treatments.


