A place to record my Amateur Radio learnings and shenanigans.

AREG HF SSTV Images (PF95) (@aregsstv@botsin.space) 10/06/2022

HF SSTV Skimmer run by Amateur Radio Experimenters Group https://botsin.space/?fbclid=IwAR2SWHyy7mgAZj87RjTEvEoSw6FHqRb3AkfdmKrjoil3YbSjY6AayZLkDZM

AREG HF SSTV Images (PF95) (@[email protected]) 34.2K Posts, 2 Following, 189 Followers ยท 7.171 MHz LSB / 14.230 USB MHz These images are transmitted by amateur radio operators and are automatically received by this bot. Please @ me if any are inappropriate. My code is here : https://github.com/xssfox/sstv-skimmer

Photos from VK7IT's post 10/06/2022

Here are some of the Slow Scan TV images that have been exchanged through VK7RJG 70cm FM repeater on Mt Arthur this Tuesday and Thursday. I have been using my Android phone to decode from the radio speaker through the phone mic and encode from the phone into radio mic. We used Scottie1 mode for fast colour image.

Decoding on Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=xdsopl.robot36&hl=en

Encoding on Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=om.sstvencoder&hl=en

A Good Presentation about SSTV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UJSMfdajV4&ab_channel=HamRadioDX

Popular Windows SSTV App https://hamsoft.ca/pages/mmsstv.php

Photos from VK7IT's post 27/06/2021

I had a humble beginning to contesting with 2m and 70cm FM gaining 9 contacts in the VHF UHF Winter field day. Thankyou to VK7PD for loan of the Yagi.