Cogent Health Solutions

Cogent Health Solutions

At Cogent Health Solutions we aim to make mental health easier by assisting agencies to find solutio


We have many worthy nominees for the 2022 Australian of the year, but this guy's work is impressive.

Enlisting Mental Health Workers, Not Cops, In Mobile Crisis Response | Health Affairs Journal 14/06/2021

Enlisting Mental Health Workers, Not Cops, In Mobile Crisis Response | Health Affairs Journal CAHOOTS, a thirty-year-old Oregon program, has reduced calls to police and saved money. Now it’s going national.

Nikola Stepanov on LinkedIn: ACHLR on Twitter 01/04/2021

A very neat look at consent laws in the emergency context -

Nikola Stepanov on LinkedIn: ACHLR on Twitter What happens when two law scholars find aspects of the law on consent in the emergency setting ‘fuzzy’?? They write a paper, of course! (And, they plan...

Mental Health in Australia inquiry report 06/02/2021

This report sheds light on many of the challenges that as a community we face in trying to meet the needs of vulnerable people.

I will openly admit that I have not read the entire report. Instead I chose to focus on the topics that were relevant to me and my current work which mainly centres on the interface between mental health and emergency services (ch7, 13 & 21).

If nothing else what I have taken away is that we need to have a serious (and creative) think about the role that police play in the delivery of services to people with mental health needs.

Mental Health in Australia inquiry report This inquiry report discusses some key influences on people’s mental health, examines the effect of mental health on people’s ability to participate and prosper in the community and workplace, and implications more generally for our economy and productivity.

Improving outcomes from police interactions 28/01/2021

Whilst this report primarily focuses the complexities that arise during interactions between people experiencing a mental health crisis and emergency services, key findings identified could easily serve as a blueprint for interactions between emergency services and all vulnerable persons.

Improving outcomes from police interactions Police play a vital role in our community and are often the first responders to calls for assistance, including from people living with mental illness or experiencing a mental health crisis.


Welcome to Cogent Health Solutions.

With extensive experience in mental health care, domestic violence, and law enforcement (criminal prosecutions) we have first hand experience of the challenges that vulnerable persons, their carers and support agencies experience when an individual becomes engaged with these systems.

At Cogent Health Solutions we aim to enhance the capacity of agencies and care services to engage with the mental health and criminal justice systems and emergency services through the provision of a "Systems Pilot" service. As a "Systems Pilot", Cogent Health Solutions have the experience and skills to navigate these complex aspects of care provision.

Specific services provided include
- Staff education and professional development with a particular focus on the intersection of the criminal justice and mental health systems
- Resource development - policies, procedures and supporting documents/forms including crisis response protocols
- Supervision and mentoring of staff
- Development of individual Emergency Service Engagement and Response Plans.