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Best Home Buyer

Get out of the rat race and start living your dream, start achieving your property buying goals by educating and empowering yourself today.

We help people who want to buy their first home or investment, build expert skills and gain insider knowledge so they can confidently change their life and buy their dream property the smart way! Our 100% online training will give you the skills you need to become an adaptable, confident and highly skilled property buyer.


Property 7%
Super 8%
S&P 500 10%
Gold 11%
Bitcoin 55% 🚀🚀🚀

People aren't dumb.

How long do you think they're going to stand by and watch other people achieve 55% annual returns before they exit their underperforming assets for ?

Don't wait - educate yourself.

[Figures show average annual returns over the last 5 years]

Michael Saylor presentation every new Bitcoiner needs to watch 06/06/2024

If you don't understand how money or investing works, how can you expect to keep or grow your wealth and retire comfortably?

If you need to better understand money, investing and , I recorded this super-simple introduction to video just for you.

It covers all the basics, and will help you understand:

- What inflation is
- Why assets and the cost of living go up
- Why traditional investing is broken
- How technology & Bitcoin is transforming investing

Whether you're looking to address your own wealth plan, or help your kids build theirs...

This is a must watch video to understand the new landscape of investing from 2024 onwards.

Michael Saylor presentation every new Bitcoiner needs to watch This is the exact video I used to explain Bitcoin to my wife.It touches on some complex money and financial concepts.So I pause throughout to breakdown thing...

How The Rich Turn 'Mortgage Debt' Into Generational Wealth 05/06/2024

"Matt, we're looking to buy our next home."

"Should we sell our current property?"

"Or keep it and turn it into an investment property?"

My answer to this usually shocks people.

Because it's usually the exact opposite of what people think is the SMART thing to do when it comes to creating wealth.

Because creating wealth isn't just about building up assets.

It's also about maximising good debt and minimising bad debt.

That is, your owner-occupied debt vs your investment debt.

And by selling a property, you may be able to recycle bad debt into good debt.

The rich know this - and structure themselves accordingly.

To help you do the same, I recorded this video for you:


Oh yeah.... I'll also be running some investment and wealth creation programs over the coming weeks and months.

Please lemme know what you'd be interested in learning about re property, Bitcoin and SMSF's.

Go forth & conquer,

PS If the Youtube link doesn't work, click the link in the comments section below.

How The Rich Turn 'Mortgage Debt' Into Generational Wealth So you own a property and you're thinking to upgrade into your next home. And you think it might be a good idea to keep your current property and convert it ...


Bitcoin is currently $100k/coin.
What price would it need to hit for you to consider it 'a thing'? $500k? $1m? $10m?


"You can't see a broken system from within a broken system."

In 1610, Galileo discovered that the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun.

But for 1,400 years prior, they believed the Earth was the centre of the universe - and that the Sun revolved around the Earth.

Galileo made this discovery using brand new technology -

The telescope.

But because others couldn't witness this themselves, they didn't believe him.

Including the Catholic church.

In 1616, the Catholic church formally declared his theory heretical, and in opposition to the existing model endorsed by the Church.

However, Galileo continued to publish work supporting his new heliocentric model. So in 1633, he was summoned to Rome to stand trial before the Roman Inquisition.

He was found guilty of opposing the churches position, and sentenced to house arrest for the rest of his life.

Decades later, gradual acceptance of Galileo's theory began among the scientific community, particularly after the work of Kepler and Newton.

125 years after Galileo's trial, the Catholic church removed the ban against books on heliocentrism from the Index of Forbidden Books.

But specific works of Galileo still remained banned.

In 1822, the Catholic church formally allowed the publication of books that presented the heliocentric model, which marked a significant step forward in the Church's stance.

And in 1835, the specific works of Galileo were finally removed from the Index of Forbidden Books.

In the 1950's, Pope Pius XII acknowledges Galileo's contributions to science.

And finally in 1992, Pope John Paul II formally acknowledged the Church's ERROR in condemning Galileo's magnificent findings.


Over the ages, as new technologies help us better understand the universe, countless ideas, previously considered undisputed truths, have been proven wrong time and time again.

is the new monetary truth only visible once you step outside the broken system and look back in.



I never used to give a f**k about government debts.

In my mind, it was ‘political stuff’ that didn’t affect me.

Until I realised governments steal from us through inflation…

To pay THEIR debts.

The US government is currently $34.4 trillion in debt.

(Yup, trillion with a T!)

Assuming they accumulate NO more debt from here on in,

And assuming they achieve a $128 billion surplus every single year moving forward, (which they haven’t done since 2001),

Their current debt will be paid off in 268.75 years.

And this doesn’t account for interest.


The Australian government is currently $1.159 trillion in debt.

Assuming we accumulate no more debt from here on in,

And assuming we achieve a $20 billion surplus every single year moving forward (which was our last surplus in 2008),

Our current debt will be paid off in 57.95 years.

Again, that’s not considering interest.

If this sounds ridiculous,

It’s because it is.

Q: So how do governments service and repay their debts?

The same way you would if you controlled money.

They print more money.

And call it ‘inflation.’

This helps them pay and service their debts.

But devalues your money and it’s buying power.

Which makes you poorer each year.

Thus why life is a constant money struggle.

Your family’s livelihood relies on you understanding what’s going on here.

Learn the basics of money, investing and to find the light.


US surplus/deficit figures since their last surplus in 2001

2001: +$128.2 billion (surplus)
2002: -$157.8 billion (deficit)
2003: -$377.6 billion (deficit)
2004: -$412.7 billion (deficit)
2005: -$318.3 billion (deficit)
2006: -$248.2 billion (deficit)
2007: -$160.7 billion (deficit)
2008: -$458.6 billion (deficit)
2009: -$1,412.7 billion (deficit)
2010: -$1,294.4 billion (deficit)
2011: -$1,299.6 billion (deficit)
2012: -$1,076.6 billion (deficit)
2013: -$679.5 billion (deficit)
2014: -$484.6 billion (deficit)
2015: -$438.5 billion (deficit)
2016: -$584.7 billion (deficit)
2017: -$665.4 billion (deficit)
2018: -$779.1 billion (deficit)
2019: -$983.6 billion (deficit)
2020: -$3.132.0 trillion (deficit)
2021: -$2.775.3 trillion (deficit)
2022: -$1.375.4 trillion (deficit)
2023: -$1.451.0 trillion (deficit)


Australian surplus/deficit figures since our last surplus in 2008

2007-08: +$19.7 billion (surplus)
2008-09: -$27.1 billion (deficit)
2009-10: -$54.8 billion (deficit)
2010-11: -$47.6 billion (deficit)
2011-12: -$43.4 billion (deficit)
2012-13: -$18.8 billion (deficit)
2013-14: -$38.4 billion (deficit)
2014-15: -$53.7 billion (deficit)
2015-16: -$39.9 billion (deficit)
2016-17: -$33.2 billion (deficit)
2017-18: -$14.5 billion (deficit)
2018-19: -$18.9 billion (deficit)
2019-20: -$85.3 billion (deficit)
2020-21: -$134.2 billion (deficit)
2021-22: -$79.8 billion (deficit)
2022-23: -$44.0 billion (deficit)
2023-24: -$51.3 billion (deficit)


What’s wrong with money and how does fix it?

Problem: Inflation

Governments and banks print more and more money every day. In doing so, they devalue the current money in circulation.

Solution: Fixed supply

Bitcoin has a limited, fixed supply. Meaning no government, bank or entity can ever produce more of it - ever.

Problem: Control

Governments and banks control the money supply, so they can manipulate it in any way they see fit - usually to benefit them and those closest to money production.

Solution: Free market

By uncoupling money from the control of governments, it becomes the property of the people, allowing true market forces to determine the value of money, goods and services.

Problem: Cost of living

Umm, no need to elaborate on this one.

Solution: Fixed supply

If money can’t be printed, it can’t be devalued. So the buying power of your money is preserved into the future. If anything, as we get better at producing things for less, the cost of living decreases.

Problem: Centralisation

Money is currently controlled by localised countries and states, all of which have their own rules and regulations. This makes transacting across borders infinitely difficult. It also makes money vulnerable to manipulation and security attacks.

Solution: Decentralisation

When money is not controlled by any one decentralised entity, it becomes a universal language spoken globally - like English, or maths. And because it’s distributed globally, we can communicate our economic energy worldwide freely, without single points of failure.

Problem: Soft money

Currently money is made when new debt is created, like a home loan or government bond. Little to no physical labour is required to produce it, so it’s as easy as imputing numbers into a computer to create it.

Solution: Hard money

We need money that is hard to bring into existence. Gold served this purpose very well over the centuries, but got easier as technology advanced. So it isn’t that hard to mine more gold into existence and increase the supply these days. Bitcoin is infinitely hard to mine and produce, and will become impossible to create around 2140, when the fixed limit is reached.

Problem: Barrier to entry

Billions of people around the world don’t have a bank account or a way to store the value of their currency, so they stay poor. They can’t access loans to buy property or the stock market to buy shares.

Solution: Zero barrier to entry

Bitcoin has no barrier to entry. Anyone anywhere can buy or sell Bitcoin, without restriction or bias. No ID check or approval is required. You can own as much or as little as they like.

Problem: Liquidity

If your wealth is tied up in a property, it takes a good few months to sell that property and access your cash. And you have to sell the entire property to access it, even if you only need a portion of it.

Solution: 24/7 superior asset

Bitcoin doesn’t sleep. It’s traded 24/7 and always liquid. You can sell as little or as much as you like, to anyone anywhere in the world. Someone in Iceland likely won’t wanna buy my property, but they will wanna buy my Bitcoin.

Problem: Transportability

If you’re wealth is tied up in property, you can readily take it with you around the world as you please. You can flee a waring county with your house on your back.

Solution: Wealth in your head

Bitcoin allows you to access your wealth with just 12 words you can store in your head. So you can cross waring borders or take your entire fortune with you and access it another country easily.

Problem: Inflated housing prices

Because property is one of the best storers of value for society currently, we invest our money onto property. This makes property go up in value more than it needs to.

Solution: Bitcoin as value storer

By storing your wealth in Bitcoin, there’s no need to own more than 1 property, which will make the property market more fair and equitable for all.


When banks print money, it's called inflation.

When criminals do it, it's called counterfeiting.

Q: So am I technically a counterfeit accomplice?

I mean, as an ex-mortgage broker, I helped print an extra $250 million worth of Australian dollars into existence over the past 12 years.

That's a quarter of a billion that didn't exist previously.

A quarter of a billion printed out of thin air, that devalues the existing money supply.

So I helped Australian banks steal your money.

Without even knowing it.

On the contrary, I thought I was helping.

If someone like myself can live and breath finance and still not see the freud happening right under my nose,

What hope do everyday people outside the financial system have in seeing it?

Thus why it's my new mission to help people wake up to inflation - the invisible tax stealing financial freedom from you and your family.

Once you understand this, you're one step closer to understanding the monumental significance of to you, your family, and the human race.

Go forth & conquer. ✊🏼



In 1 word, what is the CORE reason Sydney property is the most expensive in the world?


So is this Jesus rising-from-the-dead stuff a factual account, a well-intended fable, or a big fat wobbly to control people and power? 🤔

Let rip! 🗣️👇


Why does $33.22 suck bullocks?

In December 2017, Nonna asked us to open Jaxon & Aria their own bank accounts so she could gift them $1,000 each.

Noice - thanks, Nonna. 🙏

Thing is, over the last 6 and a bit years, that $1,000 only earnt them a measly $33.22 in interest each. 😨

That’s about 0.55% pa. 👎

If we leave it in the bank until they’re 18, it’ll grow into an underwhelming $1,079.

Whoop de do. 😒

Not only will $1,079 buy a lot less in the future than it does today…

It already buys a lot less than it did 6 years ago.

So it’s gone down wildly in value - despite the token interest.


With the kids’ consent, we recently moved their $1,033.22 into Bitcoin.

(On top of the $70 investment they made from their own pockets.)

My prediction is, they’ll both net a tidy $7k - 12k each in 8 years time.

Even more if they continue to add birthday and Christmas money in the meantime.

Moral of the story?

Money sitting in the bank or under your mattress is dying a slow but guaranteed death. ☠️

If it’s in an offset, it’s doing a little better, but not much.

You work hard to make the stuff, so don’t just let it waste away, yeah. 👍😊


PS Here’s Nonna at her 93rd birthday lunch last weekend. The owner of the restaurant thought it’d be a good idea to let her cut her cake with a sword. Umm…… ⚔️😳


If you have $100k of cash today, and it goes down in value 7% per year, how much is it worth in 10 years?


Q: What would you rather:
$1M dollars today…
Or 1 cent that doubles everyday for 30 days?

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