Kassie Sheaffe

Kassie Sheaffe

Meditation Teacher, Psychic & Witch. Letting the Divine lead my life, & showing you how you can too

Photos from Kassie Sheaffe's post 24/06/2024

Trusting the Universe is like finding a sweet spot where everything aligns perfectly. In this space, time feels different—less linear, more fluid. Moments stretch and compress, filled with meaning and synchronicity. Days blend seamlessly, and the rush of everyday life slows down, allowing me to savour each experience fully.

Things move differently too. Opportunities that once seemed distant or unattainable now appear effortlessly. Doors open at the right moments, and connections form with an almost magical ease. There’s a sense of being carried by a current, a flow that knows exactly where to take me.

And I move differently. Gone is the constant hustle, the relentless pursuit of goals set by societal standards. Instead, I navigate with grace and ease, following the subtle cues of my intuition. There’s a profound sense of peace and confidence that comes from knowing I’m exactly where I need to be, doing exactly what I need to do.

In this journey of intuitive living, I’ve discovered that the Universe’s plan for me is far more magnificent than anything I could have devised on my own. It’s a dance of synchronicity and serendipity, where every twist and turn leads to growth and fulfilment. The sweet spot isn’t just a moment; it’s a way of being—a state of harmony with the flow of life.

As I continue to surrender and trust, I embrace the unknown with open arms, knowing that I am guided by a wisdom that transcends logic. The adventure is ongoing, and with each step, I move deeper into the mystery, discovering the limitless potential of a life lived in tune with the Universe.

Photos from Kassie Sheaffe's post 19/06/2024

Have you ever felt like there’s an untapped depth to your life, a hidden layer just waiting to be discovered?

That’s exactly how I felt when I first heard the call to learn Tarot. I had no idea why, but I just couldn’t ignore that intuitive feeling that I had to buy a deck and try it for myself.
The moment I started, it felt natural. Without any formal training, I quickly picked up how to read the cards. Soon, I was giving readings to friends and family, and before long, I took my first bookings. My journey deepened when I learned first-hand from a member of the Tarot Association of Australia. This took my readings and teaching capabilities to the next level.
Now, I’m so grateful for Tarot and the incredible journey it has taken me on.

This is why I teach it and why I created “Tarot For Beginners,” my signature course that guides you in learning to read Tarot for yourself.

Tarot is not just a tool; it’s a companion on your journey of self-discovery and growth. Each card you draw offers a mirror to your innermost thoughts and feelings, helping you gain profound insights and clarity.

Are you ready to unlock the magic within? Tarot awaits, offering a world of discovery, growth, and connection. Let this be the tool that takes your life to the next level, enriching your journey with its timeless wisdom and beauty. 🌟🔮✨
Comment or DM COURSE for more details on Tarot For Beginners

Photos from Kassie Sheaffe's post 28/05/2024

This is for all my aspiring Psychics 👇

- And that’s about the time I realised I was psychic, all because I chose to sit down in silence for a few minutes a day to deal with my anger.

The result was much more than peace.

It’s given me a sense of wholeness, purpose and trust.

This is for everyone who:
🧿 Had a gut feeling they couldn’t explain
🧿 Feels overwhelmed with life and emotions at times
🧿 Wants to feel connected with themselves and the world around them

I have the perfect thing for you, it’s time to Awaken Your Channel, comment MEDITATE for more info on my upcoming online workshop.

Photos from Kassie Sheaffe's post 14/05/2024

I never imagined my life would turn out like this. I thought I had it all sorted. All I ever thought I wanted was to be ‘successful’ in the eyes of society. I had a corporate job, I got married and I bought my first home. I was obeying all the rules, following all the cues that were telling me this is the path to happiness and success.

And yet as I made my way down that path I realised happiness and success weren’t the byproducts of that life.
It was sadness and suffocation.
And it was too much.

Now that I feel free and now that I’m living a life I desire I feel happy and successful, and I also feel satisfaction. Because this is MY LIFE, one I’m leading and doing so because of my dreams and desires.

I don’t have everything sorted out, half the time I’m just stumbling around winging it just trusting it will all work out.

Because it does.

I never imagined my life would turn out like this, but damn I’m grateful it did.

Photos from Kassie Sheaffe's post 11/05/2024

You may think there comes a point in your journey towards enlightenment (or just conscious living) that everything just falls into place and becomes ‘easy’. And while it does, that point is a far way off. First you must choose again and again to rise above the version of you that you currently are.

This all comes back to self awareness and there is not magic 4 step process for your way forward.

To become conscious you must regulate your nervous system, calm your being and become conscious of your thoughts and actions everyday.

Start with meditation, start to expand your mind, call in new frequencies and welcome in a new state of being.

Photos from Kassie Sheaffe's post 01/05/2024

April dump ☀️ I’ve wrapped up my second month in India, and wow what a month it’s been. After an intensive 30 days of training, this month I became a Meditation Master 🧘‍♀️

If the Kassie of 2018 could see me know, I’m not even sure if she would recognise me. Never in a million years did I imagine I would spend over 2 months living in India, learning and experiencing everything I have.

This journey I’ve been on for the past few years, the one that is pushing me to find the truth has come to an end.

Because I’ve found the truth; that there is no truth 🤣 there is simply our own perceptions. Which becomes our truth ♾️

I’ve come to realise the simplicity of life when you strip away all of the BS. I’ve come to understand the different between the ego and the soul (or the Divine Self) and I’ve come to love it all.

After spending a few weeks winding down in Goa, I am feeling restless and ready for the next adventure.

Photos from Kassie Sheaffe's post 17/04/2024

Being psychic isn’t just something you use as a party trick to impress your friends, but instead becomes a way of living.

You’re constantly connected to your Divine Self, your life is lead by it.

You don’t doubt yourself, you have completely surrendered control of your life over to The Universe/Your Divine Self.

You’re living for you, because you’re living your life - your true life - not one manifested through your human self and ego.

And of course, you have the gift to see the future, read energy and be a conduit for the Divine. But all of that comes second to the alignment you’ll feel in your life when you truly open to these gifts buried within yourself.

I left my life behind in Australia. Ended my marriage, quit my job & sold my house. All because I started listening to my Divine Self and let it lead my life.

That’s what being a psychic means.

Photos from Kassie Sheaffe's post 09/04/2024

India. What can I say.

I knew when I made the decision - which I was divinely lead into - to come to India that I was about to have a life altering experience.

& I was correct. The training I did with was transformative. During the 30 days I was reminded of one simple truth; life is only as complicated as you choose to make it.

I saw myself through a different lens, and I loved what I saw.
I learnt a deeper sense of compassion for myself & others.
But most importantly I realised just how much work I have already done, and I’m so proud of the woman I am today.

Now with still a month left in India I get to spend some time in deep introspection. I have expanded my awareness further, I have an even deeper trust in The Universe/Divine and I’m so mf calm I don’t think anything could rattle me right now.

Life is beautiful, wild & free when you are your Divine Self.

I’ve been reborn, again 🔥

Photos from Kassie Sheaffe's post 08/04/2024

So much noise and drama out there around this solar eclipse, it makes me laugh. These occur every 6 months, and yet for some reason people are predicting this is a world ending event. What is going on with the collective 😂

Anyways, if you haven’t completely lost your mind and you have some semblance of common sense then Hi 👋🏼

This is the first Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse during the Aries/Libra Lunar Nodes transit. What you do now, the seeds you plant and the ties you cut will affect you for the next 2 years. No biggie.

I channeled through this tarot spread this morning for the collective, give it a try ♥️


When you decide to completely surrender to the Divine Plan for your life you first have to undergo an identity shift.

Your life will change.

You will change.

This is the first step in the process because you have to completely let go of who you are, to make way for who you’re meant to be.

It teaches you detachment. It teaches you the impermanence of life, and it leads you towards your absolute truth. Not the truth you’ve been told and led to believe.

Many struggle with this process, because in this human body we crave attachment. We want things and people to keep us whole, to validate us and to satisfy our needs and desires.

But when you truly surrender into the nothingness of life you’ll see that when you’re dis-attached from things and people and you allow life to eb and flow around you there is a real beauty in it.

You begin to flow with the universal energy around you. Life becomes easier, because you’re no longer fighting against the flow of the waters.

But to get into this state, you first have to become aligned with your path. Which means the identity shift, ego deaths and life altering decisions that come with it.

You can’t have divine bliss, without a resurrection.


👋 Ciao b*tches

Okay maybe I’m being a little dramatic, I’m not exactly going anywhere but let me explain.

As always; I’ve been in deep introspection this weekend.

As I sit in a cafe in Edinburgh I’m reflecting on the version of me I am right now. Celebrating and loving on her for everything she has achieved these last 3 years. Because she has been carved out of an immense death & rebirth period that started in 2021.

And the crazy thing is; I’ve been aware for the past 6 weeks that this version of me will enter into another death & rebirth period in March. Which I expect will take another 2-3 years 😬 which is crazy when you think about the fact I only really got to enjoy this version of me fully embodied for about 6 months 🤣

Is it worth it? Most definitely.

Because I’m okay with change, if I’m being honest with you I’m a little bored with myself. Not from a space of oh there’s no problems so I need to create some. No, from a space of; I have new desires for my life and so I need to change and become an energetic match for them.

I’m also fully aware that my desires for life are about to rapidly change, and I have no idea where that’s going to pull me. This is the crazy fkn thing.

Imagine knowing your life is about to be turned upside, but you have no idea why and where it might take you? You just have to trust that the universe is guiding you to the place to have the experiences needed to make it happen.

Maybe I’m a sucker for change. Or maybe I’m just someone who desires different things from the average person and I’m willing to consistently implode to make it happen.

I thought about this long and hard, and I still plan on being present on socials during this chapter. Because I know that my true desire in life above all else is to see in the New Earth Paradigm. To be part of a new era of souls who live authentically, who are sovereign and who are not governed by the rules of society.

I hope my life inspires you to follow your heart. To do the things that scare you. To run towards something with no destination in mind.

I love you ❤️

Photos from Kassie Sheaffe's post 23/01/2024

We start next week 😍

Across the month of February you’ll receive all the content straight to your inbox each week. Guiding you through how to journal in a way that will illicit truths from your subconscious and foster a deeper understanding of who you truly are.

It will take you through a journey of self discovery that will allow you to align yourself to what you really desire therefore creating less resistance around your manifestations.

You will know yourself more and you will create more from it.

It’s going to be epic.

Comment JOURNAL for the link


👀 There are those who believe this reality is limited by the physical things they can see

🔥 And others who are experiencing a life unhindered by society norms and limitation

👀 There are some who still believe the government is on our side

🔥 And others who know that the government are mere puppets, part of a larger more destructive game at play, who definitely are not on our side.

👀 There are those who believe the only way to succeed in life is to work until their 70 to scrap enough money for retirement

🔥 And others who understand that the capitalism rampant in our society has brainwashed us into thinking that the most important thing we can do in life is work for the man. And that there is no other alternative.

👀 There are those who believe anything the news tells them as gospel

🔥 And others who question everything.

👀 There are those who believe the only way to heal is by taking prescription pills

🔥 And others who believe in more natural remedies that have been used for thousands of years, not marketed by a greedy company profiting off the illnesses in our society.

Don’t be a sheep 🐑 That’s what they want.

Our education system was designed to make us rule followers and obedient workers. We were not encouraged to be free thinkers, to use our imagination and to form our own truths.

You’re either still choosing to live in that paradigm, or you’re choosing to enter the 5D.

Which will it be?

Share this to your stories and tag me, show the world which side of history you’ll be on.

Want to learn more about consciousness and how to raise yours?

Comment EBOOK for more info on my new ebook

Photos from Kassie Sheaffe's post 16/01/2024

And, another evolution is coming.

2024 will see another phase of entrepreneurship for me.

I don’t know exactly what it will look like yet, I just know Spirit is telling me things are about to shift again. And as always I just trust where I’m guided.

I hope that you can find the strength within yourself to go after the things you desire. You don’t have to do the same old things you’ve been doing. You get to be different and do different.

If you look at me and think I have any clue what I’m doing than I’ve done a great job at fooling you 😂 because I don’t. I just have a trust the universe is going to lead me astray. And it’s worked out so far.


And that ain’t a good thing, because usually when we’re thinking about the past we’re more focused on the mistakes and fears we felt.

And to what end?

You can’t change it, so you’re just causing yourself all of this unnecessary pain drudging sh*t up when there’s nothing you can do about any of it.

You gotta move on.

Otherwise the more you continue to focus on your past, the less likely you are to become an energetic match for the future you desire.

When you think of the past, your brain believes you’re in the past. That past is just as much the present moment to your mind as the air you’re breathing.

Of course there are times when looking back into the past is important and valuable. When you are introspecting to reflect on experiences, behaviours and patterns.

But once you’ve observed the past, get the f*ck out of there 🏃 and come back to the present moment.

Remember: Your brain doesn’t know the difference between what’s happening in the present and what you’re imagining in your mind.

— And it works in the opposite way. If you remain future focused, and your energy and emotions are congruent to the desired future you’re going to have a much easier time manifesting that reality for yourself.

The moral of the story is, be mindful of where your thoughts go. What you focus on you place energy on.

And join the 28 day journaling and manifestation journey that starts Feb 1st.
Start to be intentional about where you place your energy, where my mind goes and start understanding how your mind is creating your reality.

Comment JOURNAL for the link > it’s free 🚀


Who wouldn’t want to know what the year ahead has in store for them?

In these year ahead readings I connect with Spirit to channel through guidance for your year ahead, Focusing on family, finances, relationships & spirituality/personal growth.

In this 45 minute reading I’ll will start with an energy healing & activation then complete a tarot reading on the energy of 2024. Turn to Spirit and the cards so you can navigate the year ahead with ease

These readings truly are one of the favourite offerings each year. Being able to connect with Spirit and see what is happening on individual and collective levels. BOOM BABY - magic.

As a psychic I offer year ahead readings as a way to help my clients be prepared, activated and inspired by the year ahead.

I don’t play into fear frequencies and problems.

I see the potential you have and I show you how to stop being a little b*tch so you can have the life of your dreams.

If you would like to book in a 2024 year ahead reading COMMENT 2024 for the link


I will not be entertaining conversations this year with people who don’t taken action on their dreams or intuitive downloads. I actually just refuse to entertain this sort of energy moving forward. I’m setting a new standard in my world, if you want to play in it then jump on board.

Because I feel like I’m beating a dead horse.

So in 2024 I’m choosing not to entertain that s**t.

And I hope this is the year that you choose to stop wallowing in your self pity and you start making big moves in your life.

I hope in 2024 you say f*ck it and throw caution to the wind, become absolutely delusional and create an insanely wild life.

I hope that this is the year you finally experience joy.

I hope this is the year you become your most authentic self. The wild, untameable version of you that you’ve been too scared to be.


That’s the crazy thing about your subconscious mind, it does a great job of hiding things from us. You could be telling yourself everyday: I’m useless, I’m unlovable, I’ll never amount to anything, I can’t do this, this is too hard, why bother over and over again and you’ve normalised it so much you don’t even see it as a problem.

But it is.

Those small ‘insignificant’ phrases you tell yourself daily aren’t insignificant at all. They are responsible for the co-creation of your life.

So every time you say I’ll never amount to anything, what’s the point, I’ll just do what I’ve always done. The universe goes okay, your wish is my command. And so your life is coded with this story, and everything you experience is infused with this energy. The universe gives you want you want. So it shows you again and again that you’ll never amount to anything and there’s no point trying.

But what if you became conscious of that story every time you said it, and slowly you started say it differently.

I know there’s a point to this, I don’t know what it is yet but universe could you show me what it is.

That phrase alone, repeated a few times a day or a week when you notice the old story come through will start to rearrange your reality. It will start to move things that is going to give you what you’re asking for. Because slowly you’re going to believe it’s true, over time you will believe the new story more than the old and you’ll have the answers you’re seeking.

The universe doesn’t know the difference between your fears and your desires. If anything your fears are supercharged with the more intense emotion and it is more likely to manifest into your reality because of it.

EVERYTHING YOU SAY, THINK & DO is a spell that is cast out into the universe, it brings back your desires based on the bait (your energy). So be mindful of both, or your life will continue to be a flaming pile of 💩

Stop. Drop. Meditate. Introspect. & make bold moves.

Photos from Kassie Sheaffe's post 07/12/2023

Don’t mind me, I’m just over here turning my dululus trululu 😂

Nah but seriously reality is just a construct of the mind. When you learn to understand the inner workings of your mind and how it is creating your reality you’ll be able to hack the system.

There are beliefs dictating your current reality that are not yours, and they definitely aren’t true.

If you can become conscious of your thoughts, you’ll become the conscious co-creator of your reality. And you’ll no longer be limited by things like time and money.

NOTHING IS REAL 😂 so chill. Sit back, look into yourself and you’ll discover why your life is a hot mess and nothing is moving forward. Remember you only have yourself to blame.

Photos from Kassie Sheaffe's post 06/12/2023

I’ve had some questionable readings in the past where they’ve told me all these things are coming and I’ve just left feeling disappointed because I want to walk out of there with tangible things I can apply to my life.

I will not sugar coat it.

I won’t water it down.

If I see you’re being a little bitch, I’m gonna tell you.

If you can handle that, then we’ll vibe ✌️

Know you’re ready to handle the heat? Comment heat to find out more info about Psychic readings


People over complicate shadow work. I don’t speak about it directly because I don’t even see what I’m doing as shadow work anymore.

What I do know is that I view reality like a computer game. And I’m the creator of that game. Shadows are the bugs that are messing with the quality and the running of the game. My job as the creator of the game is to find the bugs, read the code by observing all of the patterns and behaviours associated with the bug and then rewrite the code as needed.

The bug isn’t the issue.
The programming the wrote the bug is.

And the programming is affected by external factors like friends, family and society. They seep into the game like a virus infecting everything.

If you can understand why the programming is affected then it can help it rewrite it. But it’s not necessary. Sometimes merely noticing the error is enough, but often it takes seeing that thing 1000 times before you can rewrite it effectively.

And that’s okay.

So no, I don’t do shadow work.

I find bugs, and I rewrite whatever programming installed that bug so it’s no longer an issue in my game.


My full name is Kassandra, for years I hated it because I only ever heard it when I was in trouble 😂 which as a child, was quite frequent. These days I don’t mind it, but most people call me Kass or Kassie. I’m a spiritual teacher, psychic and witch. I’m a Libra sun, Gemini moon & Gemini rising and a 6/2 emotional Mani Gen. Before my spiritual awakening in 2019 I was a bank manager, home owner and wife. I was the definition of someone living deep in the Matrix. So what does my life look like over 4 years later after opening myself up to the divine guidance from Spirit?

Well in November 2023 I sold my house, finalised my divorce, packed my life and business up into a suitcase and left Australia. The plan!? No plan really, just see where my intuition guides me to go. Starting in London to live with my sister for a few months after she moved here last year.

I’m a free spirit which is a big reason why I’ve decided to live the digital nomad life. I love the idea of being able to live wherever I want, and follow the pings my Spirit guides sends me. I’ve always been intuitive, having experiences seeing spirits when I was a child but it was something I chose to ignore about myself. I was never scared by anything I experienced, a part of me always knew I was safe and it felt normal. I had a few experiences when I was a kid where I had dreams that would later happen, again, this never freaked me out. It always felt so normal to me. I never shared these experiences with anyone nor did I have anyone in my life that was speaking about any spiritual or esoteric. I picked up my first set of Tarot cards in 2020 and completed my first readings before I had ever even had a reading myself. I was being led away from what was ‘normal’ in my life thus far, but I trusted where I was being guided. Before I even realised what was guiding me.

I started my business in 2019 almost by accident; another divine miracle. I was working as a bank manager, and while I wasn’t fulfilled, I wasn’t exactly looking for something else either. But I had a friend tell me I should be a life coach, I’d never heard of a life coach before so I went home, did some research and 3 days later I was enrolled in a course. And 6 months later I was taking on clients. It was something that just felt so right that I never questioned it.

Since that time my life has changed dramatically. I was very much in my masculine with a logical and analytical mind at that point in my life. Through this journey I have connected back with my body, leaned into my feminine more, healed my mind, body & soul while strengthening my trust in my intuitive gifts. I believe being intuitive is completely natural for humans, and that when we choose to connect with it our life will become wildly different.

I meditate, connect with my spirit guides, read tarot cards, automatic write, channel and much more everyday. I have found my way home, back to my true essence as a spiritual being. It has opened my heart and mind to a life and reality that I didn’t know was possible for us. My understanding of life and reality has allowed me to break free from the Matrix to create a life and business that is outside of the norm and everyday I wake up completely mesmerised by it.

My soul came here in this lifetime to assist in the collective mission to raise our collective consciousness. I am one of many - like you may be too - who knows that they can create huge impact in this world by just being themselves, sharing their light and inspiring others to do the same. Inspired By Kass is exactly that; a mission I feel deeply inside of my being. A purpose for my soul to bring others into the light by raising their consciousness. When you wake up and see the beauty and limitlessness of this reality, you’d be inspired to.

Photos from Kassie Sheaffe's post 24/11/2023

And so 4 years on, even on a day like today where I felt a little exhausted when my alarm went off and it would have been so easy for me to just sleep in, I got up. I went straight into my meditation. Because I know I’ll be the best version of myself today because of it.

People always ask how do you do it? And while there are many tips and tricks I can share - and I have something FREE in the pipeline ready to help. Most of it just comes down to discipline. While I have a solid routine in place, I have to hold myself to a standard every damn day.

I want to wake up at 4:30am.
Do my practice until 7am.
Work from 7am-2pm Monday - Friday
Then explore the world for the rest of the time. And I still wake up at 4:30am on the days I don’t work. While I may sleep in a little on the weekend, it’ll be 6am at the latest because my body clock knows it wants to be awake. And as soon as a wake up, I’m straight into my practices.

I make the conscious decision every morning that I’m gonna be that bitch 💅🏽 simple as that.


Our society is sick.

And the cure cannot be found or provided by the government or elite.

We are the cure. Those of us who are waking up. Who are already raising their consciousness and who know they have a role to play in the new paradigm. In every moment of every day you have an opportunity to choose to smile at a stranger, lead others into the light and work through your own shadows. You can look to others for guidance and support but only you can go inside of yourself to find the true you buried inside. Then you can share your magic/cure with the world.

Who’s with me?

Photos from Kassie Sheaffe's post 17/11/2023

Can you really call yourself spiritual if you’re still worried about what’s happening OUT THERE while avoiding everything that’s happening IN HERE?

In my opinion, you can’t.
That’s called spiritual bypassing. And it’s such a tragic and common thing I witness people doing. Their ego has them so inflated into thinking their healed or healing and so much has changed. When really they’ve managed to maybe calm their anxiety and nervous system a little which has created a little extra space within themselves that they decided to fill that void with the pretence of being spiritual.

Photos from Kassie Sheaffe's post 14/11/2023

I’m a safe and grounded human because I’ve spent the last 5 years becoming that. This was not a natural state for me before.

I’ve been so grounded through this whole experience. It’s been curveball after curveball. But ya girl can catch.

Even when I got to check in yesterday and the attendant told me I had to remove 3kg of stuff from my onboard luggage 😬 I knew it was over, but I took a risk hoping they wouldn’t weigh it.

So goodbye microphone which is a key fu***ng component of my business and goodbye all my gym gear.

I know that would have rattled me 5 years ago. But now, it was nothing. It’s just stuff, I can buy again.

Healing my mind, body and soul has brought me to where I am today. And I can honestly say that there isn’t one certain thing that I can say solely contributed to it. It has taken a culmination of different modalities to get me here. It’s taken healing my nervous system, understanding the inner workings of my subconscious mind and strengthening my connection to my body and my intuition.


I hold this duality within myself which is that I perceive reality to be an energy field like a hologram that we’re experiencing through the lens of this human body. Therefore I don’t exist, I’m merely a fragment of one consciousness playing in this 3D reality. And I’m constantly reminding myself and those around me that nothing is real, so stop taking everything so seriously.
And while I live by these principles and to some it may appear apathetic, it’s not. If anything I feel my perception of reality allows me to navigate it in such a way that I do not succumb to the trivial fears and programming of the 3D matrix. So while I hold that perception I also understand that as this fragment of one consciousness experiencing this human experience, it is also my role in the collective to assist in our joint mission. Which is to raise the collective consciousness.

You can hold both.

You can have both.

You’re allowed to live and play in the 3D matrix while being aware of the fact that you’re playing in that frequency. If you can hold the divine dichotomy of this reality which is that nothing is real while everything is absolutely real, then you’ll be a-okay.

When you strip everything back, our entire reality is based upon how we as individuals perceive it. It’s why I believe understanding your internal reality is so important because that is the filter in which you are perceiving reality through. If you’re not aware of the filter then you’re not aware of the way it’s shaping your reality. So if our entire reality is based upon our own individual perception then what is real for me may not be real for you. Therefore, how can we really determine what’s real or not? Alas, the divine dichotomy.

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