Campaigning for Wingecarribee Shire Council to declare climate emergency and take action against climate change.

Photos from CEDWing's post 24/11/2019

Today was awesome 🌏🌱💕

Photos from CEDWing's post 24/11/2019

440 local residents turned out to hear what Ian Dunlop, Barry Arthur (Wingecarribee Shire Council), Maddie Clegg & Steph Jedrasiak, Dr John Hewson and Emma Heyde has to say about the Climate Emergency that we are all facing.


Great turn out !!


We are SO excited about our big community climate forum at 2pm today. Get ready to be excited, informed, inspired and galvanised by our amazing line-up of speakers from the local area and beyond. Everyone is welcome: bring family, friends, young and old for this important event.
WHEN: 2-4pm Sunday 24 November
WHERE: Bowral Memorial Hall


One sleep to go until our big community climate forum! Hashtag for the day = We have amazing speakers and plenty of time for questions. This will be the biggest event in CANWIN's history and we can't wait to see you there! Speakers: John Hewson, Ian Dunlop, former oil and coal executive; Barry Arthur, Manager Environment Wingecarribee Shire Council; Steph Jedrasiak, School Strike 4 Climate; Councillor Emma Heyde, Hornsby Greens councillor; Maddie Clegg, Greenpeace.


Two sleeps to go until the big community climate forum on Sunday 2pm Bowral Memorial Hall! This event is for all ages - and the venue is accessible. Please feel free to bring the young people in your life who are passionate about climate, curious, or just making up their minds about their role in the biggest challenge that we face as a community. Everyone is welcome. This is a free community event.


"The government’s role should be to protect the future from the past, not the past from the future. When government refuses to lead, others must." CANWIN supports this call to action by Ian Dunlop in his Guardian article. You can hear Ian in person at the big community climate forum on Sunday 24 November 2pm Bowral Memorial Hall. A reminder to be there early as we are expecting a capacity audience. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/aug/03/australias-climate-stance-is-inflicting-criminal-damage-on-humanity

Climate Change :: Wingecarribee Shire Council Online Customer Service Centre 18/11/2019

Does our Council recognise the reality of the climate crisis? Is it taking action? at the big community forum on climate, we will hear from the Environment Manager at Council, Barry Arthur, all about Council's climate response. NOTE: the event is likely to be standing-room only so please arrive in good time to get a seat. https://www.wsc.nsw.gov.au/services/environment/sustainable-wingecarribee/climate-change
WHEN: 2-4pm Sunday 24 November
WHERE: Bowral Memorial Hall

Climate Change :: Wingecarribee Shire Council Online Customer Service Centre

Photos from CEDWing's post 16/11/2019

One week to go until our huge community climate forum! Be there early: it looks like a full house. Speakers: Dr John Hewson, Ian Dunlop, Cr Emma Heyde, Barry Arthur, Maddie Clegg, Steph Jedrasiak.
WHEN: 2-4pm Sunday 24 November
WHERE: Bowral Memorial Hall

Photos from CEDWing's post 14/11/2019

CANWIN is your local climate action group. CANWin works to minimise climate change and prepare for the effects of peak oil. We recognise that none of us can do this alone, but together we “must be the change we want to see in the world” (Mahatma Ghandi). Join us for our biggest event of the year: a community forum on climate 2-4pm Sunday 24 November featuring some of the most important voices in climate action in the Highlands - and beyond.

CANWin runs regular public events, such as speaker nights, film nights, and our recent Clean Energy Future workshop. We research and prepare information sheets for members and the public on scientific and technical matters that affect the sustainability of life on the Highlands. CANWin initiatives include programs such as Fruit Rescue and Community Exchange Southern Highlands, and we collaborate with many other local groups that share our vision for a united, resilient and sustainable community.

Photos from CEDWing's post 13/11/2019

Who are the people behind the School Strike movement that Greta Thunberg started? They have galvanised students across the globe. What are they planning next? What are their demands? Come and hear all about the SchoolStrike movement at the big climate forum in Bowral 24 November 2pm Bowral Memorial Hall. All welcome. https://www.schoolstrike4climate.com/

Photos from CEDWing's post 10/11/2019

How often do leaders in the fossil fuel industry speak about the threat of climate crisis? Our lead speaker at the upcoming Climate event on 24 November, Ian Dunlop, was a trop international executive for Shell, until he realised what climate risk climate posed to business, to our national security and our way of life. His article is a must-read. https://www.smh.com.au/environment/climate-change/as-an-ex-coal-boss-i-m-telling-politicians-wake-up-to-climate-threat-20190313-p513qj.html

A local mayor can see we face a climate emergency, why can't the PM? 10/11/2019

A local mayor can see we face a climate emergency, why can't the PM? Asked if there was any link between climate change and the fires, the Prime Minister dodged the question.

Newcastle first NSW council to switch to 100 per cent renewables 26/10/2019

Newcastle first NSW council to switch to 100 per cent renewables Media Release Australia’s Climate Council has hailed the City of Newcastle for becoming the first local government in NSW to make the switch to 100 per cent r

Student Strike 4 Climate, Glebe Park, Bowral - 20/9/2019. 20/09/2019

The effects of the Climate Emergency on Australia are undeniable! We're seeing firsthand the impact of more frequent and severe weather events.

Our health, our agricultural systems, our communities and our economy are all being affected! Something needs to be done!

The Climate Council’s new report, ‘This is What Climate Change Looks Like,’ highlights recent examples of these impacts.

Extinction Rebellion is taking action now to turn our society around though. Things are dire, but we still have the power to turn things around and create a sustainable future!



Scott Morrison (ScoMo) Angus Taylor MP Gladys Berejiklian Wingecarribee Shire Council

Two women take a stand against climate change 15/09/2019

Two women take a stand against climate change Two young women have taken a stand against climate change and are now urging others to do the same.

Australia ‘on brink’ of ‘apocalyptic’ weather 14/09/2019

Do the facts not present signals of emergency? Time to act!

Australia ‘on brink’ of ‘apocalyptic’ weather The Arctic is on fire. Now, Antarctica is suddenly experiencing a heatwave. And that means a looming rainfall apocalypse for Australia.


Our Petition to Wigecarribee Shire Council is hitting the streets of the Shire. The petition requests that Council:
1. Declare a Climate Emergency and undertake actions to reduce net carbon emissions in this Shire.
2. Prepare plans and reports committing to a timetable with targets for achieving 100% renewable energy and eventual zero net carbon emissions in this Shire.
3. Periodically review progress and issue an annual public report indicating the progress made in that year and updating plans and targets.

If you would like a copy please contact us and we will email you one. The address to return the signed petitions to is on the bottom of the form.

Uprooting urban tree myths in the climate emergency 09/09/2019

We've got the space, we just need the initiative!

Uprooting urban tree myths in the climate emergency Australia faces a shrinking window of opportunity to plant enough trees to help cool our cities and protect our farms, writes sustainability expert Michael Mobbs. Tree planting can stabilise and restore the weather patterns that sustain …


Climate Emergency Declaration Wingecarribee is campaigning for council to declare a climate emergency and join the global community & movement CEDAMIA (Climate Emergency Declaration And Mobilisation In Action). In doing this, our shire will be supporting a sustainable future both locally and on a global scale, and setting an example for more regional areas to take climate action and ensure a future for our planet! Stay tuned for the release of our formal petition.

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