Kerrie Scott

Kerrie Scott

I offer holistic connection coaching for living a grounded, healthy and nature connected life 😊🍃👣

My work is the result of a lifelong desire to support a deeper connection with self & the planet, for people of all ages. In 2002 I moved from Qld to Central Victoria to complete a Bachelor degree in Outdoor Environmental Education, where I spent 3 years bushwalking, canoeing, kayaking, rock-climbing, x-country ski-ing and camping and learning to facilitate empowering, transformative programs. In

Photos from Kerrie Scott's post 02/09/2024

What would you do if you stopped caring what anyone else thought? How would you behave? Who would you be?

How much of your life is the way it is because you hold stress in your body, and it's so out of balance that it affects your decisions, your mood, and those around you?

Big questions I've been asking myself lately - and honestly I knew the patterns of stress - flight, fight, freeze, fawn - affected me, but I had no real idea how much, until now.

I have found a way to turn the volume down on my mind, reduce the stressful feelings, balance my hormones and heal my gut, and I'm seriously blown away by how easy and quickly this has worked for me.

We all know that stress levels affect our physical health and consequently our mental and emotional wellbeing, but eliminating stress from our lives, or even reducing it, just isn't an option for many of us.

Advice to 'deal with stress better', even with all the new age tools in the world (believe me I've tried many of them ) can still seem like you're fighting a loosing battle. Just because we know all the things we 'should' be doing, doesn't always make it easy to do them. Where do we find the time and the energy when we're already so pushed and depleted?

I'm openly ready now to share what I have discovered that has flipped the switch for me.

No my life hasn't suddenly become perfect overnight - but I feel for the first time in maybe 30 years, that I'm ME again.

I can move forward with all of the amazing ideas and dreams I've had for so long - without crashing into burnout and self doubt. And the key has come from a 100% natural source.

I've never shared anything like this before - but if you're intrigued and want to hear more - give me some love in the comments!

I'm taking courageous action - one day at a time, because 'Imperfect / any action is better than none!' is my new mantra. (Thanks Heather).

Photos from Kerrie Scott's post 01/09/2024

It’s been a big couple of weeks for me!

✈️ Flew to Brisbane to catch up with old High School Friends 🥂

🚙 Drove to Lismore to attend a fantastic Professional Development Workshop Groundwork Therapy 🐴

✈️ flew home then farewelled my partner as he flew out to work in the NT

🚙 Drove 3hrs to the city and back with kids for a day of appointments.

🐴 Held space for some powerful Equine Facilitated Learning sessions with clients

✅ kept my s**t together!

😊 stayed confident and calm

💚 renewed my sit spot practice in nature

🥤And finished my trial of a super new wellness elixir that I am very excited to share with you the details of very soon!

Balancing my physical health and mental wellbeing with the demands of homeschooling, running a business, juggling 💰 & family is challenging to say the least!

I’m so excited about the clarity of my thinking, reduced stress response, increased confidence and physical health results that I’m experiencing, plus the results of my family. 😊

Will be sharing more on this soon.


What are you interested in learning most about right now - physical, emotional or mental wellbeing?


Loving the conversations that are happening around authenticity since my last post.

In order to be authentic though, to be truthful in our actions and words, we first need to know what our truth is.

How are we actually feeling? How many times do we get to the end of the day and realise we’ve hardly checked in with our selves at all?

This is really important when holding space for other people, whether they are clients, our kids, friends or family.

Being in tune with ourselves on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level is crucial to the capacity to hold safe space for those around us.

I’m very lucky to work with horses who are constantly reminding me to be real.


It’s official! 🎉 I’ve just completed enrolment to begin a Masters of Counselling & Psychotherapy next month! 🎓This has been a long time coming for me - the thought of studying again full time is pretty daunting when you’re a mum of two homeschool kids 🏃🏼‍♂️‍➡️🏃🏼‍♀️‍➡️, run a business of your own, with a partner who works interstate 🛫for a good part of the year! But I am finally taking the leap! Wish me luck!!!🍀

He left that to the Trees 12/08/2024

Absolutely loving this beautiful poem by a dear friend and talented writer Peter Shepherd….

He left that to the Trees A poem


Time for a page update!

Welcome to anyone who has joined this space recently, I’ve been pretty quiet here over winter, but spring has come and it’s time to get things moving again 🌸🌱

This page is all about Connection Coaching- all the ways I can support you to live a grounded, happy and healthy life, deeply connected to your self and nature.

I’ll be sharing tips, strategies and suggestions for wellness on all levels- physical health, mental health, emotional health and spiritual wellbeing, and what each of these mean to me.

I’d love your support and engagement! Questions and comments always welcome!

I am still offering Nature Connection programs for kids and adults over Wild Cherry Nature Connection and my work with horses has a new page: so please go and like those pages to be kept in the loop if you’re interested.

This space is specifically to support your personal growth journey.

I will be sharing more soon about how I came to be so passionate about personal growth and health, and the skills and training I have gathered along the way, including the Masters program I begin soon!

Thanks for joining me here, I look forward to connecting with all of you. 😊💚


Springtime! The earth 🌏 moved through another stargate this week, into astronomical spring 🌸 did you notice?

Here on the far south coast of Australia flowers are popping, birds are vocal and busy, and the sun ☀️ shining longer every day.

The more I watch these seasonal dates the more I am amazed at the synchrony of our earth. 🌏

Personally, I feel like I am awakening from a long, hibernating sleep. I was heading towards burnout in Autumn, and knew my body and mind was due for deep rest. 💤

An intense flu hit our household and ensured the last 8 weeks was a time to go internal and stay there! 🤧

As always, surrendering to Gaia and the seasons has paid off, and I feel so ready to re-enter life with renewed enthusiasm and confidence, and a new sense of health as a priority- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. 💚

I’m embarking on 2 new adventures- one involving full time study, and another involving joining an exciting new Health venture here in Australia, which I can’t wait to begin in a few days 😊💚.

More on this to be shared soon!!!


Hi team, quick question. What does the word ‘earthbound’ mean to you? (Trying to figure out a new business name)


Happy Birthday Jamari!


This land is alive. The ground is teeming with insects, beetles, spiders, ants, and yes, ticks and leeches too. You can't stand too long in one spot without somebody tickling your skin, crawling over your toes, or biting you! As uncomfortable as it is at times, I love the relentless insistent demand to be present. My mind can't wander too far when I'm here without somebody or something snapping it back to attention. Sometimes we need this kind of devoted teaching to be present for a little while. To remember what is real.


Happy New Moon 🌚 in Ta**us to you all.

Today’s invitation is to ground with the earth and recharge your energy body 💚 Ta**us is an earth sign that supports us to attune to the physical world as sacred.

This includes plants, animals, minerals and our own bodies.

Acknowledging our deep connection to nature today supports us to feel that we deeply belong in this world, we are secure and safe to be here.

I enjoyed a lucky mistake this morning and found myself heading out the door half an hour early for work. So glad I decided to head to the beach and soak in the morning sun on the water, instead of cramming the time with more jobs or errands.

I’m also beginning a beautiful online course with the fabulous Holly Carter:

Moving Mudra Sequence for Love & Harmony.

Check out the link to Holly’s page in the comments below. 👇


Emotion is information…..


Discover the unspoken language of connection with horses. Through their intuitive understanding, horses forge bonds with people that transcend the verbal connection. Experience the magic of equine connections— where every interaction becomes a silent, powerful conversation. 💚

Photography by Brittany McVicar Photography


Karen Jones was part of my practitioner training group in Equine Facilitated Learning with Groundwork Therapy in 2019. She is a beautiful gentle soul with deep wisdom and compassion.

I love the way she speaks to the energy that flows through horses, and how we can reflect on our own connections through observing them….

When I think about horses I admire their cohesive nature within the herd. 💞

Have you ever noticed that they can simultaneously move together as one? Much like a school of fish, a herd can move together in sync, sometimes mirroring the same moves at the same time. There is of course communication through body language, their senses and the energy that we are all made up of.

We have this same ability as humans – have you ever felt someone was going to call and a moment later, you see your phone light up and get a call from that same person?

The more I delve into my journey with horses, the more I recognise their Mastery of energy and nonverbal communication. If we truly take the time to listen to them, they have an innate ability to teach us more about our own communication and energetic nature.

To explore this further, you can visit


One of the most important EFT papers I have written to date summarised the biochemistry outcomes after Tapping. 🎉

We sought to elucidate EFTs mechanisms of action across the central nervous system (CNS) by measuring heart rate variability (HRV) and heart coherence (HC); the circulatory system using resting heart rate (RHR) and blood pressure (BP); the endocrine system using cortisol, and the immune system using salivary immunoglobulin A (SigA).

The second aim was to measure psychological symptoms.

Participants (N = 203) were enrolled in a 4-day training workshop held in different locations. At one workshop (n = 31), participants also received comprehensive physiological testing. Posttest, significant declines were found in anxiety (−40%), depression (−35%), posttraumatic stress disorder (−32%), pain (−57%), and cravings (−74%), all P < .000. Happiness increased (+31%, P = .000) as did SigA (+113%, P = .017). Significant improvements were found in RHR (−8%, P = .001), cortisol (−37%, P < .000), systolic BP (−6%, P = .001), and diastolic BP (−8%, P < .000). Positive trends were observed for HRV and HC and gains were maintained on follow-up, indicating EFT results in positive health effects as well as increased mental well-being.

I also like to make them into infographics - these are free to share so share away! 🎊
Paper is open access too 💗

Ref - Bach, D., Groesbeck, G., Stapleton, P., Sims, R., Blickheuser, K., & Church, D. (2019). Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Improves Multiple Physiological Markers of Health. Journal of evidence-based integrative medicine, 24, 2515690X18823691.


A little reminder that winter is deepening, and with it the call to deep rest…


Unstoppable they called her
but I saw her stop
I saw her stop many times.

I thought she had stopped for good

but no
she always found a way to resurrect.

Rise again.

Not the same
never the same.

Each time a little more determined
and a little less vulnerable.

Unstoppable they said
but I think
it was the in the stopping

that she found her power.

Donna Ashworth
From ‘LIFE’

Art by Duy Huynh

Wellness Retreat Day 20/03/2023

Looking for a way to celebrate and honour the cycles of the seasons this Autumn Equinox?

My beautiful and talented friend Trish has put together an absolutely delicious collection of teachers who are combining forces this Sunday to deliver a virtual wellness retreat.

Find a cosy corner of your home and settle in with a cuppa to join us for the day via workshops, healings and ceremonies via zoom.

I’ll be offering an EFT for Autumn 🍂 session in the morning.

And amazingly this will all be offered absolutely free!

Sign up here…

Wellness Retreat Day Join us for this one-day wellness retreat. A day to nourish yourself from the comfort of your own home. Throughout the day, you will have access to classes, workshops, meditations and experiences, all designed to boost your well-being and self-care.


How’s your afternoon time going?

In Seasons of Connection: Autumn, my online program for adults, we have been exploring the natural rhythms of the day, and how they are reflected in us and the world around us.

Could you plan to take 10 or 15 minutes to stop, sink into the energy of rest and re-creation later today?

Taking even a short time to embody the energy of the North-West in mid afternoon will help you get through to the evening feeling less burnt out, resentful and depleted.

I’m running an Equine Connection Mentoring session today between 2pm and 3:30pm, so I will incorporate some deep rest time and meditation into my session.

The horses naturally snooze in the afternoon and spending time with them, mirroring their behaviour and state can be powerful for my clients. And me!

How will you this afternoon?


that post pony play glow. Gives you your spark back. Thanks



Calling all space holders, coaches, counsellors, therapists and teachers. This training is happening TODAY at 1pm AEDT and I highly recommend listening in as Tamala shares her thoughts and experiences in getting real about your own stories and ‘stuff’, so that your practice and work becomes truly compassionate and authentic. I’ll be there!

Stress is more addictive than crack!

Yep - I said it.

The stress response is designed to keep us alive, although now we've become addicted to it and it’s keeping us stuck on the edge of the void.

Frozen in fear and to-do lists.

My to-do list this week: prepare for TEDx, school lunches - hello term 1! and the Void training final touches.

When you make time to regularly visit the void, you can overcome your addiction to stress and start living an aligned, abundant, successful, joyful life.

It’s the space between your thoughts, the space between all physical reality, it’s safe, it’s dark and void of all fear, illusions and stress….

Will you be courageous enough to step into the void with us tomorrow?

Link to register:


Did you know that we are approaching the turn of the astronomical seasons this week?

That's right, according to the stars, we are in our last week of summer, and about to enter harvest season.

Did you also know that time in nature is now considered vital to health and well-being for our bodies, hearts and minds?

How much time did you spend this week, feeling like you were a part of the landscape around you?

Not just an observer, an appreciator, but a deeply connected part?

Would you like to learn how?

Would you like to be a part of a beautiful supportive small group, with your personal nature connection coach as mentor? (That’s me 😊)

In a way that can fit into the demands of modern life?

We don’t all have the time or means to book in for a wilderness retreat to fill our cup.

Would you like to learn how to embody natural practices that increase the quality of your sleep, your health, your thoughts, your family, relationships and your business??

Our relationship with the land is crucial to creating balanced lives, and feeling deeply supported and safe enough to create the changes we desire in our lives.

SEASONS OF CONNECTION: AUTUMN kicks off this Friday, and I would love you to join us on the journey.

Autumn is a wonderful time for clearing and releasing, and the perfect time to clear the clutter in our homes, to let go of the ‘stuff’ that has been accumulating through the year, and transforming each room to reflect the natural beauty in our world, and our respect for the earth.

As we move through this process, the clutter in our minds will also naturally begin to clear, and we find ourselves returning to our innate state of peace and well-being.

I will support you to release any blocks and resistances to this process, through guided EFT, mindfulness and deep nature connection practices.

Journeying with the season of Autumn in this way, beautifully prepares us to complete the end of the astronomical year with grace, and leaves us solidly prepared to enter the deep rest of Winter.

What to expect…..

• Weekly Classes – on zoom – Wednesdays 1pm – 2:30pm AEDT (Feb 8th to March 22nd 2023) These will be recorded so you can catch up if you miss a week.

• Gift package in the post with your printed Seasons of Connection Workbook and Autumn Nature Diary

• Daily coaching and inspiration via private facebook group

• Investment is $144 (AUD and inclusive of GST)

More details and link to book here..


“Attempting to learn when stressed or pre-occupied only anchors in more stress responses” YES!!!

Hands up those who would love to see this being taught and understood in our school system???

I’ve been working with Kristi Sproates of Appy Connections and absolutely loving her perspective on how we learn, how our bodies receive and process information, and how we can support this.

It ties in so beautifully with my experience in teaching Nature Connection for well-being.

The kickstarter can take 5-10 min and is 4 BrainGym movements.
Its called PACE - and energises your brain, clears your thoughts, activated your body/brain circuit and enables a positive attitude for ..what's next/incoming info/new learning.

This is a daily practice for me and is included in learning programs and consultations. Best way to start is to move and re-set


What are you up to this week?

A few of my plans….

🏃‍♀️starting Kirra 30 day THRIVE challenge and already loving the feeling of my body getting stronger 💪🏻 Kirra Guest

💚 enjoying the last week of holidays before school starts

🍂 creating workbooks for my Autumn Seasons of Connection program

🌚 launching dark moon ‘relax - release - & let go’ EFT circles

🐣 building a new chook house for some new babies

🦮🐕‍🦺🐾 lots of dog walking as we are looking after a friends 2 plus our own

☀️ getting up earlier and earlier and finally embracing a morning routine 💚


Anyone else’s brain need a zillion visual outlets when the ideas come flowing? Getting Seasons of Connection: Autumn 🍂 out of my head and down on paper today. In between a hundred cups of tea and 30 minutely Nature breaks!


A little about me....

My work in Nature Connection is the result of a lifelong desire to inspire others to share in the deep sense of well-being and belonging I experience through my connection to earth. I believe it is through direct relationship with wild spaces that true well-being is reached, for people and all life.

In 2002 I moved from Qld to Central Victoria to complete a Bachelor degree in Outdoor Environmental Education, where I spent 3 years bushwalking, canoeing, kayaking, rock-climbing, x-country ski-ing and camping and learning to facilitate empowering, transformative programs.

In 2014 I spent a year on Groote Eylandt, forming relationships with the Anindiliyakwan people as I homeschooled our two children.

In 2016 I co-founded Wild Cherry Nature Connection and began our first program: Homeschool in the Wild, and continued to run bushschool programs for all ages for the next 6 years.

In 2018 I completed training with Tom Brown Jnr of The Tracker School in Advanced Tracking & Awareness, Temples of the Soul and Nature Philosophy 1.

In 2019 I became a certified practitioner of Equine Facilitated Learning with Groundwork Therapy in the model of Adventures in Awareness(TM).

I have also completed training with Nature Philosophy in the principals of Feminine Mastery, and have spent 15 years home and wild schooling two amazing children.

I have recently completed my Facilitators Qualification with Inspired EFT (tapping), and in 2021 became a certified Spiritual Companioning Practitioner, specialising in Addictions, Mindfulness and The Virtues Project.

In 2023, I am focusing all of my experience into building programs that support adults and children to release stress, and come back into balance with their natural state of being which is one of harmony and happiness. I believe nature is the greatest teacher for this. I am offering seasonal online group programs for adults (Seasons of Connection), Corgaia Coaching 1:1 sessions in person and via zoom, and Equine Connection Mentoring here on the beautiful Sapphire Coast.

I'd love you to join my newsletter - so we can keep in touch with upcoming events and inspiration for a nature-connected happy life..

Home - Wild Cherry Nature Connection 20/01/2023

Life is full of uncertainty. The human-made world demands so much of us, drawing on our physical and emotional resources, competing for our attention and our money, increasingly it seems we are running out of time and energy for the things that really matter to us: our family, our well-being, our health. Is life really meant to be this rushed and cluttered? I don’t think so, but there is more that just the human-made in this world….

There is a world that exists alongside the human-made, one that stimulates our creativity, strengthens our immunity, calms our nervous system and hearts, eases our depression, anxiety and racing minds, and demands nothing of us. This is the natural world, and it surrounds us in each moment, and yet somehow we resist accessing this incredible resource for wellness, health and vitality. It’s hard to prioritise time in nature when there are bills to be paid, children to be fed, and appointments to rush to, and yet this is the antidote to stress that our bodies, hearts and minds are truly craving.

I invite you on a journey with me to reconnect with the natural world. Seasons of Connection is a 7 week deep dive into nature as your mentor, your healer and your sanctuary. When we tune in to the cycles of the seasons, time slows down again, we regain our sense of balance, find our centre, and can move forward in life with more clarity, ease and confidence.

Home - Wild Cherry Nature Connection We offer heart-led deep nature connection programs for all ages both online and throughout the wild southern Sapphire Coast of NSW. We specialise in wilderness awareness, bushcraft and nature connection, and offer unique individualised Earth and Equine Connection Mentoring for cultivating courage an...

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We’ve just passed winter solstice, in the cycle of the seasons, this is a time for deep rest, replenishing our energy, a...
