Babydreaming Baby & Toddler Sleep Consultancy

Babydreaming Baby & Toddler Sleep Consultancy

Certified Baby & Toddler Sleep Consultant

Working with families to improve their child's sleep (newborn - 5 years).


The kids have finally slept in past 7am, it's a miracle! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Not really, it's the zeitgebers.

Zeitgebers are what set our body's circadian rhythm. They are mainly...
✨️ light
🍎 food
πŸ™Žβ€β™€οΈ social interaction

Here are some tips, using these zeitgebers, if you've still got an early riser since the change back from daylight savings...

✨️ get some late afternoon sun and keep all lights (including screens) off in the morning until at least 7am

🍎 move meals to later in the day ie. if you're have an early breakfast at 6:30am, try pushing this out to 7am

πŸ™Žβ€β™€οΈ limit all social interaction in the morning until the time you actually want your kids up, so if they're up early, try not to give them too much attention and reiterate that it's still sleep time 😴


And just like that, daylight savings is over.

I have to say, I'm not a fan of the whole concept. Yes, the extra hour of daylight is nice during the warmer months, but I don't believe it's worth the disruption to our body clocks. A change in just one hour has more effect than you might think and is just another aspect of sleep that parents of young children have to navigate.

So if you, like me, had a little one awake at a less than ideal hour this morning...take it easy today. Our body clocks are set by food, light and social interaction so it can take some time to adjust to this one hour change.

Happy Sunday 🌞


🌞 Happy Daylight Savings! 🌞

Who has an early riser who woke up at a decent hour this morning due to clocks going forward? Now is a great time to reset your little one's body clock and work on those early just need to do some detective work to figure out what is the cause of those early wake ups 🧐

Are they undertired?
Going to bed too early?
Too much day sleep?
Going to bed too late?
Awake times not quite right?
Early morning poops? πŸ’©

If you'd like some help deciphering the cause of early rising in your little one, send me a message πŸ’•


A little bit of exercise and vitamin d here before rest time ✌


How are all your little ones sleeping in lockdown? I definitely find mine don't sleep as well with the lack of activity, either playing up at bedtime or waking earlier than usual in the morning.

A couple of tips to ensure your kiddos get the best lockdown sleep possible...

⭐ Try to still get some outside time and exercise into your day (this works for adults too!) Sunshine = serotonin which at night time and in the dark = melatonin, the sleep hormone

⭐ If they've been significantly less active than usual during the day, aim for a little later bedtime

⭐ Or if bubs is still napping and you'd rather keep their same early bedtime, try trimming the nap by a few mins if you're having a quiet indoorsy day

⭐ Make sure their room is dark, particularly in the morning, to ward off early rising as best you can

And just breathe, lockdown is nearly over - well done SA πŸ‘Œ


Good morning everyone! I'm on here this morning to apologise for the lack of activity on this has been busy πŸ₯΄

But I promise some sleep tips and even a free sleep advice post before the end of lockdown...stay tuned!


Well I dunno about you but the end of daylight savings sure has crept up on me this year! Usually I would've started preparing the kids for the shift in time a week or so ago but woopsies, I'll have to do it on the fly this year πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

So what does this mean for our kiddos' (and our own) sleep? Even just this 1 hour shift is enough to disrupt our body clocks so it's best to adjust to the change gradually by moving our bedtimes later by 10-15 minutes every day or 2. But if, like me, you're only thinking about it now, we just need to expect a few early nights and early wake ups as we adjust to the new time zone.

Happy Easter everyone, have fun and stay safe 🐰


Who's seen the Bluey Sleepytime episode?

This is my baby girl, 18 months old now (please excuse the grazed nose, she had a buster on the weekend).

The TV was on yesterday morning and Bluey was on- I wasn't paying much attention. Then I notice baby girl's lip drop and a tear rolling down her cheek 😒 She crawled over and sat on my lap as she continued to watch Bluey, her bottom lip still quivering. As I started to watch, I saw Bingo become separated from her bunny that she sleeps with- and my little girl has a comfort bunny that she sleeps with too.

I was amazed at her reaction. Our babe's are often so much more emotionally intelligent than we give them credit for ❀


Time for another Sleepy Sunday Q&A session!

Post your baby sleep questions below πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡and I'll answer throughout the day 😊


- 2 0 2 1 -

May your year be filled with love, happiness... and sleep ❀😊😴

Keep an eye out for my new year discount later today πŸ‘€


I boiled the kettle 3 times before I got this coffee, then only got this far through before it was cold πŸ˜…


Peek-a-boo! πŸ™ˆ

What might just seem like a fun game to play with your baby can actually be extremely beneficial to your baby's development.

The humble peek-a-boo helps develop object permanence, which is an understanding that things continue to exist, even when they cannot directly be seen, heard or touched. For example, that you are still around even when you leave the room. This is particularly important around 6-12 months when separation anxiety can become a worry for your little one.

So enjoy this beautiful little game with your baby knowing that it is having even more benefits than just giggles and bonding ❀


I've been a little quiet on here lately as I've been working on something brand new website 😊

Annnddd here it is...

Can't wait for you all to check it out ❀


- Sickness & Sleep -

This is my little guy a few days ago- fast asleep on the couch at 10am after a rough few days of gastro, a cough, cold and conjunctivitis πŸ˜”

Sickness can have a short term effect on sleep for many reasons- fever, vomiting, coughing fits, aches, pains and just generally feeling miserable makes for a horrible sleep for any of us, and we need to give our little ones all that extra love and care to get through it.

Unfortunately, sickness can also have a long term effect on sleep and this is something we obviously want to avoid. Once they are better, we need to back off that extra attention we were giving in the middle of the night so that we don't cause long term associations that will disrupt their sleep.

For example, now that my little guy is feeling much better, he has tried to lure me out of bed during the night for all sorts of reasons as he has become used to all that extra attention I gave him whilst sick- smart kid πŸ˜„

A few mornings ago, at 4:30am 😩, I heard him call out "read me a book mummy!" Over. And. Over. For almost an hour. Luckily for me, I know him well enough by now that I can tell the difference between a real cry and just a whinge (plus who needs to read a book at 4:30am?), so I felt confident and comfortable to ignore him. I also knew that what he really needed was some more sleep and going in to him at this time of morning would only wake him up more and not allow for the extra couple of hours of rest that he (and I) needed.

So whilst your baby is sick, obviously give them all the love and care they need ❀ But just keep in mind that, once they are on the mend, we need to back off on this attention to allow them to get the rest they need.


How did everyone sleep with the storm last night? That was some crazy thunder & lightning! β›ˆβ›ˆ


Who else had mad heartburn when pregnant? πŸ”₯
Thankfully neither of mine came out looking like Chewbacca


Sleep talk prep with my little mate πŸ‘Ά


Lucky Last, Sleep Tip #7 - Do what is right for your family ❀

There is no right or wrong when it comes to baby sleep- as long as your baby is sleeping safely and you are all getting enough rest to be happy and healthy, then you are doing the most amazing job!

What works for one family may not work for another, so try not to compare your family and your baby to others.

And if you or your little one does need a bit of guidance, I am here to help πŸ’•


Sleep Tip #6 - Get outside and be active!

Sunshine, fresh air and getting some exercise is amazing for us all. All pretty basic? Now I'm going to get a bit sciencey πŸ€“

Sunlight promotes the production of serotonin. It also makes us feel happy and awake 🌞 But when we're in the dark, serotonin converts to melatonin- the hormone we need to sleep.

So getting your baby or toddler outside for a bit of sunshine before nap time or in the late afternoon leading up to bedtime can be super beneficial for both their mood and sleep. And who doesn't want a happy, well rested kiddo ❀


Sleep Tip #5 - Have a bedtime routine

A bedtime routine is one of the best ways to help your child wind down and prepare for sleep. Children love to know what's going to happen next and a familiar bedtime routine can help them feel calm and secure. Something simple like a bath, into pyjamas, some milk, a lullaby or book, cuddles and then into bed is perfect πŸ‘Œ

And don't save your wind down routine just for night time- a condensed version of your bedtime routine (usually minus the bath) is great for before nap times as well.


Sleep Tip #4 - Keep an eye on awake times

One of the most helpful pieces of info I found with my first baby was a guide on baby awake times. I had no idea a baby could only be awake for such a short amount of time before becoming overtired, and an overtired baby is often then harder to settle to sleep, can have short naps and even wake frequently overnight.

Using these awake times as a guide will help you to have a more rested and happy bubba ❀


Sleep Tip #3 - Respect your child's need for sleep

This can be a tricky one, especially if you love to get out and about with your baby, but it is really important to respect your child's need for sleep. After all, sleep is a basic human necessity, just like food and water.

Try to be home in time for bedtime as much as you can and work around your child's naps where possible- naps at home in bed are far more restorative than motion naps. Even if you can just work around the midday nap as often as you can, as this one is the most important.


Sleep Tip #2 - ensure your child has a sleep-friendly environment 😴

Just like us, babies and toddlers need a calm, dark and comfortable place to sleep. Not too hot and not too cold (18-20 degrees is ideal). Don't have anything too bright or distracting around, no toys or mobiles above the cot. I also highly recommend white noise- it can also be useful for us adults πŸ˜„


7 days of baby & toddler sleep tips (and some really cute baby pics πŸ™Š)

Tip #1 - teach your baby to love their bed πŸ›

Whether you have a newborn in a bassinet, a baby in a cot or a toddler in a big bed- it is important for your child to feel safe, happy & comfortable in their sleep space.

Encourage them to love their bed by making it as comfy and inviting as possible. For a newborn, this might mean using a sheet that smells like mum. For a toddler it may be letting them choose a quilt cover that they love and are excited to sleep with. If your baby is happy when they wake, don't rush to get them up- let them have a chat and hang out in their cot for a while. You'll absolutely reap the rewards of teaching your child to love their bed when you get a few extra minutes in the morning to lay in bed or perhaps get ready for work πŸ‘Œ


😴 Free Baby & Toddler Sleep Advice Time! 😴

Post your questions below and I'll answer them throughout the day.


This is my little guy when he was only a few weeks old. What an angel ❀

Soon after this, my beautiful little man started waking hourly overnight and barely napping- I needed help ASAP!

There was so much to learn about baby sleep and, in my sleep deprived haze, it was tough. I learnt the hard way that babies don't always "sleep when they need to sleep" and that most babies need a little guidance to get into healthy sleep habits.

So now that I have done all the hard work for you, please get in touch! I am privileged to be able to support families in creating healthy sleep habits for their children and to get some more rest.

Photo by Talia Scriven πŸ’•


Happy Saturday everyone! How are you all going getting those kiddos to bed tonight?


How much is sleep worth to you?

I remember asking myself this question not so long ago and the answer was - priceless!

Whilst Infant & Child Sleep Consultancy has been around for a while, for many Australians it is a relatively new concept. The idea of paying someone to help with your child's sleep can be quite confronting - being sleep deprived is just something we as parents need to put up with in the early years, right? Whilst I won't deny that being a parent is super tiring (it absolutely is the hardest thing I've ever done), I am here to tell you that you do not need to endure regular sleepless nights due to your little one.

If you feel that you and your child could use a little more sleep, I would love to have a chat with you about how we can make that happen ❀️


⏰ Tick Tock ⏰

How much impact can 1 hour have? Quite a lot apparently with statistics showing an increase in things like heart attack, depression & anxiety, workplace accidents & car accidents in the days following Daylight Savings 😳

When it comes to children, you might think "awesome, I'll get a sleep in!" But come that night, you will likely find yourself up late with a kid who just won't go to sleep. Here are some tips to help your little one (and even yourself) adjust:

Make the Room Dark
The extra hour of daylight is kind of a pest when you've got kids that go to bed around 7pm, so you'll need to make the bedroom as dark as possible. Blackout blinds, window film, a rolled up towel across the top of your curtains to stop light coming in- whatever you can do to get that room dark.

Be Proactive
Every 1-2 days next week, shift everything 15 minutes earlier - bedtime, meal times, nap times and morning wake up time. The aim is, by Saturday, to be doing everything 1 hour earlier (yes that means waking them up an hour earlier Saturday morning which goes against everything we want as parents πŸ˜…). But then come Sunday morning when the clocks go forward, this will mean your child wakes at their usual time and will go to bed at their usual time Sunday night.

OR Be Reactive
Basically the same concept as above but do it the week after, starting by pulling wake up time back to 7:45am and bedtime 7:45pm - ending back at 7am-7pm after about a week.

Good news for early risers- you don't need to do much! Enjoy a "sleep in" πŸ˜„ (even though it likely won't last long if you don't make some other adjustments to specifically tackle their early rising). Aim for the same bedtime that night, but be prepared they may take a bit longer to go to sleep.

Personally, I have one early riser so I'm probably going to be more reactive and adjust the following week. Both my kids still nap so I also plan to trim their arvo naps a bit for the next week to make sure they are tired enough to still go to sleep at a reasonable hour after the clocks go forward on Sunday.

Good luck!
