Bjorn Paech - Naturopath

Bjorn Paech - Naturopath

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Naturopathic consultations offering strategies to optimise your health through Herbal and Nutritional supplements, Homoeopathic remedies as well as dietary and lifestyle advice.


What is a Stroke?

With this week being National Stroke Week, it presents an opportune time to discuss what exactly a Stroke is, its prevalence in society, potential risk factors and any precautions you can take to help lower your chances of having a Stroke.

So what is a Stroke?

In order to function, our brain requires blood to provide oxygen and nutrients via arteries. When the supply of blood is prevented due to a blocked or burst artery it is referred to as a Stroke. This lack of oxygen and nutrients results in the death of brain cells.

There are two types of Strokes;

Ischaemic Stroke: An artery in the brain gets blocked by a clot.

Haemorrhagic Stroke: A blood vessel in the brain breaks and begins to bleed.

National statistics from The Stroke Foundation (2024) paints a bleak picture on the rate of Stroke in Australia.

• Stroke is one of Australias’ biggest killers, killing more women than breast cancer and more men than prostate cancer.
• More than 445,000 Australians are living with the effects of Stroke.
• 27,428 Australians experienced a first Stroke event in 2020, that’s 1 Stroke every 19 minutes!
• Of those, 6,535 (24%) were aged 54 or under!
• People in regional Australia are 17% more likely to suffer Stroke than those in metro areas.
• Strokes attack up to 1.9 million brain cells per minute.
• More than 80% of Strokes are preventable.

These stats are quite alarming, stay tuned for advice on precautionary measures you can take to help avoid adding to these statistics.

Stroke Foundation. (2024). Top 10 facts about stroke. Retrieved from


National Stroke Week (August 5th – 11th)

Every August, The Stroke Foundation runs National Stroke Week in order to raise awareness of the seriousness of Stroke in Australia and help educate the community on how to identify and respond to someone experiencing a Stroke.

The Stroke Foundation encourages people to become familiar with the F.A.S.T. test in order to remember the most common signs of Stroke. This involves asking the following questions;

• Face – Check their face. Has their mouth drooped?
• Arms – Can they lift both arms?
• Speech – Is their speech slurred? Do they understand you?
• Time – Time is critical. If you see any of these signs call 000 straight away!

A Stroke is a serious medical emergency and knowing these signs could help save someones’ life!


Identify and Treat the Cause (Tolle Causam)

In Naturopathic Practice, when a patient presents with disease, be it acute or chronic, significant emphasis is placed on identifying the root cause responsible for their condition. This can range from such things as deficiencies, diet, medication or lifestyle. Once the root cause has been identified and addressed, the healing process can begin. If this approach is not taken, then you are merely suppressing the patients’ symptoms and wellness will not be achieved.

Naturopathic Practitioners believe in a patient-centred approach, understanding that each individual is unique. Therefore in clinic, we are guided by the patient in front of us in order to identify the specific factors that have contributed to their current condition. Treatment is then tailored specifically to them.


The Healing Power of Nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae)

Naturopathic Medicine recognises the inherent self-healing ability in everyone. A key fundamental principle of Naturopathy is to facilitate this. To create an atmosphere in which the body can heal, obstacles preventing the self-healing process must first be identified and removed so that healing can begin.

Naturopathic Practitioners believe in a patient-centred approach, understanding that each individual is unique. Therefore in clinic, we are guided by the patient in front of us in order to identify the specific factors that have contributed to their current condition. Treatment is then tailored specifically to them.


Strategies for Managing Pain

Naturopathic Practitioners have an array of many well researched and clinically proven Natural Medicines at our disposal that are very effective at reducing pain. You will find many natural products available over the counter at your local pharmacy. However the problem with this is, you cannot be sure of the quality of the ingredients, it’s efficacy in the pain you experience or even if you are receiving an effective dosage. This is why it is important to seek assistance from a qualified Naturopath to help put together an effective treatment plan, tailored to you, if you are looking for a natural pain relief alternative.

Here are some at home strategies you may like to consider trying for yourself.

Practices to Assist Relieve Pain
• Cold and heat application
• Mindfulness meditation
• Deep breathing exercises
• Physical therapy
• Massage
• Approved physical activity
• Quality sleep
• Listening to music

Lifestyle Habits to Assist Pain Management
• Consume a healthy, balanced diet
• Approved regular exercise
• Improve sleep quality
• Avoid alcohol
• Quit smoking
• Get plenty of rest
• Work with a Healthcare Practitioner to devise a pain management strategy

If you’re suffering with pain, developing a greater understanding of it as well as your treatment options, can greatly assist you in making informed choices when it comes to managing your pain. If you would like to take a more natural approach to pain management, phone or message me on 0418623320 or direct message through Facebook or Instagram to make an appointment. We can discuss options to help reduce your pain and improve your quality of life.


Effects of Chronic Pain

Living with Chronic Pain can negatively impact your quality of life in many ways. Apart from living in constant pain, it is often accompanied by;

Insomnia and Fatigue
Sleep is a direct factor affecting pain. Not getting enough quality sleep can increase your sensitivity to pain. For those living with Chronic Pain, finding a good nights’ sleep can be made even more difficult, feeding into a cycle causing sleep deprivation, which can then lead to fatigue. Once fatigue sets in your everyday tasks become even more difficult.

Depression and Anxiety
Living with Chronic Pain can have a destructive influence on your mental health as it adds unrequired burden to your day to day life, potentially affecting your ability to work, finances and causing strain on personal relationships.

Substance Misuse
Sadly it is often reported that the overuse and misuse of substances such as alcohol and prescription medications is common in those with Chronic Pain.

These conditions create a vicious cycle which can be difficult to break without the correct treatment and support.

Did you know there are many natural options that have been shown to significantly reduce pain?

If you’re suffering with pain, developing a greater understanding of it as well as your treatment options, can greatly assist you in making informed choices when it comes to managing your pain. If you would like to take a more natural approach to pain management, phone or message me on 0418623320 or direct message through Facebook or Instagram to make an appointment. We can discuss options to help reduce your pain and improve your quality of life.


What is Chronic Pain?

With this week being National Pain Week, it’s as good a time to discuss Chronic Pain.
Statistics show there are currently 3.6 million Australians living with Chronic Pain (Chronic Pain Australia, 2024).

So what exactly defines chronic pain?

• Pain that usually lasts longer than 12 weeks
• Pain persisting beyond the expected healing time of an injury, trauma, surgery or symptom of illness
• Can often be an stand-alone condition, existing without a clear, identifiable cause
• Characterised by changes to the Central Nervous System

Examples of common conditions associated with Chronic Pain include;

• Arthritis and joint pain
• Lower back pain
• Sciatica
• Migraines and headaches
• Musculoskeletal aches and pains
• Muscular spasms
• Neuralgia and nerve pain
• Fibromyalgia
• Pelvic pain
• Persistent post-injury pain
• Persistent post-surgical pain
• Post-trauma pain

Did you know there are many natural options that have been shown to significantly reduce pain?
If you’re suffering with pain, developing a greater understanding of it as well as your treatment options, can greatly assist you in making informed choices when it comes to managing your pain. If you would like to take a more natural approach to pain management, phone or message me on 0418623320 or direct message through Facebook or Instagram to make an appointment. We can discuss options to help reduce your pain and improve your quality of life.

Chronic Pain Australia. (2024). About Chronic Pain. Retrieved from


National Pain Week 2024

This week (July 22-28) is National Pain Week. This annual health event is coordinated by Chronic Pain Australia and aims to raise awareness of the severity of chronic pain in Australia. According to Chronic Pain Australia (2024), there are an estimated 3.6 million Australians currently living with chronic pain. That’s a concerning number of people living with a condition that in many cases can be quite debilitating! During the course of the week, we’ll take a little dive into the all too familiar topic of PAIN!

Did you know there are many natural options that have been shown to significantly reduce pain?

If you’re suffering with pain, developing a greater understanding of it as well as your treatment options, can greatly assist you in making informed choices when it comes to managing your pain. If you would like to take a more natural approach to pain management, phone or message me on 0418623320 or direct message through Facebook or Instagram to make an appointment. We can discuss options to help reduce your pain and improve your quality of life.

Chronic Pain Australia. (2024). About Chronic Pain. Retrieved from


Conditions a Naturopath can assist with.

Naturopaths have fundamentally opposing views on how to treat acute and chronic health conditions, compared to what you might be familiar with after years of conventional treatment from your doctor. Generally, modern medical practice focusses purely on the condition or disease, often simply attempting to suppress the symptoms a patient presents with.

Naturopathic principles encourage a more holistic view of the individual, understanding that a condition affecting a certain body system, may be a result of imbalances elsewhere in the body. Health and wellness will not be achieved until these imbalances are corrected. Therefore it is imperative that the root cause of the condition is identified.

It is this system that allows Naturopaths to have great success in treating a myriad of acute and chronic health conditions. Some common areas a Naturopath can help with include;

• Digestive conditions
• Food intolerances and allergies
• Stress and fatigue
• Anxiety and depression
• Hormonal imbalances
• Fertility issues
• Skin conditions
• Weight management
• Pain management
• Sleep disorders
• Musculoskeletal disorders
• Neurological disorders
• Autoimmune disorders
• Respiratory issues
• Migraines
• Disease prevention

Once the root cause driving these conditions is identified and correctly treated, the body can begin to heal and health can be restored.


Principles of Naturopathic Medicine.

Naturopathic Practitioners believe in a patient-centred approach, understanding that each individual is unique. Therefore in clinic, we are guided by the patient in front of us in order to identify the specific factors that have contributed to their current condition. Treatment is then tailored specifically to them.

The following principles are the foundations of Naturopathic practice;

1) The Healing Power of Nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae)
2) Identify and Treat the Cause (Tolle Causam)
3) First Do No Harm (Primum Non Nocere)
4) Treat the Whole Person
5) Doctor as Teacher (Docere)
6) Prevention

These foundational principles form the process of Naturopathic assessment and treatment, with the intention of encouraging our innate ability to heal in order to restore health, as opposed to treating the disease or simply supressing presenting symptoms. Once health is restored and the body is returned to homeostasis, the focus is then to encourage prevention and maintain wellness.


What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a holistic system of healing that utilises a range of natural therapies and treatments, with the underlying belief that given the right support and creating the right conditions, your body has the ability to heal itself. Once balance is restored and maintained, our immune system is better placed to defend us against infection and disease.

A Naturopathic Practitioner takes a holistic approach, viewing the “whole person” when treating health conditions. A variety of assessment techniques are employed in order to discover causative factors responsible for their patients’ health condition.

Natural treatments and therapies a Naturopath may use include herbal medicine, nutritional supplements, homoeopathy, flower essences, mineral therapy as well as dietary changes and nutritional advice. An in depth knowledge of these therapies and treatments allow Naturopaths to treat a broad spectrum of both acute and chronic health conditions.


The Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen

With the cost of living hitting hard, many people are feeling the need to cut back. Navigating the grocery store for healthy options is a difficult task at the best of times, even without the skyrocketing prices. So I’m here to help!!

Are you familiar with the terms “The Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen”? The Dirty Dozen is an annual list created by the Environmental Working Group (USA), listing the fruits and vegetables containing the highest amounts of residual pesticide and herbicide contamination, after testing. It is highly recommended to buy these fruits and vegetables organic!

The Dirty Dozen 2024
1) Strawberries
2) Spinach
3) Kale, collard & mustard green
4) Grapes
5) Peaches
6) Pears
7) Nectarines
8) Apples
9) Capsicum and Chilli peppers
10) Cherries
11) Blueberries
12) Green beans

Alternatively The Clean Fifteen is a list of foods and vegetables showing the least amount of residual pesticide and herbicide contamination, after testing. You can purchase non-organic options of these and still confidently enjoy them.

The Clean Fifteen 2024
1) Sweet corn
2) Avocados
3) Pineapple
4) Onions
5) Papaya
6) Sweet peas
7) Asparagus
8) Honeydew melon
9) Kiwi fruit
10) Cabbage
11) Watermelon
12) Mushrooms
13) Mango
14) Sweet potato
15) Carrots


Immune Stimulating Foods

Our diet is critical in the functioning of our Immune System. A variety of healthy foods will help create harmony in our gut and provide the nutrients necessary for optimal Immune Function. A poor diet will make us far more susceptible to any illness currently doing the rounds.

Foods you should definitely consider adding to your diet this Winter include;
• Raw honey
• Onions, garlic, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon and black pepper
• Green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach
• Fermented foods like yoghurt, miso and kimchi
• Vitamin C rich foods e.g. citrus fruits and kiwi fruit
• Foods rich in zinc – meat, shellfish, nuts and seeds
• Healthy fats from avocados, olive oil and grass fed butter
• Berries

Consuming the right type of healthy foods can assist in keeping your Immune System strong, ready to fight off any potential nasties that you might be exposed to.

A well-functioning immune system is crucial for overall health and well-being. If you find you’re susceptible to colds and the flu this time of year, then feel free to contact me for an appointment and we can discuss personalised, preventative, Naturopathic strategies to help you get through winter unscathed.


Seasonal Eating - Winter

Have you ever considered altering your diet to suit the current season or perhaps you crave certain foods depending on the weather? Regardless of what Woolworths and Coles would have you believe, not all fruits and vegetables can continually grow all year round. Therefore, what you’re seeing at the supermarket may not be all that fresh!

Seasonal Eating refers to the simple practice of prioritising your fresh fruit and vegetable consumption on what is currently in season. This simple dietary strategy can be quiet beneficial to your Gut Health by providing greater diversity in your intestinal flora (increasing your ratio of healthy bugs!!). Constantly eating the same foods year round can potentially have a negative impact on your Gut, so it’s important to mix it up!

Another beneficial aspect of Seasonal Eating is you have a better chance of consuming foods that are full of the nutrients they are intended to have. To improve your chances of this, head down to your local Farmers’ Markets and buy up on in season fruits and vegetables, remembering to buy organic where possible. Not only will your health benefit, but you’ll be supporting local business as well!!

In Season Fruits and Vegetables for Winter include;

• Apples
• Blood Oranges
• Brussel Sprouts
• Cabbage
• Carrots
• Celery
• Collards
• Cumquats
• Fennel
• Guava
• Kale
• Mandarins
• Olives
• Parsnips
• Persimmon
• Potatoes
• Pumpkins
• Oranges
• Radish
• Rocket
• Sage
• Silverbeet
• Tangerines
• Turnips

A well-functioning immune system is crucial for overall health and well-being. If you find you’re susceptible to colds and the flu this time of year, then feel free to contact me for an appointment and we can discuss personalised, preventative, Naturopathic strategies to help you get through winter unscathed.


Eating to Support Your Immune System – Zinc

An important mineral required for immune function is zinc. Like vitamin C, zinc influences both innate and acquired immunity as well as reinforcing the strength of our defensive barrier systems.

Role of zinc in immune function;

• Necessary in immune cell maintenance and development of both the innate and adaptive immune systems
• Required for production of healthy lymphocytes - white blood cells that produce antibodies that defend against invading pathogens
• Required by monocytes, polymorphonuclear cells, natural killer cells, T cells and B cells
• As an antioxidant zinc protects cells from potential damage that may be caused by macrophages that have been activated by via an immune response

Excellent sources of foods rich in zinc include;

• Asparagus
• Beef
• Capsicum
• Egg yolks
• Fish
• Ginger
• Kale
• Lamb
• Legumes
• Liver
• Mushrooms
• Nuts
• Oysters
• Peas
• Poultry
• Pumpkin seeds
• Sunflower seeds

A well-functioning immune system is crucial for overall health and well-being. If you find you’re susceptible to colds and the flu this time of year, then feel free to contact me for an appointment and we can discuss personalised, preventative, Naturopathic strategies to help you get through winter unscathed.


Eating to Support Your Immune System – Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays a multitude of important roles in the body. It is particularly vital to our immune defence as it supports various functions of both our innate and adaptive immune responses as well as our defensive barrier systems.

Role of vitamin C in immune function;

• As an antioxidant, it repairs oxidative stress, which can impair immune function
• Stimulates production of interferon - antimicrobial proteins that interfere with virus replication
• Stimulates movement of monocytes - white blood cells that destroy invading pathogens
• Assists in proliferation of lymphocytes - white blood cells that produce antibodies that defend against invading pathogens
• Assists activities of Natural killer cells - kill off infectious pathogens
• Enhances functions of Neutrophils - white blood cells that destroy bacteria and fungi
• Assists in the regeneration of vitamin E which is also essential to healthy immune function

We are unable to produce or store vitamin C in our body therefore it is essential we consume adequate amounts from our diet. Excellent sources of vitamin C rich foods include;

• Blackcurrants
• Broccoli
• Brussels sprouts
• Capsicum
• Citrus fruits
• Guava
• Kale
• Kiwi fruit
• Papaya/pawpaw
• Parsley
• Pineapple
• Potatoes
• Raw cabbage
• Strawberries
• Sweet potatoes
• Tomatoes

A well-functioning immune system is crucial for overall health and well-being. If you find you’re susceptible to colds and the flu this time of year, then feel free to contact me for an appointment and we can discuss personalised, preventative, Naturopathic strategies to help you get through winter unscathed.


The Immune System

Our Immune System is a busy defensive network designed to identify invading pathogens (e.g. viruses or bacteria), then attack and destroy them before they cause illness or disease. Once triggered, this coordinated response can be divided into two categories;

1) Innate or non-specific immunity: Our primary defence system
Functions immediately once an invading pathogen is identified;

First Line Defenders
• Skin and mucus membranes - our main barrier of defence
• Defensive mechanisms including mucus production (the stickiness traps invaders), urine (flushes toxins) and vomiting (expels microbes)

Second Line Defenders
• Antimicrobial proteins (interferons, complement and transferrin) - impair microbial growth and replication as well as enhance immune, allergic and inflammatory reactions
• Natural killer cells and phagocytes - kill or ingest infectious pathogens
• Inflammatory response (redness, pain, swelling and heat) - a reaction to damaged cells promoting blood flow to the area to clear out toxic debris and begin the healing process

2) Adaptive or specific/acquired immunity: Our secondary defence system
A developed response to a previously invading pathogen via immunological memory, resulting in a more precise, vigorous and rapid response;

• Lymphocytes (T cells and B cells) recognise pathogens and destroy them
• T cells either rupture the pathogen or release substances to kill them
• B cells secrete antibodies that destroy foreign matter

When these two lines of defence are working sufficiently, they help keep us healthy and protected. However, if our immune function is compromised, we become vulnerable to pathogens, increasing our chances of catching a cold or the flu.

Factors that may impair immune function include;
• Poor gut health
• Low nutrient levels (poor diet)
• Poor sleep quality
• Chronic stress
• Lack of exercise

A well-functioning immune system is crucial for overall health and well-being. If you find you’re susceptible to colds and the flu this time of year, then feel free to contact me for an appointment and we can discuss personalised, preventative, Naturopathic strategies to help you get through winter unscathed.


Winter is here!!

With the seasonal change into the colder months comes the annual challenge of dodging unwanted illnesses such as Influenza, the Common Cold and now “the other one”. These can knock us about, leaving you feel under the weather anywhere from 24 hours to a few weeks. So it becomes important to take some preventative measures and pay a little attention to your health.

Showing some love to your Immune System by taking productive steps to help strengthen your natural defenses, could help you navigate your way through winter, assisting in a quick recovery or making it to the other side unscathed!

If you often find yourself succumbing to illness this time of year, then feel free to contact me for an appointment and we can discuss personalised, preventative, Naturopathic strategies to help you get through winter unscathed.


Contributing Factors in Thyroid Disorders

There are many factors that can contribute to Thyroid dysfunction including;
• Nutrient deficiencies
• Stress
• Toxins and chemicals (notably fluoride, mercury, lead, cadmium and pesticides)
• Infection
• Gluten
• Immune dysfunction

Thyroid conditions can be successfully treated and corrected with naturopathic intervention. The main advantage Naturopathic treatment has over common medical treatment is our focus on identifying and addressing the root cause. This must be at the core of any Thyroid treatment in order to achieve a successful outcome.

If you have a Thyroid condition and feel you’re not getting the desired outcome from your treatment, it might be time to consider assistance from a Naturopathic Practitioner. Feel free to contact me to discuss your options and we can begin improving the health and function of your Thyroid.


Thyroid Conditions

Thyroid conditions are rather common in Australia. In fact the most recent research suggests around 14% of adult Australians have some type of Thyroid disorder, with another 4% (that’s over 1 million) unknowingly living with a Thyroid condition. They are worrying statistics considering the crucial role our Thyroid plays. The two most common Thyroid conditions and their corresponding symptoms are;

Hypothyroidism (underactive)
This occurs when the Thyroid produces less of the hormones T4 and T3 than the body requires which leads to a slower metabolic rate. Common symptoms of Hypothyroidism include;
• Unintentional weight gain or difficulty losing weight
• Cold intolerance
• Forgetfulness
• Dry, flaky skin
• Hair loss/thinning
• Constipation
• Marked fatigue

Hyperthyroidism (overactive)
This occurs when the Thyroid produces too much T3 and T4, leading to overstimulation and increasing metabolic rate to unhealthy levels. Common symptoms of Hyperthyroidism include;
• Unintentional weight loss or difficulty gaining weight
• Palpitations
• Hyperactivity
• Insomnia
• Warm, moist and/or itchy skin
• Hair loss and thinning
• Diarrhoea
• Marked fatigue

Thyroid conditions can be successfully treated and corrected with naturopathic intervention. The main advantage Naturopathic treatment has over common medical treatment is our focus on identifying and addressing the root cause. This must be at the core of any Thyroid treatment in order to achieve a successful outcome.

If you have a Thyroid condition and feel you’re not getting the desired outcome from your treatment, it might be time to consider assistance from a Naturopathic Practitioner. Feel free to contact me to discuss your options and we can begin improving the health and function of your Thyroid.


World Thyroid Day

Today May 25th is World Thyroid Day. This annual awareness day is a shout out to the millions suffering with Thyroid Disorders, as well as those people committed to the advancement of our understanding of Thyroid Diseases and improving treatment options.


Thyroid Awareness Month

This May, The Australian Thyroid Foundation is once again running Thyroid Awareness Month.
The Thyroid gland is responsible for regulating most systems in our body, most notably body temperature, energy levels and metabolic functions. So when it’s not functioning adequately, our entire system can suffer.

The Australian Thyroid Foundation (2024) suggests over 1 million Australians are currently living with an undiagnosed Thyroid condition. This is quite alarming given the importance of healthy Thyroid function. This makes May as good a time as any to get your Thyroid health in order.

Thyroid conditions can be successfully treated and corrected with naturopathic intervention. The main advantage Naturopathic treatment has over common medical treatment is our focus on identifying and addressing the root cause. This must be at the core of any Thyroid treatment in order to achieve a successful outcome.

If you have a Thyroid condition and feel you’re not getting the desired outcome from your treatment, it might be time to consider assistance from a Naturopathic Practitioner. Feel free to contact me to discuss your options and we can begin improving the health and function of your Thyroid.



World Hypertension Day
Today is World Hypertension Day. This internationally recognised health day is intended to raise the awareness of Hypertension (High Blood Pressure). It is the most common condition managed by Australian GPs and is estimated to affect more than 1 billion people globally, highlighting the importance of monitoring your blood pressure.

Hypertension is characterised by a sustained rise in resting blood pressure and is considered the main risk factor in the development of cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease (e.g. stroke and brain aneurysm), renal complication and ultimately premature death. Hypertension generally doesn’t present with obvious signs or symptoms however, those with high blood pressure may experience;
• Dizziness
• Headaches
• Fainting
• Tinnitus

For those living with Hypertension, it can be managed and in usually reversed with correct treatment and appropriate lifestyle modifications aimed at addressing the root cause. There are many well researched, natural options in a Naturopaths’ toolkit shown to positively influence high blood pressure. If you have been diagnosed with Hypertension and would like to get it under control, feel free to contact me and make an appointment.


We Will Remember Them.


Happy Easter!!


Your Easter Survival Kit!

Easter is finally here…even though Woolworths and Coles have been baking Hot Cross Buns since Boxing Day!

So in order to assist in making sure the Easter Bunny doesn’t leave you with lingering post-Easter kilos, here are a few suggestions to keep your blood sugar levels balanced and stable, hopefully helping to limit the damage over the Easter long weekend;
• Consume plenty of protein and good fats: this will slow the entry of sugar entering the bloodstream as well as help keep you feeling full, limiting your desire for chocolate. Quality options include meats, seafood, nuts, seeds, eggs, legumes, coconut, avocado and olive oil.
• Add some cinnamon and cacao into your diet: these will help stabilise blood sugar levels by steadily moving sugar into your cells. Try adding some to porridge, smoothies or yoghurt.
• Try adding a little cardio to your long weekend, especially in the morning. It may just help shield you from dietary disaster during the day.
• Keep well hydrated: hunger pains can often be confused with the body begging for hydration. If you’re feeling hungry try having a glass of water as it may actually be what your body is craving. Plus we all tend to consume a little alcohol over a long weekend, so a little extra water won’t go astray.

There’s no point beating yourself up for indulging a little over Easter. You can still enjoy yourself without overdoing it.


Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 17:30
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:30
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:30
Thursday 08:30 - 17:30
Friday 08:30 - 17:30
Saturday 09:00 - 11:30