ADPT Physio

ADPT Physio

Online Physiotherapy and Coaching


Looking for a last minute gift for your parents?

(Or yourself)

The Retire Strong Project could be the answer.

I'm really proud of what I have put together with this and it would mean the world to me if you had a look and maybe even shared


I am excited to announce that the ADPT Physio Accountability Group is now live.

You don't need to be a patient with ADPT to be a part of the group.

What is it?

A free Facebook group that helps you do all the things you know you need to do to stay pain and injury free.

Win free treatments and discounts by doing your exercises!

Why did I make it?

I may be a physio now, but I have always been an athlete. Over the course of my life as an athlete I have had plenty of injuries.

When I would see a physio to get help, I would be given exercises to do on my own but, spoilers: I rarely did them.

I decided to follow my sporting interests and study exercise & sports science + a Doctor of Physiotherapy thinking that with all that knowledge, I would never have injury problems again.

Spoilers: I am still constantly working through injuries.

You can have all the knowledge in the world, but unless you take consistent action, it does not help.

You may be like me where you have plenty of motivation to do a hard workout, go for a long run or get through a tough competition in your given sport.

But, 1-10 minutes of daily rehab/prehab to get on top of injuries and to stop them coming back? Doesn't happen.

This group is a way of keeping yourself accountable to do what you need to do.

The way it works is each time you post your exercises (once per day) that counts as a raffle ticket for a raffle that gets drawn at the end of each week.

You also get discount rewards for maintaining streaks.

I will be there to help along the way to answer questions in a weekly Q&A and give tips after seeing what you post.

Link in the description


My favourite thing about going to work each day is the patients I get to spend my day helping.

I feel very luck to have a niche of exactly the type of people I love working with.

Instead of paying Google or Meta to grow to a random audience, I would rather reward the people I already work with and get more people like you!

To get $30 credit ($10 for your next 3 appointments) - let your friends, family, training buddies or colleagues know about ADPT Physio. They will get $10 off their first appointment.

When they say your name, $30 will be credited to your account.

To find out more, head to -

- Phil White


Since going back into the clinic 5 days a week, it has been great to be doing a few more remedial massages.

For those who don't know, I have been a qualified massage therapist since 2011 and worked in professional sports and in the clinic throughout my physiotherapy and sports science degrees.

While I don't have a massage therapist working in the clinic, I am charging massage prices instead of physio prices for a massage.

If you would like to book in, head to and choose "Massage by Phil White".

If you know anyone who could do with a massage, tag them in this post and you will both get 10% off your next session.



It has been a while.

If we haven't met. My name is Phil White and I am one of the co-founders of ADPT Physio.

There have been some big changes over the last few months.

The biggest is that my co-founder, Nalesh Murti () was picked up by the Newcastle Knights to take on a full-time senior physio role. It's a testament to what an impressive physiotherapist and great guy Nalesh is.

This means that Nalesh is now living full time in Newcastle and will no longer be with us.

I want to thank Nalesh for starting this journey with me and having such a positive impact on every patient he worked with

The other big change is that Unity Gym () has sold their physical location to put all of their focus into their online business.

I can't begin to thank the team from Unity enough for all the opportunities they gave me by helping me set up the clinic in their gym and to be a regular part of their podcast and online content.

I will continue working closely with them online and will be appearing on their podcasts throughout the year.

The clinic lives on now that Body By Brando () have moved into the North Sydney facility.

It has been fantastic getting to know the team here and I look forward to working closely with them into the future.

I will be updating soon with a new structure to services but until then you can book in online at for physiotherapy sessions with me or remedial massage with

Photos from ADPT Physio's post 24/08/2021

Range of motion is a variable and a load to respect.

Photos from ADPT Physio's post 10/08/2021


It's not just a COVID lockdown thing.

It's a great way to work with the health practitioner you want, from anywhere in the world.

Check out our website or click the link in bio for more information and to book in.


Photos from ADPT Physio's post 03/08/2021

Exercise has the best side effects of any treatment.

Photos from ADPT Physio's post 27/07/2021

What to expect with your initial booking.

Don't worry you won't be going down the rabbit hole of endless, directionless sessions.

Photos from ADPT Physio's post 20/07/2021

Should you get a scan before coming in for your first appointment?

Swipe to find out.


Reposted from our ADPT co-founder


Mixing it up during our resilience sessions. Hub life !!!

What are you doing to keep your athletes engaged?!


We believe that every initial consultation needs to start with your goals. Knowing what you want to get out of the session and what activities you'd like to get back to will guide use in the right direction from the start.

Some people will want the kitchen sink thrown at their injury, with no stone left unturned to get back to the sport or activity they love. Others may want to just know that they won't make their knee injury worse by taking their dog for a walk every morning.

Both of these scenarios are appropriate for a physio to manage. Unfortunately, so often, people who train and compete hard are under serviced because the physio has limited experience working with athletes. While the dog walker will be over serviced due to not having had a conversation about goals (or so the physio can meet KPIs).

Now don't get us wrong - If the dog walker would like the kitchen sink thrown at their knee or the athlete just wants to know their injury won't cause issues in the future - this is also completely appropriate, just so long as it is a informed choice made with the patient.


Have you stopped training since going into lockdown?

Here is a program designed for you by GWS Giants AFL physio - Nalesh Murti.

During lockdown, it is common for people to experience back pain due to reduced training and increased sitting.

So use this program and ensure you hit the ground running when you get out of lockdown.

Click the link for your FREE program


Don't make this mistake.

With COVID-19 rearing its ugly head here in NSW again, there is one injury prevention tip that is more relevant than ever.

Change your loading gradually.

Now that gyms have temporarily closed, and sports are on hold - routines are out the window.

This is such a classic time for people to develop injuries from drastically changing what they are doing.

People who are used to going to the gym five days are week will now go running 5 days a week.

Martial artists who would usually be training and sparring daily will try to fill the gap with 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups a day.

Surfers who are usually in the water three times a week are now in the water seven days a week. Some days probably twice..

While the intention is definitely in the right place, there are going to be plenty of injuries that will result from this drastic shift of activities.

Your body adapts to what you spend your time doing.

Muscle fiber types, tendon strength, bone mineral density, ligament thickness, cartilage compliance and energy systems will all have gradually shifted to be optimised for you regular activities - assuming your training and recovery is solid.

The adaptations of the body happen gradually so if you suddenly change activities and do the new activity at a high intensity, you may run into some problems.

The one thing that is worse than increasing new activities too fast is to do nothing at all.

Your body quickly adapts to unloading.

The most common reason people develop tendinopathy is taking time off regular training then trying to pick up where they left off.

So keep this in mind as you plan your exercise for the next few weeks.

If you are looking for some ideas, our friends are running live, follow along workouts on their Youtube channel -

But remember, if you are new to this type of training - take it slow and gradually build up over weeks.

If you are looking to get on top of an injury or get into a gym to optimise your technique - we are open for in-person and online consultations. for bookings.


Physio is an essential service.

The gym may be closed, but the physio gym is still open.

If you are have an injury or have been putting of dealing with an injury, now is the time to get some guidance and focus on your recovery.

Nalesh is available for in-person and online consulations.

Phil is down the south coast so is only available for online consulation.

For appoinments in the gym with Nalesh, call us on (02) 8310 8347 or email us at [email protected].

For online consulations with Phil or Nalesh, you can book online as usual at

We will be following our COVID safety plan to help keep us all safe.


Client Spotlight #2

started our on online rehab program for his recent knee injury.

Our online rehab programs are individualised to our patients needs. Detailed from their sporting demands or regular activities.

With unlimited messaging via the exercise prescription app, video analysis and catch up calls we are there for you every step of the way.

Video 1 - Landing mechanics and Strength foundations
Video 2 - Deceleration drill

Come see us at our clinic within Unity Gym or work with us via online consultation. or follow link in bio.


What’s the best exercise to fix golfers or tennis elbow?

Golfers & tennis elbow are sometiems called tendinitis or tendinosis

But we are going to go with forearm tendinopathy.

The reason to be specific about what we call it is it impacts how people perceive the injury.

When you see “itis” on the end of a word, it means that it is an inflammatory condition. This usually would suggest resting, icing & avoiding aggravating activities.

When you see “osis” it suggests it is a purely degenerative condition. This could suggest avoiding the aggravating loads, de-loading with a brace or maybe even surgical repair.

But neither of these approaches are optimal for a tendinopathy.

Tendinopathies as a topic of research is still in its infancy, there is a lot still to learn. But we do know that a tendinopathy occurs due to an abusive load on the tendon.

An abusive load is when you load in a way you are not conditioned for.

The somewhat counter-intuitive thing with a tendinopathy is that, unlike an acute muscle or joint injury, resting rarely helps. It often makes it worse.

With a tendinopathy, you often have to work the specific muscle (& therefore, also the tendon) to a level when you are causing some level of pain to elicit a remodelling response.

There is a buffer of loading we need to work within to keep it in the sweet spot without causing another abusive load - sending you backwards.

The feedback you look for is the pain the next morning (when tendinopathies typically feel their worst).

If your baseline pain (what you usually wake up with) has significantly increased, you have probably gone too hard the day before.

If it has stayed the same or decreased, you are probably in the sweet spot. As long as you worked to a challenging level the day before.

This won’t always go smoothly, you’ll have good & bad days.

So what does this mean for the best exercise for golfer's & tennis elbow?

Hopefully, you can see it won’t be a magic bullet exercise. It’s all about load.

The same exercises that will rehab your injury at optimal loads are the same exercises that will injure you at abusive loads.

I’ll expand on that & give you some exercise ideas in ano


Postural assessments for marketing?

Nah. That’s not what we are about.

We are working hard in our new clinic to spread the word and get patients through the door.

However, it won’t be via postural assessments.

Postural assessments are a common marketing tool as you can convince someone that they have something wrong with them and the only way out of it is via treatment.

We have gone the other direction by trying to provide value and information that will help our community avoid pain and injury.

This video is an example of a warmup video we put together for our friends over at . We had started to see a few wrist and shoulder injuries come through our door and decided to work together to develop a warm up routine that will hopefully reduce the occurrence.

This collaborative approach to healthcare - where patients are empowered and educated, not manipulated - is the future.

Does your gym or sports team need some help with warm ups, technique or programming? Let us know, we are always happy to help.

If you want a personalised warm up routine, rehab or performance program;
Come see us at our clinic within Unity Gym or work with us via online consultation. or follow link in bio.


***Client Spotlight***

Here is crushing a new Deadlift PB - 170kg - 2.2 X BW. Well on his way to his goal of 2.5 X.

came to to not only be pain free but to take his training to the next level.

So often people associate seeing a physio as something you do when you are so injured you can no longer train or perform.

However, as is seen in professional sport, there is a huge role to play for physios in injury prevention and performance.

Prevention is better than cure, and when it comes to training, consistency is key to success.

That’s why Stav has has been part of the injury prevention + performance program. This is where we work with him to identify his performance goals and put together a program that can get him there efficiently and safely.

So treat yourself like an athlete and achieve your goals without hurting yourself.

Come and see us in our clinic within Unity Gym, North Sydney.


***Client Spotlight***

Here is crushing a new Deadlift PB - 170kg - 2.2 X BW. Well on his way to his goal of 2.5 X.

came to to not only be pain free but to take his training to the next level. So often people associate seeing a physio as something you do when you are so injured you can no longer train or perform. However, as is seen in professional sport, there is a huge role to play for physios in injury prevention and performance.Prevention is better than cure, and when it comes to training, consistency is key to success.That’s why Stav has has been part of the injury prevention + performance program. This is where we work with him to identify his performance goals and put together a program that can get him there efficiently and safely.

So treat yourself like an athlete and achieve your goals without hurting yourself.
Come and see us in our clinic within Unity Gym, North Sydney.


What are you doing for your knee injury ?

Early loading of your knee injury is key.

In these videos, is taking his athlete through an early loading progression.

Exposure to impact, deceleration load and drilling landing mechanics will build up the capacity and confidence they need to return to sport.

Too often physios just focus on strength or range and miss all the specific competencies people need to return to the activities they love.

Knowing the right level to load after your injury is important so come see us at our clinic within Unity Gym or work with us via online consultation.

Photos from ADPT Physio's post 04/05/2021

Content incoming!

We aim to bring you a physiotherapy service that goes above and beyond what you have experienced before.

Now you don’t have to be an athlete or visit a professional sporting club to get the elite service they receive.

Instead of quickly drawing a few exercises on a piece of paper that you will probably lose, we provide you with a personalised rehab & performance program via an easy-to-use app.

This app will have all of our exercises filmed and cued so you can feel confident you are doing your program correctly and your path to being pain free will be easier than ever before.

We’ll also be sharing plenty of educational content and exercises progressions here, so watch this space!

Come and see us in our clinic within Unity Gym, North Sydney.

Videos (show all)

ADPT Client Spotlight - Stav Deadlift
Knee Rehab -Early Loading
Introducing our senior physio Nalesh Murti @theathete_physio He brings his experience from working with the best of the ...
We are ADPT.Athletic Development Physical Therapy.  Bringing you the athlete experience.When an athlete gets injured, th...
