Trooper Cody's Light Horse History

Trooper Cody's Light Horse History

Australian Light Horse living history. How they did things. What they did. It is all here. (Or will be soon).

Covering all aspects of the Australian Light Horse (Mounted Infantry) primarily 1914-1918 but also covering pre 1900 Boer War through to WWII.

Photos from Trooper Cody's Light Horse History's post 06/01/2024

It was 34C here today so I thought I'd post a couple of 1940 Finnish photos.
Even in the heart of an Aussie winter Cody don't get this woolly.


Cody "I thought you said we were going to move the sheep?"
Me "Yes mate, correct. Er, I know it's bloody hot but what the heck do you think we are doing right now?"
Cody "No, no, no, the sheep is this great big blanket thing, it's huge, I have to gallop from one side of it, across to the other side, sometimes go wide right around it to get to the gate before it gets there, the sheep, you know, that massive white moving mass."
Me "What? Mate, that's a FLOCK of sheep. A FLOCK, not a sheep. A flock is made up of hundreds of sheep and yes, usually we move three or four hundred, but they are all girls, ewes, well, ewes and their baby lambs, these we're moving here mate are just the rams."
Cody, "So there's sheep and flocks and girls and ewes and lambs and rams. Come on, is it any wonder I'm confused. So, what's a ram anyway?"
Me "Well mate, a ram is a male sheep and you can pick them because they are for breeding and so they have a pair of enormous testicles."
Cody "What are testicles?"
Me "Oh come on, please, testicles are ......... (and then the penny dropped - oh dear) .... er, oh, hang on, it's time to take some photos mate .... give me a mo."
And then, thank goodness, by the time I'd grabbed some Kodak moments he'd forgotten about the testicle conversation.
Never, ever mention testicles to a gelding.
Photo. Moving the rams today. 34C Bloody hot. And windy. And very very sweaty.
And yes, there is actually 20 of them. So, that's 10 rams :)


Just another day at Running Grass.
Me "Hold on mate, I wanna take a photo of our last ride..... "
Cody (Interrupting) "Hang on, hang on, I seem to remember an alleged last ride a little while back, yer getting even more senile you old koot."
Me "Maate, if you let me finish a bloody sentence I was going to say the last ride ... for 2023. The alleged last ride you're talking about was back in early June and it was the last ride of my Sixties before I slipped begrudgingly into my Seventies."
Cody "And who is June?"
Me (sighing) "Smart as you are old mate the concept of time isn't a thing yer big on is it?"
Cody "I know lunch time and tea time."
Bloody horse; is it any wonder my expression is that of riding Curio while suffering from piles.
Perfect Goldilocks weather today, not too hot, not too cold, not too windy, not too sunny - Let's Ride!
Still two days until 2024 but if I do ride again I won't take another photo, I couldn't cope with the bloody horse's banter.


I recently made a YouTube video (it was a subscriber request) about Australia's Deadliest Plants.
I totally forgot to include in it the notorious Widow Maker. Yes, the deadly killer Australian Red Gum!
So, I haven't been on social media for a few days. Relaxing, enjoying Chrismas. But today I thought I'd head into town to stock up on supplies. This is what greeted me at the front gate.
(I'm deaf, I'd heard nothing. The horses knew but were keeping schtum, the bar-stewards.)
Apparently the tree was miffed she'd been left out of my video and wanted to make a point.
Fortunately she chose to do it at a time no one was driving or parked below.
So I'll break my FaceBook festive season break by posting her picture. She's a Big Girl!
(Huge thanks to the Gaden father/son team and Shayne's 'Smooth Excavator' for clearing us a path to freedom!)


Cody "I know you're getting old and you like to try to relive your youth, and I know when you were a kid you loved riding those supermarket coin operated horses, but it just worries me a little where yer gonna insert them coins!"

Fair dinkum, can't take him anywhere.
Been a while with no hoss pics and too many car pics - he made me do it.

Cowboy! @CodyandSteveDownUnder #cowboys #horseshorts #westerns 30/11/2023

See if this works - it's only 15 seconds.

Cowboy! @CodyandSteveDownUnder #cowboys #horseshorts #westerns Hang on!

TRAVELLER and Confederacy Outrage! 14/10/2023

I got a strike against me for this YouTube video. Allegedly racist and politically incorrect. Yet it is a vodeo about a horse. Go figure. Might get banned here too. Sad times when reporting on horse vandalism is not allowed.

TRAVELLER and Confederacy Outrage! I've been intending to make a video about Robert E Lee's Civil War horse Traveller for some time. Then the events of June/July/August 2023 caused the making ...

Photos from Trooper Cody's Light Horse History's post 26/09/2023

Recent photos with police cars. As one does.


Just a quick g'day to everyone, we don't post here much these days so we're just saying 'hi' - we hit the trail most days, mucked around with some kissie-kissie at the end of the today's ride. Yeah, hardly good military discipline ...... cheers all

She called him boring. Subscribe @HistoryHorsesCowboysAndMadness 30/08/2023

The lad in action ...

She called him boring. Subscribe @HistoryHorsesCowboysAndMadness subscribe ...

WARNING: Do not use 100 year old gear at official ceremonies! 1800s handcuffs and baton. 29/08/2023

We don't post here much any more. Sorry about that. When I think of it I'll drop a post.
Here's one for now - cheers

WARNING: Do not use 100 year old gear at official ceremonies! 1800s handcuffs and baton. A few times a year we undertake 1800s Mounted Police public re-enactments. This video is about a bit of a 'hiccup' we had at a very public event using genuin...


1880s South Australia Mounted Constable (afoot) with a pair of 2023 Mounted Constables. Taken 28th May 2023 at the last public open day for the 1917 Police Barracks at Thebarton (SA) before their upcoming sad demolition. Disgraceful and damn sad.

Lone Ranger film-set sold demolished developed 22/05/2023

Haven't posted here for yonks.
One of our videos - hay, who don't like a good Western?

Lone Ranger film-set sold demolished developed Here's the true story of the set of so many of our favorite TV Westerns: The Lone Ranger, Bonanza, Gun Smoke, Cisco Kid and Western movies too; the list is n...


Not doing much here these days. It's all gone to YouTube.
Ride safe now, ya'hear.

Oh, you are awful! 29/12/2022

This one is very funny. VERY UnPC, but funny.
Innuendo in the work place, what's not to love.

Oh, you are awful! Pommie s**t humour - comes natural too me; now, hum the theme tune from Benny Hill ha ha.

Bad boys … what you gonna do? 27/12/2022

It's not getting any cooler .....

Bad boys … what you gonna do? this one's for the Vegans!

For my dear friend Pauline 26/12/2022

It's still bloody hot!

For my dear friend Pauline .... she's a sweetheart!

Kiss-Lass, the forgotten Aussie War Horse of WWI 20/10/2022

Our latest YouTube video, Kiss Lass, the forgotten war horse of WWI.
And I'll also take this opportunity to recruit you; how about Subscribing to our YouTube channel. It would be much appreciated, cheers.

Kiss-Lass, the forgotten Aussie War Horse of WWI She was so very famous in her day. On the front page of newspapers, acknowledged by the French Government, she saved the lives of countless hundreds if not t...

Save Thebarton Police Barracks from DEMOLITION! 09/10/2022

Save Thebarton Police Barracks!

Save Thebarton Police Barracks from DEMOLITION! Built between 1913 and 1917, today in 2022 the Thebarton Police Barracks in Adelaide South Australia remain largely unchanged and remain the home - for the p...

Debunking Hollywood. Smart uniforms in the Aussie Outback. 04/10/2022

I have been trying to work out why I can't 'share' anything here any more but clearly it is above my pay grade, as they say. Seeing I don't actually work anymore of course, this makes it harder still as I don't even have 'a pay grade'.
I'm going to try this. My own YouTube channel. Who knows if it will work. Cheers cobbers.
testing .... testing .....

Debunking Hollywood. Smart uniforms in the Aussie Outback. Throughout time storytelling has been fraught with exaggeration, misunderstanding, incorrect telling and poor official recording. Keeping track of history go...


Well, howdy kind folks. Not sure what they have done but the new facebook update has made it so that whether it's me acting as me on my own page, or me acting as Admin for this page, I can't 'share' stuff here no more. Such is life.
Sorry about that.
A fitting end; me riding Justice (the horse) on Rotten Row in London not far from Buckingham Palace.


February 1942 a mere 20 kays out of Leningrad. War is Hell.


And to think, they get paid to do this. Some people have seriously good jobs. Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Photos from Royal Logistic Corps Horse-Drawn Heritage's post 14/08/2022

There's re-enacting. And there's re-enacting with Machine Guns. Woohoo!

Cody - This Is Your Life! 13/08/2022

It's his page - so here's his life.
Video is a result of a request of a YouTube subscriber.
Cheers cobbers.

Cody - This Is Your Life! This video is the result of a request from one of our kind subscribers.The title says it all: 'Cody - This Is Your Life.'Cheers cobbers. Always appreciate ...

Photos from IgiStudio - Damian Jakubowski's post 10/08/2022

You don't understand the language? doesn't really matter does it....phew, brilliant

Save Our Brumbies! 04/08/2022

Save our Brumbies.
That says it all.
Cheers cobbers.

Save Our Brumbies! We sent them overseas to war where they served and died by their thousands. Now we are killing them here at home. Save Our Brumbies.And please excuse Wild Bi...

Why do all horses have the same birthday? 01/08/2022

Happy Birthday Trooper Cody!

Why do all horses have the same birthday? The day I made this video was the birthday for all Australian horses. Our very own sweet equines had enjoyed some extra loving, grooming, carrots and assorte...

How to hand signal a Light Horse charge - filmed at speed 27/07/2022

I was just asked to re-post this on our YouTube channel so will post it here too.
Cheers cobbers.

How to hand signal a Light Horse charge - filmed at speed So you think you are good with your Australian Light Horse general knowledge? Here's a quick test for you. When riding out in the field communication had to ...