GSDCA President

GSDCA President

As President of the GSD Council of Australia I will use this page to keep members up to date with matters of interest.

Photos from GSDCA President's post 14/06/2024

Great to see so many Ozzie’s visiting our European friends at the Italian and British Seiger Shows.
Hope you all had a great time Jess Kada Jess Lynch Janet Haase Gail Donald Louis Donald , Vince and Fran and to all those I have missed.


RIP - The GSD world is in shock this morning after learning of one of the worlds best and most respected handlers passing away overnight.
Klaus was a very good friend of my daughter, Jess. He will be missed but never forgotten 💔


Join in on making history, this will be a very special event.


I would like to welcome the new 2024 GSDCA Executive - Ian Urie ( NBC Chair) Alistair Henderson ( Obedience Chair ) Jenny DeLucia ( Judges Chair ) Gail Donald ( Review Editor ) Sean Lynch ( President ) Janet Haase ( Secretary ) Peter Flynn ( Treasurer )


Urgent update .....
Rumours are on Facebook regarding the hWUSV accepting the WGSDCA as a member , I can assure everyone we have received messages from the WUSV CD confirming this is not correct.


I have just heard the sad news that today we lost Luciano Musolino, this is a shock to everyone in Australia.
My Deepest Condolences to the Family.


Dear Members,

Another interesting year is about to end, it was pleasing to see most clubs hold some events including shows, trails and Breed surveys.

You have all done amazing work this year and as the GSDCA President it was very pleasing to see the clubs work together to make the most of any opportunity.

I was able to attend only a couple of shows and one Christmas party but it’s obvious that the clubs and the members are working extremely hard.

I would like to thank you all and wish you the very best during the Christmas period, I hope you all have the opportunity to spend time with family and friends and celebrate this wonderful time of the year.

Merry Christmas and have a lovely and safe New Year.

All the best,
Sean ,Angie and Ollie
PS I don’t think he likes the Christmas hat


I would like to welcome the new team of the GSDL headed by the President Jess Kada, congratulations guys I look forward to working with you.
At this time I would like to thank Terry Jarvis and Fay Stokes for the many years of hard work, it will never be forgotten and always appreciated.


Dates are set, time to get excited.

Photos from GSDCA President's post 07/10/2021

Hi All,
Please read this communique from the GSDCA and the 8 State Presidents. You can also find this on the GSDCA website and all state club websites.


I must admit I am a little excited about the future.
Yes we will learn to live with Covid but with the high vaccination rate things are looking very promising.
Good news is it’s nearly October and as previously reported the GSDCA will be meeting with the Executive of the GSDL to plan out the next step towards holding the 48th National.
I am very confident that I will be able to report some goods news before the end of the month.
Keep safe ,


If anyone would like to watch the Sieger Show this is the link....

Cost is 59.90€



Congratulations to Police Dog Kaos and amazing job Queensland GSDC and committee.


Firstly I would like to thank all those members that completed the National Survey.
Before the results are released to the clubs the GSDCA are meeting with the host club the GSDL to discuss all matters relating to the survey and the 48th National.
As the host club we feel it is important that we give the respect that is due to the club before the results are released to the general members.
This meeting will be held later this month so we are hoping to have a better idea and a way forward to present to the clubs shortly after this meeting.
Once again I thank all the members for the patience shown in these difficult times.


Congratulations SA - I urge all members to support this educational day on the GSD Forequarter....

The German Shepherd Dog Club of SA Presents:

German Shepherd Forequarter Lecture.

Presenters: Mr Stephen Collins and Mrs Jenny De Lucia

Sunday 11 July 2021
Commencing: 11.30am
At the club grounds, West Beach Road, West Beach.

Afternoon tea available and sausage sizzle.

All members and enthusiasts are welcome to attend.



48th National Show & Trail Survey will go live on the GSDCA website this week.

Over the next few days you’re club will be sent a CLUB CODE , you will need this code to log into the survey


Hi All,
On the 4th May the GSDCA Executive held a meeting and the 48th National was on the agenda.
Yesterday morning our secretary sent to all clubs the announcement that we will be holding a survey to gauge every members opinion on the preferred option for the 48th National, I would encourage every member to speak with their clubs or keep an eye on the GSDCA website for when this survey will go live.
Your opinion counts and is of great value to us. We want to provide you, the members with a National that you want.
Keep safe
Regards Sean.


Hi All,
RE: National 2022
I would like to assure everyone that the rumours concerning the National are not true .
I can assure you that all plans are to go ahead at this time with a further meeting regarding the National to take place in October,
I read that since the covid vaccinations have been in place in the United States daily cases have dropped by 79% so if Europe can get their act together this might happen in Germany, fingers crossed 🤞


Avery special offer from our magazine editor...don’t miss out.....................................

An opportunity not to be missed!
The GSDCA recognises that it is very easy to get lost in the crowd and is offering you the chance to let everyone who needs to know about your dog in the QNR!
For a very limited time only, you can create a permanent, professionally created advertisement promoting you dog in the Review for $165 per page.
Unlike social media, this will reach your entire market, will remain on the GSDCA website and give you the a full page to promote your dog’s strengths.
Is this a chance you can ignore? Call or email the editor on 0450 905 929 or [email protected] to discuss how you can take advantage of this limited offer!”


GSDCA AGM was held on Saturday 6th February and for the first time it was a Zoom meeting , pleased to report everything went well, I thank all the club Presidents and the Executive Committee members for the way they all approached this meeting , congratulations to you all.
Your clubs will be receiving 60 days motions shortly so good luck with the voting.


On behalf of the GSDCA and all the members we would like to wish you a safe and merry Christmas, we all look forward to a prosperous 2021.


Another AGM has been held , this time the GSDL and not a lot of changes here.
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the committee, this group of workers have for many years worked hard together running this club and it’s many shows and activities to perfection.
Congratulations to all involved.
I believe only 2 positions were contested.
Vice President- Tony D’Arcy won over Jo Cathie
Point Score - Graeme Stevenson won over Lyn Gregor.
Full results can be viewed on the GSDL page.


Last night the AGM for the German Shepherd Dog Club of Queensland was held.
I would like to wish all the outgoing committee members all the best and thank them for the commitment to the club and the GSD.
And congratulations to all the incoming committee including the new President Sharon Thorpe, Secretary and VP Gary Williams and Treasurer Lance Young.


48th National

It is with sadness that the 48th National has been postponed until May 2022.
I would like to thank the GSDL and the Executive of council for taking the hard line that has given clarity for 2021.
After the GSDCA received emails from the GSDL on the 13th August and the 27th September with concerns about the potential loss of monies, the GSDCA confirmed in writing to the GSDL on the morning of the 29th September of the decision to postpone, this was shortly followed by a post on Facebook announcing the decision to the members.
This was a very hard decision and of course very disappointing to everyone but as you would expect the logistics of such a major event and the cost involved a call had to be made.
I look forward to the local shows that will be held in 2021 and I wish all the clubs success and look forward to the 48th National at Sydney in 2022.


The Shepherd world woke to the very sad news today of the death of Hans-Peter Rieker.
SV judge and very well known and respected breeder.
Australia sends condolences to his family at this very sad time.


It was very pleasing to hear that South Australia held a successful members competition last weekend, a small step forward and I wish all the best to clubs and their endeavours to hold club events.
Thankfully we are seeing promising signs in Victoria with consecutive days of cases below the 290 mark, our thoughts are with everyone and we hope the numbers continue to drop.
Today the Prime Minister announced it has secured access to one of the most promising vaccines in development and was hopeful that we may see this in early 2021, this certainly will help with overseas judges visiting Australia.
Best of luck to all the clubs and stay safe.


Breed Survey ...
GSDCQ will be holding a Breed Survey this Sunday 10am.
Below is the regulations regarding attending, please be aware and comply to all rules this way we can all enjoy the Breed Survey.



Unfortunately Covid-19 has hit Victoria hard, this setback will affect us all in many ways.

Obviously our Victorian club activities such as Breed Surveys and training will stop for the next 6 weeks as Melbourne goes into lock down. ( please note lock down applies to the metropolitan branches at this time)

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all our members in Victoria at this time.

Can I remind all clubs to step up all the precautions as set out by your state government departments, don’t take short cuts and be very careful at any club training days or breed Surveys.

We are all in this together.


Official notification of the cancellation of the 2020 BSZS


Official notification of the approval for the 48th National to be held on the 14th to 16th May 2021.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00