

Click on “community” for our candidate statements. Jaimie Jeffrey is running for Section Secretary and Section Council.

Fight2Win seeks to turn the CPSU into a strong, member-driven, fighting union that can win good pay & conditions & is fielding four candidates in the 2021 CPSU election. Jaimie is a delegate at Geelong Service Centre in Victoria where she works in face-to-face customer service and is a current member of Section Council. Gregory Brown is running for Section President and Section Council. Greg is a



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Finally! CPSU is publicly supporting other workers who are fighting for industrial justice. Well done. CPSU needs to publicly demonstrate solidarity with workers from other unions & other sectors whenever they take industrial action to win fair pay & conditions. If we support other workers, they will support us when it’s our time to take industrial action. If you agree, please go to the below post on CPSU’s FB page & “like” my comment.

Tomorrow, school teachers across NSW will be on strike.

The CPSU stands in solidarity with members of the NSW Teachers Federation who are asking for . Our teachers deserve to be paid what they are worth, they deserve working conditions that are fair and workloads that are manageable. For our teachers, our kids, and our future.


Our union, COVID vaccination and the far right

CPSU Fight2Win condemns the far right’s exploitation of lockdown fatigue and the pandemic to expand the audience for their ideas. We note the far right’s hostility to workers organising in unions, to the degree that it has any traction, only serves to tilt power relations in favour of the employers and disempowers workers.

The violent September protests in Melbourne outside the CFMEU office and at other locations demonstrate how the far right have, in the context of widespread distrust of government, media, police and big pharma, capitalised on the federal government’s bungled vaccine roll out and the Victorian government’s lack of consultation with unions before mandating COVID vaccinations for many workers.

CPSU Fight2Win:
strongly supports and encourages vaccination as an effective risk control measure;
supports mandatory vaccination in settings where staff work with a vulnerable cohort including aged care, hospitals etc. providing that the union members in those workplaces have a real say in how to implement safety measures and individuals are not dismissed or otherwise penalised;
notes that there are a range of control measures, including for example antiviral medication, rapid anti-gen testing, masks and working from home arrangements, that can be used to reduce risks;
acknowledges that:
some members are vaccine hesitant or anti-vaxx, and that union support for blanket mandates will in some circumstances result in an unnecessary loss of members and possibly expand the audience for the far right;
believes that the views of such workers need to be heard by fellow workplace union members in the process of determining health and safety solutions;
argues that building strong democratic union organisation in the workplace goes hand in hand with workers deciding how best to maximise health and safety in their workplaces and communities;
argues that CPSU officials should organise stop work meetings in response to mandatory vaccination directions so that members can have a real say over COVID related work health and safety.
notes that strong democratic workplace organisation is the best inoculation against the far right.


Over 200 members from market research and call centres held a huge online meeting yesterday to endorse their claims. Call centre workers are now organising to win the wage increase and job security they desperately need. Union members claims will improve the lives of thousands of workers across Australia, all under the one collective agreement with the Australian Data and Insights Association.

Please sign their petition in the comments below!

Australians need secure and reliable jobs 05/10/2021

Insecure work spreads COVID. Insecure work affects women more than men. Secure work is a human right. Please sign this petition. Solidarity now!

Australians need secure and reliable jobs Insecure work is a serious problem for Australian communities and families. Having a secure job is connected to so many basic things like mental health, food, housing, and being able to plan your life. And when people don’t have stable or secure jobs, they have less money to spend in local busines...

Union Win for Workers' Rights | Australian Unions 05/09/2021

McCain workers win! AMWU members have won 3.8%, paid DV leave & more. And they won this after McCain illegally locked them out. This is an important victory for workers everywhere. Send messages of solidarity via the link below & make sure you tell them you’re a public servant: when workers in other industries know that public servants support them, they will support us during bargaining & in our campaign to defeat the govt’s anti-bargaining policy. Solidarity now!

Union Win for Workers' Rights | Australian Unions Thanks to the hard campaigning of AMWU members at McCain in Smithton, Tasmania, essential workers have secured a new agreement with better pay and conditions! Send a message of congratulations and we'll pass it on to the union.

Save Coles meat workers jobs 31/08/2021

Save Coles meat workers jobs Right now, I'm one of more than 1500 meat workers employed by Coles across Australia - and all of our jobs are at risk under their plan to end the in-store butchery service. Coles is saying that they will "redeploy" some of us into different roles. This isn't good enough. We have invaluable industry...

‘This is just no way to live’: What it’s like delivering parcels for Amazon 29/08/2021

This business model results in people working themselves to death, literally. There is no place for it in Australia. Signe the petition. Solidarity now!

‘This is just no way to live’: What it’s like delivering parcels for Amazon When internet shoppers want their items yesterday, who pays the price? This is what it's like to deliver parcels for the world's biggest online retailer.

GrainCorp: Essential workers deserve respect, fair pay and secure work! 25/08/2021

GrainCorp: Essential workers deserve respect, fair pay and secure work! GrainCorp is a big, profitable company. In 2020, their revenue was $4.3 billion and they've told us make $105 million in profit in 2021! GrainCorp supplies frying oil for McDonalds, KFC and other major takeaway brands as well as doughnut makers Doughnut King and Krispy Kreme. We also make the margar...

GrainCorp: Essential workers deserve respect, fair pay and secure work! 25/08/2021

Support these essential workers who are being bullied & denied a fair pay rise whilst their employer makes millions in profit. Sign their petition. Solidarity now!

GrainCorp: Essential workers deserve respect, fair pay and secure work! GrainCorp is a big, profitable company. In 2020, their revenue was $4.3 billion and they've told us make $105 million in profit in 2021! GrainCorp supplies frying oil for McDonalds, KFC and other major takeaway brands as well as doughnut makers Doughnut King and Krispy Kreme. We also make the margar...


Finally, early childhood educators begin to be valued & remunerated for the vitally important work they do. Well done girls!

Educators at Goodstart have won a new and improved Enterprise Agreement!

Union members and their seventy UWU bargaining reps stood strong through months of negotiations, took action for better wages and conditions, and have won a new Agreement that sets the standard for the entire early education and care sector.

Members won better pay, more non-contact time, better access to full-time work for part-timers, access to paid pandemic leave, clarity around food preparation time, and the implementation of safe aged-based rostering principles!

Congratulations to the thousands of Goodstart members for achieving this amazing win with strength, action and solidarity!

CPSU Member Call to Action — We need a Better Bargaining Plan 15/08/2021

CPSU Member Call to Action — We need a Better Bargaining Plan We the undersigned members of the Community and Public Sector Union - PSU Group are deeply concerned about the latest attack on our wages and conditions in the form of the current Workplace Relations Policy. This policy aligns public sector wages with the private sector Wage Price Index which is cur...

CPSU Member Call to Action — We need a Better Bargaining Plan 15/08/2021

Calling all CPSU members: sign below to support the CPSU members' Call to Action!



Fancy a pay cut?
The government’s latest attack on the public service is its new bargaining policy that ties our wages to the private sector Wage Price Index which is currently sitting at 1.7% and declining rapidly. There is a real possibility it could drop into the negative – which means pay cuts for public sector workers.

A Slap in the Face
The government bludgeons us with this policy as we toil ever harder and longer in the face of COVID. Meanwhile, big business makes super profits thanks to government stimulus whilst paying almost no tax. There is plenty of money to give public sector workers the pay, conditions and job security we deserve. Experts agree that the economy needs public sector wage growth to stimulate wage growth in the private sector. We are not being unreasonable in seeking decent pay, conditions and job security. When we win this fight, the whole community will benefit.

Our Vision
What kind of bargaining policy do we want?
· no caps on wage increases
· enhancements to conditions to be included in bargaining
· all current conditions contained in policy attachments to expired Enterprise Agreements to be included in new Enterprise Agreements automatically
· employment of new staff through labour hire companies to cease and a pathway to permanency for all insecure workers, including labour hire workers, to be developed in consultation with CPSU and implemented urgently

Is this possible?
Yes! Recent union victories in Australia demonstrate that it is possible to fight and win:
McCormick, Tip Top and General Mills were “offering” 0% and cuts to conditions. United Workers Union members have won 3% per year, backpay, sign on bonuses, some casuals immediately converted to permanents, a pathway for casuals to permanency, protection for labour hire workers who took industrial action and more. In two cases strike action was necessary but at Tip Top the mere threat of strike action was enough to secure victory.
In July, NSW nurses and paramedics took industrial action and successfully stopped the Liberal-National state government imposing a pay freeze.
These workers won their demands by being united and acting collectively. We can do the same.

Starting the fightback
We need a single action that all public sector workers, including non-members and labour hire staff, can participate in and rally around: a petition to the government stating our demands for a fair bargaining policy. Delegations of members can present it to their local Coalition MPs and Senators. This will attract media coverage which will help build community support. Simultaneously, we can run a public petition online to build support from the broader union movement.

Activation is the Key
Will the petition be enough to defeat the bargaining policy? Of course not. The point of the petition is to engage and activate members, capture the interest and support of non-members to assist with recruiting, gain media attention and build community support. It is the first in a series of actions heading towards an APS-wide strike which is the only action that can defeat the bargaining policy.

What comes next?
We need to keep members engaged in campaigning on issues they have already identified through the APS census such as burn out, bullying and micromanagement. Members must be supported to identify issues, develop actions that can be taken outside of bargaining and run the campaign. It is only through democratic decision-making and direct action that members build the consciousness, confidence and solidarity to take strike action when the time is right.

One of the best ways to build community support is through solidarity with workers in other sectors who are under attack – sign their petitions, donate to their strike funds, visit their picket lines. These actions must be co-ordinated in a public way. If we support other workers now, they will support us when we start taking industrial action.

A rally is a way of testing membership readiness. Rallies allow workers to viscerally feel themselves as part of a big movement. We must build towards a huge contingent of CPSU members to rally on a significant day such as Labour Day or May Day.

A strike fund does more than just raise money. It signals to the workforce and to the government that we are serious. It enables consciousness and solidarity to be generated through cross-agency fund-raising activities that can be run locally/regionally.
Once we have a fair bargaining policy, we must develop a log of claims that includes an APS-wide Enterprise Agreement so that we are always in a position to take APS-wide industrial action.

What are we asking you to do now?
Sign the CPSU Member Call to Action addressed to CPSU leadership demanding they create a petition to the government.

Who are We?
CPSU Fight2Win and CPSU Cross Agency Activist Network are a coalition of union rank and file groups made up of CPSU members who care deeply about our union. We seek to rebuild our union into a strong, fighting union that empowers members to win good pay and conditions and an end to casualisation. If you like this plan, we invite you to get involved.

Follow our pages on FaceBook. For more information and to get involved contact us

Issued by CPSU Fight2Win and CPSU Cross Agency Activist Network
[email protected] [email protected]

CPSU Member Call to Action — We need a Better Bargaining Plan We the undersigned members of the Community and Public Sector Union - PSU Group are deeply concerned about the latest attack on our wages and conditions in the form of the current Workplace Relations Policy. This policy aligns public sector wages with the private sector Wage Price Index which is cur...


The Fair Work Commission heard our appeal and found McCain Food's lockout of workers in Smithton, Tasmania last week was unlawful.

AMWU members won! This is a crucial win, not just for our members at McCain, but for all workers.

From our National Secretary Steve Murphy, "The AMWU has managed to protect what little ‘right to strike’ workers still have. We are responsible for defending it and most importantly, we have to improve it."

Join 👏 Your 👏 Union 👏


Billionaires are escaping to space to evade paying taxes.


This is a stunning union victory against outsourcing as a deunionisation tactic. These Qantas workers deserve our congratulations and support because we all face the casualisation scourge with its concurrent dilution of Union density. Jump on to the TWU page & leave a supportive comment. Solidarity now!

A Federal Court has ruled against Qantas over the outsourcing of ground workers. The court stated Qantas axed the workers to prevent them from exercising their rights to bargain for better wages and conditions and to take industrial action.

This is a testament to the efforts of EVERY single person who wrote to politicians, turned up to actions, shared their stories or cheered from the sidelines.

We are stronger when we stand together.


We all need to fight against wage freezes, casualisation & union dilution tactics. Sign the petition to support these courageous workers. Solidarity now!

BREAKING: Workers at Coca Cola in Kewdale, WA, have rejected their employers unfair offer that included a wage FREEZE in their first year, followed by low wage increases without any of the worker's claims included.

Coca Cola even tried to bring in a bunch more than 10 new casual workers to vote yes to their FIZZER of a deal over the line, but a clear majority of workers rejected the offer.

It's time for Coca Cola management to LISTEN to their workers and give them a fair offer!

Sign the workers petition to Coca Cola here: https://www.megaphone.org.au/petitions/coca-cola-don-t-freeze-our-wages

PRIVATE PATHOLOGY: Stop bleeding QLD dry! 25/07/2021

Low paid but courageous private pathology workers strike for safer workplaces & better pay. Meanwhile, over 150,000 Australian businesses grew their profits last year thanks to billions of taxpayers’ dollars in the form of JobKeeper. Will they pay it back? A few have but most have not. Will they use the increased profit to give their workers a pay rise? Not on your nelly. Want a pay rise? Stand together with your workmates & take strike action. It’s that simple. Please sign this petition. Solidarity now!

PRIVATE PATHOLOGY: Stop bleeding QLD dry! Private pathology workers at QML are on the frontline of the COVID-19 response in Queensland, risking their health and safety to keep us safe. These heroes are paid as little as $23.09 for their sacrifice and are kept on 'flexible' contracts that offer no secure income or job security. Stand with us...


While the politicians bicker, the rest of us our doing what we can to keep each other safe. One day longer, one day stronger.

It's time to join your union 25/07/2021

It's time to join your union It's time to join your union.

Don't Sell Out VicRoads Workers 31/05/2021

Even the Andrews Labor govt is jumping on the privatisation bandwagon. Stop the privatisation of Vic Roads. Sign this petition.

Don't Sell Out VicRoads Workers Disgracefully the Andrews Labor Government has announced they plan to enter into a "joint venture" (ie privatisation) of VicRoads. VicRoads workers need your support! However you spin it, this will put jobs, wages and conditions at risk. We could also see big increases in registration costs, the clo...


The Morrison govt has failed Australians on quarantine & the vaccine rollout. Victorians need JobKeeper. Take action: sign this petition.

PETITION: SCOTT MORRISON FIX YOUR COVID MESS This lockdown could have been avoided if Scott Morrison did his job. Scott Morrison, it's time for you to stop shifting the blame. It’s our jobs and health on the line.


They didn’t even have to strike! They just prepared to take indefinite strike action & hey presto, they won:

3% pay rise each year PLUS back pay on wages and allowances
10 agency casuals immediately converted to permanent jobs
A pathway for agency causal to secure jobs
Easter Saturday to be paid at TRIPLE time
New forklift allowance of $20 per week
ALL qualified bakers paid at level 5
ALL conditions the company wanted to cut maintained
Union rights and more!

TIP TOP VICTORIA MEMBERS WIN! Essential workers at Tip Top worked through the pandemic to manufacture bread to people across Australia, but they weren’t getting the respect they demanded from their employer. To win respect and job security for all workers, United Workers Union members, across THREE Tip Top sites in Victoria, were getting ready to take industrial action this week when the company backed down and agreed to ALL their claims.

Tip Top workers won:

3% pay rise each year PLUS back pay on wages and allowances
10 agency casuals immediately converted to permanent jobs
A pathway for agency causal to secure jobs
Easter Saturday to be paid at TRIPLE time
New forklift allowance of $20 per week
ALL qualified bakers paid at level 5
ALL conditions the company wanted to cut maintained
Union rights and more!

Workers only won this fantastic deal because they were prepared to fight and ready to take indefinite strike action! Food workers across Australia are coming together in their union to win fair pay and conditions.

Timeline photos 18/05/2021

Even gig economy workers can win when they’re unionised. Solidarity now!

This is HUGE news for Diego and his family, and huge news for all gig workers in Australia.

It's clear what this means: gig workers' protections are hopelessly out of date, and the Federal Government must step in to regulate this industry.

Riders like Diego shouldn't have to go up against the likes of Deliveroo just to fight for basic rights.


This journo said, on national TV (finally this is getting air time!!!), it is govt policy to keep public sector wage increases below private sector wage increases & that after factoring in inflation, wages will fall over the next 4 years. If you don’t want to see your real wage fall, you will need to do something about it - explain to your non-union colleagues that we can’t defeat this policy with less than 50% union density in Services Australia. Start preparing to take industrial action - put some money aside each pay to build your own personal “strike fund”. If you don’t fight, you lose.

Timeline photos 18/05/2021

CPSUFight2Win stands with First Nations Workers Alliance & applauds their victory on getting CDP scrapped. Solidarity now!

WE WON! CDP to be replaced in 2023 - https://mailchi.mp/b994ec3068dc/show-your-union-and-indigenous-pride-6510251

Photos from Community and Public Sector Union - Cross Agency Activists Network's post 02/05/2021

Here are some pics of CPSU members at Melbourne’s May Day march today.


Biden says the unions built the USA. He supports the right to unionise. Meanwhile, the Australian govt continues to wallow in the industrial dark ages. We demand the right to unionise, the right to strike, human rights for all Australian workers now! Happy May Day comrades.

Commonwealth Bargaining 29/04/2021

Commonwealth Bargaining This May Day, CPSU members across the federal public sector will be showing their union solidarity with workers that are in agencies currently bargaining under the government's unfair new mystery pay rise policy. You can join in and turn your socials red, express your solidarity and talk to your col...

