St Saviours

St Saviours

St Saviours provides foster care placements and residential care placements to young people in Sydney Metro West, Sydney Metro South West and Nowra.

St Saviours is a member of Anglicare Australia and is owned by Anglicare NSW South, NSW West & ACT.


Today is National Pyjama Day!

This day raises awareness for children and young people in foster care and also helps raise funds for the The Pyjama Foundation. The foundation's aim is to equip children and young people in foster care with the life skills, confidence, literacy and numeracy skills needed to promote better outcomes.

This year, our team dressed up in our cosiest slippers and PJs to celebrate and raise funds for the The Pyjama Foundation. We had such a blast coming together for such an important cause! πŸ’™


Sunday 7th July to Sunday 14th July is NAIDOC week! NAIDOC week is a time to recognise, celebrate and learn more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture, one of the oldest surviving cultures in the world!

This year's theme is Keep the Fire's Burning: Blak, Loud and Proud!
The below art was created by Deborah Belyea in collaboration with National NAIDOC

Please see below link to a great resource with stories from First Nations peoples and further education, inclusive of previous years:

For a full searchable list of local NAIDOC week events, please see below:


At St Saviours, we are in desperate need of carers from all cultural backgrounds and walks of life. We recognise how important culture is to identity and where possible, strive to match children and young people with carers from the same cultural background who can help immerse them in their language, food and cultural traditions.

If you feel you could open up your home to a child or young person, please get in touch with the Carer Support Team on 02 9612 3900 πŸ’™πŸŒŸ


Today is World Environment Day! The theme for this year is Our land. Our future. We are 🌏🌏🌏

There are many small things you can do to help our environment:
-Eat a plant-based meal each week πŸ₯¦
-Switch off your lights when not in use πŸ’‘
-Sort your recyclables ♻️

We can all work together for a brighter and better future! πŸ’™


Mabo Day commemorates Mer Island Man Eddie Mabo and the 10 year long fight in the High Court of Australia to overturn Terra Nullis. On the 3rd of June 1992, the historic decision was made that Native Title existed, which lead to the passing of the Native Title Act 1993.

To read more about Eddie Mabo and Native Title, see below resources:

Mabo Day is an important day to remember the work of Eddie Mabo and others who fought tirelessly for Native Title to be recognised. It is important also to reflect and acknowledge the First Nations people whose lands, winds and waters we share today.


St Saviours are always looking for carers who can provide a safe and nurturing environment for vulnerable children and young people! Contact our team today at (02) 9612 3900 to learn how you can make a valuable difference in a child's life πŸ’™


Today marks the beginning of National Reconciliation Week 2024

The theme for 2024 is Now More Than Ever, reminding us all that we must continue to fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Reconciliation is a journey we must all be a part of, as we all have a role to play in strengthening unity, respect and understanding for our First Nations people.

St Saviours is committed to creating a culturally safe environment for staff, our carers and every child and young person in our care. National Reconciliation Week is a reminder for us to reflect and understand the histories and experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. We celebrate the strength and achievements of First Nations communities in which we work and commit to the journey of true and meaningful reconciliation.

To find out more about more about St Saviours commitment to Reconciliation, visit


National Sorry Day commemorates the tabling of the Bringing Them Home report. There are still many recommendations that have not been met yet in the report. The theme of this year's commemoration is "Unfinished Business- Bringing Them Home".
The full report can be accessed and read here:

National Sorry Day prompts us to acknowledge and understand the pain caused to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people during the Stolen Generation and the ongoing impacts this has caused First Nations people and communities. We acknowledge the true strength and resilience shown by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples both past and present. The team at St Saviours remain committed to being proactive in the healing process for Aboriginal people and communities.

There are a number of events being held across Australia in recognition of National Sorry Day. Please see below link to the Healing Foundation's website for more information:


Spotlight on permanent care! 🌟

For our last type of care, we will be looking at long term or permanent care. This is for children who are unable to go home to parents or families and require safe, loving and nurturing homes until they are 18 and beyond.

The goal for this type of care is to provide children with as much stability as possible- if it is in the best interest of the child, there may be an option to explore guardianship or adoption.


Have you ever considered fostering but aren't sure if it’s right for you and your family? πŸ’™

Give our team a call on 02 9612 3900 today to discuss how you can help change the life of a child or young person!


Spotlight on short-term care! 🌟

When children and young people first enter care, the main priority is exploring whether going home to parents is a possibility or if there are any family members who would be able to care for them. This process can take from 6 months to 2 years and during this time, the children and young people need safe, nurturing homes while their long-term plans are explored.

Being a short-term carer can be very rewarding as you support children and young people to go home to parents, family or permanent carers. It can also be tough building strong relationships to then say goodbye - it takes a special family to provide short term care.

Do you have the capacity to care for children and young people under a short-term arrangement? Contact our carer support team at (02) 9612 3900 to learn more about becoming a carer with St Saviours! πŸ’™


Happy Mother's Day! πŸ’™


Yesterday, we held a Biggest Morning Tea to recognise and raise funds for the Cancer Council! Our staff and carers all generously contributed to the cause and we enjoyed coming together and sharing some light refreshments πŸ’™πŸŒŸ


Spotlight on respite care! 🌟🌟🌟

Let's dive deeper into respite care. This is such a necessary type of care and helps serve a dual purpose: expanding a child or young person's connections and providing time for their full-time carers to refresh and reset.

Respite care can be just a weekend, a few days in the school holidays or a few weeks. It all depends on what fits you and what you would be open to! Respite could be one off or ongoing and our team can explore with you what fits best. Call us today on 9612 3900 to learn more! πŸ’™


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.

Lest We Forget.


With Anzac Day steadily approaching, it’s a great time to reflect on those who came before us and commemorate the sacrifices made for future generations.

Pictured is one of the first ANZAC day marches in Liverpool where our office is located, photographed in 1915 on Junction Street.


Today is Earth Day! 🌏

The theme for Earth Day 2024 is 'Planet vs. Plastics' with the aim to reduce the production of plastics by 60% by 2040!

We all have a part to play in protecting our environment! To learn how you can make a positive impact, visit the Earth Day website at


This week, we are exploring more about emergency care! 🌟

Like all care types, this is a very needed area for children and young people entering care for the first time or whose other care arrangements have needed to end on short notice.

Due to this, emergency care is usually very last minute and can go on for an unknown period of time. Our emergency carers are usually authorised anywhere from a weekend to 3 months!

During this period, the team will be trying to find more stable arrangements for the child- whether it be with family or with other foster carers.

Our emergency carers are so highly valued and we are always in need of more! If you think you can open your home to a child in a pinch, give us a call today to learn more on 96123900! πŸ’™


The theme for Youth Week 2024 is 'Express. Empower. Get loud!' 🌟
Youth Week is a great time to celebrate, empower and encourage all the children and young people in your lives.

Young people aged 12-17 in foster care are the toughest to find carers for. While adolescence brings plenty of challenges, it is also an age of great reward. As we say in our carer training, it only takes one caring adult to make a change!

If you're keen to care for teenagers or want to learn more, call our office on 02 9612 3900! πŸ’™


Did you know that it is Youth Week? πŸŒŸπŸ’™

There are lots of great free events being hosted all over NSW to help celebrate. Here are a few coming up in our local area:

-Bring it On Festival in Fairfield on the 21st of April

-Blacktown Youth Week Festival on 17th April

-Song Writing Masterclass with L Fresh the Lion in Liverpool on the 18th of April

For a full list of all the free events you could attend, please visit NSW Youth Week events page:


April 10th is recognised in some areas of the world as National Siblings Day! 🌟🌟

At St Saviours, we prioritise keeping siblings together and recognise how incredibly precious and special these relationships are.

If you have space in your heart and home and want to consider sibling groups of 2 or more, please reach out to the team today on (02) 9612 3900! πŸ’™


Interested in becoming a carer but not sure what type of care you want to provide? Not a problem! In our 'Spotlight On' series, we are exploring each type of care in more depth:

- Emergency Care
- Respite Care
- Short Term Care
- Permanent Care
- Therapeutic Home-Based Care

And for all our current carers considering a change, there is always the option to review your carer authorisation and expand into new types of care! Keep an eye out for our upcoming 'Spotlight On' series posts to learn more about the different types of care! 🌟

Call our team today to chat more about the different types of care on 02 9612 3900 πŸ’™


Happy Easter! πŸ’™

We hope your long weekend is filled with family, friends, fun and lots of self-care! ✨


Foster care: more than just love πŸ’™

One of the greatest gifts our foster carers give children and young people is love and nurture. But an important part of being a carer is also the safety and predictability you could provide! A simple bedtime routine, including activities like reading a story every night, can help a child feel so secure.

Interested in learning more? The journey to becoming a carer also includes training with handy insights and tips just like this one! Give our team a call today to learn more on 02 9612 3900! 🌟

Photos from St Saviours's post 22/03/2024

Yesterday the St Saviours office came together to celebrate Harmony Day! We enjoyed many different cultural dishes and sharing with one another the stories associated with these meals 🧑🧑🧑


Today is Harmony Day!

The St Saviours team recognise and celebrate the diversity of our children and young people, carers and workers. This Harmony Day, we celebrate the multiculturalism of Australia and pledge our support towards the inclusivity, respect and belonging for all Australians.

Everyone Belongs 🧑


Today is National Close The Gap Day πŸ–€πŸ’›β€οΈ

Close The Gap Day is a national day of action to raise awareness about the health and life expectancy gap between our First Nations people and non-indigenous Australians and to pledge support for achieving Indigenous health equality by 2030.

Go to to learn more about the campaign!


Just like the general population, children in care also come from a vast array of cultural and religious backgrounds 🌟

At St Saviours, we are always in need of carers from all cultures and backgrounds!

Why? Identity is so crucial as you grow, and we know how incredibly important it is for children and young people to be immersed and exposed to their culture. This is why our multicultural carers are so important!

Think this would be perfect for you? Give the Carer Support Team a call on 02 9612 3900!


Today is the start of Harmony Week! 🧑

March 18th - 22nd celebrates Harmony Week. The message of this event is β€˜everyone belongs’ in recognition of the rich cultural tapestry of our world. Western and South-Western Sydney boast a diverse melting pot of cultures and we at St Saviours are proud to be part of this multicultural community.

Our team will be coming together and celebrating the wonderful backgrounds of our staff on Thursday with a team lunch and by wearing orange in recognition of Harmony Week 🌟


Help us keep siblings together πŸ’™

Contact the Carer Support Team at (02) 9612 3900 to find out more about becoming a carer for sibling groups with St Saviours 🌟


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00