Co-Dependents Anonymous Victoria

Co-Dependents Anonymous Victoria

Co-Dependents Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships.

The only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships.


August 7 In This Moment,
I feel more sane. I need not worry about fixing myself, nor take on the “codependent crazies” alone. I need not be overwhelmed by the complexities of life. Surely, relief and healing are around the corner. Step Two teaches me to believe that a power greater than myself can restore me to sanity. I’ve seen many signs that demonstrate to me, over and over, that my Higher Power loves me unconditionally. All I need to do is surrender to that positive spiritual force

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


August 5 In This Moment,
I affirm myself. I came into CoDA at a time when my life was pretty chaotic. I felt worthless and ashamed about my childhood. CoDA meetings helped me put most of that shame to rest. Affirmations help me feel better about myself as I take life one day at a time. Before CoDA, when a friend or family member had a problem, my first reaction was wanting to fix it. Today, I know what’s my business and what’s not. I learned in CoDA that I’m powerless over others. That’s a good thing for me to remember.

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


July 24 In This Moment,
I am a recovering codependent. I clearly see how I learned to be codependent in my childhood. I was shamed, neglected, invalidated, and forced to take on responsibilities too heavy for my age. Sometimes, people praised and complimented me for my codependent behavior! They couldn’t see that my “unselfish” behavior was damaging. Now, I am learning healthy new behaviors, communication skills, and ways to respond. I practice my skills by interacting with other recovering codependents. I get support and encouragement from the Fellowship.

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


July 6 In This Moment,
my relationships are real. A certain sense of hero worship while growing up may be understandable, but I saw nothing wrong with making other people, such as parents, teachers, or bosses, my Gods. I thought if I worked hard enough and accomplished enough, they’d have to love me, or at least respect me. External validation was never enough. Disillusionment ultimately set in because these authority figures were only human. Today, as I work my CoDA program, I have a true Higher Power. Although it has taken me many years to understand this aspect of my codependency, it is worth the journey. My relationship with my Higher Power allows me to have realistic relationships with other human beings.

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


June 30 In This Moment,
I allow myself rest. Why is it so hard for me to recognize that I need rest? Rest is part of the natural cycle for all living things. When I’m overworked, overextended, or my emotions are raw, I deserve a break. For me, relaxing doesn’t mean taking a long nap. It means doing those things that calm and soothe my soul, as well as my mind and body. Relaxing helps recharge me so that I’m more enthusiastic and effective. Resting when I need it is not selfish. It is self-loving.

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


Wanting Healthy Relationships?
Codependents Anonymous Meetings

Monday - 7:30pm
Murrumbeena Uniting Church, 117 Murrumbeena Road
Christine 0414 370 658, [email protected]
Zoom meeting ID - 822 6782 9144

Thursday - 7.30pm CoDA Recovery Friends
Zoom Meeting ID: 869 4132 9324 Password: 022262
Contact: Peter M 0413 770 869, [email protected]

Saturday - 4.00pm St Kilda CoDA
Alma Road Community House, 200 Alma Rd, East St Kilda VIC
Contact; 0404 459892 [email protected]

No need to register, just turn up. 🙂To find out more;


May 24 In This Moment,
I let go of the outcome. I’ve identified a need for companionship and decided to reach out to get that need met. He may be available, he may not. I can identify my need and take action. I can’t make it happen. My power doesn’t go that far. I can initiate and ask to get my needs met. The outcome is up to God. Step One: I admit a need. Step Two: I accept that the fulfillment of that need is up to God. Step Three: I turn it over to God and let go of the outcome.

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


May 15 In This Moment,
I let go of my ways of coping that do not work. When I feel tense and frustrated, if my stomach is tied up in knots, I ask myself, “Is what I am doing to cope really working? Is it making things better?” The answer is usually, “No!” I’m trying to fix the unfixable. When my controlling and caretaking aren’t working, all I need to do is let go. As the tension and frustration flow out of me, I am free to focus on the things I can control. The first thing is: What can I do to take care of myself? What do I want? More anguish or peace? The choice is obvious.

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


Tickets are nòw on sale for the 2024 CoDA Australasian convention!


May 1 In This Moment,

I am willing to change. In the past, I thought my life would be better if other people changed. But that didn’t happen and I was miserable. I came to CoDA hoping to learn how to change other people. What a surprise to find out that I was the one who had to change! Now, when I say the Serenity Prayer, I concentrate on “the wisdom to know the difference.” If I stop, think, and pray, I discover choices. Change begins with me. Today, I’m willing.

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


April 17 In This Moment,
I choose not to listen. The committee in my head shouts at me that I’m unworthy, inadequate, not good enough. It’s replaying dialogue from the past. The committee is old; it’s been there for a long time. I think it’s time it retired. I’m replacing it with positive affirmations. I have CoDA’s affirmation booklet on my nightstand. Every morning, I open it and randomly choose one. That becomes my mantra for the day. I do this so the committee can’t pull a sneak attack.

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


April 10 In This Moment,
I’m free to be me. When I find myself struggling to be who I am, I think back to who I was when I first came to CoDA. I believed I had no character faults. I grew up being whatever everyone else wanted me to be. I had no sense of who I was. When I read CoDA’s patterns of codependency about denial, low self-esteem, and control, I knew I was “home.” It was as if someone had written my life story. Today, if I find myself in a situation where I am tempted to act in a way that no longer fits, I have the freedom to act differently. Old patterns, like old clothes, don’t fit anymore. I have choices. I can decide to act in a healthy manner. I feel free.

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


April 5 In This Moment,
life is good. I’m so grateful. Recently I made many changes in my life: new job, new home, new state. I can take credit for some, but not all. I didn’t do it alone. My Higher Power was with me every step of the way. I received many signs assuring me I was doing the right thing. Some of them got my attention like a bolt out of the blue. I smile as I remember how clear the message was. I am on a journey. There are bumps in the road, sure, but where it has taken me is truly amazing.

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


March 27 In This Moment,
I set boundaries. I never knew about boundaries until I came into recovery. I had none, but I wanted some. The other day, one of my friends wanted to gossip about someone else’s problems. I told her, “That’s really none of my business” and changed the subject. Last week, my mother asked me to arrange a dinner for my ex and our two grown sons. I told her, “If they want to do it, they can arrange it for themselves.” I set boundaries and stuck to them. What growth!

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


March 11 In This Moment,
I follow God’s will for me. I’m learning to let go and it feels good not to be in charge all the time. I have boundless energy to do my will, but often procrastinate on important issues. For too long, I hung to the end of a rope with no clear understanding of the meaning of life. Through prayer, I’m redirecting my energy to know and do God’s will. It’s comforting to know that I don’t have to carry the full load anymore. I know what it means to be happy, joyous, and free. The amazing thing is that the plans of my Higher Power far exceed anything I could have imagined.

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


Wanting Healthy Relationships?
Codependents Anonymous Meetings
No need to register, just turn up 🙂

Monday - 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Murrumbeena Uniting Church, 117 Murrumbeena Road
Christine 0414 370 658, [email protected]

Monday - 7.30pm - 9.00pm CoDA Murrumbeena Zoom
Zoom meeting ID - 822 6782 9144 Contact: Christine 0414 370 658

Thursday - 7.30pm - 9.00pm CoDA Recovery Friends
Zoom Meeting ID: 869 4132 9324 Password: 022262
Contact: Peter M 0413 770 869, [email protected]

Saturday - 4.00pm - 5.30pm St Kilda Saturday CoDA
Alma Road Community House, 200 Alma Rd, East St Kilda VIC
Contact; 0404 459892 [email protected]

Wednesday - 7:30 pm - 9:00pm Hawthorn CoDA
This meeting runs on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month.
Hawthorn Community House, 32 Henry S.t Hawthorn VIC
Contact: Nadia 0449952461 (please text)

Daily zoom meetings also available. No need to register, just turn up. :)


March 2 In This Moment,
I live in the moment. Only memories remain. No matter what my past contains, it’s gone. I can’t change the past, what I did, or what happened to me. My past is part of me — I can learn from it and focus on the present. Each day is a new chapter. It’s up to me to fill it. With my Higher Power’s guidance, I choose to let go of the pain and hurt of the past. I embrace my future, trusting it to the care of God. I honor myself in the present.

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


In This Moment,
I feel sane and serene. The first time I faced Step Two, I had trouble believing that a Higher Power could change my life. Yet, I saw lives that had been transformed. In the rooms, I heard people share that their lives had once been as desolate as mine. Yet, they seemed to have something that I did not. I came to believe that whatever caused the change in them could cause the same changes in me. At first, I made my Twelve Step group my Higher Power. This gave me a start. As time went by and I progressed through the Twelve Steps, I began to notice that I was changing. I came to believe in a power greater than myself — and I found serenity.

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


February 22 In This Moment,
I have choices. I don’t have to live from the script where I play the victim. I can write my script in a way that is healthy for me. I am now more likely to evaluate the situation as it is happening, calmly view the options available to me, and make a choice. I have the freedom to improvise. I am living the most perfect life I am capable of living. I am happy, healthy, and making progress every day.

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


February 12 In This Moment,
I feel young. As I gaze into the mirror, I envision myself looking radiant and beautiful, in a dress I have not worn for years. At 65 years old, I am getting better every day! I am so thankful for my attitude in life. My faith in my Higher Power keeps my spirit young. I believe in the healing powers of my daily affirmations. I haven’t outgrown the curiosity of my youth. My curiosity led me to CoDA. Today, it is a joy in my life. I love the people I see there every week. They love me and accept me as I am.

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


February 9 In This Moment,
I am deeply grateful to CoDA. CoDA offers me a safe space and the tools necessary to begin the healing process of recovery. Not every day is peaceful. Many are painful as I face and feel the frozen feelings from my past. Through the recovery process, which continually evolves, I gain greater ability to establish and maintain healthy and loving relationships, not only with others, but unexpectedly, and awesomely, with myself and my beloved Higher Power. Awareness of healing changes me within and leads me to gratitude, from which I derive strength and hope. In this moment, I am secure.

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


February 4 In This Moment,
I’m alone. I’m alone and that’s OK. It’s God’s plan for me. I grew up surrounded by people, yet feeling lonely. Now, I get to finish growing up emotionally and spiritually. I am re-parenting myself by meeting my own needs. That means being the best me I can be. No more people-pleasing to gain acceptance. No more lies and cover-ups to meet someone else’s needs. I use God’s gifts, CoDA meetings, prayer and meditation, service work, exercise, affirmations, workshops, and more. Thanks, God. I feel better.

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


January 28 In This Moment,
I fit in. One of my challenges in life and recovery is to stop replaying my childhood drama. I have an older sister, and I was also the youngest in my extended family of aunts, uncles, and cousins. My relatives lived within a block of us and we socialized daily. But there was no space for me. I felt “apart from” and “less than.” I had no voice. In CoDA, I feel heard. I experience a sense of community within the Fellowship. I feel connected to other members. Here — I fit in.


January 24 In This Moment,
I am frustrated. People and events are not moving along fast enough for me. Recovery teaches me to ask myself, “How much control do I have over any of this?” Today, the answer is, “None.” The solution? Silently, I recite the Serenity Prayer. I thank my Higher Power for the wisdom of recovery thinking. There will always be difficult situations. I’m learning to handle them differently. My frustration fades as I let go and let God.


January 17 In This Moment,
I am able to listen. I wonder why “listening” isn’t taught in school. No one taught me how to listen; many times I felt nobody listened to me. I didn’t know how to listen to others or even to myself. Since I’ve been attending CoDA meetings regularly, I’m learning to listen to others — really listen, instead of worrying what they’re thinking about me. I hear the words and the feelings behind those words. I pay attention to what it feels like to be heard. When I am heard, I feel validated and I’m more open to hearing others. It’s a wonderful circle.


The CoDA Zoom / Launceston Convention is this Sunday!!

Sunday, October the 22nd
From 10am to 4pm

Zoom tickets $10 from :


September 5 In This Moment, I am grateful for Step Three. By working the Steps, I’ve learned that my Higher Power does care about me physically, mentally, and spiritually. The God of my understanding cares about who I am, what I do, and how I feel. When I turn my will and my life over to the care of my Higher Power, I experience unconditional love. Little miracles appear in my life. I feel loved, special, and worthwhile.

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


August 30 In This Moment,I deserve it. In my first marriage, before recovery, I was so immersed in the bad times — resenting them, predicting them, and complaining about them — that I wasn’t able to enjoy the good times. Then I starting going to CoDA meetings and spent a number of years working my program as a single person. I learned not to dwell on negativity or amass resentment. I learned how to protect myself, how to express myself, and when to keep my thoughts to myself. I recently remarried and every day I do my best to handle problems in a positive way, let go when necessary, and accept my mate. Today my life is 95% good times. CoDA has taught me to let go, get on with my life, and grab the best life offers. I deserve it!

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


August 17 In This Moment,I feel and express joy. Spending time getting to know my grandchildren, and letting them get to know me, brings me so much joy. Through their eyes I see that the world is filled with simple pleasures. As a child, I felt that freedom, but as I grew up, I thought I had to act as a responsible adult. When my children were growing up, I took life more seriously and missed out on many good times with them. Recovery in CoDA has helped me get back in touch with my inner child. Today, I can feel and express joy.

CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.


August 13 In This Moment,I choose not tolisten to my disease. Even though I work the CoDA program, sometimes the demons in my mind pick the locks on their cages. They run around knocking over the furniture, scattering the mail, and teasing the cat. Chaos reigns and I feel insane. I have learned that when the demons of my codependency speak, I can choose not to listen. My codependency tells me that I have no value, I’ll never get it right, and I would be better off dead. In recovery, I know those things are not true and so it must be my disease talking. My disease causes me to suffer and feel insane. My Higher Power restores me to sanity. As I rely on my Higher Power for guidance, my codependency loses its power. I am precious and free.
CoDA. In This Moment Daily Meditation Book. Kindle Edition.
© All rights reserved CoDA Resource Publishing Inc U.S.

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Co-Dependents Anonymous