The Meghan Markle Debarkle

The Meghan Markle Debarkle

This is a Page exposing Meghan Markle as a Naccistic Liar and Fraud


Why I think Meghan Markle is lying about the Royal Families racist attacks.

I think she is lying because if the Royal Family truly were racist she would have said EXACTLY what was said and WHO said it.
My opinion is that Meghan took an offhand comment and blew it up in order to make it look racist.
Take, for example, her complaining about the Royal Family discussing Archies skin color. Sorry but why the hell is discussing skin color racist?
What is racist about discussing if a baby will have red hair or black hair?
Meghan lied throughout the entire interview. She called the Queen racist for not giving her Child a title, though this was a lie-titles are not given by the Queen but by birth and law.
Normally I believe claims of racism as I have been a victim of racism. But Meghan is a pathological liar, and nothing she says can be trusted.


Is Meghan Markle telling the truth?.

No, I do not believe Meghan Markle told the truth. Why?
Because Meghan Markle is a proven pathological liar.
She lied about not knowing much about the Royal Family. She blogged about the Royal Family before she met Harry, she knew exactly who they were. She had pictures of Princess Diana plastered all over her bedroom wall, She was photographed with a friend sitting on a fence rail outside Buckingham palace but yet she claimed to have not known who the Royal Family were, oh please if your going to lie at least make it halfway believable or just don't bother trying to convince people with a brain in their heads of this transparent bu****it.
She lied about Archie not being given a title because of racism, when in fact, it’s the law that decides that.
She lied about the Royal Family treating her like a prisoner by taking away her passports. She took no less than 13 luxury vacations while in the RF. How did she leave the country if she diddnt have her passport?
She lied about the RF being “the family she never had”. Just a year earlier she had give a speech about her father “being the best father in the world”. She clearly had a good family, so she lied.
She lied about her first husbands divorce. They divorced because she cheated on him, but lied to cover it up.
She lied about identifying as a black woman. For years, she wrote that she “identified as white” on her CV form.
She lied about paying for her own college. Her father paid for it all.
She lied about the Royal Family cutting them off financially. Prince Charles had been funding them the entire time.
She lied about their security being cut off by the Royal Family. In fact, Canada cut off their paid security, not the Royal Family.
She lied about the Royal Family not teaching her how to be a duchess. They gave her not one, but two of their best advisors from day one.
She lied about the Royal Family not defending her from racism. The RF made several statements, and gave her a protection team to fight off the racist attacks.
She lied about wanting to be financially independent. She said she wanted to make her own money, then she and Harry threw the RF under the bus for not “financially supporting them” It is a lie to demand financial independence while also demanding being paid.
She lied about the Palace not wanting to help her with her mental health issues.


Do I think the Interview that Harry and Meghan did with Oprah will backfire on them.

Yes I do, In the short term? It was a great success!
In the long term? Without a d doubt it will backfire. In the long run, it will destroy them.

Meghan made a fatal mistake. She lied throughout the entire interview, and in doing so she showed the entire world her true hand-that she is a liar who wants fame, fortune and to hurt the Royal Family as much as possible.
It is the British who write British history. And guess what? The British hate Meghan Markle. She is currently one of the most hated women in Britain for her lies and smear campaign against the Queen. The British will never forgive or forget how much she cruel she was, how mean she was, how backstabbing she was, how hypocritical she was and most of all-they will not forgive her lying in order to hurt the Queen.
In the short run Meghan will be popular in America. But in the long run, she will be remembered as a villain and a liar in Britain. And it is Britain who has the final say about how she will be remembered.
Meghan won the short game. But in doing so she doomed herself, because she will go down in British history as a villain, not a hero.
Meghan won. But in reality, Meghan just lost.


Will Meghan and Harry’s Oprah interview bring down the Monarchy.


Meghan and Harry are now the most hated couple in Britain.
After the Oprah interview, Meghan and Harry’s popularity plummeted in the UK. They are now as hated as Prince Andrew for their lying about the Queen being racist.
As for Charles, William and the Queen? Their popularity has remained unchanged in the UK. Why?
Because the British know the Royal Gamily is not racist. They also know Meghan is a pathological liar who most likely took an offhand insensitive comment and blew it up to make it look racist.
The monarchy will go on. But Meghan will always be hated in the UK.
The Queen won. Meghan lost.


Why is there so much controversy around the Meghan Markle interview on Oprah?

The controversy is because Meghan and Harry lied.

Meghan and Harry lied. They lied about so much through the interview that reports say SEVENTEEN of their claims are proven lies, or misinformation.

Meghan made claims that someone in the Royal Family made insensitive remarks about skin color. However, she refuses to say who, which has caused millions of people to call the ENTIRE family racist.

What Meghan did was wrong. Firstly, she lied throughout the entire interview. And secondly, she smeared the entire Royal Family as being racist, when in truth only one member made reportedly one insensitive comment.
Who can trust a proven liar? And why would Meghan refuse to name the family member unless she wanted something in return? As in, blackmail?
My personal opinion is that Meghan is openly trying to blackmail the Royal Family. In return for her no longer calling the Royal Family racist, she wants money and to keep her titles.
She really is a horrible person.


Does Oprah regret doing the interview with Prince Harry and Meagan.

Eventually she will.
This interview single handedly destroyed her reputation for being an unbiased, fair interviewer. Why?
Because Meghan and Harry are proven to have lied through the ENTIRE interview. They made up a bold faced LIE about the Queen being racist.
There wasn’t one lie. There wasn’t two lies. There were an estimated 17 of them.There were so many reporters can’t even keep count.
They lied about the racist claims, they lied about being financially cut off, they lied about their security, they lied about Prince Charles, they lied about planning to leave the family, they lied about their not getting help from the palace, they lied about the Royal Family discouraging mental health help, they lied about the palace not defending them against racism, they lied about nearly half the entire interview.
And what did Oprah do? Nothing. She fact checked nothing.
Oprah was a joke of an interviewer. And it will be remembered.


Do you believe Meghan Markle’s claim that Buckingham Palace are ‘perpetuating falsehoods’?

No. Meghan is trying to deflect from the fact her staff have accused her of being abusive.

This is a gaslighting technique used by bullies who want to hide their past abuse of others.
It is fact that Meghan’s former workers have come foreword saying she was abusive and a bully. This threatens Meghan’s popularity and ability to make money. So what does she do?
She gaslights. She lies and claims the true victims are lying. She frames the victims as being bullies. This is a common bullying technique.
Meghan is the true bully. And she will go down in British history as one of the worst Duchesses in modern history.


Is Oprah Laughing At Meghan behind her Back?

Oprah and Gayle are two very intelligent, very shrewd women. They will have realized what Meghan is by now-a wannabe star absolutely desperate for fame and money.
They both know this, but know getting a scoop on the Royal Family is too good to turn down, so they are using Meghan to boost their business and profile. Until, that is, Meghan looses her title.
You see, neither women care about Meghan. The moment Meghan looses popularity or becomes a social pariah in the US is the moment Oprah and Gayle drop Meghan in a heartbeat.
They are not friends. They are using each other.


Do you believe Meghan Markle’s claim that Buckingham Palace are ‘perpetuating falsehoods’?

No. Meghan is trying to deflect from the fact her staff have accused her of being abusive.

This is a gaslighting technique used by bullies who want to hide their past abuse of others.
It is fact that Meghan’s former workers have come foreword saying she was abusive and a bully. This threatens Meghan’s popularity and ability to make money. So what does she do?
She gaslights. She lies and claims the true victims are lying. She frames the victims as being bullies. This is a common bullying technique.
Meghan is the true bully. And she will go down in British history as one of the worst Duchesses in modern history.


Meghan Markle Stalked Prince Harry.

Yes. In fact Meghan stalked Prince Harry before they were dating.

Photos have leaked online of Prince Harry’s Protection Officers es**rting Meghan away from Prince Harry not once, but twice, when she gate crashed two events she was not invited to in order to stalk him.
The first event was the Invictus Games. You can find the photos and story of this on Deanna Eppers blog on Quora.
The second event was a polo match, where Prince William orders his officers to es**rt her away. You can find this video on Youtube. There are also photos of Meghan gate crashing Tom Inskips beach wedding, which she was reportedly never invited to-but showed up to in order to stalk Harry.
In all three photos and videos it is abundantly clear Meghan was not invited and was trespassing on the premesis.
In two of the situations, Prince Harry had his body guards remove her and throw her off the property.
This is not normal behavior. In fact, I would say this stalking is psychopathic.
What makes this even creepier? Is that Meghan reportedly worse Prince Harrys dead mothers perfume to her first date with him. Who the hell wears someones dead mums perfume to their first date??
There is something seriously wrong with Meghan Markle. And America is about to learn just what that is.


Has Harry Put His Darkest Days behind him.
No, Harry has not put his darkest days behind him. Why? Because he married an unkind, cruel naccasistic woman.

Harry’s wife unfortunately has a pattern of abusing people. Especially staff, which is well documented.
Does a woman who screams and cusses out staff sound like a kind wife to you?
Does a woman who refuses to help her own homeless family members sound compassionate to you?
Does a woman who abandoned her dying father on his deathbed ( he survived luckily ) sound like a wonderfully kind partner to live with?
Meghan’s classmates and former staff said she was a bully. And if there’s one thing I know about bullies, it’s that they are bullies to everyone. Including their spouse.
So no, Harry has much darker days ahead of him. Anyone who marries a malignant narcissist who has patterns of abuse is doomed, unless they divorce.
Oh and by the way. Meghan is such a textbook narcissist that several trained psychologists have made videos about her and written articles using her as a perfect example of how to spot a narcissist.


Does Meghan Markle Need Justice?.

Yes, she does.
The staff she abused deserves justice.
The charity she stole $200,000 from and transferred into Travelyst deserves justice.
The classmates she bullied so badly they quit her sorority deserve justice.
Her homeless family members she refused to help deserve justice.
Her African American family she abandoned after becoming famous deserve justice.
Her first husband she dumped in an emotionally abusive way deserve justice.
Her dogs she abandoned after moving to London deserve justice.
And finally The Queen and Royal Family deserve justice for being slandered and abused by this horrible woman who has done nothing but take their money and humiliate them.
She deserves justice. And so do all of her victims.


What’s going on with Meghan Markle?

The harsh truth is that right now Prince Harry and Meghan Markles stars are slowly dying. They are both slowly becoming irrelevant.
THATS whats happening right now. And they dont even know it.

These two are going to have about 2–3 years of celebrity news cycle after they left the Royal Family. But after 3 years?Four? People, especially Americans, are sick of seeing these two on the news, and after a good couple of years, wont care about anything they have to say. Its only been just one year and its already happening.
How can I tell? Because how desperate they are for press attention, and how much the press dont care about them. They have to PAY publications to put out news stories about them. A list celebrities wont stick up for them anymore. They reportedly arent selling magazines. Hollywood isnt interested in Meghans acting. Meghans voice over got poor reviews. Both of their popularity has fallen through the roof.
What you are witnessing is called a “slow and painful death”.
What these two havent realized yet is that they are basically done. After their little “war” with the royal family is over, no one will want them. The average person wont care about them, and Hollywood will dump them, except for the occasional TMZ piece, magazine column and obscure interview every few months. Yeah it might take 4–5 years, but eventually it will happen. They will go from Mr. and Ms. Famous into c list, and eventual the Z list celebs, and then fade away.
Meghan wanted to be famous, but she made a fatal mistake. She assumed that people cared more about her than they did her title. She thought if she left the Royal Family that Hollywood and the entire World would be at her feet begging for more. She thought she would be so popular and world famous she could even run for President.
She was wrong. So Very very wrong.

Would Meghan have married William if she met him first? 26/05/2021

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Does Prince Harry regret doing the Oprah interview? 26/05/2021

Does Prince Harry regret doing the Oprah interview? Answer: Eventually, yes. One day, Harry will look back on his life and regret lying and slandering his poor grandmother, the Queen, on national TV. Meghan and Harry both knew Archies titles are not determined by race, but by law. In fact, they both what knew their sons titles would be before ge...

What do you think of the claims of Meghan Markle bullying palace staff? 26/05/2021

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If Meghan Markle identifies culturally as "a person of colour", why did she only date or marry white men? 26/05/2021

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Is Meghan Markle a fraud? 26/05/2021

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What is going on with Meghan Markle now? 26/05/2021

What is going on with Meghan Markle now? Answer: What’s going on with Meghan Markle? The harsh truth is that right now Prince Harry and Meghan Markles stars are slowly dying. They are both slowly becoming irrelevant. THATS whats happening right now. And they dont even know it. These two are going to have about 2–3 years of celebrity n....

Harry's interview 'slip-up' exposes 'disconnect' with Meghan's Oprah claim, TV host says 26/05/2021

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Photos from The Meghan Markle Debarkle's post 25/05/2021

This Baby is Gavin Gringas, There is no Baby Archie This Child is the Child of Meghan Markles friend Brynn Gringas . Baby Archies Biological Mother who was Meghan Markles surrogate decided not to adopt her Baby to Meghan and Harry and so Baby Archie is still with her. Meghan was never pregnant with Archie or any other child. Meghan is infertile after having multiple abortions. There is no Royal Baby Archie . Meghan used a pospthetic bomb like actresses use in the movies, convenient I must say.neither is she pregnant with this Baby again she has a surrogate. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time Meghan. Your Busted.


Hello Everyone, First and foremost I would like to introduce myself to you and explain why I created this page. My name is Sherrynne, Most of my friends know me as Liz. I live in and was born and bred in Australia. I am married and the Mother of 8 adult Children. I have had many experiences in my life both good and bad as I'm sure most of us have. I created this page for the sole purpose of exposing Meghan Markle for what she really is and that is a true Naccasistic self opinionated, self entitled, vicious, and dangerous individual. She puts no one above herself. She sees herself as the most important person on the planet, no one is above her as a matter of fact in Meghans eyes everyone is below her. As the old saying goes this Woman would make trouble in an empty house. Without further ado, we will get on with the pitiful story of Meghan Markle and who and what she really is. We will explain how she always gets what she wants despite who she has to trample on to do it. Meghan will be referred to on this page as Megain as in Me gain. The reason for this is because that name fits both her personality and her agenda perfectly. She is a liar and a fraud. So let's start from the beginning shall we.


Without Prejudice I Make The Following Statement.

I have always had the up most respect for Queen Elizabeth And The Monarchy.
So let me Start with the Royal Wedding that I like millions of others watched on Te l revision. I Sat myself down with a cup of Coffee and A bowl of fruit snacks ready to watch the Royal Wedding. Everything was fine until I saw Meghan Markle walking down the aisle dressed in a very simple plain wedding white wedding dress despite the fact she was not a Virgin and Had been Married before, not once but twice now it seems.
I Saw The Smug Look On Her Face And Picked Up On Her Body Language. I Immediatly Felt This Woman Is Bad News And Will Divide The Royal Family. She Will Prove To Be A very Evil Dangerous Person And Will Be Nothing But Trouble. I Believe My Intuition Was Spot On. Here Was A Nacasistic Gold Digger That Thinks She Is Untouchable, Will I Prove To Be Right On The Money Here, I Say Yes.

