Plantmade WA

Plantmade WA

Hi I'm Anna,
Welcome to Plantmade WA! I'm here to share both my personal journey with you, and l


Super yum roasted turmeric cauliflower salad with crunchy carrot, coriander, cashews and super spicy ginger dressing….the perfect covid meal!!!

20ml lime
40ml fish sauce
40ml rice wine vinegar
1tbsp castor sugar
2 tablespoon ginger
1 grated garlic
Shallot optional


Gin bar dehydrated fruits… went down a treat this weekend to celebrate my 50th!!!!
Woohooo thanks for the pic .solomon


Broome time 😬😬😬😬


Looking for a nourishing breakfast? Lately I’ve been warming up my frozen berries and serving with a good dollop of vegan yogurt and a serve of nutty granola. 😋 you can buy online or through some awesome outlets around Fremantle! Get in touch today.


Winter eve 💯


Nature does it best


I guess there’s a couple of good things that come from social media... today I read a great article about a group of talented artists and entrepreneurs getting together to import oxygen concentrators to reach so many unfortunate people across India. I knew I had to give but I wasn’t sure how. For me, I’m getting myself an incredible photo captured by an artist who truly cares and 100% of my proceeds go to people of need.
Check them out...


More smoothie spam... I keep forgetting to have my collagen, so I’ve put it next to my blender with all my superpowders!
Almond milk, pear, frozen banana, kale plus a teaspoon of spiralina (great source of vitamin A & B12 and Collagen - skin,hair and nails). Never too late! Don’t forget your sunscreen ☀️


Maqui berry, h**p, kale, banana, mango, almond milk smoothie!

I couldn’t figure out what to eat this morning so I threw this smoothie together. Full of antioxidants, high in protein and good for your skin! Give it a try!

Maqui berry is a superfood from South America, it comes freeze dried. A good one to have in your pantry when your feeling a bit flat.


Not a fancy shot but this flan was yum! Swiss chard, tomato, herbs and goats cheese. The perfect lunch option for Sunday’s or left over lunches!
The crust was made from buckwheat flour, almond mill, egg, almond milk and olive oil. Gluten free and high in protein! DM me if you want the recipe. My kids had it in their lunch boxes this morning!


Comfort food!
Creamy millet porridge with stewed apples and honey roasted seeds and nuts. The perfect breakfast for the cooler weather.

Millet is gluten free and high in antioxidants. Recipe 👇🏽

1/2 cup millet
2 cups water
1 cup almond milk
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp turmeric

Stew your fruit with a little water, lemon and spice for 5 min.

Mix seeds and nuts with a drizzle of honey and bake. Black sesame take it to the next level! Throw in do@e goji on top.


Breakfast with my little mate....sometimes it’s just me and Chilli but most of the time it’s hectic with kids.

I need a boost of self love, so a walk down the river should fix that!

Getting in nature rebalances me, love where you live!


Veggie patch goals!!! Yep time to get into the garden this weekend and see if I can grow myself a giant squash! Image from


We are feeling the changes in the season at our house. Scratchy throats and sniffles.

This little smoothie is lovely in the changing, cooler weather. Made from sweet potato, almond milk and warming spices such as turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg. Topped with roasted coconut or PlantmadeWA granola! Give it a try. I steam the sweet potato. Let me know what you think. 🤔


My veggie patch is getting itself ready for a new crop! Once the rain breaks, I’ll be planting all my favs- broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, salad leaves, eggplant, some new herbs.

Welcome Autumn.. what are you guys planting this season? And where do you go for great seeds or seedlings??🌱🌱🌱


FUN LOVING - Enjoying life in a lively, lighthearted way; spirited; playful...

Today would have been my fathers 85th birthday, he was FUN LOVING.

I know life is not always fun loving but thinking of Jack today did remind me to find my sense of humour, be a little more playful with my kids and not take life too seriously.


It was great to visit yesterday afternoon and enjoy a deep blissful sleep last night! Ohh how I missed it! My morning ritual continues with morning meditation, backed up by some moves on my mat...thanks for the inspo 😍Realising what I really need and making that happen is key for me this year.


Following on from my ritual post!! I bought myself last year and enjoy the process of making and drinking this rare and unique tea. It has subtle notes of sweet citrus, tea tree and eucalyptus, unmistakably Australian.
It’s hand picked by the Alawa people on Alawa land in the Northern Territory. Traditionally a bush medicine to help with colds, flu and stomach pain.
I’m so glad I came across it through and now i can share it with you!
Steep in hot water or pop a spoon full into your bath!


Need a delivery? Did you know stock 400gm bags of granola? Get in touch today!!


Yesterday I had a good think about some of the rituals I do and need to do on a daily basis thanks to .april.mack Goddess programme.
After our discussion i noticed what I enjoyed in my day.
- waking up and sitting outside to breathe in the day
- making a cup of tea
- smelling my washing as I hang it out
- listening to the birds outside while I water my garden
- having a salt bath or shower at the end of the day

This morning I started a new very necessary ritual, one that I have tried to do on and off for years....morning meditation. So my tips for this are make it a ritual - light incense, have a spot you do this every morning and evening, aim for 5-10 minutes, listen to a mantra or Om it out, ring a bell to awaken yourself. Breathe 🧘


Summer on a plate!

Wrap it up, serve on tostadas or throw it together as a salad. This vegan cerviche salad is perfect for the hot summer nights we are experiencing !

Serve with a simple vinaigrette, spicy chipotle sauce or vegan sour cream.


Kitchen inspo by the fabulous my all time favourite pirate!



This dish was inspired by my travels to Marrakech in 2019. The food I ate there was simple, farm to table kind of food. Few ingredients, clean and flavoursome.

Barley risotto with parsley, lemon, spinach, peas and yogurt sauce. Topped with egg and cumin.

Happy weekend!


Need some juice inspo? Head to my website for a detox challenge. I have created a few juices that will keep you going throughout the day and help you kickstart 2021!


IMPACT is the word I have chosen for 2021.
After listening to the podcast I really needed a word I could come back to throughout the year to help guide me through my decisions and continue towards what I want.
Impact is a great word for me this year.
Questions I have had to ask myself...
What positive impact can I create for myself, my family and my business?
What environmental impact am I having today?
How will my spending impact on my future?
How do I impact on others?

Instead of resolutions, choose a word for 2021. Pop it on your fridge to remind you of what your goals are for this new year!!

Please feel free to share your word for 2021...


Smudge sticks are an ancient native tradition going back thousands of years. Here I have Californian white sage. Burning these herbs in order to prevent illness, ward off negative energy, or cleanse a space, person or group.
Bring on 2021!


Looking for a super simple crowd pleaser?
Well here it is... This pumpkin hummus dip is so easy to make and tastes delicious!! Give it a try and let me know what you think!

More easy recipes on my website!


Nearly at the end of this ever changing year!!!

Remember to take a break, soak up the little things, ring your family, rest, read, laugh and enjoy the festive season!

PlantmadeWA will be taking a break from the 18 December so get your orders in! We will be back around the 4 January.

There will be a bigger focus on the business in 2021 with some group workshops, cooking classes, granola and nut mixes and some special delivery boxes!

Thanks for all your support and I look forward to being part of something bigger in 2021!


Mangos! These beauties pretty much fix everything on a 39c day!!!

Mango Lassie - the key to a good lassie is more fruit and yogurt than milk. Some fresh mint and cinnamon! Blend until creamy! 😋


Summer entertaining made easy!
Simple seasonal grilled veggies with red wine vinegar dressing, plantbased curries with lots of coriander, flatbread and yogurt...all washed down by a yummy glass of something!
Recipes on website!
