GAPS Tutoring

GAPS Tutoring

At GAPS Tutoring we strive to deliver quality personalised primary school tuition, targeted at addressing gaps in learning.

We can assist students to work through general class content addressing specific needs, with homework and/or assignment tasks.


Tutoring spots have opened up in Term 2 with multi-skilled Mia 😊 Mia has experience tutoring both primary school and high school students. She relies on the NSW syllabus to build skills with a focus on stage level content and specific areas of need. If interested in Mia’s tutoring services you can enquire online via GAPS or contact Mia directly by phone or email πŸ“šπŸŽ


We frequently tutor online and I'm all for an end of zoom call wave! πŸ‘‹

At GAPS we've found many cool ways to keep our students engaged during zoom sessions. Screen sharing is no doubt the feature I most share. I share individualised google slides with my students, Youtube clips, reading websites, interactive activities, sight word lists and in every session we share the whiteboard. I can literally share anything with the click of a button!
And we would be lost without the annotation feature to highlight big ideas, key words, cross out, calculate, complete activities and play games.

It's no surprise to us that we're gaining more interest in our online zoom sessions. Not just for convenience these sessions are highly effective!! πŸ™Œ

To further enquire on our online zoom tutor sessions send us a direct message or email [email protected]


We have learned a lot over the past two years. We've learned that situations can deviate quickly to something totally unexpected, things go wrong and what we know as normal can drastically change in a small window of time. Importantly, we've also learned that we can survive bad times whilst we continue to seek and strive for better ones. So with this in mind, I wish you all a generous amount of hope, love and light in 2022!! πŸ™β€οΈπŸŒŸ

After a little time off, and in response to requests from a number of clients, GAPS resumes today with school holiday tutoring.

Our school holiday tutoring sessions can be just that…. holiday sessions, to keep young minds active, or make use of catch up time. It can also be a continuation of learning for existing students, revising on concepts and skills learnt during the previous term. Whatever your motivation, holiday tutoring is as beneficial and rewarding as standard school term tutoring. The format is a little different with additional fun games and a focus on developing problem solving skills. We understand children learn and think differently and offer experience in presenting ideas and information in different ways to facilitate learning.

If you are interested in school holiday tutoring let us know and we will share our schedule of available dates and times.

Take care


