Redheads On The Road

Redheads On The Road

Redheads on the Road is the creation of Kylie & Alison – red wine loving writers, journalists, pho

Visiting Abbadoah – A Sheep Farm in Drought - Redheads on the Road 05/06/2020

Firstly, we must apologise for being so incredibly slack with our blogging.

But, COVID-19 came and we got sidetracked with self isolation, home renovations and a general panic about no more work.

However, we have blogged the Moody's story!

So please, head on over to the blog for a real life story about running a sheep farm during an 8 year drought.

The Moody's welcomed us into their home, offered us lunch and a beer, and generously shared their story with us.

Kylie and I are so grateful for their hospitality and hope to go back out for a visit in the near future.

Visiting Abbadoah – A Sheep Farm in Drought - Redheads on the Road Redheads on the Road Visiting Abbadoah – A Sheep Farm in Drought We bid farewell and headed off for our next visit, another drought stricken sheep farm.

Photos from Alison Cooke Photography's post 24/04/2020

Today in my street

St George & Surrounds Matesong 12/03/2020

Loving this! A few familiar places from our road trip. Great to see the water flowing!

St George & Surrounds Matesong Get ready to smile at this a fun bush parody of Tourism Australia’s Kylie Minogue ‘Matesong’. In true Outback style, each of the Balonne Shire’s seven towns ...

A GRAIN SILO turned into a GAZEBO 06/03/2020

What a fabulous idea for a country wedding 🥰

A GRAIN SILO turned into a GAZEBO Building a gazebo from a grain bin

Australian Farmers - A Look into life in the outback - 05/03/2020

For those of you following along at home, our latest blog is up on the website.

Head on over to the blog and meet cheeky Rod! He's such a colourful character!
You'll also learn a little about life on a farm and hear about some of our road trip shenanigans.

PS. It's all Kylie's fault ;)

Australian Farmers - A Look into life in the outback - Australian Farmers - A Look into life in the outback - Redheads on the Road - Do you have a story to tell? Give us a call! Ph: 0418882778


Okay, so this just popped up in my newsfeed.
Please tell this actually a thing??

Photos from Redheads On The Road's post 27/02/2020

It's incredible that just 6 weeks ago, Kylie and I were standing on the dry, parched bed of the Balonne River in St George, and today it's flooding!
Shortly after midday the Balonne River reached a peak of around 12.2 metres.
Check out the ABC link below for footage.

Those of you following us, how are you all faring?
If you have any pictures, please share with us in the comments below?


Do we have any regional people following us?

We'd love to see if you've had rain in some of the drought affected areas we travelled through.

We know that Bollon has received a good drenching.

Show us your pics so we can compare!

Aussie Farmers - Through Drought & Endurance - Redheads on the Road 07/02/2020

Our very first blog is up!
Our first story is about Herb and Jean, two of the friendliest country folk you could ever hope to meet.
Read their story on surviving the drought and learn just how resilient our Aussie farmers are.

Kylie and I are so keen to go back out there. And hopefully next time, it'll be nice and green 🙏

Aussie Farmers - Through Drought & Endurance - Redheads on the Road Redheads on the Road - Aussie Farmers - Through Drought & EnduranceWe're 2 fun-loving Redheads on the road, looking for Auusie stories to tell.What's yours?

Photos from Redheads On The Road's post 29/01/2020


Remember us?

Well, Kylie and I are back to reality and gradually working our way through detox, (wait, did I say that?) a gazillion (yes it's a real word!) images and hours upon hours of transcripts.

We're looking forward to sharing some stories from the fascinating farmers we met on our adventures. So hang tight!

But, here's a little reminder of how freaking hot it was out there. These were taken in Bollon, a small rural town in the Shire of Balonne with a population of about 200.

These little furry guys were busted cooling-off at the public library, along with some cheeky goats and a few stray emus.

Bollon was roughly 8 hours into our roadtrip and has excellent public facilities...just FYI ;)


This is just too cute not to share!


So, while we were at Cunnamulla, Kylie and I did a rain dance.

Now, I'm not saying we're entirely responsible, but we are pretty darn good dancers ;)

But seriously, HOW FREAKING GOOD IS THIS!!!!!


Thanks to everyone who followed our outback adventure. We had so much fun!
This morning at the gym I was asked if we actually interviewed anyone or did we just eat and drink our way through the outback. I'm shocked! :P

Well of course we did! We did all of those things!

We're now in the process of transcribing many hours of conversations with the lovely farmers and county people we met. We've got some great stories to share which we will publish on our website over the next month or two.

So, stay tuned!



The Redheads are (sadly) back to the daily routine and madly dieting and detoxing. Experiencing the local cuisine and checking out all the local watering holes takes its toll!

But we had such a blast and cannot wait to plan our next trip!

In the meantime, wrangle the ranga in this pic.

This was taken at the local sports club (1.5 hours outside of town) where people from the surrounding properties get together once a month to socialise.


Guess who’s driving the final leg home?


You’re not in the country until you’ve sworn at the flies, threatened to kill them and accidentally smacked yourself in the face. And had a fly, fly up your nose.
F* flies!!! 😡😤


Spent a whole 2 minutes photographing the silos in Thallon following a 5 hour drive from Cunnamulla. The things we do for the perfect shot!


Ok. Time to detox. Monday ... Maybe 😁

Photos from Redheads On The Road's post 11/01/2020

Nindigully Pub baby!!

Grabbing a 🍔 and a cold 🍺

Photos from Redheads On The Road's post 10/01/2020

And just in case you’re wondering how dry it is out here...

Photos from Redheads On The Road's post 10/01/2020

Today we bid farewell to Cunnamulla 😢

We’re both quite sad to say goodbye to this lovely country town.

We’ve met some beautiful people and made new friends.

We’ve experienced just a bit of country life and it’s been amazing.

But...*insert Arnie’s voice*
We’ll be back!!


It gets in your nosies and between your tosies.
It gets fu #*ing everywhere!

It also makes a pretty picture ❤️


A little BTS shot of Kylie, shooting the wind storm half way between Cunnamulla and Bourke.

Photos from Redheads On The Road's post 10/01/2020

The second property we visited yesterday was Abbadoah, a 30,000 acre property owned by the Moody family.

In true country style, we were welcomed in, offered lunch, a cold beer and lively conversation ensued.

Kylie and I were given a quick history of the property by Sally and Mick and a crash course in agriculture by young farmer Jesse.

As always, we left a little wiser about life in the outback and feeling like we’d gained new friends.

Much gratitude Moody family 🙏🏼

And if you want to see some amazing photos of real life on a sheep farm, check out Jesse’s Instagram account. Not just a grazier, he has quite an eye for photography too!


Today Kylie and I headed out to a property on the road to Bourke.
There was an awesome wind storm so of course we stopped to take some photos.


On our way towards Bourke. Alison is driving. Let the stall tally begin!


It’s so hot in Cunnamulla that birds are just dropping dead. In fact, all the animals are struggling 😢

Across from our accommodation are sprinklers, which spray water from the natural bore drain, and wildlife of all descriptions congregate there in the afternoon to seek a reprieve from the heat.

Please rain soon 🙏🏼🙏🏼

Photos from Redheads On The Road's post 09/01/2020

Although it’s hot and the drought is long, one thing that hadn’t changed is good old country hospitality.

Everyone we’ve visited as strangers, we’ve left feeling like friends. The conversation has flowed and the laughs have been many.

Today we visited two properties. The first was Adgingbong, a 30,000 acre property owned by the mischievous Rod Taylor.

Rod happily showed us around his property and allowed us to indulge in some photography.

And he even let Kylie play in his tractor 😂


Spent the morning on a property called Adgingbong, 30 minutes outside of Cunnamulla, owned by this cheeky bu**er (AKA Rod Taylor). His son Alex is going to be on this season's Farmer Wants a Wife and will be filming there for a month in February!

If Alex doesn't find a wife, Kylie has offered to help him out 😆


Just to give you an idea of how hot it gets here 🥵

What’s the temp where you are?


Breakfast of champions 💪🏼

Sampling the local cuisine at the Cunnamulla Coffee Shop

The best camel burger I’ve ever had!
And the first 🤣

- Alison


Apparently they aren't allowed to serve shots in Cunnamulla.


What's that joke about when Kylie and Alison walk into a quiet Cunnamulla bar?


Why did we arrive in Cunnamulla late? Because Alison went MIA in the vineyard yesterday ...


No caption necessary ...


Checking out of our "backpacker" accommodation to find something with a few more creature comforts ... like ... a glass or even a fork. Just when Alison thought she couldn't stoop any lower she was forced to drink her wine out of thermos flask and I ate a Caltex salad with my fingers.

Wrangle the Ranger ... Can you spot Alison in our luxury Cunumulla accommodation?


So, we arrived in CUNNAMULLA around 10pm last night, and in typical redhead style, not without incident.

After spending a few hours chatting with some lovely country folk, we headed for the final leg to Cunnamulla. We narrowly missed hitting two goats, however weren’t so lucky with a kangaroo.

Thankfully Kylie kept her cool and we remain unscathed. Although the car’s a bit banged up with skippy imprint. Can’t say the same for the kangaroo 😢

Today we’re exploring town and heading out to another property this afternoon.


Camel balls anyone?

Where it began...

We’re Kylie and Alison, two fun-loving, fiery redheads who share the same goals and passions for storytelling and photography. Kylie is a master photographer who’s worked as a journalist in various media outlets and Alison is an associate photographer with a Degree in Communications, with majors in journalism and public relations. We both love to chat over a glass of red wine and share a story or two.

The adventure began when, chatting over a coffee one day, Kylie confessed she craved to do something inspirational and purposeful. Alison, who’d been feeling lacklustre herself for quite some time, declared; “WE NEED A PROJECT!”.

And so, after a few drinks (that weren’t coffee), much laughter and excited planning, Redheads On The Road was born! We’ll share our shenanigans with you (and trust us, there will be shenanigans) as we embark on various road trips together, searching for stories that are authentic, quirky, humorous or sad. We’ll talk to real people from all walks of life as we road trip across the country. And we’ll share our mishaps along the way.

If you have a story to tell, we’d love to hear from you.
