Dr. Jimmy Mai

Dr. Jimmy Mai

Thank you for visiting this page. I am Dr Jimmy Mai, teaching and research academic in Psychology a

Photos from Dr. Jimmy Mai's post 27/04/2023

Two new publications from our Psychology Honours students.

Morwood S, Mai D, Bennett PC, Benton P, Howell TJ. Exploring the Experiences of Volunteer Assistance Dog Puppy Raisers from the Same Program at Two Australian University Campuses. Animals. 2023; 13(9):1482. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13091482

Hardie, S., Mai, D. L., & Howell, T. J. (2023). Social Support and Wellbeing in Cat and Dog Owners, and the Moderating Influence of Pet–Owner Relationship Quality. Anthrozoös, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/08927936.2023.2182029


We've published a commentary paper on assistance dog puppy raising. In this paper, we proposed the Triple Triangle Model (3T), a holistic approach to supporting puppy raisers.

Open Access is available via this link: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/13/2/307
Mai, D. L., Howell, T., Benton, P., & Bennett, P. C. (2023). Application of an Adapted Behaviour Change Wheel to Assistance Dog Puppy Raising: A Proposed Raiser-Centred Support Program. Animals, 13(2), 307. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13020307

Good Life Study (HEC21372) | Nghiên cứu cuộc sống tốt đẹp 06/12/2022

Nếu bạn là người nhập cư hoặc người tị nạn ở Úc (trên 18 tuổi), chúng tôi rất muốn nghe về những trải nghiệm của bạn khi thích nghi với cuộc sống mới ở Úc và cách bạn cảm nhận thế nào là một cuộc sống tốt đẹp.

Xin vui lòng truy cập liên kết bên dưới để tham gia khảo sát trực tuyến và chia sẻ kinh nghiệm của bạn với các chuyên gia của chúng tôi về Tâm lý học Văn hóa tại Đại học La Trobe (Úc) và Đại học Chicago (Hoa Kỳ), và tham gia xổ số để giành được một trong những phiếu mua hàng điện tử Coles trị giá 100 đô la của chúng tôi.


Good Life Study (HEC21372) | Nghiên cứu cuộc sống tốt đẹp Nghiên cứu cuộc sống tốt đẹp

Photos from Dr. Jimmy Mai's post 30/11/2022

New research alert! Thông báo (Tiếng Việt and English)

Research Participants Wanted!

We are recruiting participants who are Vietnamese migrants and Refugees in Australia for a study about Good Life.

Please refer to the flyer below for further information available in both Vietnamese and English.

Links to the survey in Vietnamese and English at the end of this post and in the description of each photo below:

English: https://latrobe.questionpro.com/goodlifeEng
Vietnamese: https://latrobe.questionpro.com/goodlifevie


Xin mời tham gia nghiên cứu!

Chúng tôi đang tuyển tình nguyện viên là người nhập cư và tị nạn gốc Việt Nam tại Úc cho nghiên cứu về Cuộc sống Tốt đẹp.

Xin quý vị đón xem trong ảnh quảng cáo phía dưới để biết thêm chi tiết bằng Tiếng Việt và Tiếng Anh.

Đường dẫn tới bảng khảo sát bằng cả hai thứ tiếng ở phía dưới đây

Tiếng Anh: https://latrobe.questionpro.com/goodlifeEng
Tiếng Việt: https://latrobe.questionpro.com/goodlifevie

Photos from Dr. Jimmy Mai's post 17/10/2022




Xin mời quý vị tham gia vào một nghiên cứu về việc thực hành văn hóa trong thời kỳ chu sinh (trước và sau khi sinh con) của phụ nữ Việt Nam hiện đang sinh sống tại Úc.

Thông tin và link đăng ký tham gia: [LINK EXPIRED]

Điều kiện tham gia:
- Đủ 18 tuổi trở lên
- Sinh ra tại Việt Nam và hiện đang sống tại Úc
- Đang mang thai hoặc mới sinh em bé trong vòng một năm trở lại đây

Chúng tôi muốn tìm hiểu từ quý vị về những lời khuyên mang tính truyền thống văn hoá Việt Nam mà quý vị nhận được và thực hành trong thời kỳ chu sinh tại Úc.

Chúng tôi xin gửi đến quý vị một thẻ quà tặng $20 sau khi hoàn tất cuộc phỏng vấn khoảng 30 phút với chúng tôi.

Defining Terms Used for Animals Working in Support Roles for People with Support Needs 07/08/2022

New paper alert.

This is a peer-reviewed article that I co-authored with my former PhD supervisors and many other experts in the field of Anthrozoology (human-animal relationships). This was a massive undertaking with 77 authors led by Dr. Tiffani Jho of our Department of Psychology, Counselling, and Therapy, La Trobe University.

Defining Terms Used for Animals Working in Support Roles for People with Support Needs The nomenclature used to describe animals working in roles supporting people can be confusing. The same term may be used to describe different roles, or two terms may mean the same thing. This confusion is evident among researchers, practitioners, and end users. Because certain animal roles are prov...

Impacts of Separation from Main Source of Support Due to COVID-19 Restrictions on First-Time Expectant and New Mothers 08/06/2022

Impacts of Separation from Main Source of Support Due to COVID-19 Restrictions on First-Time Expectant and New Mothers

(HREC Approval Number: HEC22088)

We are interested in understanding the impacts of COVID-19 on expecting and first-time mothers. You are invited to participate in this study by taking part in a 45-90 minute interview, if you are: an expectant mother (6 months in pregnancy by 21st Feb 2022) or first-time new mother (if your baby is under 1 year old by 21st Feb 2022). Additionally, you must have been separated from one important support person (family, spouse, friends) for a period of time due to COVID-19 lockdown. We are also interested in interviewing a person who was present with you during the above dates and supported you then.

For more information, please contact Rystian Caranza, who is conducting this study as part of his Honours research project ([email protected]).

Please share this information with anyone who may be interested.

(Photo credit: Pixabay.com)

Impacts of Separation from Main Source of Support Due to COVID-19 Restrictions on First-Time Expectant and New Mothers (HREC Approval Number: HEC22088) photo credit: Pixabay.com Investigators: Mr Rystian Caranza (Honours Student, School of Psychology and Public Health, La Trobe University, [email protected]

Current Research Projects 08/06/2022

I regularly have new research projects that I advertise on this page. They include projects that I initiated, student projects that I supervise, and projects that I collaborate with other researchers.

Current Research Projects Hi there, I regularly have new research projects that I advertise below. They include projects that I initiated, student projects that I supervise, and projects that I collaborate with other resear…

Media 08/06/2022

The aim of my research is to result in immediate benefits to the community. You can find media coverage of my research on this page of my website.

Media Assistance dog study aims to improve on 50 per cent success rate | ABC Central Victoria “From my knowledge, Jimmy’s project is a world-first — looking at the raising program with volunt…

Publications 08/06/2022

During my PhD, I published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at international conferences. They are mostly human-animal related though I'm also doing some research in family and cultural research. So, I hope you may find something of interest to you on my website.

Publications PhD Thesis Mai, J.. (2021).Human Factors that Promote Successful Puppy Raising(Version1). La Trobe. Peer-reviewed Articles Mai, D., Howell, T., Benton, P., Lewis, V., Evans, L., & Bennett, P. C…

About Me 08/06/2022

Hi there,

Thank you for visiting my website. I am Dr Dac Loc (Jimmy) Mai, a teaching and research academic in Psychology at La Trobe University, Australia. Guess what? I am also a music and technology enthusiast. But I guess you might have found this website because you know about me as an academic. So, most of the updates and content I write on this website will be specific to my academic activities.

So, what’s that about me? In 2021, I completed a PhD in Anthrozoology, also known as the psychology of human-animal relationships. Growing up in a rural town, I had always been around animals. When I was a little kid I used to have the opportunity to take care of the puppies in our family. That was why I decided to dedicate my PhD research to human-animal research.

Like many of you, I do have multiple interests besides spending time with my little canine friends. When it comes to knowledge, I want it all. I’m curious about the roles of different family members and how families of different settings and developmental stages function. I didn’t know that there was such thing as cultural differences until I moved to Australia as an international student. It was fascinating to see others who look so similar to me (as in humans) though have different attitudes and ways of living. This is why I am now expanding my research to family, cultural and community psychology.

What else need I write about myself? Perhaps, I’ll write about myself on different pages on my website so you can browse through and read the parts that interest you.


Dac Loc (Jimmy) Mai

About Me Hi there, Thank you for visiting my website. I am Dr Dac Loc (Jimmy) Mai, a teaching and research academic in Psychology at La Trobe University, Australia. Guess what? I am also a music and technol…