Sage Brumby Rescue

Sage Brumby Rescue

Recently Sage Stables and Lane Equestrian have been given the opportunity to work together and rescu


Bolt ⚡️🦋💙
Happy boy. 🤗


Our beautiful boy Phoenix today 🧡🦅🔥

Photos from Sage Brumby Rescue's post 23/07/2022

☀️A small update ☀️

• Bolt is still hard to catch on the lead rope as he doesn’t come just quite close enough to clip a lead rope on so we are continuing with the roping method. Which, he responds really well to. Responds brilliantly to pressure and once he lets you into his space, he loves to play with your hands/jacket/hats.

• Kye is starting to slowly fill out really nicely, he is getting significantly better at picking up his feet. And now, basically catches you in the paddock as he craves alot of human attention. If all goes well, and he has physically matured by mid summer, we will start the backing process! Which, I know, he will respond brilliantly to.

So there’s just a small update! I hope to have some more in depth updates by the end of this next coming week. So, stay tuned! 💕❤️

Photos from Sage Brumby Rescue's post 11/07/2022

What a fantastic day here at Sage Brumby Rescue ☀️🙌💛

- We (more like Beth 😂) lassoed Bolt, and after only 30 minutes, let us both pat all over his face/neck and let us calmly pull his halter over his head. Beth did an absolutely fantastic job lassoing him while I(Taryn) worked my way up to halter him. Beth and I have found our groove I think, and this only took us 30 minutes. Bolt has not been handled at all yet until today as he is a rearer and cannot be penned without significant risk. I am so proud of Beth and I today, we are back and ready than ever to continue on our Brumby journey.

• Kye, also was worked today, and I (taryn) was successfully able to begin the process of picking up kyes feet. He did brilliantly, and takes everything in his stride so easily.


Photos from Sage Brumby Rescue's post 27/06/2022

🐴 Kyanite update 🐴

Some of you may rember that when Kye first arrived into our care here at sage stables he had quite a nasty cut on his head, which we assume he received while being trapped- perhaps getting caught on the trapping yards. The wound ended up being quite deep and badly infected by the time we were able to slightly handle him. He received antibiotics in some chaff as a night feed when he was in the round yard and I (Beth) decided that it was time to clean his wound out, my first obstacle was to get a halter on him- after a strong three hours of desensitisation and trying to put a halter on him (four halters later to find one he was comfortable with him that was a safe fit) I was fortunate enough to get a halter on him. The next day is when I began to clean his face wound daily! His fringe was stuck in the infection and dried blood- this is where Kye was given his famous man bun that he rocked for a good month while I tried to clear the infection. In the end it began to heal and stopped reinfecting with the help of his strong antibiotics and persistence from his humans. To think the day before I got a halter on him I was lost with a soloution to this unhandled horse with quite a bad injury and infection, to overcome this hurdle and nurse him back to health has been so rewarding! He is my favourite brumby and has a gorgeous personality! I’ll attach some pictures below of before and after! I’m so excited to be a part of Kye’s post wild life! And once again so greatful that Indigo Brumbies rehomed these amazing horses to us 💕💖

*Sorry for the 100 photos 🤦‍♀️ if you go to the end of the photos you will be able to see his fully healed face! He is so lucky it hasn’t scared 🥰


What a day it has been- today we have had some success in regards to our brumby family 🥳

🐴 About a week ago Obsidian (the stallion) broke his halter- when Taryn first placed a halter on him we chose the oldest and most worn so that it would break if it got caught on anything while he was adjusting to his new home and surroundings. The extreamily weathered halted disintegrated at the nose band… the past month or so the brumbies have been left to enjoy their paddock life and settle back into being horses after some intense training in their first two months. Obi and Bella have been placed in a paddock next door to their three c**ts. Bella is now very happy that she has some space where she doesn’t need to “share” her food with the boys and bite/chase them all the time. Today my amazing mum was able to get a new halter on obi with much patience! We were able to corner him and lasso him after some desensitisation to the lasso. This then allowed us to bring his attention towards us and we were able to work together to get a halter on him, and keep him calm. In the end he was very responsive and remembered his pressure release work from when he was in the round yard. A massive congratulations to Julie for your patience today 💕

🐴 Roughly two and a half weeks ago the oldest c**t Kyanite was gelded, unfortunately he has some complications post surgery and his wound got infected- let’s just say it’s not easy to hose a brumby down when he only trusts a few people. Luckily we had the amazing Gembrook Veterinary Clinic to help us through this little hiccup we were facing! Tom cam out and was able to sedate Kye and clean out the wound. In the process I managed to stress fracture my coccyx- keeping in mind I had four falls this week off the current horses I am retraining. Many hands however make light work, Kye is now on the mend and the initial swelling has gone down that I was concerned about. Tom has been out once again to access him and we are currently hoping that after receiving some antibiotics and anti inflammatories that Kye will be able to fight off this infection 💪 Kye also received his new rug (rain sheet ) in the post today, this is a much better fit for him than the one he borrowed off Sage Stables. He was a little weary when the rug was out on as it’s been two weeks since he has worn one, but with a little patience and trust he soon settled into the idea that rugs are friends 🥰

All off the brumbies have now been introduced to hard feed and we are so excited with the continuous progress they are making. Even Bella- the most weary of the group has gained so much trust and waits for her food super close the the fence and doesn’t spook anymore 🎉

I’m awfully sorry for the radio silence on our page, im sure as many people know horses make progress and have setbacks, this is simply a part of their training! It can be hard sometimes in winter to tough out the weather and push through those horrible days but we are so fortunate to have these guys to brighten up our cold winter mornings 💕💖

Lots of horsey kisses from your favourite brumbies 💋🐴



Massive day for our GELDING Kyanite! 😱🙈

He was gelded today! He was so well behaved that all injections were made straight into his neck, and some even by a complete stranger! Both in the muscle and IV, and was a little scared but an absolute champion.

As he was out for quite a while, he got quite cold. So it was decided… now was the perfect time to introduce him to the rug! Which, he had absolutely no issues with whatsoever. He has spent the last few hours seeking out human attention, by booping heads and pawing at the ground because he wanted scratches!

From being one of the nuttiest c**ts, to now a well handled gelding seeking our touch, we could both almost cry about how proud we are of him…. He is such a fast learner, and we can’t wait to eventually show him how fun being a ridden horse is! (In the future once he has fully grown and filled out!)

Our local vets are absolutely incredible and we couldn’t have done any of this without them. Shout out to Gembrook Vet for being the absolute legends that they are and supporting Beth and I on our wildest adventures. 😂 Gembrook Veterinary Clinic ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Another step of independence for the boys. 🎉

The 3 c**ts, Kye, Phoenix and Bolt, are now in a separate paddock from their mum and dad (Bella and Obi). And are taking it beautifully! We feel it will help them gain some independence. Kye, has seemed to take on some authority with his 2 younger brothers, which will be good to have some order in their paddock. 👮‍♀️

After moving them into the paddocks we have had some small setbacks. But you can’t have progress without setbacks! We have learnt so much by it, and can’t wait to start again next week. 🙌

Kye and Phoenix are also booked to be gelded on Monday! Yay for us, not so yay for them. 😂😬🙊

They’re all doing fabulously. But we are realising how much we took on with 5 Wild brumbies! So we have opted for a slow and steady wins the race approach, with the right amount of authority, patience and love, we are seeing the best coming out of all of our lovely brumbies. ❤️


This was such an amazing and crucial moment for our brumbies as they calmly entered their new paddock showing no signs of being worried- Taryn and I were both simply in awe of how the mare Bella handled the move. Phoenix and Kye aren’t seen walking as they had previously followed myself (Beth) into the paddock, while Taryn was walking the other three down 🤩🥰

Photos from Sage Brumby Rescue's post 24/05/2022

What an amazing two days we have had here at Sage Brumby Brumby Rescue! Yesterday the brumbies graduated from their 21m round yard into a paddock that has been adjusted to their needs accordingly! Their new paddock has a strange bathtub with water a water supply and a whole heap of hay, funnily enough their training yards/safe space has appeared overnight in their paddock too! Besides the bath tub, all of the familiar sights have helped our lovely family to settle into their new home and once they were feeling brave enough they all drank out of their new water source- Bolt just had to make sure that there weren’t any rubber ducks in the tub 🐥😜

Today is day two of their new paddock life and they are super happy to be on grass again and have lots of room to run around! It has been a sight to see as they play and roll in the grass. This afternoon Kye and Phoniex have even been spotted having a sleep in the warm 🌞, sprawled out. Today myself (Beth) and Taryn were able to both approach Kye in the paddock and give him some pats- which is absolutely fantastic considering they are still settling in and he has chosen to let us get close. Today we decided after setting up a small 1 by 2 panel yard in their paddock for training purposes that we would let them have a day off to further settle in. We cannot wait to further work with these amazing horses, so far we have three halters on out of the five brumbies, we are aiming to start working with Bolt soon (the youngest) as we aren’t in any rush. We are also hoping to be able to gain Bella’s trust with lots of patience as she is suspected to be in foal and we would like to be able to form a bond with their prior to the arrival of her 4th baby 😮🐴

Photos from Sage Brumby Rescue's post 22/05/2022

It’s a beautiful Sunday for first Haltering! ✨

Today, Beth was able to get a halter on our little c**t, Phoenix! After a whole week of both of us trying and not rushing it, focusing on touch work and trust, she was able to make that leap today. 🙌

Ps: doesn’t he look stunning in this colour! 🔥

We have now 3 Brumbies haltered and at different stages of pressure release. Only 2 to go!

I hope everyone has a fantastic week coming up, we sure will be! ☀️

Photos from Sage Brumby Rescue's post 19/05/2022

Wow just WOW. Kye has now, for a few days been working on the basics of presure-release and has begun the early stages of leading! I, (Taryn) and Beth, are so proud of Kye, and all the rest of our brumbies who are conquering new things everyday. 💗💪


Phoenix Update. 🔥💛

Being younger, he is much more weary, so is taking a little longer to gain his trust. But today, had some head scratches, and we were able to get half a halter on him. We want them comfortable with being haltered, so we are trying to make it as comfortable for them as possible, rather that just whacking it on, and in Phoenix’s case, for him that’s taking our time. So we managed to get the top strap behind his ears done up, but have not yet conquered the noseband. Patience!! We have worked super close with him this week and are aiming
to have it on by the end of the week. 🧡❤️‍🔥

Photos from Sage Brumby Rescue's post 14/05/2022

Kye Update! ⬇️💘

• After spending the whole week taking slow steps with Kye in the yard, getting him used to touch, and our presence. He made great steps!
• First- he began to start coming within our vicinity out of curiosity.
• Next, he started eating out of our hands and took to the touch from the lunge whips as our hand extensions and then became comfortable with being touched with our hands.
• Then Friday, Both Taryn and Beth got some great attention from him. Was playing with Taryn’s hands with his lips, eating out of Beth’s hands comfortably and both of us got some light head pats in.
• That brings us to today! Today, Beth hit a massive milestone with Kye. After spending a good 2 hours with him in the yard while eating his daily anti-biotics, she began some touch work with him and some halter exposure, and was able to get it on him safely and comfortably and he took to it beautifully! Which ultimately allowed her to clean out his face wound and apply some direct treatment to it- which is such a relief! 😮‍💨❤️

Massive congrats to our beautiful Bethanie Studd and our Brave Kye for making this massive step today.

I (Taryn) am so blessed to work with such a dedicated and patient partner- and these brumbies are benefitting hugely from our calm and slow approach.

We now have 2 of our brumbies haltered. Bring on next week and the progress it will bring! 💪


💗🎉 Kye and Bolt. Becoming more and more curious and pleased with humans around. 💗🎉

Kye is currently getting treatment for his face. And has daily antibiotics and currently consulting with vet for cleaning his wounds that he recieved during capture.


Go send these guys some love- we appreciate all the support we recieve from the horse community. 🐴 🎉

I just want to give a massive thankyou to Ponyluvtreats in supporting our cause over at Sage Brumby Rescue ! Their treats are natural and hand made, with ingredients that aid in better muscle and nerve function, along with yummy vitamins and ingredients that are low fuss and promote healthy skin and hair. Not only that… they’re absolutely delicious! Please go and give them some love over on their page, they truly are such a wonderful group and their support means the world to me. 💗 🌏

Photos from Sage Brumby Rescue's post 09/05/2022

🎉Big congratulations to Obi today! 🎉

We conquered the halter today! He is honestly the most relaxed man- and really seeks out companionship from us. Is not yet seeking touch. Although, is taking the touch sessions so well. Today we touched him all over including his face, and took it like an absolute champ considering 4 days ago he was wild. 💖

PS- click on the photo to see Obi’s smile. 😝

Photos from Sage Brumby Rescue's post 07/05/2022

G’day peeps, I’m justa baby and my name is Thunderbolt. I get called Bolt for short, maybe I’ll be super-fast when I grow up big, like my older brother kye- he is sooooo tall compared to me! I’m pretty much the same height as Phoenix, I’ve got a very special blaze down my face that is shaped like lightning. My mum Bella says that it's very handsome and that I’ll get lots of girlfriends when I’m older. My new human family thinks that I’m about one year old, my mane still stands up a little and I love to hide behind my family when I’m unsure what’s happening. I’ve been named Thunderbolt due to my unique markings; my name symbolises Greek mythology once again meaning that I am all-seeing and powerful, seeking cosmic order and watching over my people. I love my family very much and I’m so excited that we were able to stay together and find our forever home.


Hey, My names Phoenix and I’m the favourite child. My new human family think that I’m the second born c**t which would make me around two years old. I’m a chestnut with one back sock, I look almost identical to my baby brother…. Its SO annoying ugh. I also have a large white blaze down my face. One of my favourite things to do is steal hay out of my dad’s mouth or even my older brother kye, it saves me those extra steps- I’ve trained them well. I’m quite a cheeky boy, sometimes my mum tells me off when I’m being silly. I’m very curious about the new home I’m in, I like to have a good sniff of everything and have a good look around. I also think Spud the dog is very interesting- maybe I can train her to bring me carrots. I’ve been given the name Phoenix as it symbolises rising from my past with a new growth and purpose, it also fits in with our family mythology & crystal-themed names. I can’t wait to see what I can learn here at Sage Brumby Rescue and I’m looking forward to all the new food I’ll be able to try here that we didn’t have in the wild.

Photos from Sage Brumby Rescue's post 07/05/2022

Hello world, my name is Kyanite. My new humans think that I’m the oldest out of us three c**ts. I’m roughly three years old and I’m standing at around 14hh much bigger than my younger brothers. I’m also completely black and have opposing white socks. I can be a little shy, but I’ve made best friends with Spud the dog, who lives here on the farm with us. I love to have a roll in the sand, and I love to hang out with my younger brothers. I think I’m almost old enough to stop listening to my mum Bella. I get called kye for short. I’ve been given the name kyanite as black kyanite is a crystal known as the great awakener, and is said to relax and slow one down, offering a warm feeling of peace. On the first day here at Sage Brumby Rescue, I felt brave enough to eat some hay out of my mum’s hand. I can’t wait to see what this new life has to offer me 🐴 Ps. When I grow up I want to be just like my dad, I'm already a little taller than him, otherwise I'd be mistaken as his shadow- we share a very special bond.


Hi Humans, my name is Bellarix and Bella for short. I’m quite scared of you all at the moment and I like to keep my distance. I’ve been given the name Bellatrix as it is Latin for female warrior and ties in with Greek mythology. Bellatrix was the great conqueror of her time being able to overcome even the hardest of obstacles. My new family see so much potential in me and are very respectful when it comes to me needing some extra space. I am the mare of the group and the three c**ts who are by cheeky boys. I’ve taken on the stern role in this herd, and I love to tell my babies when they are annoying. My favorite thing to do is cuddling with Obi, who is my partner for life- we are very bonded.

Photos from Sage Brumby Rescue's post 07/05/2022

Hi Guys, my name is Obsidian Mystery. I have been given this name because I am a calm and gentle man. Obsidian is a crystal formed from volcanic glass- which creates a shield against negativity. Obsidian is said to draw out stress and tension- stimulating growth on all levels around him, urging exploration of the unknown and opening new horizons for those surrounding the gem. My new human family have been calling me Obi for short. I am black with two white socks on my back legs, I also have some white on my face. I am the stallion of this group, my humans think that I’m around seven years old, I’m very trusting and I’m looking forward to this new journey that is just beginning. My specialty is being the most relaxed and unbothered stallion ever.

Photos from Indigo Brumbies's post 07/05/2022

We are so greatful that Kelli has allowed these brumbies to have a forever home here with us at sage brumby rescue! And we hope to be able to help more brumbies in the future along with your help 💞


Good Evening to all of our brumby lovers!
Thank you all for waiting so patiently, our 5 new family members here at sage stables arrived at 3:30pm on Thursday afternoon with the help of Indigo Brumbies & Breeze Horse Transport. They traveled around 4-5 hours to get to us here in Pakenham and before that, they were transported to Indigo Brumbies from Mt Kosiosco National park in NSW. So it's safe to say that these guys have had quite the journey in the past week and a half, considering this they have settled in so well! These special horses have all been named and I'll introduce them all in their own post so that you are all able to get to know each horse and their journey from here on out with Sage Stables. Below is a picture of Julie and her astonishment when she saw the Brumbies for the first time. I'd quickly like to say a MASSIVE thank you to Julie for helping me fund the brumbies upfront and being able to provide them with a round yard and everything they need. Without you, these brumbies wouldn't be here today and I wouldn't be following my wildest dreams.

Photos from Sage Brumby Rescue's post 05/05/2022

Videos (show all)

Our beautiful boy Phoenix today 🧡🦅🔥
This was such an amazing and crucial moment for our brumbies as they calmly entered their new paddock showing no signs o...

