Kelli Michelle

Kelli Michelle

I support sole traders working in the Disability space 💕


So after sitting on pause and taking some time to heal and mourn I’ve decided to jump back in where I left off!

Still on purpose
Still coaching and mentoring
Still passionate

Today, I stepped into a space of gratitude

Grateful for the lessons
Grateful for the love
Grateful for the journey

Comment “ME” below if you are interested in learning more about my program that focuses on the development and importance of emotional mastery when working in the disability industry 💕

NB - this 6 week program can be tailored to anyone wanting to tap into their own emotional intelligence and experience joy in their lives x


When you learn to say no…

No to being busy

No to shopping, cooking and cleaning

No to other people’s needs

And you simply just start to say YES!

Yes to me time

Yes to sunshine

Yes to quiet reflection

Yes to time out 💕



This really activated me!

Let’s talk about boundaries!

How often do you put yourself first?

Do you practice saying ‘No’?

Or are you one of these people that constantly say ‘yes’ regardless of that potentially meaning you are not being true to yourself?

Having had many people in my life who have not respected my boundaries - I found this really activating!

I am constantly reminding myself of how am I truly being to service to the people I love so much by always saying ‘yes’?

So lately, I’ve been saying ‘No’ or ‘Not today’

The thing is - if we don’t make our own personal boundaries clear to others - how can we complain when they are so easily crossed?!

It’s a practice, it’s awareness and it really can make a difference when said from a place of love

What can you say ‘No’ or ‘Not now’ to today?

Would love to hear your thoughts on this!

Comment below 💕

Kellie x

Finding Where You Belong: A Story of Disability and Education | Joss Perring | TEDxBrighton 01/09/2023

You get to choose what defines you 💕

I AM a coach and mentor…

Thanks Joss Perring for your inspiration for today !

Finding Where You Belong: A Story of Disability and Education | Joss Perring | TEDxBrighton Joss shares his personal journey as young disabled person, making his way through the complex and often unforgiving world of education. Drummer. Singer. Leg...


It’s tough at times, right?

Sometimes I wonder what it is that keeps me motivated....

Whoever said being an entrepreneur was easy was full of you know what?!!

But is it worth it??

Well, let’s see.....

Just over 3 years ago I struck up the courage to leave my 9-5 SIX figure corporate role?


💥I was no longer aligned with the values of the organisation
💥My marriage had fallen apart due to me working 15hr plus days
💥My kids were almost adults (how did that happen?!) and I had missed some of their most important years..
💥My grandson was becoming more and more difficult to manage
💥 I never had ANY time for myself
💥 I was completely exhausted..

So what did I do?

At first I took a little time off to recharge,

Then I decided to go BACK into a 9-5, with less pay and less money

I thought that would be the solution?

What was I thinking??!!

I was still trading my time for money - and I was still basically working 15 plus hours a day

15 hours plus? Yes - when your boss tells you he understands your caring commitments, and is willing for you to work “flexibly” - what this looks like is this...

Start work at 6am
Work until 8am
Get child ready for the day / school
Drop to school

Start work at 9am
Receive call from school at 11am
Please pick child up

Start work at 8pm
Child is finally in bed
Finish work at 12am

Again, exhausted and upset about what to do next - I looked for opportunities

Opportunities where my skills and my passions could remain alive

Where I could continue to grow, personally, professionally and financially

I continued to get calls from colleagues and friends about helping them with the role out of the NDIS

I stumbled across a coaching program that I was willing to invest in

An opportunity to bring all my unique skills together and package up a program that could truly make a difference

I now support like minded women, Mums, solo-mums, carers, and grandparents!

Of course, I was a skeptic at first - who would really want to have me as their coach and mentor?

And the reality is, lots of people!

After 27 years working in this field, I had forgotten how much I had learnt and could give to others

It was easy to align myself with a business that hand on heart wants to empower and make a difference in the lives of others working in this field.

What I have learnt over the past 12 months, however - is that it is not for the faint hearted

It has taken commitment and drive

Only three out of ten who say they want to work with a coach or mentor and have the confidence to invest and truly go all in!


Because there is NO such thing as money for nothing!

I have stayed consistent- i have invested - I have worked really hard!

But the one thing I have been able to do through this whole experience...


When I need to stop, I can.

When I need to focus on other priorities in my life - I DO!

But what I don’t do - is ever give up!

I am looking for the three in ten who want a life of choice.

Who want to work with me and start to design a life to meet all of their desired outcomes.

I want people with a strong drive and commitment to success!

I want YOU!

My guess is, if you have taken the time to read this far, you may be one of those three out of the ten!

Let’s chat - comment “ME” below

Kellie x


Barefoot and pregnant............

Well, that was the saying back then.....

And sadly, its still the saying today..??

'You'll never amount to anything' - they said

'You are throwing away your education and your life' - they said

'You will never have a career' - they said

'Your life is done' - they said

Well F**K YOU - I said!!

You see the more we are told we cant do something - the more we push back that WE absolutely CAN!!

So 'barefoot and pregnant' and many years later I reflect on these words, these opinions and these beliefs......

You see, I had a choice - I could believe what I was being told - or I could simply prove them wrong!!

So on my journey I began -

my journey to create my own beliefs

my own path

my own destiny

Was it easy?? Hell no!!

Did I make mistakes?? Hell yes - I still make them!!

But were they mine to make?? Absolutely!!

You see, I was so fiercely motivated to have what I wanted and valued in my life - I had no choice but to create and develop my own beliefs.

What I didn't know then - that I know now - is there is a difference between 'motivation' and 'accountability'

You see, being motivated is one thing

Being accountable is another.......

So today I share with you my secret.......

You can have all the motivation on the planet - but without being accountable you risk falling back into those stories and limiting beliefs in your mind.....

So how do you create accountability??

You invest in yourself!!

You invest in others!!

Are you running your own business, floundering around hoping it will all work out?

Do you work as a sole trader or as an employee in the disability field?

Do you need coaching and mentoring?

Set your goals high, and you allow yourself to be fully aligned to your dreams and aspirations

Want to know how??

Send me a private message -

Today is the first day of the rest of your life - make it great!

Reach out - because you are worth it x


What you give out you receive x

I posted this 2 weeks ago on a community group and the love shared was overwhelming x

Thought I’d share it here to allow a good news story for the day x


So without naming anyone for fear that this beautiful heart centred soul would be embarrassed…

For those of you that have a child ( or grandchild as is my situation) with autism, you will understand how hard the whole “shopping” experience can be!

So where I can, I always opt for a “click and collect” option!

Living almost 30km from the nearest town brings its challenges and rewards 😂

Today, knowing I was starting a new job tomorrow, I approached my week with caution!

Click and collect from a local supermarket in Benalla - collection time between 4pm and 6pm!

Perfect, I thought! Grab the shopping, something quick for dinner on the way home and an early night!….

Not the case…

Major melt down and refusal to leave the house

So how am I going to sort out what I thought was the perfect plan?

Asking for help is always hard, but I figured it couldn’t be harder than the day I faced…

So I jumped on the phone…

Hey Barb, I’m not going to be able to pick up my groceries at the allotted time

My day has been a disaster!

Can we talk about a solution?

Without any hesitation, this beautiful lady drove 30km out to my home, at 9pm at night of which I am sure was a long day for her

She walked in my groceries- took one look at me and said “you need a hug” - it wasn’t a question, it was her own intuition

And it was exactly what I needed 😢

Her daughter, following closely by her side showed the same level of empathy and care

So to these two beautiful women, I thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️

There truly remains some gorgeous people in the world, for which I am forever grateful x


I remember a time when I simply sat in my office, my head bowed down and my heart heavy, knowing that although the introduction of the NDIS was going to support so many people, I questioned how was I going to navigate, yet another system, let alone an insurance scheme that was truly going to make a difference…………
The truth is, before embarking on a transformative journey with this program, many of you, I am sure can relate - the people I have spoken to in this industry share a common and familiar weight on their shoulders.
You might recognize some of these feelings:
Overwhelmed by the vast landscape of NDIS and disability work, unsure of the path forward.
Financial Uncertainty, battling to create steady income streams and monetize services effectively.
The Isolation that can often come from working in the disability sector, yearning for a supportive community.
An Unbalanced life, where the constant tug-of-war between professional responsibilities and personal needs leads to burnout.
Lacking Confidence to navigate the maze of regulatory requirements, compliance, and industry best practices.
Feeling Undervalued, with efforts and contributions seemingly unnoticed or unappreciated.
Disconnected from potential industry collaborations, seeking but not finding the right opportunities.
Unclear Boundaries causing overextension, stress, and blurred lines between work and rest.
A nagging sensation of being Resource-Deprived, lacking essential tools or information to excel.
The dreaded feeling of Stagnation, where growth and progress seem stagnant or elusive.
If any of these resonate with you, know you're not alone.
My program has been meticulously crafted to address these challenges, guiding you to a brighter, more confident future in the NDIS and disability sector
Say YES -
YES to Confidence in Compliance:
Equip yourself with the necessary tools and resources to ensure you're always on the right side of regulations.
YES to Stable Earnings:
Master strategies to generate a consistent income, ensuring financial security for your venture.
YES to Work-Life Harmony: Find the equilibrium between your professional endeavors and personal life, ensuring neither is compromised.
YES to Foster Industry Connections:
Build and nurture relationships within the sector to elevate your standing and opportunities.
YES to Mentorship:
Immerse yourself in a supportive program where you can receive invaluable education and guidance.
YES to Recognize Self-worth and Set Boundaries: Understand your unique value and the importance of establishing personal and professional boundaries.


Women near or over 50...💥

In case you missed it on 60 Minutes, this is what Andy Rooney thinks about women near or over 50:🕕

“As I grow in age, I value women near or over 50 most of all. Here are just a few reasons why:

A woman near or over 50 will never wake you in the middle of the night and ask, 'What are you thinking?' She doesn't care what you think.🤣

If a woman near or over 50 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do, and it's usually more interesting.👍

Women near or over 50 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot or stab you if they think they can get away with it.😂

Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it's like to be unappreciated.👍

Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a woman near or over 50.

Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman near or over 50 is FAR sexier than her younger counterpart.🎯

Older women are forthright and honest. They'll tell you right off if you are a jerk, if you are acting like one. You don't ever have to wonder where you stand with her.😊

Yes, we praise women near or over 50 for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately, sometimes it's not reciprocal. We need to share the love right here on Facebook🥰

- If you're a “Woman near or over 50” copy, paste, add a picture of yourself, post/share and keep rocking the best you!



Book a FREE 30 min call to see if this is a good fit for you x

Booking link here 👉



It saddens me to think there are so many sharks out there!

Do your research- connect with someone who can help, that has experience and has integrity!

Don’t get caught up in shiny ads that promise you the world at ridiculous rates!

If your looking for support, please feel free to comment below or message me directly

Or feel free to join my FREE Facebook group and get some support in there x

I’m on a mission to provide affordable, genuine support to create a community of authentic, heart centred people working in the NDIS space

Not sure I’m for you? That’s totally fine - jump on a call and I will point you in the right direction for what you are looking for without the massive $$$$ and false promises!

With love

Kellie x

Link to fb group -


Before working in the corporate space, I was hustling around, working in many jobs, such as fruit picking, bar attending, transport, but I knew at an early age that I wanted to work in a space where I could make a difference - I studied nursing for a while, however it wasn't long after that I was drawn to working in the disability and mental health space - ironically, my daughter suffered a stroke at the age of 16 and without the knowledge of how to access services and seek supports, I am not sure I would be where I am today.
At the age of 21, my daughter had a little boy, and at the age of 10 was diagnosed with autism - due to my daughters disability I have cared for my grandson since birth.
It has only been in recent years and after a whole truck load of healing work that I understand the importance of being able to work flexibly, and more importantly in a role I feel truly passionate about.
I have been working in the disability industry for 27 years and I have seen so many providers and individuals struggle - and it is here where I aim to make a difference.
I am a leader and thrive on being able to support others working in this industry to stand out from the rest.
I also am passionate about supporting people wanting to explore working in this space to get started, to understand the 6 key principles around supporting people with a disability - how to approach this work from a space of compassion, but also understanding the importance of compliance and risk management.
If this has peeked your interest - comment YES below x


“The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is” - Jim Carrey

Have a beautiful Sunday 💕


I’m excited!!!

Exclusive Facebook group for disability sole traders where you get to hang out with ME!!

Drop a “YES PLEASE” below!!

Or send me a dm 😊


The difference between “doing” and “becoming”

How many times have you asked yourself…

What am I doing?

Those old familiar belief systems that allow us just “do” what we think we should “do”

But what if you changed the narrative and asked yourself this simple question…

“What am I becoming?, and who do I want to be?”

Feels different, right?

Many of us spend most of our lives “doing” and rarely stop to ask what do we want to “become”?

I often find people asking me “what do you do?”

My consistent answer - “I work in the disability space and I am a full time carer for my grandson”

Recently, I had someone ask “what do you want to become” and the answer was very different…

I want to work in a space where I get to make a difference

I want to become someone who understands my passion around supporting people working in the disability space to let go of ego and develop a beautiful opportunity to work from an open heart and a space of empowerment

I want to be a leader in this space and share my stories, opportunities, experiences and learnings

I want to help others to grow, have self belief and create a service that stands out from the rest

I want to create impact and education in this space

I want to offer a course that shares and allows people the practical tools to create a stand out service and business

I want to give people an opportunity to create their own vision and become more in tune with themselves

So when I stop “doing” and start “becoming” - the answers are very different x

The image below is me, as a small child that was “becoming” however life simply got in the way - and she spent almost all of her years “doing” x

It’s time to “become” 💕


Spending time

Course creating

Excited for new beginnings

Watch this space!💕




Nothing can be perfect in a world that continues to evolve-

What is perfect today will not be perfect tomorrow

Let go of perfection and be free to explore

Find your tribe

Connect to different people

Do what lights you up

Fear is simply a reaction

Courage - well, that’s a decision you get to make x



I am so proud of you Maddi Beasy

This picture depicts the essence of who you are and what you have become x

As a Mum that made many mistakes and was not always “present” in your life…

There is an overwhelming sense of pride to see you step into your own

To trust and believe in yourself

I love you, and I am so incredibly inspired by your strength, love and determination to simply follow your dreams x

Love Mum x


I did not write this, but it speaks..


The way people view you.

Sometimes I think about the different characters I play in everybody’s story.
I’m a terrible person in some people's narratives and a Godsend in others.
And none of it has anything to do with the person I truly am.
The lens that others view you through is coloured by their upbringing, beliefs, and individual experiences.
Some people see your bright personality as endearing and others see it as annoying.
Some people think you’re weak and emotional and others feel safe to be themselves around you.
Some people think you’re rude and selfish and others respect the way you stand up for yourself.
Some people admire the way you take pride in the way you look and others think you’re conceited.
And none of it has to do with who you truly are as a person.
What you have to understand is that you have no authority over how people view you so never try to control the way others see you because the only thing that truly matters when the dust settles down at the end of the day is what you genuinely see in yourself.

(Cody Bret)


Calling all those working or wanting to work in the NDIS space 💕

After 27 years in the disability industry, there isn’t much I haven’t seen

As a carer for a child with a disability- I guess I can at times see things through a different lense

What I will say is that the NDIS has created some beautiful opportunities for people with disabilities, their families and carers

However… it has also created a bit of a nightmare, from a compliance and policy confusion for some - specifically providers

The insurance scheme is based on a deficit model, as opposed to a strength based model (super frustrating!)

The thing is - what I’m finding is this…

There are people who’s hearts are so open to wanting to serve, support and work in this industry

What has happened is that these people have been overwhelmed with the paperwork, registration- should I?
Shouldn’t I?

And there are also these people who have worked in the industry and felt under valued and under paid! - very realistic

Not to mention…there is a lot of conversation going around about MONEY!!

There are the one stop start ups looking to make good money until they realise that there is a little more to supporting someone’s goals, than taking them to the footy or a park 💕

So what I’m trying to say on a round about fashion is this -

💥 Yes there is plenty of work and money to be made

💥 Money creates impact on the people you love and care for

💥 You can’t start a business without some form of direction and strategy

💥 Working as a sole trader in this space can be isolating if you don’t have the right coaching and supervision how long do you think you will last? Realistically!

💥 In order to support people on a daily basis - you need to ensure you are investing in yourself and protecting your own energy -personal development is IMPORTANT!

💥 To run a business, you need to INVEST - in yourself, in your IT systems, insurances and compliance

If you are truly passionate about making a difference , creating an income doing something that lights you up..

I’m offering a one hour FREE strategy call to those who truly want to invest in their business

Whether you are a sole trader, or a team - it is super important to invest in yourselves

Find the right mentor and training

And be confident with what you stand for x

I specialise in the following -

✅ Personal development (you can’t pour from an empty cup

✅ Business strategy, templates and compliance

✅ Mentoring, coaching and supervision

If you are passionate about wanting to make a difference and invest in yourself…

Comment “YES” below and I’ll reach out to you to see if you qualify for my 90 day mentorship program

Quote of the day -

“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain”


Awesome idea! Love this 💕


Let’s talk about transformation 💕

A child, so completely insecure and often feeling incredibly unsafe

She fumbled through life, not truly knowing where she wanted to be

She failed in love, however succeeded in her understanding, that the failure was due to a feeling that didn’t come naturally to her

Not that she didn’t know “how” to love - she loved her children and her friends…

But she didn’t know how to “BE” loved…

She avoided her internal demons by keeping herself super busy

She dedicated her career to helping others, based on her own experiences and truth

She invested in personal development coaching and suffered terribly at the hands of the “shiny object syndrome” in all aspects of her life

And then one day, she sat quietly, she reflected and she knew what her life purpose was….

It was the overwhelming desire to nurture and care for others

Not because it stroked her ego, but because she knew that from a very early age, it was her calling to be of service to others

What she failed to recognise is that what she had to offer was often undervalued by those around her

So she stepped into her own little world and said…

What if?

What if, she created an amazing space for people to connect, learn and grow

What if, her years of knowledge would be valued enough that people would pay simply to obtain a glimpse of her understanding of life as a carer, a disability worker, support coordinator,
an executive manager, a breathwork practitioner and a change agent?

What if, she created an online space that would flow on to create huge impact to an industry she is so passionate about?

If you are a sole trader or a small agency that has just started creating an income working in the disability space and the complex matrix of the NDIS


I’m about to launch the most incredible offering of sharing over 20 years of experience in this industry!

Focusing on the following -

- client connection and alignment
- business compliance - vision and strategy
- personal development and self care

Comment “EMPOWERMENT” below

And I’ll reach out to you within the next 48hrs x

With love and compassion

Kellie x




Let’s talk about the term “unpaid carers”

It’s interesting, as when I used this term today, it was assumed by a wider audience that carers had “no money or at least limited funds ” - innocently implying they didn’t have an income or were not working - they simply spend their days wiping bums, feeding and dealing with crisis situations…

This is no disrespect to this audience as it came from a space of compassion, but also triggered me - like “is that really what people think”?

Now for some - this may be true- however I also believe that this truth is always a choice based on our own experiences and aspirations in life

It’s based on knowing and wanting a life that we desire and deserve

Now I appreciate this post may be triggering for some, and I can only speak from my own experience- but it’s these exact assumptions that creates a stigma around people, who often through no fault of their own find themselves in a caring role

Whether that be full time, part time - for a short time, or for a lifetime

For me, I spent many years caring for multiple people, I worked, I juggled, I cried a lot, I laughed a lot - I still do!!

But the one thing that continues to stand out for me is this…

Being in a caring role makes you AMAZING!!

It doesn’t force you to live on the poverty line, it doesn’t seperate you from those in non caring roles

What it makes you is humble, kind, frustrated at times - but also very resourceful!

You manage to clunk through your day and get s**t done, often without any thanks or gratitude

But you do it anyway!

My point in all of this, is being in a caring role does not define who you are - what relationships you are in, how much money you make, or don’t make - whether you choose to work or not work

What it does is demonstrate your ability to take on the extra load, often without complaint, yet with a whole truck load of sacrifice

It makes you resilient and beautiful all in the same sentence

It often forces you to be vulnerable and reach out for help

It may not define you - but it has given you a unique gift

And that is the strength and desire to get up every day and make a difference in the lives of a loved one - embrace it x

Disclaimer - recorded 2021

Life has definitely changed 🙏


🙏My higher self

‘You can do this, I know how hard you have worked.

Ive been with you through each and every struggle.

Ive been with you through each and every triumph

You have survived – and you will continue to survive.’


‘I know this to be true – but sometimes it feels so hard.

Im not happy with myself, I struggle over and over

Its not that I am not trying – I see what I am capable of

It’s more a question of do I believe it?

And CAN I actually do it?

🙏My higher self

‘Of course you can.

You just take one step, and then another.

You have done this so many times before

And I was with you, I will always be with you

You simply need to commit and go for it

I will hold you tight, and we can do this together’


‘I know what I want, but I find myself in bad habits and making poor decisions at times

I find myself lost – beating myself up, lacking motivation

I know you are there telling me – let them go

But its hard

All I want is to be you’

🙏My higher self

You ARE me beautiful

Go look in the mirror

You stare into my eyes and BELIEVE you can





"Your current reality creates your identity" - Alex Tripod


Have you ever had the opportunity to sit inside a container that literally stretches you to the point of ridiculous??

Yet, somehow, you manage to push through!

You learn the lessons

You make the commitment

You be accountable

You make s**t happen

And you get to level up with so much conviction

You fall in love with a community that want what we all should have and deserve..

and although its hard work in the beginning....

The pay off is AMAZING!

Comment FREEDOM below if this has sparked an interest for you!!


Growing up in a small regional town with little money and the stigma of a broken family in the 70’s was always going to be a challenge!!

(me, far right in pic!!)

My belief growing up was that there were ‘rich’ people, and then there was the ‘poor’- there was never anything in between!

My mum did her best of making ends meet, was creative at times when we really needed money – but her own belief system was passed down, not just to me, but to my siblings and to all those around her..

What stands out for me when I look back is that my own belief systems created my own reality

Never did I stop to question them - at least not until now…

What I had learnt about money as a child is that it is ‘sparse’ and if you ever want to get anywhere in life you MUST ‘work hard and make sacrifices’’

You must get an education, find a job that pays you well, work your arse off until you are at least 65, and then…


If you are lucky - you can sit back and enjoy your final years!


Its such a bitch slap in the face to realise you have been living your life on an old fashion, limited belief system!!

Now, entering into 50’s (slow learner!) - I have come to realization that I have worked really hard, sacrificed enormously, because that was the patterning and teachings I had – I knew of nothing else!!

I am not making it wrong, but I am now at an age where I have more than started to question this childhood philosophy

What I find fascinating, and I have witnessed this in my own children – it is what we don’t know what we don’t know until we are open to know it!

They say that “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear”

This is so absolutely true!

Whilst this philosophy remains out of the schools and education system - and yet, what is so fu***ng important are TWO KEY PRINCIPLES that lead to success –

Emotional Intelligence, AND Financial Intelligence!!

What has taken me over half a century to discover is sooo accessible –

But no one talks about it, the schools fail to recognize it and we just keep living in this limiting belief system that we were raised in and conditioned to be!

Well let me share with you –

there is so many educational platforms to fill this knowledge gap

– to BE successful

– to LIVE the life you CHOOSE!!

So grateful to the new age of social media and technology –

it has opened up the channels for new connections, education and abundance in more ways than you could ever imagine!

Living my life 💕

Are you willing to be the student?

Or are you wanting to stay stuck in a life that is literally NOT serving you?

Videos (show all)

WTF!!It saddens me to think there are so many sharks out there!Do your research- connect with someone who can help, that...
I’m excited!!! Exclusive Facebook group for disability sole traders where you get to hang out with ME!!Drop a “YES PLEAS...
Let’s talk about the term “unpaid carers”It’s interesting, as when I used this term today, it was assumed by a wider aud...
What’s keeping you so loyal to a life that is not serving you and keeping you stuck?!!Have a beautiful day 💕
It takes a “Village” to raise a child..:::This is not a foreign concept to me - not by a long shot! The problem is - I’v...
Life on the Spectrum ❤️
I was invited into a private FB group a few weeks ago that’s given me a tonne of value at no cost whatsoever. This is th...
What are you waiting for?
