Valley Owl Designs

Valley Owl Designs

Freelance Graphic Designer


Black is everywhere, from websites and emails to logos. It's the go-to color for brands that want to ooze sophistication, power, and elegance. Luxury companies love black like a fashionista loves her Louboutins. And did you know? About 3 in 10 high-tech companies are also hooked on black for their logos.

But wait, there's more to black than meets the eye. It's not all glamour and power. Some people see black as the color of oppression and coldness. It can even be associated with evil – just ask Ursula the Sea Witch or Scar from The Lion King. (hashtag Disney)

While black is the fashion industry's BFF, it's not always a hit elsewhere. In the health industry, for instance, black is about as rare as a unicorn sighting. Why? Because it gives off serious vibes of death and mourning. So, next time you're picking a color, remember that black is more than just a little black dress – it's a whole mood.


If your business is aiming to exude a sleek and simple aesthetic, then white is undoubtedly the color of choice. When paired with black, it establishes a modern and sophisticated ambiance, embodying purity, innocence, and a pristine appearance.

However, it's important to exercise caution, as an excessive use of white could inadvertently evoke a clinical or sterile atmosphere. To avoid appearing bland or uninspired, consider incorporating pops of vibrant color to infuse energy and personality into your brand.

After all, every color thrives within its own unique context. Just consider the iconic white logos which have come to symbolize cutting-edge innovation and timeless elegance.


Alright, let's talk about turquoise - the unsung hero of the color wheel. This bad boy is a blend of blue, green, and a splash of yellow, giving it a whole smorgasbord of vibes. It's got the calm and collected nature of blue, the balance and growth of green, and a little pop of yellow for that extra pizzazz.

Turquoise is all about sparking inspiration, fostering innovation, and unleashing creativity. It's like a breath of fresh air, bringing clarity and efficiency to the table. Plus, it's the ultimate communicator and has a knack for soothing the soul. No wonder it's a go-to for all things Mind, Body, and Spirit.

But hey, every superhero has its kryptonite, right? Turquoise can sometimes come off as a bit aloof or unreliable, and it might even give off a whiff of boastfulness. So, like any diva, it needs to be handled with care.


Brown, the color of resilience and earthy vibes. It's like a warm hug from the planet itself, reminding us of the important things in life – home, family, and our roots. Who knew a color could be so deep, right? It's all about appreciating the simple pleasures and finding comfort in the everyday.

Luxury? Nah, brown keeps it real with the basics. It's the OG of natural colors, bringing that cozy warmth we all crave. Dark shades channel those woodsy vibes, while the lighter ones are all about that earthy connection.

Sure, brown may not be the flashy type, but it's cool with blending in. It's the strong, silent type that never loses its grounding. Brown – the unsung hero of the color wheel.


International Women's Day is a globally recognized event that celebrates the remarkable accomplishments of women across various fields.

I am beyond grateful to have been surrounded by a tribe of phenomenal women who have inspired me with their independence, strength, love, compassion, and creativity.

Let's cheer for all the incredible women who make a difference every day!

Thank you to my tribe


Pink is undeniably the most popular color to symbolize femininity, and its versatile appeal makes it a great choice for any brand looking to convey a youthful, imaginative, and quirky vibe. T-Mobile, for instance, successfully leverages its distinctive magenta coloring to set itself apart from competitors and create a strong visual identity.

However, it's important to note that pink can also evoke feelings of childishness or rebellion. Over time, the initial allure of pink may diminish as consumers become accustomed to its presence. For instance, a visit to a Victoria’s Secret store can leave one feeling overwhelmed by the abundance of rosy walls.

Despite its potential drawbacks, pink remains a powerful and impactful color choice for brands seeking to make a memorable and lasting impression.


Step aside, orange – it's time for yellow to take center stage and embody all things youthful and cheerful.

This vibrant hue is the epitome of happiness, represented by grinning emojis 😁😂, vibrant sunflowers 🌞🌻, and those adorable rubber ducks. As brands eagerly join the yellow bandwagon, they seek to capture the optimistic, creative, outgoing, and warm vibe that this color exudes.

However, it's important to note that yellow branding may evoke unexpected emotions. Beyond its sunny disposition, yellow can also prompt feelings of fear, irrationality, and anxiety. Just consider the cautionary associations of police tape, traffic lights, and street signs, all adorned with the very same yellow hue. So, before you embark on a yellow branding journey, it's essential to acknowledge and embrace the multifaceted nature of this color.


Orange - the color that screams, 'I'm confident, creative, and courageous!' It's the go-to choice for brands that refuse to be boring and want to make a bold statement. Plus, who can resist the warm, playful vibes it brings, like a ray of sunshine on a summer day? But beware, this cheeky color has a darker side too. It might stir up feelings of frustration or make you seem a bit, well, immature, but when used in the right way, it can bring a sense of energy and excitement.

Surprisingly, 29% of folks even say it's their least favorite color. Can you believe it?

Despite its polarizing nature, there's no denying the impact and personality that orange brings to the table. Whether you love it or loathe it, one thing is for sure - orange is a color that demands attention and leaves a lasting impression.


Hey there, lovebirds & forgetful folks! Just a heads up: it's Valentine's Day today❤️! Time to show some love or at least remember to buy some chocolates!

Alright, folks! Last week, we delved into the deep, mysterious world of the psychology of love's color. But hold onto your hats, because we're about to zoom in for an even closer, more absurdly detailed look!

From roses to Valentine's Day, hearts ❤️, flowers 🌹, and Cupid with his quiver full of love arrows – these images are like the ultimate lovey-dovey starter pack. But seriously, why is red...

So, apparently, the color red is all about love & passion – it's like the official mascot of the heart! It's everywhere, from those vibrant red heart symbols ❤️ to the fiery red roses 🌹. Yep, red is the official representative of love – it's the color of desire, passion, & all that good stuff. It's confident, bold, & full of energy, just like those heart-fluttering feelings.

In many cultures, red is like the lucky rabbit's foot of colors, bringing good vibes to anyone who rocks it. On Valentine's Day, it's like a love magnet, drawing in all the good stuff and making hearts happy.

Red is like the superstar of colors, with a fan base that spans the globe. It's the color of love and all things cozy, making it the ultimate Valentine's Day VIP, no matter where you find yourself in the world.


Red is a force to be reckoned with.

It's the color of excitement, energy, love and power. It's the kind of hue that makes you stop and pay attention. Sales calls-to-action buttons love to use red to light a fire under shoppers' feet because it screams urgency. Plus, it's been known to make people hungry, so there's that.

But watch out, red isn't all sunshine and roses. It's also the color of anger, warnings, and danger. It's the reason why police lights and stop signs are so darn effective. And if you saw Disney's Inside Out, you know that anger is represented as a fiery red creature. So, while red can definitely make a bold statement in branding, you've got to use it wisely.

Oh boy, red is like the drama queen of colors, stirring up all kinds of emotions. It's like, "Watch out, I'm red and I mean business!" Don't mess with it, unless you're ready for the rollercoaster of feels


Colour psychology - sounds like a farce, but in fact, your clients have already judged your business based on your brand, so this week let's talk about the big kahuna of colours: BLUE

The reigning champion, with 57% of men and 35% of women putting it at the top of their list. And it seems like brands are totally on board with this trend too. No surprise there, as 33% of the top brands out there are rocking this cool and collected color in their logos.

Blue can make us feel all kinds of things, from secure and powerful to wise and trustworthy. It's no wonder social media giants like Facebook and Twitter are all about the blue vibes – after all, when you're dealing with tons of user data, you've gotta look dependable.

But don't be fooled – blue has a darker side too. It's not exactly known for its appetite-stimulating qualities, and it can give off a chilly, unwelcoming vibe. So, while blue may be the world's fave, it's got its fair share of baggage too.


In the world of marketing, colors can make or break how consumers see brands and products - so let's break it down colour at a time!


Green is the ultimate life coach of colors. It's like a little slice of nature in every shade, from the soothing comfort of grass to the towering confidence of trees and the wild spirit of bushes. It's the color of relaxation, health, prosperity, hope, and a big ol' breath of fresh air. But hey, even a power player like Green has its down days - it can also bring on the yawns of boredom and the blahs of stagnation.

The double-edged sword of perception! While it can be seen as a sign of success, it can also be linked to materialism, envy, and possessiveness. Tricky, isn't it?


I would like to seize this moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to all my clients and followers for their unwavering support throughout the four years of Valley Owl Designs' existence.

Thank you all for transforming this experience into such an incredible journey.


Lest we forget


They shall not grow old,
as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them,
nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them


Along with creating a website to showcase your business and products, I offer affordable Website Maintenance Plans which are designed to ensure your website remains online, up-to-date and running smoothly so you can continue to connect with your customers organically while your website works for you, digitally connecting you to your next potential client.


In the Chinese horoscope, 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit or, more specifically, the Year of the Water Rabbit. The rabbit is believed to be the luckiest of the 12 animals to be born under and considered a gentle animal that thinks before acting. The Year of the Rabbit represents peaceful and patient energy.

It is said 2023 will bring prosperity, hope, and calm because of the rabbit's characteristics, we can expect relaxation, quietness, and contemplation

there are 12 animals in the Chinese horoscope and 4 elements that correspond to each year.


Today marks 3 years since I opened Valley Owl Designs.

I have had the pleasure of working with some amazing small businesses and meeting some great people over the years. What an amazing experience so far.

Thank you all for your love and support


We are taking this opportunity to have some much-needed family time, and to watch the "race that stops the nation"!

Please stay safe this weekend - Ill catch you all on the 2nd of November


I have had such a great time working with the beautiful Candi, creating a brand for her new salon.


The first Monday of the month welcomes planning, updating, and colour-coding my calendars and diary.


Today's view from the office.

Photos from Valley Owl Designs's post 11/05/2021

A few months ago I was contacted by a friend to create a tattoo design for him to honour his son. I was so nervous about this adventure, and so humbled to have been asked to be apart of such an amazing dedication.
Shout out to Kings of Ink in Drouin for the ex*****on of this design


Today our community say goodbye to an amazing woman. Sabrina bought such a bright and colourful feeling to any situation.
Until we meet again thanks for the memory's xx


Today we welcome another Trafalgar business to the Valley Owl Family, finalizing the logo for Alphascape Petcare.

Sharon was amazing to work with, the vision she has for her business is an inspiration, definitely the lady to call when you need your fur-babies cared for.


With the new government restrictions please note Valley Owl Designs will still be available however all meetings will be hosted via Zoom.

Clients with an existing booking will be contacted shortly to organise.

Thank you
Stay safe


Lunch break walks with the fluffy child - the human children were on bikes and ditched us


Whats it like working from home?

Well today my daughter was too unwell for school so she was meant to spend the day on the couch and get better... instead she is "helping mummy work"
This is the amount of screen I can see today


I am happy to welcome The Red Room of Pole to the Valley Owl Family - I have been working closely with the owner Theresa to organize the marketing and new graphics for her business.

She is an amazing lady to work with and would strongly recommend to anyone who has ever even considered pole fitness to give the Red Room a call.

Thank you for having faith in Valley Owl Designs I have enjoyed working with you and look forward to the 12 months of marketing we have prepared

The Red Room of Pole would like to announce the Official Post-Covid Timetable.

Message our instructors to secure your class today!

Due to a limited number of spaces class attendance will also need to be confirmed two hours prior to start time.

Please note our Mums and Bubs with Zoe will commence July 23rd however kids are welcome at the studio.


Opening Hours

Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 17:00