Balanced Health and Wellness

Balanced Health and Wellness

Our mission is to help You restore your gut health first and foremost. Then put in place healthy lifestyle changes that enhance your longevity.


Guess how?


Hi everyone,

Here is why Spores Probiotic are worth your hard earned money!

“The Spores can survive in the ground for a million years. They are able to achieve this by encompassing themselves in a protective shell. They lay waiting to enter the next digestive system.
Once arriving into the intestines, they germinate. This is where science has revealed some incredible discoveries. The Spores are able to read the microbiome of the host and release antibiotics to control an unwanted overgrowth of pathogens. But even more amazing is that they are able to increase the abundance of keystone strains that are out of balance, thereby adding richness and a strong and growing diversity back into the gut microbiome.
The resulting effect is the beginning of the total gut restoration, whereby even the mucosal layer is rebuilt thus healing the gut in as little as 30 days”.


Please take a moment to read my action plan for Your Health Journey!

Just Thrive Probiotic & Antioxidant 22/07/2019

Just Thrive Probiotic & Antioxidant Just Thrive spore probiotic is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle...for life! Just Thrive is the only probiotic to arrive 100% alive to the digestive tract, where it creates powerful antioxidants and fights pathogens to create a balanced microbiome, and thriving whole body health. Thriving begins...


This business is founded on my taking my recovery from an autoimmune disease into my own hands eight months ago. The journey has lead me into the world of functional nutrition, if it helps me I will use it and share my knowledge with you.
I have been doing healthy keto and intermittent fasting during this time and have lost fifteen kilograms. But more important than losing the weight I learnt the importance of what food goes into my mouth has a direct relationship not only how i feel physically but emotionally.
But my recovery was still stalled, I knew there was more to learn about nutrition. Then I found a microbiologist and researcher named Kiran Krishnan who explained the new to me world of the Microbiome! That autoimmune and many other diseases stem from an in balance in the gut, then i became very very interested!
He said “fixing the gut becomes paramount to everything else working the way it should”.

Mr Krishnan found the use of spores added richness and diversity to the microbiome, which in turn restored balance and allowed the body to absorb far more nutrients to rebuild our immune and overall health.

the problem can start as easy as taking a course of antibiotics which kill up 90% of our gut microbes good and bad. It then can take up to two years for your gut flora to rebuild. That is of course, if it ever does with the amount of junk food we eat. Let alone the so called healthy options are saturated in pesticides. Round-up kills our microbes in parts per billion. Let that sink in.
The solution lays in rebuilding our microbiome.
Using Just Thrive Spore probotics you will restore a rich diverse microbiome!
Then eating a wide variety of organic fruits and vegetables that are in season. Along with ocean caught seafood, meats and dairy from grass feed and pasture raised animals only.
Our ancestors ate up to 700 different types of food per year!
How many do you eat?
I have put together a program now that will restore your health and vitality to help you and your family reach longevity!
Much Love,
Trevor Tate.


Everyone has heard the saying "the way to a man's heart is through his gut". Funny as that sounds it is true for each and every one of us. Gut health is at the forefront in medical science research, the gut microbiome really demands our attention if you are serious about your health.
We will be supplying the cutting edge in spore probiotic's.
Stay tuned.
Much Love,


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00