The Successful Woman

The Successful Woman

The Successful Woman brings world class and holistic success education to enable and empower women to create the life and lifestyle they truly desire.



Join our conversation with Alex Blake where we discuss how to Unlock Unique and follow your heart to tap into your creativity and color outside the lines.

Learn how Alex helps new authors to enhance their self awareness to embrace the power of their story.

You will be touched by Alex's latest passion to support parents guide their children to unlock their unique gifts and the scholarship work she is doing with children around the world.

To listen episode click below:


All women move the the wheel of life from the maiden to the Mother and then to the crone.

As we live longer there is a new phase of life the Marga bringing the potential for powerful heart based wisdom.

Join us this week for a raw conversation with Kim Warner, who unpacks the myth around woman and growing older.

To listen click below:


AI is all the buzz at the moment from Chat GPT to programs that can recreate your podcast.

Join us for this exclusive interview with Denise Murtha Bachman where we discuss how AI will impact women in business in general and how AI and Sales will be combined in the future.

To listen to the episode click below:


Knowing oneself is perhaps the most important thing in life. This week we went hunting to find the perfect woman to speak with about the process of creative transformation.

Sandy Archer is a multi-passionate creative: an artist, author, coach, and consultant.
Her motto is ‘from aspiring creator to creativity delivered’. Underpinned by a core philosophy to ‘KNOW YOURSELF, BE YOURSELF, SHARE YOURSELF’ she takes people on a journey of self-awareness to ultimately deliver your unique creative value to the world. Join us for this unique discussion about the process of transformation.

To listen to the episode click here:


Have you ever wondered where Mastery comes from?

Join us this week for a conversation with Madhu Chauduri and her incredible journey from newlywed immigrant to financial advisor.

Episode available here:


How often do you celebrate life?

Recently I've been pondering all the times I was told in the past that business couldn't be fun, that it needs to be hard and challenging.

Perhaps I am becoming wiser, or maybe I care less these days for what others tell me or I am getting tired of the unnecessary stress around business.

I choose now to focus on how many different way each day I can really enjoy what I do and the contribution that we make.

I felt to share this beautiful image as it's a stellar example of women having fun while we do what we need to in our businesses.

We cant wait to head back to Hanoi in November for our next Elevate Retreat.

DM me if you are interested in learning more.....


Keeping your focus high is the key to achieving things in life and in business.

When I am told I am a daydreamer I say absolutely yes I am - I love imagining amazing future things.

In fact according to a report by IBM research shows 60% of CEOs polled cited creativity as the most important leadership quality.

What are you imagining for your future?


If you have wondered what are the simple things you can do to improve your communication in presenting then you will want to listen to this weeks Episode with Shannon Alter, CPM.

Shannon shares her key concepts on how to work the room before you enter the room, learning to start in the middle and how to use punctuation and pause to your advantage.

In case you are looking for more head to amazon to purchase her new book:
Be Influential: Surefire ways to improve your communication skills.

Link to episode is in the comments below:


Why do we do that?

Recently I have had the opportunity to speak with several accomplished ladies who shared their challenging experience in business with other women treating them badly.

No matter how it shows up at the core this behavior of rejection, exclusion and sabotage is a lack of self confidence. Over all it serves no one in the progression we are seeking.

I am curious, is this something you have experienced and what do you feel are the steps we can take to change it?


As women we are forever chasing the work life balance dream.

Often we judge ourselves by our ability to achieve harmony across so many things, juggling other responsibilities with our work.

However we must stop to ask the question how would things change if we realized we are chasing something that doesn't even exist. Would our aspirations change alongside the setting of a new reality?

If our focus shifted towards concepts such as busy but exciting, dynamic and engaging,
full but rewarding. Perhaps conversions would start to measure things like passion, joy and fulfillment instead.

Would you trade harmony for a new perspective on things?

Do you agree its time to step off the treadmill and think about things differently?


I am thrilled to be recognised as one of the top 100 female mentors by Mirela Sula and the Global Woman Magazine.

I am a passionate advocate for working with a variety of mentors and have experienced first hand the power of garnering from someone else's years of experience. Mentoring is a way to avoid unnecessary delays and disappointment as well as expediting your rate of growth.

Whatever you wish to achieve find someone who already has those results and learn as much as you can from them!

On the flip side, I love being able to create significant change in people lives, its a joy and a privilege to be able to do so. A huge thank you to all those that have entrusted me to add value and guide you on your journeys.


We all love leaders who demonstrate passion in their business and this week we speak with Gholami from Planix Projects who shares with us why Passion is such a vital ingredient in business.

Mel shares her journey of juggling a new born with a growing business and the need for flexibility for women in the workforce. Mel also shares her unique insights into the secret ingredients for creating an amazing company culture. A must listen too for any founder growing her company.

Links is in the comments:


'Being a mother is finding strengths you didn't know existed and facing fears you didn't know existed" - Linda Wooten ❤❣❤


As women when we experience pain, grief or loss, it can leave scars as reminders to carry.

Yet its how we respond to these life events that define who we really are and the way we choose to create our futures.

If you have experienced heartbreak, remember it doesn't mean that you need to feel broken.

Choose something more powerful instead.


To often we defer as women for approval and recognition from others.

This can lead us to compromise doing what we really want and sacrificing our dreams, leading to disappointment and resentment over time.

It is our natural instinct to nurture and care for others, yet to do so we must first nurture and care for ourselves.

A prudent way to decide if a course of action is the right one to follow is to ask yourself: Does this align with my purpose?
It's a great way to make decisions and brings more joy and happiness.😃❣


Do you want to be more confident?

Eleanor Roosevelt said “ do one thing every day that scares you”.
She understood that the key to gaining more confidence is become more comfortable with being afraid.

What will you do today?


It is easy to be fixated on the BHAG's ( Big Hairy Audacious Goals) in business, however it is important to stop and celebrate the small milestones too.

Recently we launched our new podcast Series: the Foundherpreneur, where we interview female founders on what worked ... and what didn't. Sharing the real and raw reality of what it takes to garner wisdom from our mistakes.

Much to my delight this morning we received notification of our Podcast's 1000th download - yippee!

If you haven't already subscribed to our you tube channel - be sure to do so - next up we will have Mel Gholami from Planix Projects share her insights on Passion and Business.

Click link in comments below:😀


Great things are coming 😃

Whats your gold-dust in the air?❣️


UNLOCK the Hidden VALUE in your BUSINESS:

Did you know that up to 81% of Australian business owners plan to retire in the next 10 years, however 53% of them have no exit strategy and more alarmingly 22% will simply shut shop.

This week we speak with Joanne brooks who has mastered over two decades of business guiding entrepreneurs in creating their ideal futures.

In this episode Joanne discusses the importance of having a plan and knowing how to create a successful exit by unlocking hidden value in your business.

A must for all founders at any stage so the foundations are built to create a long term outcome that matches your end goals.

Listen in on:
You Tube:



We see the world through the filters of our beliefs.

If we believe something to be true then it is true - for us.

Many of us take action each day based on this subset of beliefs without ever stopping to question whether these beliefs are serving us in a positive way.

This is an image of grains of salt.
Who would have thought that they are cubic in nature?
In fact many would have presumed they were round.

Our reality is shaped by what we tell ourselves to be true, whether its true or not.

Do you agree?


All successful woman share the quality of perseverance.

It's an intangible yet necessary skill if you wish to pursue greatness in life.

It is most needed during challenging of times.

It cant be found anywhere but within yourself and it will be the defining factor in whether you rise or fall.

Agree or Disagree?


Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter.

Enjoy time with family and with just the right amount of chocolate too!


You will often hear the term clarity is power, however what does it really mean to have clarity?

At The Successful Woman we know all success starts with oneself so for us clarity is knowing who you are, who you are NOT and who you want to be.

From this position you can create just about anything!

We would love to know if you agree?


We are so excited to release our first podcast in the Foundherpreneur series, where we speak with amazing women who share their insights and wisdom of founding and growing their companies.

Sascha Moore from Create Designs and Marketing shares her secrets on the path to acceleration. Its real, raw and full of golden nuggets.

A must listen to for any lady serious about business - enjoy!

Available on




What an incredible week we had at the Elevate Retreat in Vietnam.

The hospitality of Hanoi was second to none and the beauty of Halong Bay awe inspiring!

After sharing so many powerful moments, new connections and thought provoking insights, we have decided to host Elevate again in November.

If you are a woman in business looking to raise your Impact, Influence and Income please DM me.


This week we have enjoyed exquisite luxury with the ladies on the Elevate Retreat.


The successful woman is a movement of incredible women who are courageous and dare to question the status quo…..

At this weeks Elevate retreat we shared key business insights with powerful thought leaders- watch this space change is coming.


Ladies are flying in from all around the world to join us at The Elevate Retreat in Hanoi Vietnam.

When women are committed to supporting each others success you can make life long friends even over breakfast.

Tonight we start our experience on the roof top sky bar...... stay tuned.


It is wonderful that in a global world, celebrations extend over several time zones. Well into Thursday I was still speaking at events in other parts of the globe to raise conversations about how we can collectively .

I simply couldn't let the week close out without sharing this beautiful image of those who gathered in Sydney at the FBAA celebrations for IWD and the launch of the Artemis Space. It was a privilege to be host for the day.

We heard from the phenomenal Jacqui Cooper whose story of staying true to one's own confidence in the face of adversity was second to none.

As well as the dynamo Bianca Hartge-Hazelman who shared the latest results from the Women's Index, as well as her innovative software that enables organisations to deliver better equity and diversity.

Amongst my favorite moments were the real and honest conversations that I had the privilege to witness in the room.

This years theme of DigitALL - Innovation and Technology, raised for me an important precursor to innovation and change -and that is inspiration!

Please share what inspiration you received this week.

Videos (show all)

Why do we do that?Recently I have had the opportunity to speak with several accomplished ladies who shared their challen...
I broke up with FEAR #thesuccessfulwoman #leadershipcoach #personalitydevelopment #investinyourself#growthmindset #motiv...
This week we have enjoyed exquisite luxury with the ladies on the Elevate Retreat.
According to Insightout Mastery one out of four people will quit their New Year resolutions within the first week of Jan...
Happy 2023!   Why not set yourself up for success by deciding what you will say NO to this year.
Recognized by the media for redefining leadership, Payal Nanjiani is an Indian- American globally acclaimed leadership s...
This weeks podcast is a must for any woman that wants to understand more than just vocal techniques and how every woman ...
12 Steps to Self Love
12 Steps to Self Love
How to become unstoppable
Empowering the Voice of Women
