Shodokan Aikido Bayside

Shodokan Aikido Bayside

Carindale Dojo - Carindale P.C.Y.C. Everton Hills Dojo - Hills District P.C.Y.C. Instructor : Ken Roberts, 5th Dan
Instructor : Tony Miller, 5th Dan

Carindale Dojo - Carindale P.C.Y.C.
27 Narracott St
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Tuesday and Thursday evenings –6:30 pm through 8:00 pm

Everton Hills Dojo - Hills District P.C.Y.C. (not open yet)
Olearia St West, Everton Hills 4053
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Tuesday evenings – 6;30 pm through 8:00 pm
Thursday evenings - 6.15 pm through 7.45pm

Instructor : Ken Roberts, 5th Dan


To the Instructors and Practitioners of Shodokan Aikido,
This year the world experienced an unprecedented pandemic, a threat which we are still in the midst of. I would like to express my deepest sympathies for the hardships and setbacks you have suffered this year.
On December 25th, 1979, my teacher Tomiki Kenji Shihan passed away. He was dearly missed by all of his students. The grief we all experienced, which reached its peak at the funeral, can not be expressed in words. I couldn’t control my tears, which fell freely.
More than 40 years have passed since then, and my original goal have not changed: to spread the teachings of competitive aikido, which Tomiki shihan culminated the essence of within Shodokan, all over the world.
Today is the anniversary of the death of Tomiki shihan. As time goes by and generations change, it is up to us to renew our determination to pass on the “techniques and spirit” of our teachers to the next generation.
I sincerely wish that the coming year will be full of hope for everyone.
Tetsuro Nariyama

Aikido ukemi practice demonstrating that size does not matter when throwing 22/06/2020

Aikido ukemi practice demonstrating that size does not matter when throwing Paul Bonett Sensei (5th Dan) throwing Jon Gorf and demonstrating that size doesn't matter when using aikido techniques

合気道 昭道館本部道場 22/06/2020

合気道 昭道館本部道場 制作編集:Erin Johnston 昭道館合気道 webサイト: Facebook: Twitter: Insta...

乱取基本の形十七本 対短刀 09/05/2020

乱取基本の形十七本 対短刀 昭道館合気道 乱取基本の形十七本 対短刀 当身技 五本:正面当、相構当、逆構当、下段当、後当 肘技 五本:押倒、腕返、引倒、腕捻、脇固 手首技 四本:小手捻、小手返、転回小手捻、転回小手返 浮技 三本:前落、隅落.....

当身技本体のつくり(単独) Atemi WazaHontai no Tsukuri (Solo) 03/05/2020

当身技本体のつくり(単独) Atemi WazaHontai no Tsukuri (Solo) 実演:酒井進之介 六段 映像編集:Erin Jonston 翻訳:Joe Adams 昭道館合気道 webサイト: Facebook: Twitter:https://twitter...

木刀の振り方(素振り) 19/04/2020

木刀の振り方(素振り) 木刀の振り方(素振り) 正面打ち 切り返し 1・2 巻き突き 順突き 逆突き 八相の構え 脇構え 実演:藤本和義 五段 映像編集:Erin Jonston 翻訳:Joe Adams 昭道館合気道 webサイト: Facebook:https://www.fac...

Kihon Junanahon and Ura Waza - Tetsuya Sensei & Fujimoto Sensei 07/04/2020

Kihon Junanahon and Ura Waza - Tetsuya Sensei & Fujimoto Sensei Video footage taken at the Instructors Seminar run by Tetsuro Nariyama Shihan 9th Dan, Shodokan Aikido Federation. Brighton University, September 2013. Tetsu...


Sorry but both dojo's are closed until farther notice due to Coronavirus.

Sumi Otoshi 06/03/2020

Sumi Otoshi Sumi otoshi by T.Nariyama during 1st International Seminar in Osaka 1989

Thinking of taking a Martial Arts Class? 02/01/2020

Thinking of taking a Martial Arts Class? an adult student


Kenji Tomiki, Aikido's first 8th dan, passed away on this day, December 25th 1979. Here he is to the left of Aikido Founder Morihei Ueshiba in Manchuria in 1942 (Hideo Ohba on Morihei Ueshiba's right). More from Kenji Tomiki Sensei on the Aikido Sangenkai blog:

"A Letter from Kenji Tomiki to Isamu Takesh*ta"*ta/

"Aikido Shihan Kenji Tomiki’s Goshinjutsu"

"Kenji Tomiki: Judo Taiso – a method of training Aiki no Jutsu through Judo principles"


Great Grandma had a sense of humor.



Here is our Timetable for Term 4 ⭐


Hi All, Just got back from Hombu, Osaka, took three students with me, Jarrod Chambers was successful with his second Dan examination, congratulations, Andrea Randall and Daniel Lambert enjoyed both the training and the social part of the visit. It was very hot during the day, over 30 degrees which made it quite sweaty, As usual we were welcomed at Hombu with opens arms by everybody at the dojo.

Shodokan Aikido: A Sport for the Mind and Body in Osaka 24/07/2019

Shodokan Aikido: A Sport for the Mind and Body in Osaka It is often called “Sports Aikido” or “Tomiki Aikido,” but its actual name is Shodokan Aikido. Tomiki Kenji, the founder of this style of Aikido, chose this name.

乱取基本の形 十七本 26/06/2019

乱取基本の形 十七本 乱取基本の形 十七本 対徒手 当身技 五本:正面当、相構当、逆構当、下段当、後当 肘技 五本:押倒、腕返、引倒、腕捻、脇固 手首技 四本:小手捻、小手返、転回小手捻、転回小手返 浮技 三本:前落、隅落、引落 取:成....


In remembrance of Jigoro Kano the father of Judo who passed on this day (4th May 1938)
"Don't think about what to do after you become strong – I have repeatedly stressed that the ultimate goal of Judo is to perfect the self, and to make a contribution to society. In the old days, Jūjutsu practitioners focused their efforts on becoming strong, and did not give too much consideration to how they could put that strength to use. Similarly, Judo practitioners of today do not make sufficient efforts to understand the ultimate objective of Judo. Too much emphasis is placed on the process rather than the objective, and many only desire to become strong and be able to defeat their opponents. Of course, I am not negating the importance of wanting to become strong or skilled. However, it must be remembered that this is just part of the process for a greater objective... The worth of all people is dependent on how they spend their life making contributions"


MEET THE TEAM - Sensei Tony
Sensei Tony started Aikido at the YMCA Ann St Brisbane mid 1979. Mid 1981, Tony and Ken started taking the junior class at Capalaba PCYC before the main class on Fridays.

Tony was graded to 1st Dan August 1984 and started the Bayside Aikido Club at Wynnum PCYC March .

Tony graded to 5th Dan 30/3/2012

Tony's first International Competition was in Vandalia, Ohio, USA in 1995, since then has been to Imabari Japan, Brisbane, Leeds UK, Katsuura Japan, back to Vandalia, Ohio, USA, Kyoto Japan, London, Osaka Japan and the Gold Coast. Tony has been retired since the end of 2007.

Tony is an electrician by trade and was working at the Brisbane Cricket Ground when I retired.

Grandfather of 6, Sensei Tony has over 40 years experience and is AIS qualified.

All our team at Bayside and all Tony's students have great respect for him and his passion for Aikido. His wealth of knowledge on the mats, I'm sure are unmatched and greatly appreciated by all who has the pleasure of training with him.


Truth. Lol

Endo Sensei: Junanahon at Tanaka's 28/03/2019

Endo Sensei: Junanahon at Tanaka's This is a video of Sekio Endo sensei demonstrating the Junanahon - the 17 basic techniques of Tomiki aikido - at the dojo of Seiji Tanaka sensei in Denver, F...

Videos (show all)

Tony Miller Ken Roberts  They won this round :-)
Ken and Tony
First kids class tonight great job girls
Looking good Karene
Starting Kata practise for World Championships.. 1 year to go!
Atemi Waza done by Sensei Greg and Craig