Jenny Lee Clarity Coach

Jenny Lee Clarity Coach

❤️Clarity Coach and Energy Healer. ❤️Restoring Heart, Body & Soul Harmony. ❤️ASEA Redox


There's always magic happening, just sometimes we are too caught up in life to notice. Take a moment to pause, breathe, and look around yourself.
My little magic moments today are..
Seeing how fast my garden is growing with the warmer temp and the rain, everything is so lush today. Nature has her own rythum!
Just sitting in my favourite chair and breathing slowly, taking in y home around me. When i look around, I can see that I am a divine creator.
Watching the birdlife nesting outside my home today, bringing new life into the world soon.. very magical




I Love this!
Enjoy life and all it has to offer🙌
It’s all experience, and is valuable to you.

Overindulgence is overrated and the simple pleasure are often in front of you.

Enjoy the picnic blanket where you can be aligned with the earth.

Embrace the warmth of the sun.

Snuggle in the cool of winter.

Dance in the rain.

Indulge in culinary pleasures but listen to your body and it’s ok to leave some.

Make it a point to laugh and be light at least once on your day.

Love all, for everyone’s working through something.

Dance to the fact that you’re here, have some form of health and move your body where you can.

It’s an incredible time to be on this planet and you’re here witnessing and participating in it.

Smile and have an inspired and beautiful day❤️❤️❤️


Being in touch with the ground is so underrated.
So many benefits from taking your shoes off, getting your feet in the sand and being in contact with the earth.
Make it a daily practice to include some dirt in your daily routine and enjoy the simple pleasure along with all the great benefits.
Some benefits you may experience are;

1- Improved Mental Clarity: Grounding helps clear the mind and reduce mental clutter, promoting clearer thinking.

2- Reduced Stress: It can lower stress levels by promoting relaxation and a sense of calm.

3- Better Sleep: Grounding has been linked to improved sleep quality and reduced insomnia.

4- Enhanced Mood: It often leads to better mood stability and a more positive outlook on life.

5- Increased Energy Levels: Grounding is believed to boost energy levels and reduce feelings of fatigue.

6- Better Immune Function: There's some evidence to suggest grounding can support immune system function.

7- Quicker Recovery from Physical Activity: It may aid in faster recovery from intense exercise or physical exertion.

8- Improved Circulation: Grounding is thought to improve blood flow and circulation throughout the body.

9- Pain Reduction: It can help alleviate chronic pain and discomfort in some individuals.

10- Enhanced Connection to Nature: Grounding fosters a deeper connection with the natural world, which can be spiritually and emotionally fulfilling.

Be easy in your day and smile, it’s Sunday 😍❤️❤️❤️


We are in a time where the ego is dying and the higher self is coming into fullness.. how are you handling it all?
Are you seeing things around you as the ego does or are you allowing yourself to be lead into Eden through the higher path and self?

Sometimes we need guidance and/or help and that’s ok. It’s been a rough ride for many. Remember to stop and come up for air daily. Breathing is the best tool and we all have access to it for free so utilise it. A few moments with self and just slow it all down whilst you take in some long slow breaths.

As always, if you’d like to guidance, a catch up, a chat, or to find clarity amidst the confusion, dm me for a booking time.


How is your body speaking to you?
Are you showing signs of living out of harmony?
Aches, pains and discomforts are the first whispers but lead to more intense chaos in the body when ignored.
If you’re feeling the stress of not living in harmony with yourself (as it’s not about anyone else), ask yourself this question… if there were no limitations, what would I be doing with my life?

I help people find their clarity and ways to be living in alignment and harmony.
First step awareness of body and self, second step, define what you want, third step, a pathway towards it.

Having a body that is just pain free but vibrant, strong and healthy is the best way to live this life. It allows you to be more active with your family, work and community. Having a calm and peaceful mind even when there’s chaos around, is the best.
Dm me if you want more info or feel guided to book a session with me❤️


We tend to fill silence as it can be uncomfortable. It often asks us to feel things that may be normally avoided like painful memories. The thing we miss is if we can sit with the pain, feel it and acknowledge it, there’s freedom on the other side. Where there’s darkness, there is also light and everything we experience has a purpose and a gift in it. Whilst we avoid it or are still focused on the pain of it, we cannot see beyond it. Start asking better questions like what purpose is this serving? What am I being shown here? What would love do in this situation? And allow yourself to expand rather than close in around you. It’s time to listen and heal.
Enjoy the silence ❤️❤️❤️


Happy Monday
How is this thought for today!

It’s easy to say thanks and show appreciation. We all know how good it feels to be acknowledged. It fills us with keenness to do more doesn’t it.
Show a little today and see what happens. ❤️❤️❤️


Good morning and happy Sunday.
Your body sends messages to you all the time. How balanced and healthy your body is is a great indication of if you’re listening and in flow on your life journey. When we get aches, pains and dis ease, it’s the body showing us what needs looking at in our life. It could be emotions, beliefs or a follow through you’ve not acted on. Our body is an amazing machine, listen and give it what it needs, it can do any healing and restoring of health. Sometimes it needs a little extra help to combat life stresses like environmental toxins and food toxins and bring more resilience into play. I find and use a couple great products to help my body back to ultimate cellular health. Here’s some homework for you.
1- are you listening to your body and what’s it nudging you to?
2- are you following through with your body’s nudges and self promises?
3- what evidence are you being shown when you follow through?

Love to hear your feedback❤️❤️❤️


Over the past 18 months, I’ve been on a journey to uplevel myself in overall wellness along with taking on new studies and recently gaining more insights to our cellular health so my services offer more updated and here and now options.

I’ve worked with a PT who has helped me strengthen up my body, which is so essential as we rise through the ranks of life.
At only a couple of years off 60, cellular breakdown or rather lack or slow cell regeneration shows in muscle loss, skin elasticity and wrinkles so in short, we start to look old. When we look old, we can start to feel old.

I’ve always looked after myself and taken pride that I have been fit and healthy but I had noticed that whilst I was slim, that didn’t mean fit, toned or even healthy.
And I want to feel great in my body regardless of my age and of course I want to look great too.

So I started, I got responsible and began looking at where I could help myself clean up , clear out and heal my body mind and spirit, and make myself strong and healthy again on all levels. Kind of like rising into what this new world is asking of me.
Maybe you’ve been thinking or doing the same…

Has it been easy?

I’ve watched as frustrations have come up, how ailments have been highlighted, how resistance has shown up, how others have reacted or responded to my changes and how I’ve wavered for all kinds of reasons, biggest one being change and fear of what that change might mean.
We love to stay the same, yet long for change at the same time.

Gaining insights in my body has been great. Being able to isolate what I feel where and how it links to other areas in the body has been fascinating and listening to what my body is telling me is a learned skill.
I think we all listened to ourselves at one point until we were trained out of it. Getting back to it is an art for sure, with so much external noise and opinions and viewpoints of others, it’s sometime hard to listen let alone follow through with your own needs or desires.

I’ve listened as my body said, don’t eat that, eat this, don’t drink that, have this and it’s not so easy when you’re living life with others that choose differently but I was at a point where I just had to honour my body’s whispers or rather shouts at its needs and desires.
Learning about nutrition, importance of physical and cellular health, as well as ancestral and emotional baggage and trauma has been super fascinating and bringing into play what our souls journey or mission here is has super excited me.

I’m on the path to feeling and looking younger without chemicals, after many years, I slowly removed certain foods and drink, I’ve ditched the acrylic nails, the hair treatments full of chemicals and the anti wrinkle injections and am continuing to clean out my body of the chemical and toxic build up all these things leave behind.
And Instead, I’m replacing with cellular health technology, nutrition and more natural ways to feel and look younger that is in harmony with my biological physical body and cleaner for the home environment, community and our new world we are moving Into.
Some days have been harder than others and some things I’ve had multiple goes at letting go of as I’m a girly girl and I love beautiful nails and I love wrinkle free and I’ve got a lot of wonderful experiences that have emotional attachment to alcohol, caffeine and materialism and I love beautiful clothes and beautiful things, that’s part of who I am & I’m not making me wrong for my desires. I’m just making changes that are more in keeping with my inner voice and a world full of over consumption on every level.

I’ve met some amazing people and teachers as I clear out the unwanted and unfold the next part of my own journey, and I’m excited to share and help more people I work with to live their own truth and best life.

It’s not always easy but we find a way through the challenges and then pass on to others what we learn to help them, that’s part of this amazing journey called life. So if your called to clean up and clear out what isn’t working for you, or if you want to just chat about things to gain clarity or a new perspective, or you are tired and feeling that it’s all too much, and ready for change then dm me and we can arrange a chat. In person, phone or online.

In this rapidly changing world it’s easy to feel like your head is spinning one way and your body another but you don’t have to stay internally suffering.
To reach out isn’t weak, to know you need help and reach out for it is strong.
Taking responsibility for yourself is a soul calling and I’m here to be of service to you.

Come join me on the journey, I’ve got some great tools, fabulous cell technology and I know together we can help you to look and feel younger, and more vibrant as you gain more wisdom ❤️
DM me to book an appt.


Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas. A time of warmth of heart, generosity of giving and receiving and faith in all that is. Fill your days and soul with magic, love and laughter with those you love.


What do you love to do?
What brings out the fun and free version of you?

A lot of people spend so much time doing things that need to be done or things urgent on their lists, that the things important to them get pushed back to when they can fit them in, if at all. We are so trained to put ourselves off till the other stuff is done..
No play until your homework is done!
No dessert till you eat all your dinner!
No friends until you clean your room!
(Sorry mums, but it’s how the programming is locked in)

I used to be like this too but the to do lists never end😬😮‍💨📝
Now I practice being more in balance to allow flow in my life, and even if I don’t do all the things on my urgent list, I still make sure I do an “important to me” thing because it’s all great to make self promises but with no follow through, the message of self value doesn’t get through.
With life calling so much from us all, it’s not about finding more time, it’s about re arranging your values to reflect what you need to fill up or refuel with, then making the space for you to practice It. Just like joining or attending the gym class is more likely to get a desired result, instead of promising to do the exercises at home. The gym space is conducive to what you want to achieve. The home environment has distractions so give yourself the head start of the space for the task.

To get started, It’s a great exercise to sit and write 10 things (5 if 10 is too daunting) that you really enjoy doing, even if you’re not yet doing them. No judgement or excuses why you haven’t, and no buts, just a list of things like;
-going for nature walks,
-writing poems,
-yoga, boxing class,
-dance, baking,
-bird watching,
-playing with your kids or grandkids, -morning or afternoon walk,
-having coffee with a friend,
-meditating on the beach,
-a soak in your bath,
-puttering around your home, -something else.
The list goes on….
So whatever invokes feelings of joy from you.

Take a moment as you write to see yourself in each scenario, allow yourself to relax and feel into each one. Doesn’t it feel good!
And you’re already halfway there to achieving it.
Now, each day, choose 1 thing and do it. No promises, just actually doing it.
It feels so great to follow through and top yourself up so you have more to give and each day you commit to you, it gets easier.
Self love and care is up to you. Embrace what your needs are.

So, What are things you love to do?

Jenny Lee Clarity Coach 30/08/2023


Are you at a point in life where you are wondering what was meant for you here on this earth journey? What you really came here to do or be?
If you're feeling unsettled, confused or stuck, you may be thinking these thoughts.

A Soul Blueprint Alignment Session can give you clarity on this.
I’m amazed at what gets revealed 🙂

I delve into your full soul's purpose, your calling and who you came to be. As well as what you carried over from the past, and if it's still playing out, what you can do to move past it.

Offering 1/2 price sessions for September. 90 min session Just $95 (Usually $190)
Send me a dm to secure your spot

Jenny Lee Clarity Coach Schedule your appointment online Jenny Lee Clarity Coach


Have a beautiful day❤️

Photos from Jenny Lee Clarity Coach's post 29/08/2023

I was asking myself this morning what living a self love and true expression of self really is.
There’s a lot of info out there that tells you how you should be and lots of wonderful people full of good will and advice also happy to tell you how you should be and what it looks like.

So what’s your take on it?

What’s self love?
What’s true expression of self?
Are they both the same to you?

I see it as when you’re living the expression of who you really are, you are self loving.
Loving the self through expression of what floats your boat. Choosing things that feel good to you.. foods, rest times, job, clothes, hairstyle, body art, speaking up, and the list goes on.

When I was younger (yes I’m still young😉), I was full of expression of myself until one day I became conscious through others telling me I should cut my hair to be taken seriously, I should wear certain clothes to fit in, I should be a certain way to get accepted and given it was by people who loved me and wanted the best for me, I took the advice. But this took me away from myself.. needless to say, the calling rose to express myself as who I was within and not who I was showing up as.
And the journey back to me has been a long one overcoming people pleasing, and an array of unconscious programming that didn’t serve my self love or self expression.
As I sit today, I am more knowing and accepting and loving of myself than ever before, and it feels good.
I see how the people along the way that made an impression, whether it be for, or against, my true expression, were all part of the plan to help me see who I truly was. A gift, if you will even if it didn’t seem so at the time.
This continues to be and I’m sure will be so until full acceptance and full expression have become me.
I’m so grateful for the experiences and people who have shone a light, probed the wounds, provided the challenge and guided me along my path to myself, bringing courage, strength, light, shadow, values, and every array of human emotion. It’s sure an interesting journey.

Some ways I now love to express my true self is through colour.. I love colour.. it makes me smile, it makes me feel vibrant and alive, it makes my environment buzz… yet it was something I gave up to be safe and neutral .. I have made new choices to embrace colour and to trust my expression, for it is MY expression of ME that matters, not what others think or deem.
There’s many other ways of self love in expressing the true authentic self, and it’s wonderful freedom to be this.
Living my true nature and purpose is self love ..
Gosh understanding the self is so the journey isn’t it! Each step unfolding a little more.

How are you called to express your true self?


Do you hear the whispers?
Do you feel the pull?
I do too.

Take a little moment out of your day to sit and BE.
BEing with yourself and spirit. Not doing, not trying to figure it out, just be and observe what shows up.
when you’re quiet enough, you can ask questions for clarity and for direction or what’s the next action you can take.

Watch, listen and pay attention for answers as they sometimes come via song, book, or even another person, signs are all over the place.
Know spirit sometimes is quirky as it exercises our sense of humour.🫢❤️
Enjoy the moment with curiosity 💜


I’m offering SOUL BLUEPRINT ALIGNMENT Private Sessions now and I’m loving it!

So excited that I’m giving half price offer for first 10 people that book in for the month of September.

If you’re feeling restless, unfulfilled, confused, not sure why you’re here, things have changed and you don’t know which way to move, if you’re fence sitting and I’m not talking about being on a farm 🙂, Feel like something is pulling you but don’t know what, life has changed for you and you are looking for clarity in direction. This is just the thing you’re looking for..

Imagine if...
• You could change your life in a short 90 min session!
• You could gain awareness and understanding of your past patterns and cycles, and feel empowered by this!
• You could make this leap from the privacy of your own space.
• You could feel the peace, clarity and serenity that knowing yourself brings!
• You could have more confidence in who you are and why you are here!
• You could start living your ideal life immediately.

Having a SOUL BLUEPRINT ALIGNMENT® offers an in-depth exploration of your soul’s purpose and your path here. Gain awareness of your challenges, shadows, strengths, where you shine and more, unlocking the secrets to your personal growth and fulfilment.
These sessions are amazing and so enlightening.

Here’s what other people are saying…
• It is enlightening and validating to have this information and provides me with so much more clarity than I had before.

• More accepting of myself.

• SO exciting to know this, and excited for the future. Feeling so aligned on my path, understanding my soul’s blueprint and path here.

• This Soul Blueprint Alignment has helped bridge that gap and clear the fog, providing me with a clearer vision of how I can move forward in alignment with my unique soul blueprint.

• Feeling really calm and peaceful after this reading

SO, want to know more or book your very own private Soul Blueprint Alignment Session? DM me or SMS Jenny 0434055355


Happy International Womens Day.
Take a moment today to recognize and celebrate your part in the world we live in. Shine your divine light and wisdom for all to see❤️🌸🌟


You don’t need to fit it.. Be You. The brilliant you that you came here to be… know that you are here to be different!


Are you suppressing yourself?
Look at all the areas in your life that you are not being you, or that you feel you are not allowed to be you. Where there is fear to be you…
Women have felt this for eons, there has been suppression of the feminine that goes waaaay back..

Look at history, what did our ancestors experience..
We also have this as it's past down, so where you may feel scared to speak up or unsafe to be seen or heard, this might be playing out from something you have nothing to do with.
If you're feeling you are suppressed at a rating of 7/10 and above on a regular basis, you could very well be playing out the patterns of your foremothers..
You can release this and set you and them free with the Creatrix Method, designed for women on the science of epigenetics (so what was passed down) and the biology of women. Fast, simple and long lasting so you never have to look at the same thing again. Give me a dm is you want to know more. Love to chat and offer my services to give you the freedom of being you


Stop trying to control things, it is not your job.
You are here to experience!
Use the moment to observe and determine what you do and don’t want, what you like and what you don’t.
while you try to control that which you cannot, you enjoy nothing.

Relax, Breathe, Let it go, observe what you prefer, focus on that,and just be.... Feel the freedom and lightness in that.. knowing you don't have to control it.


Be the designer of your life and make your own magic


As a women, aren't we beautifully multi-faceted.
Who relates to feeling something like in these images and all in the space of 10 minutes :)

Leaving our darling men bewildered to say the least... often bewildered ourselves... outbursts and fluctuations in temperament, and mood can leave others walking on eggshells and us in a cycle of guilt and frustration.

There's many factors at play here, but the biggest is because we are driven by hormones and feelings..
And because of our head heart connection. Giving meaning and perception to everything dependant on how we are feeling.. often misperceived but real enough in the moment. This causes wounding and hurt and can leave scarring which manifests into physical ailments and dis ease down the track, but in the short term, a lot of emotional turmoil.

These stuck wounds and emotional chaos can be resolved and released, and you can return to being yourself. But as a woman, you want to use the right tools.
Our hormones mean we differ from men and therefore need the women's way of releasing and healing, to ensure long term results, because who wants to keep that record on repeat!
The right tool means the job is done once.. released, reset and ready to recreate... and you.... rebalanced and restored to your natural rhythm..

DM me if you want to know more


I offer one hour coaching sessions, either in person or online where we work together to find clarity on a situation or problem you are facing and decide a path forward to resolve it. To get started book here;


Are you having trouble getting clear on what you want?
Are you seeing more of what you don't want in life?

Having clarity for what you want is important. If you don't know what you want, or it's wishy washy, how can you begin to create it? Sending out mixed signals will create a stuck space that can become frustrating. Having clarity will allow you to set tasks to move towards your desired outcome.

Coaching and mentoring can help you
⭐-uncover your purpose,
⭐-gain clarity on your vision and
⭐-set outcomes and goals that you can succeed in achieving,
⭐-stepping confidently into living a purposeful and happy life.

If you want some clarity, or guidance, or someone to hold you to your tasks and outcome, let's get together. You can dm me or book here for a 1 hr clarity call that will get you clear and moving forward.


What are you procrastinating on?
What is preventing you from taking the action needed?


Have you noticed....cluttered space, cluttered mind?

When was the last time you went through the cupboards? A void will always be filled but it is healthy to keep the space organised and clean. Clearing out what you don’t use or need, helps your mind to be clear and organised and to release what is no longer needed from your mind space. It can also help to release the “lack’ or “scarcity” belief, as you see there is always more to come.
Someone will always cherish what you don’t, so why not pass it on to another for their enjoyment. This will clear your space AND increase your good vibes.


If you want change, it starts with you and your environment.
Look around..

Are the people around you encouraging of your happy state and your successes?
Are they focused on forward looking, or are they dragging you backwards, engaging in negative and unhelpful talk.
Do you "feel" good around them, or not?

Studies show this has an influence on your energy and psyche. This energy and toxicity is taken into our energy fields and it can often feel overwhelming or “in your face”. It can hang around for days even when the person has long gone. It affects how you operate on every level.

To really make the changes to move forward to a happy and successful life, start to limit or release negative people from your life, shift the environment to one that compliments and enhances where you are wanting to go.
It’s amazing the freedom it gives when you release yourself from this hold.


Your Happiness, Your Power!
Having a body and a mind that feels good, having energy and good health, and achieving a fulfilling and satisfying life whatever that looks like to you, is freedom.


What Are you wanting to create in life?

What is preventing you from taking the action needed today?

What patterns do you see playing out?

Procrastination is just a pattern at play as a big safety measure, but do you need this pattern anymore? Is it serving you or hindering you?

Want to learn more about patterns and clearing them? Dm me or book a call here;

Videos (show all)

New year, time for a refresher😊
Empower yourself today



Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 16:00
Friday 08:00 - 16:00
Saturday 10:00 - 13:00