

BGFitness provides Mums & Bubs fitness classes, personal training and group training.


3 spots left for the 9:30am class on Tuesday! There are 6 weeks left of the term which ends on Tuesday 14th December. Don’t miss out!

To secure a spot, please email me at [email protected] or visit for more information.


Get in quickly, spots are filling up!


BGFitness offers Mums & Bubs Fitness Classes which are focused on helping mums return to exercise safely. The classes are taught by a qualified pre & post natal trainer (Safe Return to Exercise accredited).

We focus on:
- Learning how to reconnect and control your pelvic floor with your transverse abdominis (deep core muscles).
- Safely introducing functional movement patterns and when suitable to you add in weights and increase the intensity.
- Educating mums on the importance of seeing a Women’s Health Physiotherapist (WHP). We recommend you see a WHP prior to training or if you have any pre & post natal concerns as WHP are the ‘eyes in the inside’.

Train with other mums in a fun, supportive and inclusive environment. Classes are capped at a maximum of 8 participants. All classes are baby and child friendly with a playpen setup up or babies are welcome to stay in their prams while you are training.

If you are interested, please send me a message or visit for more information.


Keep it simple and let’s get moving! If you don’t have a skipping rope, substitute the skipping with lateral hops. This will definitely get the heart rate up!


I saw this quote from an unknown source and it read, ‘every great achievement was once considered to be impossible’. We are so quick to write ourselves off, and question our abilities.

To reach our full potential - we need to focus on what we have achieved. We need to use our achievements to ignite a fire inside in us, that motivates us to be the best version of ourselves.

Yes, sometimes we will have set backs. Sometimes our goals will seem unachievable. At times like that, we need to remind ourselves - setbacks are just temporary. Learn from those setbacks - use them to grow. Ask yourself what went wrong, and what can I do different?

My new PB board is focused on celebrating our achievements and kicking goals. All you need is a plan, a support team and some determination!

BG Fitness (lifestyle focused health & fitness) and BG Sport Performance (sport focused strength and conditioning training) were created to provide people with a positive and supportive training environment. If you have a goal and need help achieving it, please reach out. I’m here to help!


Due to the current circumstances most of us are working from home which means we spend most, if not all of our work day hunched over in front of a computer. During this time your spine is compressed and curved in these position which can put a great deal of stress on your back. When you add core exercises to your daily routine, you lengthen your core and the pressure from your spine is released.

A strong core can help:
• Improve posture
• Reduce back pain
• Improve range of motion
• Improve balance

Make it a priority to add core exercises into your weekly routine! Try this core workout!


If you are looking for a workout this week, try this one out! It will really torch the legs and core! Count the total number of reps each round and try to beat it on the next round. Have fun!


It’s about keeping it simple - make the most of what you have at home.

Today’s workout requires milk bottles or any odd objects you have at home or dumbbells / kettlebells. If you don’t have 2 weights, you can still use 1 weight. Just do 5-10 reps holding the weight in your left arm, then repeat the same amount of reps with your right arm.

As the weight of the milk bottles might not be as heavy as what you usually lift, focus on slowing down the moment on the downward phase (eccentric), pause at the bottom of the movement (isometric) and then explode on the upward phase (concentric). For a floor press, slowly lower the weight for 5 seconds, pause at the bottom for 3 seconds then explode the weight up.

Feel free to add more rounds or reps if you want more of a challenge.


With gyms still shut, it’s all about getting creative and using things at home to complete strength training circuits. You can use a milk bottle filled with water for rows, floor press and Russian twist, you can wear the backpack for squats and you can lift the backpack from the floor for deadlifts.

These odd object weight ideas can help you continue to do some strength training at home and for you to try out this workout.

Using odd objects at home to do strength training movements will look and feel different when compared to using dumbbells and barbells at the gym, but I can assure you, you will feel great afterwards!


Don’t forget about your core! Try this workout!


So many people are opting for the ‘quick fix’, or the ‘all or nothing’ approach. Unfortunately, in my experience this approach rarely works. It is too much, too soon.

We live in a society that is fixated on the notion that ‘it’s all or nothing’. If they want to get fit or lose weight they instantly drop their calories to 1,200 calories a day and start exercising 5 to 6 times a week. Unfortunately, jumping to such an extreme rarely works. You shock your body and fatigue yourself, both mentally and physically - before you even have the chance to build a routine. This approach is toxic, and often results in people giving up before they’ve had the chance to begin. In my experience I’ve come to learn it’s all about balance. Yes, we all love the idea of instant results - but for most of us, if not all of us, it’s just not sustainable. Focus on taking little steps. It’s about creating a sustainable lifestyle. If you’re currently not exercising at all - maybe make your goal being active 3 times a week. If you have a weight loss goal focus on adding vegetables to 2 meals per day to start with, rather than banning certain foods.


Wow, these ladies are incredible! Debbie and Kristy (Mum and daughter team), show up each week and put in the hard work.

They have good days and bad days (like we all do) but they help keep each other accountable, they support each other and most of all they have fun! Debbie’s confidence has grown week after week. When she first started training with me, she could barely do 1 Russian twist. Now - she could go for at least a minute, if not longer!

Kristy is one strong lady, it has been awesome to be part of her fitness journey, and to witness her strength, both physical and mental, improve over the last few months.

My goal at BG Fitness is to help others see their potential, create a supportive environment for them to succeed and most importantly to make training fun and enjoyable - so it doesn’t feel like a chore.

Fitness is a long term investment in health and well-being, not punishment for what you ate. Our bodies are incredible, and capable of so much more than we give them credit for. Let’s see what your body can do! 💪

Photos from BGFitness's post 01/03/2020

Training today was a bit different. We completed the ‘Hannah’ workout. This fitness workout has been created in honour of Hannah Clarke to celebrate her life. We modified the ‘Hannah’ workout slightly to suit equipment availability and everyone’s fitness levels so we could all be part of it. Our thoughts and prays go out to Hannah and her family.


As the saying goes never judge a book by its cover! The same should go with judging your body composition solely based on the number on a scale.

Truth of the matter is - the scale only gives you a snap shot of weight. It can not give you a look into what that number is comprised of - what percentage of the weight is bone mass, muscle mass or fat mass?

So what’s my advice? My advice is - put away the scale and focus on healthy living. Focus on eating well, and exercising regularly. The scale shouldn’t be used to judge if you are doing well or not, it should be based on how you feel. Do you feel stronger? Or faster? Or have more energy? Those things mean more than a number on a scale!


This is what training is about! Showing up, working hard, enjoying the process and having fun! Are you looking for a place to train and have fun? Message me or email [email protected] for more information.

Online programs (limited or no equipment programs or gym based programs) are also available.


Keep it simple! All you need is yourself and some space! Give this body weight workout a try!

Photos from BGFitness's post 31/12/2019

2019 has been a great year! It’s been amazing to see everyone improve throughout the year! It’s about keeping it simple, having fun and being active! Consistency beats perfection! Big thank you for all your support throughout the year! Bring on 2020!


Exercising with a friend is a great way to keep you motivated. Today’s session included just that! Give this workout a go!

Workout #1
Skipping or Running
Slam Balls

Rest 2 mins

Workout #2
EMOM x 6
1. 8 Cal Bike
2. 40m Sandbag Carry

Rest 2 mins

Workout #3
KB Swings
Russian Twist

Photos from BGFitness's post 24/12/2019

BG Fitness would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Wherever you are in the world, relax, have fun and be active during the holiday period!


Try this equipment free workout (Christmas edition) before the festivities kick off!

Start out with 1, then 2+1, then 3+2+1... and so on!


Focus on the little things! It’s about creating a lifestyle that works for you. Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. It doesn’t have to be done all at once. You can accumulate 30 minutes of physical activity throughout the day. Let’s get moving!


Invest in yourself and your health!

Looking after your health is one thing you can’t outsource to others. No one can do more steps for you, or lift weights for you, or help you move more. Take the time and invest in your health. Believe me, you are worth it.


Focus on the little things! It’s about creating a lifestyle that works for you. Aim to eat five kinds of vegetables and two kinds of fruit every day!


Monday funday!

Start your week off with a bang with this awesome equipment free workout!

Sometimes we find ourselves thinking ‘oh, I don’t have a gym membership or I can’t get to the gym today, so I can’t workout.’ Fortunately, that’s not true! Give this workout a go! All you need is a bit of space and your body weight!


Keep it simple!

One pan meals are a go to at my house, especially during the week. Quick and easy prep, then straight in the oven for 25-30 minutes. The best part is you get 4 serves from this recipe, so no need to cook the next night!

This recipe was super simple, and it tastes great. Big shout out to The Real Food Dietitians for the delicious recipe!

For the recipe, head to


Focus on the little things! It’s about creating a lifestyle that works for you. Start by making sure you are staying hydrated! Aim to drink 2 litres of water a day!


Add some colour to your meals!
- Beetroot
- Pumpkin
- Feta
- Walnuts
- Spinach

Then add in whatever protein you feel like... fish, chicken, chickpeas, etc.


Remember - it’s not about ‘one way fits all’. There is no right or wrong way to live an active healthy lifestyle. Some people like to gym alone, some like to go to group fitness classes and some prefer incorporating fitness into their life in another way - swimming, sports team, hiking etc.

The key thing to remember is people chose what works for them. You can’t expect what works for them, to necessarily work for you. You need to find YOUR fun - a way you enjoy incorporating fitness into your lifestyle!


Keep it simple!

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