fraulein tech

fraulein tech

fraulein tech
- the IT help for small businesses
- IT support
- cloud set up with Office365 and Sh

fraulein tech - the IT help for small businesses
- IT support
- cloud set up with Office365 and SharePoint
- training on-the-job
- make your life easier

Updated Rules for Passwords 16/09/2021

Don't forget to change your passwords regularly. Just recently a client got hacked and it costs a lot of nerves, money and stress to repair the damage. Make your passwords hard to hack.
I summed up some rules for you to make it easier:

As always - yours helpfully - claudia - fraulein tech

Updated Rules for Passwords fraulein tech


Old hardware and IT books found in the attic - this was a trip down memory lane. The kids were so not impressed with our 100Mb zip disks.... I do not understand ...

fraulein tech - thinkific e-learning sample site 01/09/2020

As a Thinkific partner and I would love to support you developing eLearning classes for your clients.

See my sample course

Let me know if you have any questions, happy to help.
yours helpfully - claudia - fraulein tech

fraulein tech - thinkific e-learning sample site fraulein tech can help you setting up a wonderful e-learning experience for your clients with

eLearning & IT support 06/06/2020

tool box for eLearning provider

eLearning & IT support after you published your eLearning course, be prepared to provide IT support to your students. not only the brilliant content of your classes will determine the clients satisfaction, but as well the...

Home Office - How-to #1 23/03/2020

Call me for assistance if needed - you know where to find me

Home Office - How-to #1 A lot of you are now forced to work from home - some love it, some hate it, some know already what to do, some entering new territory. Over the next couple of days I will be providing you with some...


Have a wonderful Christmas and a splendid start into 2020.
fraulein tech will be back in the new year 6 January

Keep asking questions... 23/10/2019

Have you found you answers? Keep asking....

Keep asking questions... … until you understand your technology set up. How many of you, when asking IT questions don’t feel satisfied with the answers you get? You might feel stupid, or concerned about the cost (talking...

​How to drive your computer – safe and with confidence… 08/10/2019

We never stop learning....

​How to drive your computer – safe and with confidence… Our private and business lives are becoming increasingly reliant and enhanced by technology. There is the smart phone, email, Instagram, cloud storage, but as well the constant threat of viruses,...


Useful information - Stalker Aware - Stalkerware


every body uses technology, IT it’s called, information technology, but are we informed enough about this technology? let’s talk about it, I invite you to ask me questions and I will try to answer them on my page, write about it and hopefully will give you a better understanding about the device in your hand. yours helpfully - fraulein tech

separation & the extra pain of IT 13/08/2019

please feel free to contact me if you have any questions how to protect yourself in the computer world - yours helpfully - claudia - fraulein tech

separation & the extra pain of IT fraulein tech


the advantage of computer training
today i like to write a little bit about my favourite subject: computer training on the job:
in my 20+ years on various IT service desks, i experienced regularly employees without adequate computer training are stressed and wasting a lot of time to find solutions on their own.
a general training like 'MS word advanced' covers most of the time too much content, the employee comes back at his/her desk and can't implement the new gained knowledge because the desktop looks difference, the file structure is more complicated, templates are missing etc. etc.
the transfer of the know-how into the day-to-day tasks is often frustrating. that means that a lot of money and time spend by the employer is wasted...
computer training on the job might be the solution: i will first have a look at the IT set up in the company, talk to the staff and manager about the tasks that seem to be too inefficient solved by the systems, and the goals that want to be achieved. i will tailor a training program for the employee, held on their desk while doing day-to-day tasks. we may create short cuts, templates etc. right there on the spot. afterwards the employee will get a document summarising the information learned that day. these training sessions take maximum 3 hours. a couple of weeks later another session will be scheduled to answer further questions, deepening the gained knowledge and assess the further need of training areas.
please feel free to contact me if you think that might a solution for your office.
be in charge - yours helpfully - fraulein tech


the advantage of computer training
today i like to write a little bit about my favourite subject: computer training on the job:
in my 20+ years on various IT service desks, i experienced regularly employees without adequate computer training are stressed and wasting a lot of time to find solutions on their own.
a general training like 'MS word advanced' covers most of the time too much content, the employee comes back at his/her desk and can't implement the new gained knowledge because the desktop looks difference, the file structure is more complicated, templates are missing etc. etc.
the transfer of the know-how into the day-to-day tasks is often frustrating. that means that a lot of money and time spend by the employer is wasted...
computer training on the job might be the solution: i will first have a look at the IT set up in the company, talk to the staff and manager about the tasks that seem to be too inefficient solved by the systems, and the goals that want to be achieved. i will tailor a training program for the employee, held on their desk while doing day-to-day tasks. we may create short cuts, templates etc. right there on the spot. afterwards the employee will get a document summarising the information learned that day. these training sessions take maximum 3 hours. a couple of weeks later another session will be scheduled to answer further questions, deepening the gained knowledge and assess the further need of training areas.
please feel free to contact me if you think that might a solution for your office.
be in charge - yours helpfully - fraulein tech


I managed to write the second part about passwords, sorry for the delay
- life is what happens while I made other plans -


To friends and clients:
Have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy a restful break.
I will close shop for now, back 7th January 2019!


Found on LinkedIn

Apparently you can’t use “Beef Stew”, as a password. It’s not stroganoff.‬

Sorry, couldn’t resist

what should i use as password 25/08/2018

Lets talk about passwords

what should i use as password for one and all: not password and not 12345678 your passwords are the key to your data, and this includes your health record, your money, your secrets.... the same way you normally keep your key to...

scary internet - cryptolocker 05/08/2018

this time i am writing about protection from the bad bad people out there
tell me your scary stories and how you saved your files

scary internet - cryptolocker the internet is a scary place and the 'virus' i am most scarred of is the cryptolocker. what does is do? - it holds all your files ransom and only releases them when you pay a ransom fee. ...

females in IT - anything differently here? 07/07/2018

females in IT - anything differently here? women and IT is a wide area topic and a sensitive one as such. do women approach computers differently? do they have more difficulties with technology? is the female brain differently wired? are they...

ask me anything 07/07/2018

ask me anything leave your questions, worries & issues in the comments and i will try to find a solution for you and blog about


the cloud - the unknown endless storage

The cloud is everywhere and it is so handy. When set up properly, you never have to worry again about broken hard drives, lost phones and computer failure. The cloud will have a backup of what is precious to you. Choosing the right provider for your needs, setting up everything with low maintenance and the cloud is a wonderful thing. Let me know when I may help you with it.

yours helpfully
fraulein tech


Keys, pins, passwords, IDs, certificates.... we all have to remember so many information to get access to our emails, music, money, information, subscriptions.... absolutely overwhelming.

But never leave it to another person to administer your access data. I see it often that after separation from the partner important and priceless data are lost as passwords are unknown and can’t be recovered. Or worse the partner is using the extra knowledge as a power tool.

Please feel free to contact me on advise how to administer your data safe and easy. I am happy to sit down with your, assess your situation and recommend a tailored solution that suit your needs.
yours helpfully
fraulein tech


Today hardly any household is without computer, smart phone, tablet, even the TV is smart nowadays (the broadcast intelligence might be debatable though).

I see regular clients who suddenly are left alone with the task to manage all these setups, data and devices. And I am glad to make their life easier with uncomplicated setups and easy to follow manuals.

Our Story

fraulein tech

- the IT help for small businesses
- IT support
- cloud set up with Office365 and SharePoint
- training on-the-job
- make your life easier

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 15:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 15:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday 09:00 - 15:00