Socialist Equality Party Australia

Socialist Equality Party Australia

Authorised by Cheryl Crisp for the Socialist Equality Party, Suite 906, 185 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, The ICFI publishes the World Socialist Web Site.

The Socialist Equality Party is the Australian section of the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), the World Party of Socialist Revolution. The Fourth International was established by Leon Trotsky, the co-leader with Lenin of the Russian revolution, in 1938 to continue the fight for internationalism against the nationalist program advanced by Stalin and his bureaucratic appa

Australia: Industrial court shuts down strike by electrical workers across New South Wales 22/08/2024

The anti-democratic ruling is part of a broader crackdown on any attempt by workers to fight for real improvements to wages and conditions.

Australia: Industrial court shuts down strike by electrical workers across New South Wales

Australia’s Labor government joins with Coalition to pass anti-working class bills 22/08/2024

The Labor government’s increasing recourse to agreements with the Coalition to pass legislation signals a definite trend towards bipartisan partnership to prosecute the agenda of big business.

Australia’s Labor government joins with Coalition to pass anti-working class bills

The strategic necessity of uniting the international working class against political xenophobia 22/08/2024

We are publishing here the report to the Eighth Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US) given by Eric London. The congress was held from August 4 to August 9, 2024.

The strategic necessity of uniting the international working class against political xenophobia

Behind silence over foreign policy at DNC, Democrats prepare escalation of global war 22/08/2024

The most striking aspect of the Democratic National Convention, which is currently underway in Chicago, is the absence of any discussion of the foreign policy of either the Biden administration or a future Harris administration, despite the fact that the United States is currently engaged in a war against Russia and preparing for a potential war with China.

Behind silence over foreign policy at DNC, Democrats prepare escalation of global war The most striking aspect of the Democratic National Convention, which is currently underway in Chicago, is the absence of any discussion of the foreign policy of either the Biden administration or a future Harris administration, despite the fact that the United States is currently engaged in a war a...


Sude signed up as an electoral member of the SEP at Western Sydney University. She spoke passionately against the attacks on immigration and the right to asylum by the Labor government of Anthony Albanese.

You can sign up too at

Help ensure a genuine socialist, anti-war voice for the working class is on the ballot at the next election!


Nathan, a young worker in Brisbane, explains that his decision to join the SEP as an electoral member is based on opposition to inequality and war.

You can sign up too at

Help ensure a genuine socialist, anti-war voice for the working class is on the ballot at the next election!


A student in Brisbane, Aaron, explains that he joined the SEP as an electoral member because no other party is fighting against war.

You can sign up too at

Help ensure a genuine socialist, anti-war voice for the working class is on the ballot at the next election!

Japanese PM resigns amid scandals and widespread unpopularity 21/08/2024

Whichever right-wing candidate replaces Kishida will continue and intensify Japan’s remilitarization, as Tokyo continues its war drive aimed above all at China.

Japanese PM resigns amid scandals and widespread unpopularity

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra musicians demand management resign over its persecution of Jayson Gillham 21/08/2024

MSO musicians, like tens of thousands of artists internationally, refuse to be intimidated by pro-Israeli propagandists and their multi-millionaire backers in Australia who patronise the arts.

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra musicians demand management resign over its persecution of Jayson Gillham

On the anniversary of the assassination of Leon Trotsky 21/08/2024

Eighty-four years ago today, on August 20, 1940, Leon Trotsky was assassinated by an agent of the Stalinist secret police, the GPU, in his villa in Coyoacan, Mexico, where he spent the final three years of his life as a political exile.

On the anniversary of the assassination of Leon Trotsky

Israel continues Gaza genocide as Washington pushes “ceasefire” deal to pave way for region-wide war 21/08/2024

Should a deal be reached, it is increasingly clear that it will be entirely on Israel’s terms, enabling them to restart the slaughter with bombs at a moment’s notice, and continue to inflict starvation and disease on the Palestinians through its stranglehold over aid supplies into the devastated enclave.

Israel continues Gaza genocide as Washington pushes “ceasefire” deal to pave way for region-wide war Should a deal be reached, it is increasingly clear that it will be entirely on Israel’s terms, enabling them to restart the slaughter with bombs at a moment’s notice, and continue to inflict starvation and disease on the Palestinians through its stranglehold over aid supplies into the devastated...

In speech at Democratic National Convention, Biden warns of second Trump coup 21/08/2024

Biden’s statements have been passed by without comment, and the convention continued on Tuesday as if they were never uttered.

In speech at Democratic National Convention, Biden warns of second Trump coup

New Zealand PM reaffirms support for anti-China AUKUS military pact 20/08/2024

New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon praised NZ’s alliance with Australian and US imperialism and indicated that New Zealand would support them in a war against China.

New Zealand PM reaffirms support for anti-China AUKUS military pact

2014-2024: The ICFI’s response to a decade of global war 20/08/2024

We are publishing here the opening report to the Eighth Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US), given by Andre Damon, the US national co-editor of the World Socialist Web Site.

2014-2024: The ICFI’s response to a decade of global war We are publishing here the opening report to the Eighth Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US), given by Andre Damon, the US national co-editor of the World Socialist Web Site.

The global mpox emergency and the destruction of public health 20/08/2024

The PHEIC declaration on the latest threat by the deadlier strain of mpox raises to the fore the bankruptcy of the entire public health infrastructure under capitalist rule.

The global mpox emergency and the destruction of public health

Australian state Labor government plans to demolish 6,600 public housing units 19/08/2024

Amid conditions of an acute housing crisis, the destruction of 6,600 working class homes represents an enormous assault by the Labor government not just on the residents but on public housing as a whole.

Australian state Labor government plans to demolish 6,600 public housing units

Australia becomes a “central base of operations” for US war plans against China 19/08/2024

A prominent US congressman underscored the transformation of Australia into the main long-range platform for a US war against China across the Indo-Pacific region.

Australia becomes a “central base of operations” for US war plans against China

New Thai prime minister: Daughter of former PM Thaksin Shinawatra 19/08/2024

Neither Pheu Thai nor the People’s Party have any intention of defending the democratic and social rights of workers, peasants and youth who have supported them believing they were alternatives to the military.

New Thai prime minister: Daughter of former PM Thaksin Shinawatra

Australian Labor government tries to ram through laws to place construction union under state control 19/08/2024

This is the latest escalation in an orchestrated assault on the CFMEU by the media, corporate and political establishment that is ultimately directed against the wages, conditions and basic workplace and democratic rights of the entire working class.

Australian Labor government tries to ram through laws to place construction union under state control

Australian opposition leader spearheads bipartisan offensive against Gaza refugees 19/08/2024

Liberal-National Coalition leader Peter Dutton this week demanded a total ban on Palestinians trying to flee the intensifying US-armed Israeli genocide in Gaza.

Australian opposition leader spearheads bipartisan offensive against Gaza refugees

Ukraine continues offensive inside Russia 19/08/2024

Whatever the immediate military and political calculations behind the incursion, its underlying strategy and goals reveal the imperialist character of the war waged by the US and NATO against Russia.

Ukraine continues offensive inside Russia

The political theater of the Democratic Party National Convention begins 19/08/2024

All the skill of the advertising and media industries, and all the money that billionaire donors can supply, will be devoted to creating a completely false image of the Democratic Party.

The political theater of the Democratic Party National Convention begins

Hundreds of thousands abused in state and religious facilities in New Zealand 16/08/2024

In New Zealand, the finding that more than 250,000 people were subjected to physical and sexual abuse in schools, boot camps, foster care and youth justice facilities is an indictment of successive governments and of the capitalist system itself.

Hundreds of thousands abused in state and religious facilities in New Zealand The finding that more than 250,000 people were subjected to physical and sexual abuse in schools, boot camps, foster care and youth justice facilities is an indictment of successive governments and of the capitalist system itself.

NATO main battle tanks are operating inside Russia in Kursk offensive 16/08/2024

Sky News reported Thursday that the British Challenger 2 main battle tank has been deployed inside Russia as part of the NATO-Ukrainian offensive against Russia's Kursk region.

NATO main battle tanks are operating inside Russia in Kursk offensive

What way forward in the fight against the far right in the UK? 16/08/2024

Single-issue protest cannot stop the rise of the far right. This requires the political and industrial mobilisation of the working class, the overwhelming majority of the population, for socialism.

What way forward in the fight against the far right in the UK?

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra cancels performance over dedication to murdered Palestinian journalists 15/08/2024

The MSO publicly attacked pianist Jayson Gillham because he condemned Israel’s murder of more than 100 Palestinian journalists and noted that such killings violate international law.

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra cancels performance over dedication to murdered Palestinian journalists

More Australian workers and youth explain why they have joined the SEP as electoral members 15/08/2024

“As a Palestinian myself I’ve always felt that all these systems of oppression are interconnected. We see that in the most violent and blatant way in Israel and the occupied territories, but really the whole world is basically occupied by capitalism, by greed.”

More Australian workers and youth explain why they have joined the SEP as electoral members

Free Bogdan Syrotiuk! 15/08/2024

This resolution was unanimously adopted by the Eighth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US), held from August 4 to August 9, 2024.

Free Bogdan Syrotiuk!

Washington intensifies preparations for Middle East war with $20 billion arms sale to Israel 15/08/2024

Backed by the entire ruling class, the Biden administration is determined to wage a catastrophic conflict targeting Iran that it views as one front in a global eruption of imperialist violence against its rivals, which can only be stopped by the independent political mobilisation of the international working class.

Washington intensifies preparations for Middle East war with $20 billion arms sale to Israel Backed by the entire ruling class, the Biden administration is determined to wage a catastrophic conflict targeting Iran that it views as one front in a global eruption of imperialist violence against its rivals, which can only be stopped by the independent political mobilisation of the internationa...

AUKUS documents underscore advanced plans for war against China 14/08/2024

The new AUKUS “Agreement” and “Understanding” mark another step toward a potentially catastrophic nuclear conflict, with Australia as a crucial war-fighting base.

AUKUS documents underscore advanced plans for war against China

Videos (show all)

SEP (Australia) assistant national secretary Max Boddy presents a speech outside the Ukrainian consulate in Sydney befor...
National Secretary of the SEP in Australia, Cheryl Crisp, delivered the Open Letter demanding freedom of Ukrainian socia...
In front of the Ukrainian Embassy in Canberra, Australia's capital, Cheryl Crisp, SEP (Australia) national secretary, re...
SEP National Secretary, Cheryl Crisp, delivers a speech outside the Ukrainian Embassy in Canberra, Australia's capital, ...
Episode 430 - Max Boddy and Oscar Grenfell discuss Bogdan Syrotiuk.
Thomas Scripps speech to Socialist Equality Party meeting "Free Julian Assange! Oppose imperialist war!"
SEP National Secretary Cheryl Crisp's opening report to the SEP's public meeting, "Free Julian Assange! Oppose imperiali...
Dr Zewlan Moor urges workers to oppose the persecution of Ukrainian socialist and anti-war activist Bogdan Syrotiuk.Read...
Put a socialist, anti-war party on the ballot! Join the SEP as an electoral member today!
“They’re strategic to the American colonial interests around the world...They’re the world’s superpower and they want to...
At public meetings over the past week in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Newcastle, the Socialist Equality Party (SEP) l...
“We’ve got to stand up for what’s right... come together regardless of religion, race, gender, ethnicity.”—Adam joined t...
