

Creating a healthier workplace that's better for everyone. Employee Health & Wellbeing Services


Our workplace health programs are highly valued by employees. Aside from the direct clinical benefits to participants, the service is a great way for employers to demonstrate their commitment to staff health and wellbeing.


Boncentric’s Medical Director is up in Weipa this week performing comprehensive respiratory screening for workers at the Rio Tinto bauxite mine.

Considering taking a weight-loss drug like Ozempic? Here are some potential risks and benefits 10/05/2024

The latest buzz word in health... Ozempic. While it may help you to lose weight and reduce your chronic disease risk factors, what are the risks? And is it sustainable?

For those weighing up their options (pun intended 😉) this article provides an unbiased overview of the newest "miracle drug" and reinforces the view that long-term health and wellbeing can only be achieved through a holistic approach that focuses on more than just weight loss.

Considering taking a weight-loss drug like Ozempic? Here are some potential risks and benefits Early on we heard a lot about the potential benefits of drugs like Ozempic. Now we’re hearing more about the risks. But what does the latest evidence say?


From Brisbane city one week to outback Queensland the next, our medical team travel throughout Australia delivering high impact workplace health services 👨‍⚕️🌅


Another successful campaign at Bentleys Queensland providing comprehensive health screenings, blood testing & skin checks for their workforce in Brisbane 👩‍⚕️🩺🩸

With World Health Day having kicked off on the 7th of April, Bentleys is joining forces with Boncentric and Vaxworks Health Services to ensure our employees receive the best in health check-ups this week. 🤝💚

Photos from Boncentric's post 11/02/2022

A landmark day launching the world's-first battery operated mobile CT at the RNA Showgrounds in Brisbane. Boncentric is proud to be partnering with Heart of Australia to provide mobile health assessment services for employers operating in regional and rural Queensland. This state-of-the-art mobile clinic will have the capacity to provide a range of employee health services (including X-ray and HRCT), helping offset travel expenditure and lost productivity costs for many Queensland organisations.

For more information visit:


Not a typical day in the office for our Medical Director, Dr Ross Baillie, who ventured underground this morning at Ensham Mine near Emerald to meet with workers and promote our new preventative health program at the mine. Gives new meaning to the phrase healthcare delivery at the coalface... 👷🏽‍♀️👷🏽‍♂️ 👨🏽‍⚕️👩🏽‍⚕️

How big social trends are affecting business 12/08/2021

Boncentric's co-founders Andrew Baillie and Connor Baillie featured in this month's Acuity Magazine discussing the global trends that are reshaping business.

Companies can be a force for good, as long as they strive to serve community needs rather than existing simply to make money.

How big social trends are affecting business How are broad social trends translating into how we do business? Acuity talks to accountants on the front line of change.


And that’s a wrap.. ✅
Over the past 9 days our medical team 👩🏻‍⚕️👨🏽‍⚕️ performed preventative health screenings for over 250 miners 👷🏽‍♀️👷🏽‍♂️ in regional Queensland. This program, performed in collaboration with Heart of Australia Corporate Health Initiative, provides unprecedented health insights for individuals and organisations living in regional, rural and remote Queensland.

Registered Nurse Job in Brisbane 18/03/2021

We’re hiring! Due to strong growth in our corporate health market, we’re looking for experienced RNs who have a personal and professional interest in preventative health promotion for Brisbane-based & FIFO work. If you know anyone that might be interested, please encourage them to apply.

Registered Nurse Job in Brisbane Unique opportunity for an experienced RN to join a close-knit & high-impact social enterprise providing preventative employee health services.


It's a health issue older Australians fear the more than any other...

New research has been published predicting over 1 million Australians will have dementia by 2056.

As with many other chronic health conditions however, the power of prevention is significantly underestimated. According to experts, key dementia risk factors include many modifiable health and lifestyle behaviours, including:

- Physical inactivity
- Obesity
- Hypertension
- Depression
- Smoking
- Diabetes

Effective prevention and early-intervention is paramount to educating the community and reducing the growing incidence / impacts of this debilitating condition in Australia.

Link to research paper:

Photos from Boncentric's post 23/02/2021

Progressive employers like Bentleys Queensland understand that looking after their staff is both good for the individual and good for business…

Last week we performed onsite preventative health screenings for over 100 Bentleys staff, from Managing Partner to Graduate Accountant.

By adopting a strategic and targeted approach to their health and wellbeing program, Bentleys are fostering a sustainable future and ensuring their entire workforce is well equipped to handle whatever 2021 and beyond has in store.

Do we really need to walk 10,000 steps a day? 03/02/2021

Is 10,000 steps an unrealistic goal for you?

We always recommend increasing your physical activity where possible, as this is known to reduce your risk of chronic illness, certain cancers and improve existing health conditions.

However, it is interesting to know that recent research from Harvard Medical School has shown that, on average, approximately 4,400 steps a day is enough to significantly lower the risk of death in women (compared to only walking around 2,700 steps daily).

So rather than focusing on (or being frustrated by) your step count, find a style of exercise that works for you and your schedule!


Do we really need to walk 10,000 steps a day? Even half the amount of steps shows health benefits.


Merry Christmas from Team Boncentric.

2020 has been a challenging year for organisations and workers and we would like to thank our wonderful customers for their support throughout the year.

From our team to yours, we wish you a happy, healthy and safe Christmas!


Don’t be silly this silly season! Avoid becoming one of the statistics.

There are over 4000 alcohol related deaths in Australia each year and more than 70,000 hospital admissions. In addition to this, alcohol is one of the leading causes of preventable death in Australia and has been linked to over 60 medical conditions including cancer.

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) have released new guidelines for Australians and their alcohol consumption. Adults should consume no more than 10 standard drinks a week and no more than 4 in any one day.

If you’re wondering what constitutes as a standard drink, click the link below.

Wishing you a Happy and Safe Christmas.

Dr. James Muecke - 'Blinded by Sugar' 08/12/2020

Are you 'Blinded by Sugar'?

The current Australian of the year, Dr James Muecke, makes a compelling case for reducing our sugar intake in this MUST-WATCH video.

Amongst other things, sugar is the leading cause of Type 2 Diabetes. It is estimated that more than 5% of Australians are living with Diabetes, a figure that is increasing rapidly across the world.

The complications associated with diabetes are devastating. Amongst other things, diabetes:

- is a leading cause of blindness in working age adults;
- is a leading cause of kidney failure and dialysis;
- is the leading cause of preventable limb amputations; and
- increases the risk of heart attacks and stroke by up to four times.

Early diagnosis, intervention and effective management reduces the risk of diabetes related complications. See your GP to assess your risk of diabetes and remember that Type 2 Diabetes is largely preventable. An emphasis on healthy lifestyle behaviours will significantly reduce your risk of this disease and maximise your quality of life.

Dr. James Muecke - 'Blinded by Sugar' Dr James Muecke AM is a South Australian based ophthalmologist and visiting consultant at Royal Adelaide and Women’s and Children’s Hospitals. Dr. Muecke gra...

Photos from Boncentric's post 03/12/2020

It’s commonly reported that 1 in 5 Australians (aged 16-85) experience mental illness disorders in any given year. However, this often-quoted statistic is based on a study performed over 13 years ago (2007 National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing).

Data collected from our preventative health screening program suggests that the psychological health of the nation is deteriorating rapidly, particularly in younger generations.

The following graphs incorporate a recent sample of 2,500 health screening participants and plot the severity of mental health symptoms (using the standardised Depression, Anxiety & Stress Scale) across different age groups. The results show an alarming increase in the prevalence of Depression, Anxiety and Stress symptoms in the population, particularly amongst younger people.

From an organisational standpoint, employers need to move beyond “awareness” campaigns and implement action-oriented and personalised programs to proactively support the mental health of their workforce.


Take pride in being a Generalist!

A recent position statement from the RACGP has outlined the 'indisputable' position of GPs at the forefront of Australia’s fragmented healthcare system.

COVID-19 has underscored several issues with our healthcare infrastructure and GPs are uniquely positioned to help patients navigate often complex health system with appropriate guidance, support and oversight.

The RACGP position statement highlights the need for GPs to be better supported in this critical role. This includes an increased focus on health promotion, preventative care and more holistic care to keep patients healthier and avoid unnecessary burden on tertiary health services and residential care facilities.


Food as Medicine. Is diet the most important factor when it comes to living longer?

A recent study published in the journal PLOS Medicine suggests that the Mediterranean diet has key health benefits, especially for obese individuals.
Findings from the study suggest that obese people who ate a Mediterranean diet negated their increased overall mortality risk to be on par with people of normal weight. Further studies have shown that this diet can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

For anyone wanting to make healthier nutritional choices, the Mediterranean diet is a great place to start. A Mediterranean diet consists mainly of vegetables, fresh fruit, nuts, legumes, beans, grains, oily fish and unsaturated fats such as olive oil. It also promotes reduced consumption of red meat and dairy foods.

If you are unsure about how to improve or change your nutritional habits, contact your local Accredited Dietitian and discuss with your GP.


We may be living longer, but we are not living healthier!

That's the key finding in the "Global Burden of Disease" study published last week, revealing deterioration of health amongst Australians due to risk factors such as high blood pressure, poor diet, elevated fasting blood glucose and smoking.

Importantly, these are all preventable and manageable conditions. A key strategy for overcoming the growing burden of disease in Australia should be a renewed focus on preventative lifestyle measures by both Government and the private sector. This includes emphasising the benefits of good nutrition, sufficient activity and sleep, coupled with regular GP check-ups.

This study is a wake-up call that, despite our relative success in combatting COVID-19, Australia is still neglecting long-term systemic population health challenges. With some focused lifestyle improvements, Australians from all walks of life can see significant improvements in their overall health outlook, longevity and quality of life.

Global Burden of Disease study (2019);


A national health program focused on self-care...

Last week, the Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt launched the ‘Self-Care for Health: A National Policy Blueprint’, which is intended to better support practitioners in encouraging self-care in the community.

Alongside GPs, Australian employers can play a significant role in the promotion of self-care for their employees. This can be achieved through workplace health programs that identify workers’ individual health needs, motivations, lifestyle behaviours and improve their overall health literacy.

By all working together, health providers, employers and individuals can achieve substantial and tangible health outcomes and minimise the burden of disease in Australia.


Today Saturday 10th October is World Mental Health Day.

This year we have faced many challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of social distancing and isolation have resulted in a mental health crisis.

The goal of this year’s World Mental Health Day campaign is increased investment in mental health. The Federal Budget plans to double Medicare-subsidised psychology sessions from the current 10 sessions to 20 sessions in wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

With this in mind, if you are seeking ways to look after your mental wellbeing or are experiencing psychological symptoms, we recommend visiting your GP or psychologist for further advice and support in this area.


Wellbeing makes a difference.

The greatest testament to this is hearing feedback from employees or patients that simple changes prompted by our health screening have had life-changing impacts.

Our preventative health screening program is designed to improve population health literacy and be a catalyst for positive behaviour change at both an individual and organisational / community level.

Please contact us to find out more about our prevention and early intervention offerings for employees and primary healthcare organisations.


Last week one of our Nurses, Megan delivered our employee health screening program for Mercedes-Benz Brisbane.

Like having an annual service on your car, it is important to understand and address risk areas in a timely fashion, before problems develop and compound.

If you are an employer looking to drive better health in your organisation, please contact us to find out more about this high-impact initiative.


Today is World Su***de Prevention Day as well as National ‘ R U OK?’ Day in Australia.

2020 has been a remarkably challenging year and has shown us that connection is essential for our health and wellbeing. With this in mind, checking in with your loved ones is more important than ever.

You don’t have to be a conversational expert to ask someone if they are okay. Being able to simply listen is often enough. Reach out to your friends, family and communities and ask the question “Are you okay?”. The impact of asking this simple question could save someone's life.

COVID and the Mismaking of History: Where Are We, Really? 08/09/2020

While lockdown, quarantine and social distancing are effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, they are not long term solutions for what could be a virus that is here to stay.

Although a vaccination is in the making, it is still a long way off and if we are to continue to navigate through this pandemic, we need to do more than just social distancing and hand washing to minimise our risks.

As Dr David Katz outlines in the article below:

"There is the one, true opportunity in this crisis - the chance to advance the state of health for the population at large. Risk for bad COVID outcomes is related to age we cannot change, and personal health status we generally can.

The impact on acute COVID risk of personal health improvement by means of diet and lifestyle can be very substantial, while the long-term contributions of lifestyle as medicine to years in life and life in years are apt to be at least as great. Getting healthy during the pandemic is both a robust, acute defense, and a gift that keeps on giving.

Getting healthy now should be a national priority, a cultural priority, a corporate priority. Absent any such sensible policy, it should be a personal priority. Either way, reduction in COVID risk can begin with one walk displacing the couch, one meal of wholesome foods displacing junk. Benefits accrue and rise over time."

COVID and the Mismaking of History: Where Are We, Really? News reports refer routinely now to “second waves” of the COVID pandemic. Such references, in turn, invoke prior pandemics subject to such ebb and flow.


While public health messaging during the pandemic has urged us to stay at home to save lives, those with chronic health conditions should not put off seeking medical treatment.

Non-communicable disease such as heart disease, stroke and cancer are leading causes of preventable deaths in Australia. With a decline in people visiting their GP for health checks, we may experience an increase in illness and death from these preventable conditions.

Primary healthcare screening programs are critical in the detection, prevention and early intervention of chronic illnesses and cancer. If you have elevated health risks, make an appointment to see your GP as soon as possible.


As the impact of COVID-19 continues to be felt around the world, emerging evidence reveals a strong association between obesity and hospitalisation, critical illness and death.

Following his own admission into Intensive Care with the virus, The UK’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has acknowledged that obesity is a major epidemic in itself and a huge drain on the country’s healthcare system. Subsequently, The British Government has commenced a program to crack down on junk food advertising and display calorie counts on food menus to help tackle this problem.

Public Health initiatives like these are not just the responsibility of government. Companies can play an important role in improving the health of their workforce through appropriately targeted health and wellbeing programs. In the workplace environment, leaders can have a tangible impact on lifestyle behaviours and health outcomes of their staff.


With ‘Dry July’ coming to an end it’s an appropriate time to reflect on the effect of alcohol on our health, particularly the effect of alcohol on the liver.

Although alcohol is widely used and socially acceptable in Australia, it is in reality a toxin and carcinogen with significant health risks.
The many health consequences include increased risk of common cancers, stroke, osteoporosis, injury / accidental death, damage to unborn babies and multi-organ system toxicity (including brain and nervous system; liver, pancreas, stomach; heart).

The graph below (constructed from Boncentric health screening data) shows the association between alcohol consumption and increased Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT). GGT is a sensitive enzyme found in the liver, with elevated levels reflecting the liver damage. Binge drinking, especially in young people, can have significant and irreversible consequences


Opening Hours

Monday 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday 08:30 - 17:00
Friday 08:30 - 17:00