Mick Taouk

Mick Taouk

🚀 I Will Double Your Testosterone Levels Naturally For Optimised Health & Vitality.


Eat these foods regularly before you consider “testosterone boosters”


If your Test levels aren’t where they should be, you’re playing life on hard mode.


Adequate sleep and regular sunlight exposure create a foundation for optimal physical and mental performance by supporting recovery, hormonal balance, immune function, mood, and energy levels.


MYTH - Testosterone = aggression or “roid rage”

It’s the lack of testosterone and too much estrogen is the problem!


8 month transformation for my online client Matthew.

When Matt came to me, he was struggling with health issues, energy levels, lack of focus & his s*x drive was non existent. Which had a negative impact on his relationships, kids and his business.

Matt was on the brink of divorce, so he decided it was enough.

How did he do it?

He set a goal, we determined a plan, Matt stuck to the plan and followed through, REGARDLESS of how he felt!

Did life get in the way? Yes.

He has a young family.

He runs a business.

We found a way that not only fit his busy schedule but was sustainable and effective...

If you want something badly enough, you'll find a way!

Hats off to you Bro, Thank you for inspiring me 🤝


As the old saying goes… Strong body, strong mind.


I like to hear my own voice when I’m alone.

Especially when I’m in the gym or doing some physical activity.

Most of my greatest epiphanies come when I am alone, without music, just being in the present moment.

There is a season to consume and a season to create.




As a man, these are your two DEFAULT settings.

Not focused? It should be because you’re h***y.

Not h***y? It should be because you’re focused.

Any other feeling should be considered side quests.

But even on side quests (leisure) you should probably be h***y or focused:

Simple bruv ;)


I never talk about aesthetics, I hate the culture.
Blokes staring at themselves in the mirror tryna look prettier then their girlfriends.

These same blokes will run during battle.

Nothing wrong with a bit of vanity, if thats your goal just fix your diet and be consistent.

Lifting weights helps “express a man” when you feel stuck inside yourself.

Looking good is just a byproduct.


33 Tips your Doctor won’t tell you -

1. Magnesium is your friend. Take it everyday.

2. Supplements only work with a healthy lifestyle.

3. Lifting weights keeps you young.

4. Sleep is the first commandment of health.

5. Eat locally and seasonally as much as possible.

6. Try pscychadelics once in your life (supervised of course)

7. Messy environment - messy mind.
Clean environment - clear mind.

8. Having heart burn? Take a shot of apple cider vinegar before you eat.

9. Sunlight is your best FREE medicine.

10. Your genes are like a gun, your lifestyle pulls the trigger.

11. Quality meat, wild caught seafood, raw diary, fruit and vegetables are your best allies for optimal health.

12. 2-10g of glutamine or inositol helps with sugar cravings.

13. Invest more in organic food today to save on hospital bills tomorrow.

14. Leave your phone outside your bedroom when going to sleep.

15. Eat plenty of cruciferous vegetables to help your body filter out toxic estrogens.

16. Avoid tap water.

17. Switch to all natural body soaps, deodorants and hair products.

18. Go out in nature as much as you can.

19. Tight hips? Sit in a squat position as long as you can. 10 mins optimal.

20. To help relax and focus, do resonant breathing before you work.

21. Avoid processed carbs for breakfast.

22. Daily kefir is better then any probiotic supplement.

23. Don’t drink caffeine within the first hour upon wakening.

24. Use blue light blocker glasses when In front of screens after sunset.

25. Move more.

26. Believe you will heal and watch it manifest.

27. Get daily vitamin C from citrus fruits and kiwis.

28. Black seed oil improves your life.

29. Practice gratitude everyday.

30. Take a walk after you eat to help improve digestion.

31. Mold, parasites and heavy metals are ruining your gut health + making your sleep/stress worse.

32. Practice nasal breathing rather then mouth breathing as much as you can.

33. Trauma manifests as physical disease if not properly metigated.


Ever been in that negative thinking loop and can’t seem to get out of it?

What this is, it’s your mind living in the future and the past.

The greatest opportunity to get out of it?
Exists only THROUGH your body!

You CANNOT THINK your way out of stress.
You have to MOVE your way out of stress!

Understand ?


Post cardio selfie.

I’m 85 kgs and been like this for a few years now.

My nutrition consists of: Grass fed steaks, quality white fish, organs, raw dairy, pastured eggs, raw cheeses, seasonal fruit, honey, some vegetables such as carrots and zucchini, EVOO, coconut oil, sweet/white potatoes, broths, stews, white rice.

I eat when I’m hungry and eat till I’m full 🙂

I don’t overf**k the situation with macronutrient timing and all that s**t.

I enjoy burgers, ice cream, a social alcohol sesh and the odd Big Mac. (I have my limits)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again CONSISTENCY trumps all.

Are you punishing yourself in the gym STILL don’t look and move the way you want?

Only to end up injured, drained, and second-guessing your plan? My programs may help and it’s quite comprehensive!

✅ When you join, you’ll get a training pla you can access from any device, all included with your subscription – there’s always something new to explore.
(Plus a bonus Ebook, nutrition, and more.)

✅ Log your progress week by week and get coaching tips, form reviews, support for your questions.

✅ Every workout builds on the last, so you can see and feel your strength, skills, and athleticism growing – keeping motivation high.

DM me if you want to know more.


The fat loss, the muscle building, these are side effects.

Side effects of your COMMITMENT, side effects of your ability to follow a plan and follow through on your word.

I don’t care what you look like at the end of the month or year.

It’s the person you become in the process.

That’s the BEST part about transforming your body. Not the 6-pack abs.

Want to build your character?
Want to build your confidence?

That comes through commitment and doing what you say you’re gonna do. No matter the challenges!

Ready to thrive?


Harsh Truth -

Every single day you wake up, your body is getting older and getting weaker.

If you're not intentionally taking diligent action everyday to improve your physical capabilities, you're not going to be able to do the things you used to do. things will be harder and more difficult.

If you're over 35, even now you can acknowledge that things you could do 10-20 years ago are different to now. That's literally your body getting older and weaker.

NO, it isn't an inevitability of "aging", it's simply an inevitability if you don't take diligent action while aging.

So pay attention, allow your body to get strong, build muscle, Build your aerobic and anaerobic function, improve your mobility, stability and end range control of all movements.

If you want to improve testosterone, you got to train hard! Although training SMART has to precede training hard.

Meaning quality movement based on what your body is capable of doing and choosing the right exercises for you based on what you're good at and not so good at, and intentionally trying to build those things up.

Want to change your body and life?


Try it.. Thank me later 😉

JRE: How To Trick Your Brain To Like Doing Hard Things (Cold Plunge) 30/03/2023


JRE: How To Trick Your Brain To Like Doing Hard Things (Cold Plunge) JRE: JRE: How To Trick Your Brain To Like Doing Hard Things (Cold Plunge)JRE 1958 w Andrew Huberman on Spotify #1958


By now, it should be obvious that lifting weights primarily aims to fortify your body's foundation, enabling you to endure more challenges in life with resilience.

Essentially, it provides a greater capacity to draw from as necessary.


Do you have an ass that resembles a pita bread?


One of those who says "I just can't feel my glutes"?

I don't believe in glute amnesia, but I do believe all our glutes fire! 🙂

There's certain movements that'll allow you to feel your glutes and get that burn.

One of my favourites is the Single Leg RDL with a band for resistance.

Get the band nice and high on the hip, up on the crotch.

Grab the weight on the opposite hand, then execute.

Work on pushing the hips through at the top.. Aggressively!

If you're struggling on the balance, set the band near something so you can use your off hand to balance.

Feel the burn....


The opportunity that exists within breath-work to change your psychology, physiology (the way you move) the way you feel inside & ultimately modulate stress is enormous!

The autonomic nervous system is a incredibly system to understand.

The BREATH is the gateway to autonomic control.

If you want to learn how to take control of your response to things in any situation..

Wether that’s a really stressful one or simply calming yourself down for bed..

Or maybe changing your perceived effort or ex*****on in the gym.


Breath work is a performance enhancing opportunity that’s on par with anabolic steroids.

Breath work has been equally effective as far as my ability to access new level of performance in the gym, in my mind, in life.

It continues to progress..


Merry Christmas.

Billions around the world are celebrating.

It’s also the start of the Holidays.

The time when people finally take the foot of the gas pedal.

The time when people begin the degeneracy that will increase the intensity of their “new years resolution”

Keep in mind, your competition will be slacking off and relaxing as I write this.

And personally?

I will push HARD tomorrow, and the day after, and every day till the 1st of January. (When it starts all over again)

Because frankly, my new year has already started.

2023 is going to be EXTREME.

For the masses, it’s going to be TERRIBLE.

But for the 1% it’s going to be the year YOU “MAKE IT”

Easy mode is over.

The Real, exciting, intense challenge BEGINS.

See you all on the other side..


“How do I know I have inflammation”

• Have you eaten something and felt lethargic afterwards? - that’s inflammation.

• Brain fog after you eat? - that’s inflammation.

• Indigestion, bloating, gas or inability to digest food? - that’s inflammation.

• You get sore or joints tend to hurt? - that’s inflammation.

• Swollen eyes, face, runny nose after you eat? - that’s inflammation.

• If your muscles are tight and creeky like the tin man? - that’s inflammation.

Pain in your body is inflammation.

*Avoid these high inflammatory foods*

- Sugar
- High fructose corn syrup
- Alcohol
- All Vegetable oils
- Dairy, grains, gluten, soy, corn (for most people)


Your enemy trained today… Did you?

You know who your enemy is, don’t you?


I’ve been in the gym for 22 years.

These are my biggest lessons.

1. getting on top of your fitness game is 90% mental & emotional, 10% physical.

2. Breath work - the most under utilised and one of the best performance enhancing mechanism we don’t use.
It’s on par, if not better then steroids. Yes, I’m familiar with steroids.

3. You’re not what you eat.
You’re what you digest, absorb and assimilate.

4. What you put into your body matters! Organic, grass fed meats have a massive ROI. Brain, gut health and overall vitality.

5. Being a strong has zero downsides.

6. Carbs don’t make you fat.
Overeating and not moving enough make you fat.

7. 7-8 hrs of unbroken sleep is the fastest, most assured way to look after your mental and emotional health. Make it a priority!

8. If you had a s**t nights sleep. DO NOT lift heavy the next day. Trust me!

9. A lean, healthy & muscular body is the best fashion statement there is & it’ll never go out of style!

10. You don’t have to count calories to get lean, I never have and never will.
Although If you want to take it to the next level, then by all means, knock yourself out.

11. Morning walks should be a staple for everyone. Your brain works better, heart functions well and your body performs like a fighter jet. Walk outside for 30 mins everyday!

12. Being fit healthy won’t solve all your problems.
However, it makes things a heck of a lot easier.

13. Aerobic training can be a valuable tool for health, DON’T neglect it.

14. You’re not doing real HIIT training.
If you want to know what real HIIT training is, jump on a assault bike and go as HARD as you can for 30 seconds.

15. The only supplements you need are caffeine, creatine, water & electrolytes.

16. The worlds best doctors are -
Sunlight, rest, exercise, nutrition, self confidence, friendships and s*x.

17. Final word - There is no magic pill!
PATIENCE and CONSISTENCY trumps everything!


Us men are simple creatures.

We have a s**t day, crush a workout, devour a juicy steak, have a good nights sleep and we’re good again 😉


If you breakdown every single thing you do,

to the single most important factor.

Just one;


The ability for Nervous System, brain function, muscle contraction, hormones, all of it, comes down to energy production and rate.

If I told you that the earth, sunlight MASSIVELY implicate how your body produces energy per unit in time.
You might think about masking it a priority.

If we all had an abundance energy and energy to spare, nothing in life would be challenging, would it? We’d have enough energy to do it!


Choose your tribe.

“You’re the average of five people you surround yourself with.”

This is a commonly used phrase that couldn’t be more true.

Surround yourself with winners, that way, you’ll have no choice but to win!


My goals have changed as I’m getting on.

Performance and longevity is the focus.

I want the vitality of a 25 year old & the wisdom of a grey beard.

What are yours?


The first step to getting your s**t
together as a man is to join the gym.

No matter what the problem may

Broke up with your girl? Push
hard at the gym.

Got fired from your job? Push hard
at the gym.

Having Health & Mindset issues?
Push hard at the gym.

There's something therapeutic and
brain relaxing about the gym that
makes your body feel alive again.

It gets you OUT OF YOUR HEAD and into your body!

You need that crap inside your head
to show itself out.


Videos (show all)

Harsh Truth -Every single day you wake up, your body is getting older and getting weaker.If you're not intentionally tak...
The SUN has all the good stuff!Including all your sleep hormones.It also reduces blood sugar levels.It enhances skin qua...
Do you have an ass that resembles a pita bread?OrOne of those who says "I just can't feel my glutes"?I don't believe in ...
