Home Educating Mum Australia
Homeschooling provides fun, interesting play and learning opportunities. Ready to record your homeschooling year with organisational ease? Join us!
Our new 2022 Calendar is available now! Also available - Law of Attraction Mums 365 Day Planner (delivered by mail in Australia) for creating simple day visions and plans to support homeschooling and exciting family life
Plus Release House coaching program and Journalling Workbook, including lessons & worksheets especially for mums endeavouring to become more mindful whilst they embark on parenti
This week our homeschooling theme in Home Educating Mum Australia is all about doing a stocktake, and imagining and planning the next 5 months so you close out the year aligned with your vision and what’s working for both you and your children. Read more on our website at www.homeeducatingmum.com.au
One of life’s greatest challenges. When you see your children as the lightest, loveliest part in your life, and you want to protect them and keep them safe at all turns in their journey. You can do it for their whole life. You can limit what they’re able to experience by setting boundaries and rules that have strange stories attached to them… when deep down you are ultimately trying to keep them safe.
How to deal with it?
I had an opportunity to test it on the weekend. In a 3 second period I was triggered. My mind was sn*******ng, and anxiety was right there on the edge of my breath, “worrying” about everything that could go wrong with a simple little outing (sure, there were risks, but there are with everything). Yuk, to have those feelings, right? Because then your breath shortens, your face tenses, and you’re likely to snap and be rude to someone you love and care about.
What to do when you’re there? You manage your state. This means you take a quick look at yourself and NOTICE you’re in the flight-fight mode ALREADY (before the trigger) and so the trigger just feels amplified. You feel these feelings of anxiety, have anxious thoughts, snowball and snap because you were in flight-fight before the trigger even arrived. Take note of this.
Then change your state. Immediately once your state is changed into relaxation response, your feelings, imaginings, thoughts change. It’s impossible to be afraid and angry if you’re in a relaxed state. In relaxed state, you feel caring towards others, trusting, optimistic, hopeful, connected to all the good that’s happening, and grateful.
Regulating the nervous system to switch from flight-fight (sympathetic nervous system) to relaxation response (para-sympathetic nervous system) can be done both quickly and slowly. Depending on what you feel like doing. You can choose between plugging into:
- continued in comments
Let’s talk about how we can show up as a parent who is not taking out our “stuff” on our kids. Let’s talk about how we can continually check in with ourselves to see if we are parenting genuinely in our own unique style (instead of passing on patterns that no longer serve ourselves or our generation). Some people say, “don’t go digging up the past”. Ultimately we want to focus on the present and dream about the future. But the truth is, we carry the past within us whether we like it or not.
If we take a moment to realise what we “remember” from our distant past occasionally, you know the times when we were so little we didn’t understand and couldn’t comprehend the events around us, we can then come back into this present AWARE and in ownership of our whole self (instead of our past controlling us without our conscious awareness). Like I said, the past is within us anyway; we have the choice whether to hold its hand or shut it down.
It’s a huge gain to dig deep into programming that has this hold on our ability to be happy.
Today I dived in real deep and found some very surprising stories held in my baby and little child mind, teenager mind, and adult mind. And then the process of just gently recognising, understanding, accepting, loving and releasing, is what is needed to take more brave steps forward.
We are not broken, we are whole just waiting for our adult self to love us. We all have an inner child who is waiting to be held and told she/ he is not alone and will be loved for the rest of their days. We are our own parent. I hope this little piece of writing I channeled below fills your cup and gives you a place to journal safely and remember who you are, and how magical and wonderful you are, just for simply being alive. You're magic, don't forget it.
J.B. x
When we think about Balance we often think of the mental “am I balanced enough?” - and we can add “achieve balance” to the “to do list” … in addition to everything else we need to win the battle with Balance. Man. We are hard on ourselves, aren’t we!
Our mental narrative is where we find balance.
When we fully accept who we are and understand we are making our own choices - that is balance.
When we are mindful of the way we feel and give ourselves the opportunity to change and plan exactly when/where/how that will occur - that is balance.
When we let go of the narrative that we are falling short of pleasing others and we show up as our full self with confidence and clarity - that is balance.
When we believe wholeheartedly that we are powerful creators and we focus on what feelings we want to create more of in life - that is balance.
When we understand the things we can change, the things we cannot, and let go - that is balance.
When we are waking each day aligned with our purpose, which is aligned with our health, freedom and ultimate prosperity - that is balance.
This week our homeschooling theme in Home Educating Mum Australia is all about surrendering, letting go, and flowing with the natural weather cycles and elements of the earth. Read more on our website at www.homeeducatingmum.com.au
When we think about Balance we often think of the mental “am I balanced enough?” - and we can add “achieve balance” to the “to do list” … in addition to everything else we need to win the battle with Balance. Man. We are hard on ourselves, aren’t we!
Our mental narrative is where we find balance.
When we fully accept who we are and understand we are making our own choices - that is balance.
When we are mindful of the way we feel and give ourselves the opportunity to change and plan exactly when/where/how that will occur - that is balance.
When we let go of the narrative that we are falling short of pleasing others and we show up as our full self with confidence and clarity - that is balance.
When we believe wholeheartedly that we are powerful creators and we focus on what feelings we want to create more of in life - that is balance.
When we understand the things we can change, the things we cannot, and let go - that is balance.
When we are waking each day aligned with our purpose, which is aligned with our health, freedom and ultimate prosperity - that is balance.
I am running the Balance program this week. Balance to me is not a chore, it’s a point of view where I focus on the choices I can make, the small steps I can take, and the greatness I can create.
Being supported in this, and being reminded of this, is a present I am grateful for today.
Women. Matrons. Mothers. Mums.
Rigidity and pushing ourselves is no longer the way to do life. Or business, or raising children, even. In fact, rigidity and pushing ourselves has gotten us to a point of burnout, sickness, fatigue, adrenal sensitivity, and breaking down relationships. I think we all know by now, especially after the last couple of years of lockdowns and first-hand discovery of what it is to really slow down and work from home, that pushing ourselves is not actually necessary anymore.
Let me put a question out there for you. If you had an opportunity to maintain a career, with promotions, and a growing income, and a friendship network with your colleagues, and you could still live an unhurried life and put your children, your health, and your closest relationships to you FIRST, would you be interested in taking a closer look?
I’m done with pushing myself. I’m done with forcing myself to drive out to suit deadlines, and feeling the pressure of loading children into the car. I’m done with forcing myself to attend many meetings and phone calls and ignoring my children while I put colleagues, clients and customers first. I’m done with that: because we are in a new paradigm now. This is a paradigm where we breathe, first. We nourish our bodies, second. And we feel into our heart, and our soul, and ask ourselves what is the answer on the inside, third.
This is a paradigm where we meditate often, and we visualize regularly. Where we ask questions and then we notice the signals and synchronicities in our social interactions, and in what appears before us, and we are grateful for the answer that has literally arrived up on our lap. This is a paradigm where we believe that we are looked after, that we are safe, and that abundance is our birthright. And this is a paradigm where we also realize that we are very “human” and have forgotten our true power, and we all benefit from having a close community of people who understand, to help us move through and change habits and reach this new paradigm way of living: that is, LOVE and LIGHT. We are human, we are supposed to stay human, but our way of living has shifted and will continue to. We are welcoming in more ease and grace.
If this speaks to you, reply to me. We can talk about how to integrate more of the higher frequencies of a nourishing life into your day, where you are rewarded financially for doing what you love most – sharing your voice and lessons with the world – via the written word and social media. We are here to support you in expressing yourself, in helping shine the light to lead the way for others to travel the path you have already travelled with more ease and grace. And we are here to watch you and APPLAUD you as you step into your higher stronger version of yourself, owning every part of your spiritual side.
No travel. No deadlines. No workshops. No clutter.
Just friendships. Support. Opportunities. Empowerment. Loving on you. Rewards. Duplicatable system. Easy structure.
Your schedule. Your home. Your lifestyle. Your way.
If this is you, click to watch a short video now.
Weekly Homeschooling Themes - this week - SURRENDER, BE SUPPORTED BY NATURE
This week is all about surrendering, letting go, and flowing with the natural weather cycles and elements of the earth.
Let your children feel the world outside without any noise. What if you don't say anything at all? What if you just guide them outside, and play in nature? Observe the leaves on the ground, peel the bark off the tree, pick flowers, and rake the leaves. How does it feel for you to simply observe, and to practise silence?
Many a people crave silence in their lives and end up taking a holiday or going to a silence retreat, when instead, we can simply practise silence in our mannerisms on a daily basis.
This is an important example to provide to your children. It is a world of crazy hyperactivity and quest and search to be addicted to do more, take more, eat more, drink more, consume more, talk about more, impress more, and so on. And yet one of the virtues of homeschooling is that we can teach the value of an unhurried life, and a life that gives the creative space to see, hear, and feel, in an expression that is not pushed or backed by insecurity or social peer pressure.
In homeschooling, we can be free to listen to our heart - but only if we stop talking for a few moments and listen.
And so this week, the journey is, and the task is, to let go. Put away the books, put away the curriculum, if you so desire, and if it doesn't impact too greatly on your flow, and simply let yourself BE in nature and feel the weather, the sunshine, the rain, and the natural joys that come with playing what is already presented to us (with us not having to create ourselves!)
This is not the same as taking a holiday! This is still homeschooling. You can call it your week of wildschooling, unschooling, de-schooling, natural learning, or child-led learning. It all counts towards embracing and building all the virtues of homeschooling.
In life in general, it is wonderful to see how much is already there that we take for granted, or dismiss, while we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be the creator and do-er of everything. We need this break sometimes to see that life is supporting us in all ways. That it is not all about US, the parent, to make everything happen. With our input or without, life is already supporting us, and life is wonderful. Take the time this week to breathe in and notice.
Let love be your compass.
Joanna Becker, Australian Author & Wellness Medium
© Copyright 2022. Joanna Becker is an Australian author and wellness medium. She has authored books on self-healing using internal dialogue with self and spirit, positive affirmations, meditation, and conscientious parenting. You can join check out more of Joanna's work at www.letusrecovernaturally.blog and join her team by becoming an Ambassador with us and our all-female creative marketing team to bring your own Home Schooling passive income to fruition.
To receive these Weekly Homeschooling Themes by email, sign up HERE. You will also receive the exclusive to Home Educating Mum Homeschool Lesson Diary & Calendar PDF printable for free PLUS The Dusty's Wonder Bug PDF Activity Pack!
Have you read any books in your life recently - or maybe a long time ago - that explained a secret to how the world will finally increase its vibration?
This world will be a place where we are each living in our full creative expression, powered by our own light and love energy body, and manifesting everything we desire using the power of our intention and focus on synchronicities.
For each question we ask, the answer will arrive – that is the secret. But how do we get there?
These same books, and the “prophets” who write them – know that the formula is really quite simple. It is an individual journey. One where each woman on our planet turns her attention, her love, her respect, and her devotion, to herself. A personal mindset when we realize that we each have the answers within our very own soul, body, mind, and heart. A personal mindset where we give ourselves permission to choose actions and goals that aligns with our birth purpose and soul’s expression.
If you, like me, have felt this to be true in your heart, then you will already be feeling like ABUNDANCE IS YOUR BIRTH RIGHT. That you are also able to explore a world of possibilities and potential, limitless only by your imagination.
And so we wonder, if we know this already, then why are we sitting on the sidelines? Afraid to try manifesting, afraid to try casting out a bigger vision than we even thought possible, and afraid to take steps in the way of formulated action to make these visions transform into physical reality right before our eyes?
Is it because we let others tell us what we are worth, and what we are capable of, and what is really possible? Why do we let other people have more authority over our experiences and beliefs and understanding of life, than ourselves? What makes them more worthy?
If these questions are pressing in your mind and you also know the truth, and want to be surrounded by a community of likeminded women who feel this to be true and they love to speak these concepts every day in the workplace, then come along and join us.
Unlike a traditional linear workplace, where you will go in for orientation, training, and after a few promotions then you will be encouraged to start recruiting and training, we SEE YOU for the gorgeous possibility of wonder that you already are. We are ready to empower you with the skills, tools and power needed to launch your creative workspace and train others how to do the very same thing, using the methods and formulas passed down from a network of super successful, creative entrepreneurs, who have walked this road before us. We are ready to say, YOU”RE READY FOR THIS”, and WE SEE YOU, well before any manager in a traditional business setting would.
So why waste time returning to work and waiting for a manager to promote you, when we’re ready to promote you right now? If you’re reading this and you understand this message, you are the person we are looking for in our creative team of hot, fired-up soul-inspired women who are crafting a life by design from a place of knowingness that WE are the answer, WE are the truth, WE are the light. And from this place of self resolve, self-love, self-contentment, and self satisfaction, we invite you to raise your vibration, and encourage more women to do the same.
I invite you to take a closer look: https://atruthstream.com/release-house
A Truth Stream Our energy is one of our most valuable resources at the moment on the planet. Let's align our energy to create magic in ...
Absolutely fascinating piece of technology. The app is super extensive. I just shared a bit about my story and how I’m using the digital quantum energy device. Spoiler alert! I just learned there are 33 extra foods my body needs a 4-12 month break from. Surreal, but I’m thankfully feeling optimistic. Full recording is available in my bio.
Up and coming … a value packed 3 months for me and a few friends where we will come together every week learning something new. There’ll be meditations, laughter, story sharing, celebrating each other’s growth, health revelations and improvements and blossoming friendships. (All Online, zoom & messenger in mutually convenient times). Totally suitable for homeschooling mums. Join us?
Full explanation in comments xx
Rainy day office feels 💕 I’ve fallen in deeper love with my work with creative light, mindfulness, frequency, sounds, crystals, holistic health, creative visualisations, and channelling wellness medium intuitive messages for my soul tribe 💚 blessed beyond words to have collaborated online and offline with healers who heal healers. Where Affirmatioms are conversation. I am so grateful and happy I have an automated set up to attract clients to my creative light work and close sales.
My new boots are just 24 hours old. They’re going to have some gardening and horsey adventures with me but mostly, I hope they enjoy the peaceful sounds here. I often enjoy being outside by myself where it’s possible to listen to the minute sounds we can take for granted. I like to record the sounds and post them, to bring awareness to the existence of silence & sounds (not the human voice). Whether inside or outside, in the city or in nature, some of the sounds I encourage you to try hearing more often is - the crunching of gravel underfoot - the distant raven or the close lorikeet - the click of a switch you turn on or off - the car ignition turning over - the clunk of a tin landing on the kitchen bench - the whirr of the kettle - the chair pulling out from under the table - the door clicking closed - the bed sheets pulling back - the tap water running - the draw opening - the click click tap tap of a colleague’s fingers on the keyboard - the crunch as you bite a cracker. Mindfulness is increasingly important and we need to discipline ourselves to breathe. Pausing (alert! stop talking for 30 seconds! That’s a challenge sometimes!) and LISTENING is a sudden interruption to the stress system that runs your body without your awareness. After just 30 seconds of active listening, notice your eyes relax, your stomach suddenly let in a wholesome breath of air, and all your body muscles sink in to the relaxation system. We don’t need to talk - it’s a habit - we are enough when we are also quiet and mindful. Peace ✌️
My whole energy has lifted. Not only is it winter and I’m enjoying rummaging around outdoors (fewer ticks), my favourite place to be, but it’s been a few months since last knock-me-down allergic “reaction” (I’m trying to be more proactive with my lifestyle so I don’t get these anymore) and I’ve healed, and further to this, I’ve identified that I was eating red algae and certain probiotics that were keeping me in an almost constant state of dizziness, unusually timed involuntary panic attacks and hay fever. It’s been just one week of eliminating all sea weeds and marine-based supplements and probiotics and my head is now clear, and I feel alive and ready to kick off my work again as an author and clairvoyant medium and meditation teacher. It is a blissful feeling to be here again. And to add icing to my plant-based cake… well I haven’t figured that recipe out yet… give me time, friends… I have bought myself an incredibly sought-after energetic healing device that will read my body’s energy and then recommend adjustments (which it will provide through its attachment to my wrists) and even offer me foods and shopping lists on the corresponding mobile phone app to return me to a state of balance and equilibrium based on my personal and particular energy frequency at any given time. I’m excited to have this extra level of support now and extra thankful to the person who reached out to me and suggested I take a look.
It means I’ll be carrying this cute little digital thingimibob on my body occasssionally and travelling with it in my car and using it whenever I feel symptoms come on, to reharmonise my energy and help me regroup and reclarify my mood, and hopefully it will relieve me of some of the discomfort of this hard-working mum body, too. It’s giving me confidence to plan outings, holidays, little trips out to town and beyond, again. Baby steps but I hope to be travelling solo with confidence again soon.
The more we awaken ourselves to our birth vision, the higher vibration we hold for others to awaken to theirs. Together, remembering our individual birth visions, we hold space to amplify more people to remember their birth visions. When we remember our birth visions, we gain clarity, flow, positive thoughts, emotions we can process more easily, and a feeling of beauty outside as well as in. Purpose is a divine and live giving thing. Purpose is breath. 🌞J.B