Karen Corbett EFT

Karen Corbett EFT

Health, emotional, mental and physical. Using the latest neuroscience to target trauma where it live Offers measurable improvement.

Karen Corbett EFT Practitioner certified with EFTUniverse, EFT Master Practitioner Guild of Energists. Offering Clinical EFT, EFT for Trauma, Matrix Reimprinting, Matrix Birth Reimprinting, Positive EFT, EmoTrance and Havening. Offering Accredited Training in Silvia Hartmann EFT Masters, EmoTrance and AccessEFT. Until recently Western medicine only recognized the physical and psychological modes o

Our Story

Karen is now a qualified TRTP Practitioner and a member of the Community of Excellence. The Richards Trauma Process is the latest state of the art therapy for trauma and PTSD. Generally only 3 to 4 sessions to turn a life around. Using hypnotherapy and based on the trauma research of Dr Bessel van der Kolk and Dr Peter Levine, TRTP addresses trauma where it is lodged - in the body, not the event! For trauma to be resolved the leaders in the field of trauma recovery agree that 2 things must happen: The person must be brought to a place of empowerment in regards to the trauma AND the body and the unconscious must know that the trauma is OVER.TRTP does this quickly, effectively and without retraumatization.

Karen is also an EFT Practitioner, certified with EFTUniverse, EFT Master Practitioner Silvia Hartmann and Matrix ReImprinting practitioner, and also using Matrix Birth Reimprinting, Positive EFT, Alpha Repatterning, EmoTrance and AccessEFT.

Until recently Western medicine only recognized the physical and psychological modes of healing. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), brings the third healing modality of Energy Therapy to the Western Model of Medicine. Drawing on the knowledge of Eastern meridian therapies EFT focuses on the events and emotional energies that cause disruptions to our energy systems to provide relief and create lasting change.


Is acupuncture for our emotions and our minds, without using needles.
Offers measurable improvement.
EFT clears the energy blockages caused by past hurts and with this clearing, cognitive shifts occur.

EFT has been shown to be effective in a wide range of psychological and physical disorders. It has produced remarkable improvements for those suffering from phobias, performance anxiety and anxiety disorders in general. Clinical trials in the USA show that EFT is one of the most effective treatments for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. EFT can also alleviate depression.
EFT works stunningly to clear blocks to our creativity and renew the flow of creative energy to our lives and art.

EFT complements conventional talk therapies, as well as a variety of alternative or complementary therapies.


Opening Hours

Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 11:00 - 18:00
Saturday 13:00 - 17:00