The Mindset Retreat 'Align from within'

The Mindset Retreat   'Align from within'

I guide people to let go of past hurts / blocks, trauma and pain that resides within their mind/body so that they can start living their "best version."

Ever wonder why/how you are attracting experiences (good or bad) to yourself? If we want to change the state of our life (our reality), the change must begin within us first (mirror effect). Our life is determined by our perception, our thinking. The reason why we find it hard to attract what we want is due to our thinking- having blocks around the issue. I.e If you want a relationship, and you ha

'I saw a life coach and it unexpectedly changed my life' 29/04/2018

Good morning folks :)

Just wanted to share this below. It really does work!! Give us awesome alternative holistic health practitioners and healers a go as opposed to the usual or traditional methods! We really have been trained and equipped to help you folks let go of stuff in your emotional and mental body so you can be happier and have a brighter future. Everything starts within our minds. Please get in touch if this story resonates with you and you want to clear some clutter. I assure you money back guaranteed if you are not satisfied and I will even throw in a 2 for 1 deal :) :)
Have a fabulous day xx

'I saw a life coach and it unexpectedly changed my life' "I have been seeing psychologists and psychiatrists since my early 20s but helped me deal with my anxieties."


Good morning gorgeous people :)

Hope you had a fabulous Christmas and New Yr's break.
It is indeed a brand new yr for us all re-set the way we feel, think and how we go about tackling the goals we want to achieve this 2018. And sometimes it is tough as we may have certain blocks from the past, or habits- the way we think, or feel or do things. These blocks may prevent us in the long run. So till the end of March 30th, I am offering a 2 for 1 deal on any area of your life that you want to improve. If you are unsure on what this offer can be used on, please give me a call and we can have a chat about it. Please pass this along to anyone who may benefit from this offer. Remember it is our birth right to be happy :) Have a great day folks xx

Mariah Carey - Santa Claus Is Coming to Town 10/12/2017

Hey guys :) Hope you guys are super well! I was working with a client yesterday and realised how many other people out there would be struggling with similar circumstances. This client of mine recently resigned from a job she loved dearly, due to an escalation of fights and bullying by her manager, which started affecting her health/ life. Another client has had a relationship breakdown with a partner. Both have needed to "let go" of the crap from the past as it constantly played on their minds about what happened and it has caused them to start doubting their abilities/ skills, leading to forms of depression, anxiety and sadness. This is the pattern that most people go through. After a session with me and simple tips, exercises shared with's amazing to see their mindset and energy change tremendously. If there are others out there that have similar situations to these clients of mine, or past hurts and traumas, I ask you to come forward. Please give yourself this gift. It is almost the end of 2017 and I want you to step into 2018 being the happy positive YOU!! There are easy simple steps, tools, and techniques that I use in my sessions which will rid you of this crappy energy/ pain for good!! In the spirit of Christmas, I am offering a 2 for 1 deal on transformational coaching. 2 sessions with me for the price of one (That is a massive saving)! Work with me to let go of any mental or emotional blocks that are holding you back now! Take advantage of this deal now and change your life for the brand new year you desire for yourself, or a family member or a friend (as a gift). Please contact me on 0403 540 652 to book it in. Have a very Merry Christmas as Santa is coming to town :) :) xx

Mariah Carey - Santa Claus Is Coming to Town --- I don't own this song --- Mariah Carey - "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" (1994) Album: Merry Christmas Label: Columbia Records Lyrics: You'd better watch...


Hello peeps :) Hope you are well! A few days a go, it was "Are you o.k day". Sometimes it's difficult for us to talk to our loved ones about our problems because we may feel that we will be judged, feel embarrassed or even feel like a failure. Please note that THERE IS SOMEONE ALWAYS READY TO LISTEN! REACHING OUT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO! In support of this AMAZING day, I am giving FREE 40 min sessions for this week only to first 50 people. YES you heard me! Free 40 min sessions. Please PM me or call me. So if you know a family member, a friend, colleague or anyone that you think could benefit from this offer, please pass this on. Life is a gift :) Have a lovely day folks XX :)

RETRAIN YOUR MIND - NEW Motivational Video (very powerful) 11/07/2017

Hi everyone :) :) It's been a while since I posted on my page. It's been a tough first half of the yr with injuries, sickness and sadness. Nevertheless I am back :) :) I love this video and I am sure you will benefit from it too. Main point that I always share with my clients: our minds are designed to keep us safe. What we focus on, is essentially what we get!

RETRAIN YOUR MIND - NEW Motivational Video (very powerful) The moment you have an instinct to act on a goal, apply the 5 second rule. Get THE 5 SECOND RULE book here: (affiliate) If you think t...

The Mindset Retreat   'Align from within' 11/07/2017

Wanting to let go of drama in your life and create permanent change, so you can ACTUALLY starting living and enjoying your life? Look no further!

The Mindset Retreat 'Align from within' I guide people to let go of past hurts / blocks, trauma and pain that resides within their mind/body

Timeline photos 22/12/2016

Hello gorgeous people :)

Santa is rocking it this Christmas :) and so am I. In the spirit of Christmas, I am offering a 2 for 1 deal on transformational coaching. 2 sessions with me for the price of one. Are you ready for a year filled with love, happiness and joy? Work with me to let go of any mental or emotional blocks that are holding you back now! Take advantage of this deal and change your life for the brand new year you desire for yourself, or a family member or a friend (as a gift). Please contact me on 0403 540 652 to book it in. Have a very Merry Christmas and a safe New Year. Remember it is our birth right to be happy. Happiness is our natural state xx


Hi guys ☺ Hope you are well. Just wanted to share a video in regards to emotions. Like it or not, we are emotional beings. Emotions make us human, otherwise we would behave like robots. Showing emotions is healthy for us and allows us to release unwanted tension / energy - whether we are excited or feeling flat. Keeping emotions (especially negative emotions) bottled up within your mind/ body can bring about sadness, depression and anxiety. In our society, there is a perception that showing emotions = weakness. This is a boxed mindset created long ago... especially in regards to men and emotions. It's a limiting belief that doesn't serve any of us. Showing emotions demostrates courage and strength. So be ok (surrender) with the uncomfortable situation you are dealing with and release the negative is healthy and your mind/ body will thank you for it ☺☺ xx

Timeline photos 17/08/2016

Hi guys ☺ Hope you are well. Just a little note about embracing uncertainty in our life. Our brains become so used to routine that trying something new can really shake us..especially if it's something huge like a career change or a big move. Trusting the process and that things will work out is something we can all work on as the opposite effect can end up manifesting as anxiety, worry, distress etc. It's about changing our mindset around things. Remember back to when you did something unfamiliar and how great things turned out ☺. Have a great week X


Our perception plays a huge role in our life. What you think about most, you attract into your life..whether good or bad and then experience it. If you want to experience amazing things, we must match our perception to the experience we want. The perception must be in alignment with the experience. Are your perceptions/ thoughts/ feelings bringing you what you want in life (experiences you want to have? Amazing career, better relationships, healthier life?


This is a wonderful video setting things straight on meditation. Beautiful explanation of meditation and how to meditate :) enjoy xx

Scientists Finally Show How Your Thoughts Can Cause Specific Molecular Changes To Your Genes 24/05/2016

The sub conscious mind is more powerful than the conscious mind. It controls 95% of what we believe and do (our behaviour/ habits). This is an interesting article on how our thinking can effect our health, in particular cause specific molecular changes in our genes. Wow imagine what would happen if we changed the subconscious patterns of people who were sick?? ☺☺ Dr Bruce Lipton talked about this too. Enjoy ☺

Scientists Finally Show How Your Thoughts Can Cause Specific Molecular Changes To Your Genes With evidence growing that training the mind or inducing certain modes of consciousness can have positive health effects, researchers have sought to

Is the Power to Heal ourselves increasing? 12/05/2016

Great article on Health/ Wellness. Holistic approach is definitely the key to wellness. Enjoy the read kids :) :)

Is the Power to Heal ourselves increasing? Studies are showing that placebos are becoming more effective in treating illness. Is this because our Power to Heal ourselves is increasing?

Science finally Proves Meridians Exist 20/04/2016

Great read on the connection of mind/body/ spirit (energy)...the blend of science and spirituality ☺☺ Enjoy kids!!

Science finally Proves Meridians Exist Modern Science has proved what Ancient Healing Traditions have always known about Meridians. Learn how these Energetic Pathways are vital to your Health.

Timeline photos 28/12/2015

Hello beautiful people :) Hope you had a lovely Christmas :) :)
Who's ready for a new year filled with abundance, love and complete happiness? I am offering a 2 for 1 deal on transformational coaching sessions with me to clear out any clutter that still prevents you from living your best life. Your best version awaits you!! These sessions will be empowering sessions to let go of things that no longer serve you and are holding you back. Give this gift to yourself, a loved one or a friend or someone who could really benefit from it. If you are unsure on what the sessions can cover or have any questions at all, please contact me on 0403 540 652. This deal ends on 4th January. Contact me to book in the 2 for 1 deal! Remember it is our birth right to be happy. Happiness is our natural state :) :)

‘Super Genes’ Authors Deepak Chopra & Rudy Tanzi - HuffPost Live 13/11/2015

Really interesting discussion around epigenetics, studies done on telomeres and new concepts about health/wellness (how we can change it). Perhaps it is that simple change your beliefs = change your life style ( behaviour) = change in health/ wellness through gene expression/ chemical modifications. Enjoy ☺☺ xx

‘Super Genes’ Authors Deepak Chopra & Rudy Tanzi - HuffPost Live Spiritual leader Deepak Chopra and neurologist Rudy Tanzi join HuffPost Live to discuss their new book, "Super Genes," which breaks down how to positively change your health and well-being by using your DNA.

The Polyvagal Theory and the Role of the Unconscious | Science and Nonduality 06/10/2015

Interesting article on new scientific theory supporting the concept of how our mind/body unconsciously controls the way we respond to our environment.

The Polyvagal Theory and the Role of the Unconscious | Science and Nonduality The way you react to the world and to the people around you is driven much more than you realize by unconscious aspects of your brain and body. While this mirrors some of the teachings of...

Harvard Unveils MRI Study Proving Meditation Literally Rebuilds The Brain’s Gray Matter In 8 Weeks 13/08/2015

Resourceful practices such as yoga and meditation have far more benefits than what we originally thought or given it credit for… isn’t actually beneficial just for our health, it actually rewires our brain according to the research conducted at Harvard University. So the question is? Have you given yoga/meditation a go? And perhaps it is true, what we do (choices we make) in our daily life has far more of an impact on our biology/ physiology than our genetic does ( if you look at epigenetics). Enjoy the read and have a great weekend earthlings :) :)

Harvard Unveils MRI Study Proving Meditation Literally Rebuilds The Brain’s Gray Matter In 8 Weeks Test subjects taking part in an 8-week program of mindfulness meditation showed results that astonished even the most experienced neuroscientists at Harvard University. The study was led by a Harvard-affiliated team of researchers based at Massachusetts General Hospital, and the team’s MRI scans do…


Your thoughts create your reality! Every thought pays immediate dividends, so invest wisely!

What is the Collective Field and Why Does it Matter? 30/07/2015

Interesting article- as I've said previously "I also believe that each of us will contribute to the change in the world we want to see, as we play a role in creating it." This article pretty much explains how we all affect each other. Enjoy the read :) :)

What is the Collective Field and Why Does it Matter? Each of us participates in limiting or liberating those around us and recognizing this is key to expanding possibilities individually and globally.


Had a beautiful yoga practise this morning :) feeling the zen within me. Have you done something for yourself today? Something that allows you to re-connect to yourself and just be present/ enjoy the moment. We all need peace so find something that brings you presence and peace. Enjoy the weekend :)

How mindfulness changes our brain to prevent mental illness 02/05/2015

Hello gorgeous people :)

These days it can be hard to care of ourselves. Considering that we are so busy with keeping up with various appointments, we tend to forget to take care of ourselves. This includes taking care of our mental and physical self.

I’m a big believer in making sure we all take care of our health and well-being. This doesn’t just impact us, it impacts how we interact with others- family, friends, partners and co-workers.

I also believe that each of us will contribute to the change in the world we want to see, as we play a role in creating it.

I did an amazing, life transforming 6 weeks Yoga challenge which included yoga practise, meditation, and clean- up of my diet. It definitely had a huge transformational impact on my life.

If you are up for a challenge, please check out Mindfulness in May.

I think this is an amazing program where you help yourself and in return, also help others that need it the most.

The biggest transformations occur when we step out of our comfort zone and embrace uncertainty.

Have a great weekend :)

How mindfulness changes our brain to prevent mental illness Mindfulness is an effective and side effect free method to treat and prevent mental illness, and improve mental health. Our research will test the changes in brain activity that take place as a result of mindfulness, helping us further understand how mindfulness can be used to improve our lives. Ev…


Hello you amazing spunky kids :) :)- yes are you spunky!! I've started something new and beautiful in my life that I really do believe can help transform people's lives, which will no doubt impact the world we live in. I've seen transformations right before my eyes-people finding the self empowerment they need "within themselves" to make their wildest dreams come true. What if you figured out how to connect to that inner power? Come with me on an adventurous journey to explore :) :) Please like my page and share with your family/friends.


Be grateful for all that you have been given already :) ,then you will receive more to be grateful for. Enjoy where you are now, as later down the track, you may miss this moment! Live, love and laugh- It's all about this present moment! Live in the Now.
