

Hi, I'm Vicki Taylor and I'm a Health Coach. It's my aim to support YOUR goals for a healthy and fulfilling life.

8 Common Signs of Vitamin Deficiency, Plus How to Fix Them 08/04/2018

Do you have vitamin deficiencies? Have a look and see if you have any of theses symptoms — and if you do, find out what foods to eat to address them.

8 Common Signs of Vitamin Deficiency, Plus How to Fix Them A diet lacking in nutrients may cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms. Here are the 8 most common signs of vitamin and mineral deficiencies, including how to fix them.

Saturated fat does not clog the arteries: coronary heart disease is a chronic inflammatory condition, the risk of which can be effectively reduced from healthy lifestyle interventions 01/04/2018

Great to see this in a respected scientific journal.

"Despite popular belief among doctors and the public, the conceptual model of dietary saturated fat clogging a pipe is just plain wrong." The British Journal of Sports Medicine.

Saturated fat does not clog the arteries: coronary heart disease is a chronic inflammatory condition, the risk of which can be effectively reduced from healthy lifestyle interventions Coronary artery disease pathogenesis and treatment urgently requires a paradigm shift. Despite popular belief among doctors and the public, the conceptual model of dietary saturated fat clogging a pipe is just plain wrong. A landmark systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies showe...

No food is healthy. Not even kale. 26/07/2017

Let's move away from calling food "healthy". People can be healthy — or not. Food can be nutritious — or not. Let's start looking for nutrition in food rather than "health" claims.

No food is healthy. Not even kale. ESSAY | And until we understand why, we’ll find it hard to make better choices about what we eat.

Well Nourished | 10 tips to keep your kids well this winter 13/06/2017

Some excellent tips to help stop kids from getting sick this winter.

Well Nourished | 10 tips to keep your kids well this winter Naturopath, Georgia Harding shares her top tips to keep your kids well this winter - simple things to make a profound difference to their immune function.

Why (almost) everything you know about food is wrong 27/05/2017

8 reasons why we have contradictory findings in nutritional research.

Why (almost) everything you know about food is wrong The science of nutrition is something of an art.

Lifestyle changes, not a magic pill, can reverse Alzheimer’s – Clayton Dalton | Aeon Ideas 18/05/2017

Functionally, this amounts to a cure.

Lifestyle changes, not a magic pill, can reverse Alzheimer’s – Clayton Dalton | Aeon Ideas Last summer, a research group from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) quietly published the results of a new approach in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. What they found was striking. Although the size of the study was small, ev... 15/05/2017

This report on the leaching of aluminium into food and subsequent health risks, is in PDF format. For those who don't want to open it and/or read the whole thing, the conclusion says:

"The above work shows that the aluminum leaching from the foil into the food solution is the same in liquid and v***r phases. Aluminum foil used in cooking provides an easy channel for the metal to enter the human body. The increase in cooking temperature causes more leaching. The leaching is also highly dependent on the pH value of the food solution, salt, and spices added to the food solutions. Aluminum foil is not suitable for cooking specially with acidic food. It is also possible that excessive consumption of food baked with aluminum foil may carry a serious health risk."

Low-sodium diet might not lower blood pressure: Findings from large, 16-year study contradict sodium limits in Dietary Guidelines for Americans 27/04/2017

"A new study that followed more than 2,600 men and women for 16 years found that consuming less sodium wasn't associated with lower blood pressure. The study adds to growing evidence that current recommendations for limiting sodium intake may be misguided."

Low-sodium diet might not lower blood pressure: Findings from large, 16-year study contradict sodium limits in Dietary Guidelines for Americans A new study that followed more than 2,600 men and women for 16 years found that consuming less sodium wasn't associated with lower blood pressure. The study adds to growing evidence that current recommendations for limiting sodium intake may be misguided.

Timeline photos 15/04/2017

I'm not a baker, but sometimes I wish I was — even though the main reason I'm not a baker is that if I make it, I'll eat it. But doesn't this look wonderful?

I do have the book this recipe is from, My Paleo Patisserie, and I agree with everything Irena says about it in this review. It's a fantastic book. It's just that hubby is meant to make this stuff, not me. Mttr grnt mmbl. 😉

Easter is nothing without a little carrot cake. This maple-infused paleo slice is perfectly layered with sweet meringue buttercream. Yes - it's as good as it sounds! Let this be THE dessert. Your family will talk about it for years. Recipe:

A Closer Look at Wired to Eat with author Robb Wolf - Books for Better Living 31/03/2017

I have just finished reading Wired To Eat by Robb Wolf and think it's an important book for many reasons. One is that it gives some insight into neuroregulation of appetite — no more guilt trips for being human in a world of food that's been engineered to be hyper-palatable. (The book includes some amazing recipes and meal plans to help reset the palate.)

But my biggest reason for appreciating this book is that it changes the conversation from the irrelevant and sometimes religious "Is it Paleo?" or "Is it low carb?" (or "Is it ?" for that matter) to "Make choices that are optimal for your body" and Robb Wolf *shows* you how to put this into practice.

The 7-Day Carb Test plan Robb's wife Nicki has been undertaking (documented on his page) is really interesting, not least insofar as her results have often been radically different to his own.

There's no one size fits all, folks!

A Closer Look at Wired to Eat with author Robb Wolf - Books for Better Living In his latest book, Wired to Eat, Robb Wolf shares a customized way of eating that may be the key to permanent weight loss and overall better health.

Pan-Fried Duck Breasts With Grape Sauce | Paleo Leap 07/05/2016

Yum! I love duck, but haven't actually cooked it for years. This recipe looks delicious.

Do you "do" duck?

Pan-Fried Duck Breasts With Grape Sauce | Paleo Leap Sweet grapes and luxurious fatty duck breasts: this is a fancy dinner that kids and grown-ups will all love.

Timeline photos 26/04/2016

These Caramelised Onion, Carrot & Ham Omelette Rolls from Eat Drink Paleo are seriously delicious — and also my lunch for the next 3 days.

Recipe is here:

10 Myths Within The Low-Carb Community 26/04/2016

'For a person eating a Western junk food diet, replacing some junk food with a few pieces of fruit per day would be “healthy.” But for a diabetic managing their symptoms on a ketogenic diet, the same amount of fruit would be “unhealthy.”'

The voice of reason. 😊 There is no Black and White when it comes to health and nutrition. It's good to have these common myths dispelled and explained.

10 Myths Within The Low-Carb Community Group thinking can lead to a distorted view of the science and many myths get passed around as fact. These 10 myths are common among low-carbers.

10 Healthy Homemade Mayonnaise Recipes 22/04/2016

Mayo you enjoy! (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

10 Healthy Homemade Mayonnaise Recipes It is very easy to make your own homemade mayonnaise. Here are 10 mayonnaise recipes that are both healthy and delicious.

Pumpkin rosti with poached egg, and mint, feta and avocado salad 10/04/2016

Yum. Exactly my kind of breakfast! Or any meal, for that matter. Perfect for a relaxed Sunday brunch.

Pumpkin rosti with poached egg, and mint, feta and avocado salad Topped with a soft poached egg.

Coffee: Good or Bad? 26/03/2016

Is coffee good or bad? The answer is that it can be either. Yep: "It depends".

Coffee: Good or Bad? This article takes a detailed look at coffee and whether it is good or bad for your health. Coffee is highly controversial among health experts.

Be careful ===> This "detox" sent us to the emergency room! 09/03/2016

Juice cleanses are not all they're cracked up to be. In fact, they neither "detox" you nor make you healthier in any way — it's more likely that the reverse is true.

Dr Alan Logan: "Fasting and low protein diets are counter-productive because our main detox organ, the liver, requires amino acids from protein (e.g. glycine, cysteine, glutamine) in order to support detoxification pathways."

Be careful ===> This "detox" sent us to the emergency room! Those colorful, expensive bottles of juice look healthy. But are detox diets good for you? Here’s what the science says — and how a juice cleanse landed one of our nutrition experts in the ER.

Timeline photos 04/03/2016

Definitely a once in a while treat and not for every day (or even week) but oh my, it looks delicious.

Cashew Cream Frosting:
2 cups cashews (preferably soaked for a few hours then drained. This is not entirely necessary but if the cashews aren’t soaked you’ll need to add more water).
⅓ cup maple syrup or honey
2 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon coconut oil
Water (as required)

Carrot Cake:
2 large carrots, peeled and diced
1 cup almond meal
1 cup hazelnut meal
1 cup dates
½ cup dried apricots
½ teaspoon cinnamon (or to taste)
¼ cup shredded coconut
¼ cup dried pineapple
¼ cup sultanas or raisins
½ teaspoon orange zest

To decorate:
Dried fruits and nuts of your choice. Or shredded/flaked coconut.

To make the Cashew Cream Frosting:
Step 1 – Place cashews into your high power blender (or Thermomix).
Step 2 – Blend on high speed until a paste-like cashew cream begins to form. You’ll need to scrape the sides of the blender a few times to get the mixture to form.
Step 3 – Add the maple syrup, lemon juice and coconut oil. Blend until the cashews become creamier. Add water gradually and as little as possible. You want the cream frosting to loosen and become smooth and silky but you don't wan to dilute the flavors with water. How much water you need will vary (and will also depend on whether you pre-soaked your cashews).

To make the Carrot Cake:
Step 1 – Place the diced carrots, almond meal, hazelnut meal, dates, dried apricots, and cinnamon into your food processor. Blitz until very well combine and forms a soft paste.
Step 2 – Add coconut, dried pineapple, sultanas/raisins, and orange zest to the mixture in the food processor. Blitz very briefly until just combined. You want these ingredients to be less processed so that there’s some texture variance in the finished cake (ie, you want some different sized “bits” in your cake).

To Assemble:
Use either two mini spring-form pans or a small spring-form pan.
Step 1 - Press a layer of carrot cake mixture into the base of your pan. It should approx 2.5cm (1 inch) thick.
Step 2 - Add a layer of cashew cream frosting.
Step 3 Optional: Sprinkle dried fruits and nuts on the cashew cream frosting layer.. Used a tropical fruit mix to add colour, texture and even more flavor. Shredded or flaked coconut would also work well.
Step 4 - Add another layer of carrot cake mixture onto of the cashew cream frosting (same thickness as your base layer). Smooth top of cake so it’s even.
Step 5 – For best results refrigerate for a few hours (or overnight). Place plastic wrap or a plate over the top of the cake to prevent it drying out in the fridge. If you’re not refrigerating, move straight onto Step 6.
Step 6 – Remove the cakes carefully from spring-form pans. The cakes will still be malleable so handle them gently.
Step 7 – Top cakes with cashew cream frosting and decorate as you like.
Step 8 – Slice with a sharp knife that’s been heated under hot running water. This makes cutting the cake easier.

Erythritol - Like Sugar Without The Calories 01/03/2016

Erythritol is, as far as we know, safe to consume. But it is still good to be cautious about the use of sweeteners.

Erythritol - Like Sugar Without The Calories The low-calorie sweetener erythritol is purported to have the same taste as sugar, with zero calories and no side effects. But is it too good to be true?

15 Bread Recipes That Are Low-Carb and Gluten-Free 26/02/2016

Want to enjoy bread without the insulin spike/drop cycle (and associated weight and health issues) from refined carbs? Have a flick through these recipes and see if there's something that takes your fancy.

15 Bread Recipes That Are Low-Carb and Gluten-Free This is a list of 15 recipes for healthy low-carb and gluten free breads. All of them are very simple to make and taste incredible.

10 Food Safety Mistakes You Didn’t Even Know You Were Making - Pilates Nutritionist 23/02/2016

How many of these food safety mistakes are you guilty of? I've been guilty of at least one!

10 Food Safety Mistakes You Didn’t Even Know You Were Making - Pilates Nutritionist I’m shocked at how many people mess this up: 10 food safety mistakes you didn’t even know you were making

How Cooking Affects The Nutrient Content of Foods 12/02/2016

Cooking can improve digestion and increase the nutrient availability of some foods — and can also decrease it in others. This is a useful discussion on various cooking methods and nutrient retention.

How Cooking Affects The Nutrient Content of Foods This article reviews how the different cooking methods affect the nutrient content of foods. Some nutrients may decrease, others may increase.

Constrained Total Energy Expenditure and Metabolic Adaptation to Physical Activity in Adult... 10/02/2016

If you're thinking to exercise more as a weight control method, you might want to reconsider. This study shows that the more you exercise, the less effect it has.

"After adjusting for body size and composition, total energy expenditure was positively correlated with physical activity, but the relationship was markedly stronger over the lower range of physical activity. For subjects in the upper range of physical activity, total energy expenditure plateaued"

Constrained Total Energy Expenditure and Metabolic Adaptation to Physical Activity in Adult... In Additive total energy expenditure models, total energy expenditure is a simple linear function of physical activity, and variation in physical activity energy expenditure (PA) determines variation in total energy expenditure. In Constrained total energy expenditure models, the body adapts to incr…

Timeline photos 01/02/2016

"Finding Peace with My Plate" — an excellent article from Georgia Harding over at Well Nourished.

"I have decided that by focussing on one part of a food, I give away too much power to it. I believe the real power and healing that comes from food, is in its pure deliciousness and appreciation of how amazing it can make us feel."

Link is here:

What do you think?

Do food choices sometimes overwhelm you? This is a personal post is about how I discovered the real power and healing that comes from food and made "Peace with my Plate"

Becoming a parent has forced me to find the middle ground, for my kids sake as much as my own. It is important to me to to instil a love of food in my kids, and not frighten them to find fault in the things they eat.

Read more here

Five Easy Ways To Eat More Vegetables 20/01/2016

Some excellent (and painless) tips on adding more veggies into your diet.

Five Easy Ways To Eat More Vegetables Tips to make it easy to eat plenty of nutritious, delicious veggies every day.

Are Nitrates and Nitrites in Foods Harmful? 10/01/2016

A wonderfully balanced, science-based look at nitrates and nitrites. (Spoiler: no, you don't have to ditch the bacon.)

Are Nitrates and Nitrites in Foods Harmful? Nitrates and nitrites are often believed to be harmful, but the research isn't clear and these compounds are found in large amounts in vegetables.

The Dark Side Of Food Colors (Plus Natural Coloring Alternatives) 03/01/2016

Some great alternatives to the toxic synthetic food colourings that are so commonplace nowadays. (And info about why you should use an alternative.)

The Dark Side Of Food Colors (Plus Natural Coloring Alternatives)

Watch: The science of genetic inheritance is weirder than we thought 30/12/2015

Did you know that learned behaviours and other traits can be passed on to offspring? Short and to the point, this little animation about epigenetics makes the concept easily understandable.

Watch: The science of genetic inheritance is weirder than we thought A basic understanding of genetic inheritance tells us that only DNA gets passed along to our offspring - traits such as memories, physical scars, and giant muscles cannot be passed on, because they're acquired through life experience, not by...

Spiralized Kohlrabi, Ruby Radish and Shaved Asparagus Salad with Lemon-Chive Dressing | Inspiralized 30/12/2015

This looks beautiful, doesn't it? Imagine it as a classy side at a barbecue... mmm. (Gotta love spiralisers!)

Spiralized Kohlrabi, Ruby Radish and Shaved Asparagus Salad with Lemon-Chive Dressing | Inspiralized Spiralized Kohlrabi, Ruby Radish and Shaved Asparagus Salad with Lemon-Chive Dressing