

Lifestyle Blog and Education for Poly People! Come to polylife.com.au and join our social network supporting poly people.

Also some of the best Poly gear on the net available at the website http://www.polylife.com.au

Mobile uploads 04/02/2021

What a great reminder for those of us who are 'fixers' - in our Poly world this is especially true as we communicate about emotional challenges and negotiate our connections. Sit with yourself. Be authentic and simply listen.

While I can acknowledge that there are times where people are expressing their emotions because they have an expectation that they want you to do something about them, people also express their feelings simply because they want you to know what they are. They want you to witness them, validate them, seek to understand them, be honest with you. This can be hard if you are someone that sees the simple expression of emotions as not productive or necessary if it isn’t about trying to affect some kind of change.

When our partners are expressing their emotions about their experience with you in polyamory, it’s good to try to not see that as them trying to get you to feel bad or change your choice or make you responsible for their emotions by trying to get you to make them feel better. They just want to be seen, heard, felt, understood.

And if you are the person sharing your emotions, prefacing them with a statement like “This is an expression of my emotions that is not meant to get you to change your decisions, change your actions, change how you feel, or suggest you need to make me feel better.” can be helpful.

Text Reads: Today’s Polyamory Reminder:
It’s important to remember when our partners are sharing their feelings with us that, unless they expressly say so, they are not doing such to get us to change our choice, change our minds, or task us with making them feel better. They are just expressing how they feel.


Poly thoughts for today. When we all make ourselves responsible for the quality of our connection with others. Our boundaries, our agreements and our accountability becomes all that much clearer.


Some wisdom from Osho. Loosely translates to acceptance and love for people because of who they are and where they are at. People aren't property.


... now i want all the cheeses :)

All you need is loves: the truth about polyamory 04/12/2019

Hello Poly peeps coming up to that time of year again - who WILL you take to Xmas Dinner? Me: Everyone :) It's always fun!. Anyway here is our pick for an afternoon read xx luv PolyLife

All you need is loves: the truth about polyamory More and more young people are abandoning monogamy in favour of open relationships. But is it really that easy to turn your back on jealousy? And what about all the admin?


So awesome poly peeps. After challenging these guys to do a competition that avoids the typical "tickets for two" "double pass" scenario. They have created a prize suitable for an awesome poly date. So if you are in Brisbane Australia hit this link, share whatever you have to do and pick up 3x Tickets! to an awesome new puzzle room experience... and if you don't win book it! It's an awesome poly date anyway. We bought out the first night!

What better way to celebrate opening night for The Garden (which you're all out and enjoying because you love immersive installations), than with a ticket giveaway to our NEXT show.

We've been busy! So Folly Games is giving away not one, not two but THREE tickets to Mystery in the Pacific! Over $120 dollars worth!
To enter:
1. Like and comment on this post
2. That's it, that's all you have to do to enter, if you also want to tag mates, like our page, or share the post we are extremely appreciative.

Tickets will be drawn 11/11/19 so make a wish!

Tickets available otherwise @ https://follygames.com/event/mitp-pre/


This was excellent enough to post. Have you ever mentioned you are polyamorous only to be looked at like you have just donned your gimp suit?

Source: https://www.facebook.com/KimchiCuddles


So Poly Peeps - Polylife will be presenting 'Unlearning Jealousy' @ SEXPO Melbourne 8-10 Nov. Like this post and we will post seminar times as they become available. Will be great to see you there. :)

What polyamorous people want you to know about polyamory 18/09/2019

Hump Day Poly Peeps! Hope you are all doing great!

What polyamorous people want you to know about polyamory What is polyamory, who practices it, and what are its main challenges? In this Spotlight feature, four polyamorous people explain the facts.


A bit of perspective and smile for today.


Not poly related but worth sharing anyway. If you are a supporter of festivals in all their fun and freedoms. Have a read of this. Also please share.

It's International day today.

At S*F we don't condone the use of drugs but we do want EVERYONE to survive their festival.
Pill Testing Australia are the people behind the pill testing facilities at the ACT Groovin' The Moo. These facilities do not increase the probability of anyone who wasn't going to take drugs to take drugs, they only increase the likelihood of surviving something they would have done anyway.

Here's a breakdown of the pill testing process https://www.abc.net.au/triplej/programs/hack/look-behind-the-scenes-of-canberra-groovin-the-moo-pill-testing/11051862?fbclid=IwAR2eJbqLKXRM4efjuKD1TqPfe3xacVJ_p6-25GXWhx2NZqfx27QRZmvvfNk


Good morning Poly Peeps! Here is a little giggle to share to your Poly fam.

CRITICAL THINKING - Cognitive Biases: Alief [HD] 22/01/2019

Hi PolyLifers! Not specifically Poly stuff ... but understanding the importance of what your 'Aliefs' are helps a LOT when dealing with the negotiations in your Poly Life around jealousy, boundaries and expectations. Comment if you like this sort of content and we can pass along more.

CRITICAL THINKING - Cognitive Biases: Alief [HD] In this video, the psychologist Laurie Santos (Yale University) explains the philosopher Tamar Gendler (Yale University)'s concept of alief — an automatic or...


Merry Christmas Polylifers! We wish you and yours a very happy day tomorrow. Poly and family time can bring challenges! From the team at Polylife we hope your festive season is fun, relaxed and full of love. Looking forward to spending 2019 with you. 💖


Hi PolyLifers. Let's hear your thoughts. Where are you at and what are you doing?

How to list more than one partner on Facebook - PolyLife 31/10/2018

Finally! 🙌 A way to list all your partners on Facebook!
All you need is 5 minutes, a few partners, a computer and this article!

How to list more than one partner on Facebook - PolyLife I’m excited to share with you a way to have all your partners listed on your Facebook! Unfortunately, there is no way to have multiple partners listed in the “Relationship Status” section, but I’ve found a workaround in the “Family Relationships” section. Before we begin make sure all yo...

Join PolyLife! - PolyLife 19/10/2018

Hiya Everyone :) We had feedback that our registration page wasn't working properly :( If you found this too then please come and test it out for us. Drop some feedback into this post if you were able to get in or not.


Join PolyLife! - PolyLife Signup and join the Polylife community. Write blogs, and chat to other poly people.


Official milestone! Thanks for everyone's support and interest. This is your site for discussing and learning about Polyamory. We are also looking for guest writers. It's a thankless unpaid but highly lauded position. However, I hear there may be awesome merch perks.

PolyLife Lifestyle Blog and Education for Poly People! Come to polylife.com.au and join our social network sup


Wow peoples! Somewhere in the night we snuck past 500 likes with nary a peep.
Thanks for your support and interest! We had some issues with the website polylife.com.au but these have been resolved. Come join our free community good blogs, discussions, and socialising. We have some awesome new content and features to come in the next few weeks... including a great members comp! Connect in and get your profile going!!

polylife.com Welcome to polylife.com. The leading site on the web for Society

The Most Skipped Step When Opening a Relationship – Polyamory School – Medium 22/08/2018

A lot of these types of articles are just pop culture fodder. Now and again we come across something pragmatic and useful. Unwinding our codependent muscles is a great skill to have in your poly toolkit!


The Most Skipped Step When Opening a Relationship – Polyamory School – Medium You’ve had hundreds of hours of discussions on what your open relationship will look like? Check!


We're working on some new merch!
While we're busy designing and working with suppliers, we'd like to hear from you!
What polyamory related merch would you like to buy?
If you've got any ideas, quotes or items drop them in the comments below! (Or send us a message if you've got some designs of your own you'd like to come to life!)

Improving Relationship Communication - PolyLife 05/08/2018

Do you want to learn how to improve your relationship communication?
We've got another session on Sunday at SEXPO Adelaide!
You'll find us at the S.H.A.R.E Seminar Room
Sunday 12th August 6:00pm

Improving Relationship Communication - PolyLife Learn 5 essential strategies for improving your relationship communication. These are practical strategies that will all radically change the way you communicate with your significant other and open up a whole new depth to your relationship. Improving Relationship Communication Next seminar is at SE...

Unlearning Jealousy - PolyLife 02/08/2018

We've teamed up again with WorldTribe to present:
"Unlearning Jealousy" at Sexpo Australia Adelaide 2018
You'll find us at the S.H.A.R.E Seminar Room
Friday 10th August 10:30pm
Saturday 11th August 12:00pm

Unlearning Jealousy - PolyLife Related


Great seminars coming up in August at Sexpo 2018 in Adelaide. Stay tuned for details.


Hi! I have seen a few people pointing out how difficult it is to connect on social media ESPECIALLY if you want to do it ethically and seem to be surrounded by poor social skills. This is a bit of a laugh but makes some good points :) Enjoy!


Last day at Sexpo today. 6pm "improving relationship communication."


Thoughts for today: As Poly people we 'think' about our relationships. The quality of the connection, the values shared between us. It seems sometimes it's a constant analysis. Honestly, it's exhausting. One of the reasons we are drawn to Poly Life in the first place is the right to self-determine and the recognition and rejection of expectations between us of how to 'do' relationships.
Yet sometimes, that's exactly what we find we do in Poly relationships isn't it? A new set of rules, a new set of expectations. Sometimes its a trap we don't see and we fall right into it.