

HRVic HP Team is here , we’re peers: to ask questions, share experiences and info re drug use

#treatme was created by people WITH hepatitis C FOR people with hepatitis C about the NEW hep C treatments.
#treatme is to be used as a forum to discuss and answer the multitude of questions that have arisen, to share information and shatter the myths surrounding the new treatments, to share individual experiences with the new treatments and to support each other through the process of the NEW hep c treatments- from the decision to the results.

Photos from Harm Reduction Victoria (Australia)'s post 31/08/2020

TODAY at 4:30pm on YOUR PHONE or COMPUTER via zoom.

250,000 Melbourne households told to boil their water after storms cause contamination 28/08/2020


250,000 Melbourne households told to boil their water after storms cause contamination Hundreds of thousands of households are being told to boil their water after storms caused widespread damage to parts of Victoria yesterday including water infrastructure.



The Missing Masses - 160,000-plus Australian ‘Ex-Users’ Still Have Hep C. How Will We Treat Them? | Home | The Hepalogue 06/06/2018

The Missing Masses - 160,000-plus Australian ‘Ex-Users’ Still Have Hep C. How Will We Treat Them? | Home | The Hepalogue (NB: The statistics cited in this post are generally rounded down to the nearest 10,000. This is for safety and simplicity's sake, as even the raw figures are a...

Non-Profit's $300 Hepatitis C Cure Rivals Current $48,000-Plus Options 16/04/2018


Non-Profit's $300 Hepatitis C Cure Rivals Current $48,000-Plus Options An international medical non-profit organization has teamed up with an Egyptian drug manufacturer to develop a hepatitis C combination treatment that boast

People Who Inject Drugs Support the Medically Supervised Injecting Centre (MSIC) Trial in North Richmond says Harm Reduction Victoria 30/10/2017

People Who Inject Drugs Support the Medically Supervised Injecting Centre Trial in North Richmond says Harm Reduction Victoria (Australia)

People Who Inject Drugs Support the Medically Supervised Injecting Centre (MSIC) Trial in North Richmond says Harm Reduction Victoria 31 October 2017 People Who Inject Drugs Support the Medically Supervised Injecting Centre Trial in North Richmond says Harm Reduction Victoria     The announcement today to approve the tr…


Rest In Peace.
International Overdose Awareness Day. 31.08.2017


This means that NO Genotype will need interferon!! YAY!!!

Liver Tonic! - Memo Music Hall 26/07/2017

Liver Tonic! - Memo Music Hall Harm Reduction Victoria invites you to celebrate with an all-star line up; Ron S Peno, Hugo Race, Steve Kilbey, Harry Howard and more!

Hepatitis Victoria - Stigma and Discrimination 02/06/2017

Stigma, Hepatitis and drug use is the trifecta when it comes to stigma and discrimination.
Whats your experience? Hep Vic want to know!

Hepatitis Victoria are doing a survey of people who have hepatitis B and/or hepatits C , or of people who know someone or work with people who have hepatitis B and/or C. This information is super important so HRVic is doing our bit to reach those in our community who can help. To take the survey, follow this link:

Hepatitis Victoria - Stigma and Discrimination is the peak not-for-profit community organisation working across the state for people affected by or at risk of viral hepatitis.

Can you spare a few moments to take our survey? 04/05/2017

The Medically Supervised Injecting Centre (MSIC) has been a hot topic in Melbourne and is having politicians running for cover. All the organisations and institutions want one, the resident’s are screaming for one, even the businesses in Victoria St Richmond have been asking for one- but what do injecting drug users want? Is anyone asking? We want to hear from people who inject. What is YOUR opinion about a medically supervised injecting centre? Do you think the drug market will stay in the Richmond area or will it move like it has always done? Will creating a injecting centre in one area affect other drug markets around Melbourne? Take our survey below and be in the running for an HRVic prize pack!*

*The survey is anonymous.To be in the running for the prize pack you will need to follow the link at the end of the survey.

Can you spare a few moments to take our survey? Please take the survey titled "Safe Injecting Room For Melbourne". Your feedback is important!

A Lot Has Happened In a Year – But Not To The Young 18/04/2017

NEW Hepalogue -OUT NOW!

A Lot Has Happened In a Year – But Not To The Young It’s been just over a year since the government made the new Hep C treatments available to every Australian. You might have been cured in that time. But if not, then why not? I know I have be…


"Hi i one more week to of this new treatment for HepC and mines gone. No side effects at all. Absolutley amazing. Will help so many people. Hooray about bloody time

One more to go of this 12week course .
Just got to remember to take pills everyday."
-FB Fan 'PETE'

Harm Reduction Victoria (Australia) - Events 10/03/2017

FREE Forum this March!! The more people with lived experience of current drug use and hep c / hep c treatment there the better!! Our voice NEEDS to be heard if elimination is to be a reality by 2030!

Harm Reduction Victoria (Australia) - Events 3,401 followers

Timeline photos 10/03/2017

NEW 6Up All In One Hep C Treatment poster AVAILABLE NOW in PDF form from HRVic. Email [email protected] for your copy today!

Taking Harvoni with Buprenorphine? You Don’t Need to Worry. 24/02/2017

Taking Harvoni with Buprenorphine? You Don’t Need to Worry. Just a quick post. Recently, I was contacted by a friend of mine who had been told by her doctor that, since she was taking Harvoni, she would have to reassess her pharmacotherapy dosage. He explai…

Fact Check: Would shortening the length of Rainbow Serpent Festival reduce harm? – AOD MEDIA WATCH 21/02/2017

Fact Check: Would shortening the length of Rainbow Serpent Festival reduce harm? – AOD MEDIA WATCH year celebration at midday on Thursday the 26th of January 2017. Opening midday on the Thursday of Australia Day weekend has been the festival’s format for years. Yet

Timeline photos 24/01/2017

March with us at Pride this Sunday!
Midsumma Pride March is this Sunday from 2-4pm on Fitzroy Street, St Kilda. Harm Reduction Victoria are group M10, assembling near the intersection of Fitzroy St and Lakeside Drive from 1:20pm. Trams to St Kilda on routes 3a, 16 and 96 will be running until 1pm.
See you there! We will have banners and flags and party packs and some special treats to carry and give out! Come March with your fellow proud drug users and PRIDE supporters!

Sussan Ley, Depression, Tooth Decay, Alcohol & A Happy New Year! 16/01/2017


Sussan Ley, Depression, Tooth Decay, Alcohol & A Happy New Year! Around this this time last year Sussan Ley made an announcement changing thousands of lives to the good. Because the whole process was so shrouded in secrecy, it’s hard to say how much person…

Needle and syringe programs needed in prisons 09/01/2017

Needle and syringe programs needed in prisons Blood borne viruses, including hepatitis B and C, and HIV, are a major health problem in prisons. Introducing needle and syringe programs can reduce the spread of disease, while protecting inmates and prison staff from infection.

Making Straight The Way 07/12/2016

Making Straight The Way Apologies for the lengthy gap between posts. Life intervened as as it is prone to do. Perhaps it was inevitable that the high I enjoyed after clearing the virus would have a down side. I’ve a…

NEW Changes to how GPs Prescribe the new Hep C treatments! Even EASIER!! 04/11/2016

NEW Changes to how GPs Prescribe the new Hep C treatments! Even EASIER!! PBAC has amended the prescribing provision of hepatitis C treatments to enable experienced medical practitioners to initiate treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis C independently. This means…


Opening Hours

Monday 10:30 - 17:30
Tuesday 10:30 - 17:30
Wednesday 10:30 - 17:30
Thursday 10:30 - 17:30
Friday 10:30 - 17:30