Andrea Rae, Intuitive Heart Coach

Andrea Rae, Intuitive Heart Coach

Juicy inspiring conversations about intuition, crystals, energy balancing techniques, and heart-centered business!

Designed to help you grow, heal and transform your life & business! Andrea Rae creates a sanctuary from daily stresses and pressures in life and your business. A place where you can get unstuck from emotional blocks and feel renewed. Where you can move beyond whatever is holding you back from realizing your dreams. Andrea Rae provides intuitive Heart Coaching and Intuitive Business Strategy sessio


BOLD INTUITION 2024. Enrolment open!! Vibrant supportive community!


At this time of year we are doing a LOT to take care of the needs of others. Our consciousness is absorbed by the needs of others. What crystal do you need today to help you reconnect with yourself and to align with your needs? Sometimes you need grounding, other times you might need angelic alignment with something like angelite. Listen to your inner crystal guidance! Share what crystal/s you are using today. For me, it is my raw citrine with smokey quartz!


Small Quartz cluster! With beautiful clear energy beaming this little gem can help hold your space in a higher frequency and help balance denser energy! ❤️⚡️✨




The crystals set the mood and the vibe in the office. Silent allies!


Merimbula vibes! ❤️😎✨


[BLOG] Heart Connection Increases in Nature

When in nature we are surrounded by the flow of energy frequencies that are part of the natural world. The tall forest trees, small clusters of mushrooms, the composting of leaves fallen from the trees pulsing with bacterial activity, the flowing river over rocks, and wildlife bristling all around. Fundamentally we are connected to the life force energy of the earth which also helps us be more attuned to the natural flow of life force energy in the body, including the resonance of the heart.

**Link in bio


Beautiful! Posted • Soulful Sunday Medicine .:. Invitations for deep self discovery. To witness wounds, acknowledge them, and heal ourselves with new awareness. Unpacking (lovingly) to reconstruct, and live our best life.

Have you practiced “reparenting” or done inner child work? What other tools under the same umbrella have helped you heal major aspects of the past, or even family cycles?

This is just the tip of the iceberg, but an invitation to dive deep if it resonates


YEP!! ❤️🦄✨Posted • Repost .dagba


THIS!! ❤️🌺✌️Posted • "If you invite someone into your home and they start breaking things and insulting the decor, you don't have to hate them, but you wouldn't invite them into your home anymore. Boundaries are doing the same thing except your home is your mind. Your home is your heart. Your home is your time and your life. Uninvite the guests who don't know how to treat your home with respect." ~Doe Zantamata


Crystal Mojo : Connecting with rutilated quartz is a way to amplify your energy and speed up manifestation. Above is a rutilated quartz with both gold and red strands. The rutile strands and the clear quartz can assist in manifestation.
More on the blog…..


Beautiful from Asha Frost - Indigenous Healer, Author] ❤️Posted • Asha Frost - Indigenous Healer, Author] P a u s e 🌾

As I get older I notice my ancestral rhythms asking me to pause.

To take a breath and not react.

To take space away to integrate my thoughts.

To shake my body instead of internalize collective density.

To release myself from the systems that tell me that the only way is to be louder, go quicker, push through.

It’s still Winter here.

Sometimes I get woven into the hustle that calls to me, and I forget.

It’s still Winter.

Pausing has become deeper medicine this season.

Maybe that comes with age.

Or maybe I’m just ready. Either way....

The pause...moves me.


Crystal Vibes : some favourites!


Heart Connection • Gratitude • Body Connection • Curiosity • Love = Healing Qualities


Heart curiosity neutralises judgement! There are so many things that can catapult us into the judgment zone, the place where you are certain that the reason you feel irritated is because of what someone else has said or done. It is so easy to project judgment and blame onto others – there are so many people doing stupid things….read more on blog!! ❤️✨😎


Posted • There are many avenues that can lead to an appreciation of interconnectedness. Accepting it logically is one thing. Through contemplative practice, we may apprehend it at a more visceral level. If we pay careful attention, we see that phenomena in the natural world, moments of experience, people, and creatures continuously affect one another. Consider the different ways we can view a tree. We can see the tree as a distinctly defined object, a single solitary entity standing there just by itself. We can also look at that tree and sense it as the manifestation of an extremely subtle net of relationships.

The tree is affected by the rain that falls upon it and everything that affects the quality of that rain. It is affected by the wind that moves through and around it and the soil that nourishes it and sustains it. It is affected by the weather and by the sunlight and by the moonlight and by the quality of the air. Its root system can connect it to an ecosystem of underground life for miles around. We can look at the tree and see it is a network of influences and interactions converging. Similarly, we can look at this precise moment in our lives and see it is just the same. We can look at who we are and see it is just the same. Not solitary and isolated but rather connected and interdependent.

This is the truth of our existence: because we live in an interconnected universe, everything is contingent, intertwined, interrelated.

[Photo Description: photograph of hands silhouetted holding twinkle lights in front of sunset. Superimposed text reads, "We live in an interconnected universe. Everything is contingent, intertwined & interrelated. This is the truth of our existence."]


Posted • Treating your mental energy like a precious resource makes a difference.

Sending love to all 🙏🏽🌎


Posted • Repost from

Avoiding chaos in our external world internalizes it. The chaos that gets buried we might not be consciously aware of right away, but it shows up in many subtle and not so subtle ways through the protests our bodies make… little by little over time, and sometimes all at once.⁠⁠
I’ve been fascinated by how much our fear of self-expression because we might rock the boat, leads to a rocky life. That biologically and evolutionarily it has and continues to be important to ensure we are part of a community, even if membership to that group requires us pretending to believe things we don’t believe and act in ways that aren’t in alignment with our hearts.⁠⁠
There’s no simple way through this… speaking up and sharing our truth when we have never done that before is scary. Choosing ourselves over a relationship, especially an important relationship, is scary too.⁠⁠
What I do know is that you know you best. You know what you need. You know what you want. And, what I also know from my own experience (and yours might be different) is that once I have been aware of my self-silencing, truth needs to pour out. If we stop having conversations because those “subjects” have been canceled then we’re participating in the cancelation. I refuse to have belonging held over my head to ensure my compliance.⁠⁠
Being a human is hard. Making these negotiations in our hearts and minds is challenging. And, I want to live in a world where we celebrate diverse thought and choice. Where the wisest conclusions live between the binaries. Where bravery and courageousness are celebrated over consensus.⁠⁠
We’re in a unique time in history (that’s what everyone says 😂)… Where we have to learn how to expand our individual and collective nervous systems to hold conflict and opposition. Where our worth is not hovering in the necessity for agreement, but rather in the act of self-expression.⁠⁠
Are you signed up for my email newsletter? I send out exclusive news, content and discounts there so click the link in my bio to get on the list.⁠⁠



Posted • Much of our mental suffering comes from how tightly we hold our beliefs. In the monastery my teacher Ajahn Chah used to smile and ask, "Is it true?" He wanted us to learn to hold our thoughts lightly.

Within the stillness of meditation we learn to observe how words and images arise and then vanish. When we let thoughts come and go without clinging, we can use thought, but we rest in the heart.

Excerpt: "The Wise Heart"


Thank you The New Happy] ❤️🐬✨Posted • Repost from The New Happy]

Fear and hope are both about the unknown, but offer completely different ways of viewing it.

Fear says that the future will be worse than the present. Hope says that the future will be better than the present.

Sometimes, this belief then influences the outcome, because it shapes how we respond to the situation. Fear makes us feel stuck when we need to move, makes us quiet when we need to speak up, makes us feel alone when we need to feel connected, makes us feel passive when we need to be active.

To choose hope means to consciously override our biological response when things are, indeed, very scary. When you do this, things can start to change: you do something, you ask for help, you speak up, you gather with the other hopeful humans and become stronger together, you feel the kindling of hope grow stronger and stronger with every action that you take.

Hope is powerful enough to simultaneously contain the reality of your fear and to help lift you above it ❤️ What is something you’re choosing to be hopeful about today?


Heart writing! Journaling with an intention to connect to the body & heart space. Write as you listen and feel into@the connection to the wholeness of the mind, body, spirit. Let the feelings, thoughts & beliefs become like tilled soil. With some like weeds sifted out revealing the deeper inner truths!





❤️ Eclipse vibes!! Posted • Heading into the Eclipse weekend like...⁠
Enjoy the magic ✨✨✨⁠


❤️ Beautiful! Posted • Art: Amalia Restrepo


Love bubbles & Support Circles on the blog!


Our love-bubble is a vibrant circle of energy enveloping us which is connected to our essential self through the heart energy center or the heart chakra in the center of the chest. By presencing the love-bubble we have increased love-bubble strength and vitality which helps us feel safer and more protected.


❤️Beliefs! Felt sense! Thank you Martha Beck] Posted • Martha Beck] The sensation you get from believing you are loved and connected is real. Feel how the truth—that you are infinitely valuable and loved—makes your whole body relax.

~Martha Beck, Finding Your Way in a Wild New World


Heart centred presencing helps us to be connected to our whole self as we come together and fall apart! I heart ! ❤️🌺✨Unconditional witnessing, compassion and self acceptance!

Our Story

Andrea Rae creates a sanctuary from daily stresses and pressures in life and your business. A space where you can get unstuck from emotional blocks and feel renewed. Where you can move beyond whatever is holding you back from realising your dreams.

Andrea Rae provides intuitive Heart Coaching and Intuitive Business Strategy sessions via Zoom or phone to individuals and businesses.

Working with Andrea helps you to reconnects you with your inner truth giving you the clarity and confidence to manifest a new reality in your life and business.

Videos (show all)

BOLD intuition 2024. Join us! Enrolment closes Sun 14th Jan @ 7pm (Aussie time!) Sacred Space! 5 Essential skills! Great...
BOLD INTUITION 2024 - Doors close Jan 14th @ 7pm (Aussie time) Sacred Space for Soul Led Decisions. Online coaching prog...
Crystal Manifestation Mojo : A mini course. Excited to be developing this mini course! Sneak peek! ❤️✨⚡️
Intuitive Heartflow Skills amplify your access to manifestation skills! Clearing emotions that restrict access to being ...
Bold Intuition Online Course 2024. Enrolment opens Jan 1st, 2024. Link jn bio! ❤️
YEP!! ❤️🦄✨Posted @withregram • @tealswanofficial Repost @xavier.dagba
Epic movie! Raccacoonie! ❤️ Posted @withregram • @everythingeverywheremovie RACCACOONIE? 👨🏻‍🍳🦝 @HarryShumJr#EverythingEv...
Heartflow | Intuitive Instinct | Nature Rhythm Heals#hearthealing #intuition #heartflow #natureheals