LactaResearch Group

LactaResearch Group

We aim to support effective lactation through the translation of research to practice.

About Us

The LactaResearch group are based at the University of Western Australia and we gratefully acknowledge the support of the Family Larsson Rosenquist Foundation.

Our current research projects are LactaMap and LactaPedia.


Ninety-six percent of Australian women initiate breastfeeding, yet more than 50% of our infants are receiving infant formula by 5 months of age. The doctor is the focal point of modern medicine, yet the lactating breast receives little attention within the medical curriculum, has few protocols to provide framework for practice and there is no medical specialty for referral. Most doctors feel they have insufficient training for the level of knowledge and skills expected of them. LactaMap is an online care support system designed to provide doctors with evidence-informed framework to assist with the care of mothers and infants experiencing difficulty with lactation. It is designed to be used at the point of care (i.e. during a medical consult) and has potential for use as teaching tool in the medical curriculum. Once LactaMap is implemented in general practice, subsequent versions will be developed for other health professionals and for families.