The Natural Way - Narrabri

The Natural Way - Narrabri

At The Natural Way Weight Loss and Health Care Clinic Narrabri (now located inside Gunnedah clinic -

Episode 4 Change of Plan - The Natural Way 16/08/2024

Thanks again for keeping me on track and encouraging me not to blow it!

Episode 4 Change of Plan - The Natural Way In a beautiful quiet country town in NSW, Sandra has now lost 8.7 kgs over […]

Episode 3 Diary, Easter - the in-between - The Natural Way 14/08/2024

I’ve been thinking about your suggestion to switch the Formulation A+ to a Formulation D for a week or more as I have been constipated the last few weeks and I read that this one helps with that?

Episode 3 Diary, Easter - the in-between - The Natural Way Just to recap from our previous 2 shared letters: Our client has been on and […]

Losing weight and feeling good! - The Natural Way 08/08/2024

I’m feeling fuller for longer periods, I don’t have a need to snack and when I do have something I shouldn’t have; I haven’t binged. I look forward to my meals and enjoy my food, I can have bread and potatoes (just not in the same meal of course) so I don’t feel like I’m missing out.

Losing weight and feeling good! - The Natural Way Just to recap:  We have heard that after 17 days back on the Program and […]

Diary of a Successful client - Episode 1 - The Natural Way 08/08/2024

As we battle through our cold winter nights, watching the best TV shows Netflix, Binge, 9NOW (Olympic Games) and others can offer, why not also enjoy the success story from ‘Diaries of a Client’

Diary of a Successful client - Episode 1 - The Natural Way Hi I’m Cora, Weight Loss Consultant at Head Office on the Gold Coast (since 1996), […]

Winter Weight Loss Tips - The Natural Way 16/07/2024

This week, we want to offer you some practical ideas to help you stay on track for the remainder of July and August.

Winter Weight Loss Tips - The Natural Way Congratulations – you have almost made it to the winter halfway mark, which means there […]

The Emotional Reasons For Getting Fat - The Natural Way 13/06/2024

Chronic stress, anxiety, and depression—as well as mental health conditions like bipolar disorder—may cause someone to use food to cope. They might also make poor dietary choices, which in turn can cause weight gain.

The Emotional Reasons For Getting Fat - The Natural Way Ever wondered what emotional reasons causes people to gain weight and become obese? Instead of […]

Eating healthy on a Budget - The Natural Way 02/05/2024

Cost of living is going to continue to rise, despite the political rhetoric that inflation is almost under control, and therefore prices will come down soon! Bet your house on it??? However, while healthy eating out can be expensive (in fact, just as expensive as unhealthy eating out!), that’s not to say healthy eating is impossible or that it can’t be cheap.

Eating healthy on a Budget - The Natural Way With the price of food rising, eating healthily while trying to stick to a budget can […]

Stay At Home Program - brilliant! - The Natural Way 18/04/2024

We do a full ‘At Home” consultation using the telephone, email, Skype/Zoom or Messenger to catch up with you weekly. Most clients will place a monthly order but enjoys the weekly contact to make changes to eating plans, receive motivation and be supported all the way.

Stay At Home Program - brilliant! - The Natural Way For many years now we have operated a ‘Stay at Home’ program from our Head […]

Avoid The Easter Blowout – chocolate can be good for you… - The Natural Way 26/03/2024

All Easter eggs are not created equal. The most important rule when buying one is to read the labels and think smaller. You may feel a little deprived by only indulging in a smaller egg, but if this is all you have then the damage will be minimal (providing you stop at one!).

Avoid The Easter Blowout – chocolate can be good for you… - The Natural Way Easter is a 4-day holiday NOT a 4-day feast!!  Easter should be a time to […]

Want to Lose Weight? It’s in the Mail - The Natural Way 29/02/2024

You can be a weight loss champion WITHOUT visiting a clinic, just like our mail order success Kate P who has lost over 36kg! Our fantastic program is available to you no matter where you live…via our mail order service.

Want to Lose Weight? It’s in the Mail - The Natural Way If you would like to lose weight with us, but feel ‘sad’ that there is […]

Keeping weight off, is hard! Why? - The Natural Way 21/02/2024

A radical weight loss plan may get rapid results in the short-term (which is a big motivator) but then you need the knowledge move into long-term weight maintenance mode — and this is where many a crash-dieter comes undone….

Keeping weight off, is hard! Why? - The Natural Way ALMOST everyone who struggles with weight has been there:  Losing weight was the easy part, […]

Have you Started Losing Weight in 2024? - The Natural Way 16/01/2024

Now we are over halfway through January, we just wanted to ‘check in’ and see how you are getting on with your New Years’ resolution to lose weight. The good news is that they will be back at school next week which means it is time to knuckle down and start shedding those excess kilos.
We can get the ball rolling for you – and to ease the pressure on your hip pocket, we will give you $25 OFF your first purchase in January 2024

Have you Started Losing Weight in 2024? - The Natural Way Now we are over half way through January, we just wanted to ‘check in’ and […]

Make Your Weight Loss Dream Come True in 2024 - The Natural Way 05/01/2024

The Natural Way has a 2 - week DETOX Kit has everything you need to feel great again including two specific cleansing formulations and comprehensive detox dietary guidelines. DETOX Kit is available at your local clinic or via mail order for a VERY SPECIAL price of $67 ($10 OFF the normal RRP of $77) only $42 if you use your $25 voucher/gift. (* conditions apply)

Make Your Weight Loss Dream Come True in 2024 - The Natural Way We hope you enjoyed the Christmas & New Year celebrations and managed to be sensible […]

New Years’ Resolutions NOT to Make! - The Natural Way 02/01/2024

2024 is here - have you made any resolutions? The key to success with making resolutions is to make sure you word them correctly i.e. the words ‘always’, ‘never’ and / or ‘no’ are extremely negative which can impact on how well you ‘stick’ to them.

New Years’ Resolutions NOT to Make! - The Natural Way There’s no denying it – 2024 is here and any New Years’ Resolutions you may have made … New Years’ Resolutions NOT to Make! Read More »

Thank you - Merry Christmas! - The Natural Way 23/12/2023

ending you and your loved one’s heartfelt wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Thank you all for your continued support as our clients. This holiday season, we're grateful for clients like you who have made our year truly special.
Please read our full message here:

Thank you - Merry Christmas! - The Natural Way This has been a significant year for us at The Natural Way, and we want … Thank you – Merry Christmas! Read More »

Christmas Day Desserts – No Problem! - The Natural Way 23/11/2023

As Christmas only comes once a year, bear in mind that it is ok to indulge…however, you just need to control how what you have and how much. Desert? No problem! The key is…

Christmas Day Desserts – No Problem! - The Natural Way If you have a sweet tooth, then I am sure you are already dreading how … Christmas Day Desserts – No Problem! Read More »

Christmas Day – simple strategies work best! - The Natural Way 23/11/2023

On Christmas day, it can be hard to maintain your willpower and choose the best foods. But don’t worry – with a bit of guidance from The Natural Way, you can make the right choices (and not feel deprived) to ensure you stay healthy and still have a GREAT time.

Christmas Day – simple strategies work best! - The Natural Way Christmas Day eating – so much to eat, so much to drink, so much temptation … Christmas Day – simple strategies work best! Read More »

You CAN manage STRESS this Christmas... - The Natural Way 21/11/2023

If you are planning to host / attend a big family Christmas, then no wonder you may be feeling anxious! Family gatherings can be stressful, so just keep in mind your strategies to avoid stress...We have great tips for doing just that - strategize! Read more here:

You CAN manage STRESS this Christmas... - The Natural Way Christmas can be a stressful and depressing time for many people, but it does not … You CAN manage STRESS this Christmas… Read More »

Enjoy ALCOHOL wisely this 2023 Christmas - The Natural Way 21/11/2023

During the Christmas and New Year period there is an increase in festivities, parties, family gatherings, work functions and barbeques. While it's a great time of year, it can also be a time of excess, especially when it comes to ALCOHOL. More information on how best to enjoy your festive drinks, and NOT destroy all the other good work you have done so far on food, exercise and motivation, is available in our Christmas Program. Read more tips and suggestions here:

Enjoy ALCOHOL wisely this 2023 Christmas - The Natural Way You’ve been working hard all year, restoring your routines (no Covid, lockdowns and other uncontrollable … Enjoy ALCOHOL wisely this 2023 Christmas Read More »

PLAN your way through the fun at Christmas – start now! - The Natural Way 19/11/2023

The Natural Way is proud to offer our Christmas Program to all our clients for the bargain price of $15. BUT WAIT FOR IT - it comes with a $25 OFF voucher which can be used for your first formulation purchase in 2024. We are here to keep you happy, healthy, and feeling in control of your weight management this Christmas! Letter 1 of 5 THIS WEEK. Read here...

PLAN your way through the fun at Christmas – start now! - The Natural Way With the Melbourne Cup now done and dusted, we are on our way towards Black … PLAN your way through the fun at Christmas – start now! Read More »

Say Goodbye to Cordial – why? - The Natural Way 18/10/2023

Yes, juices are healthier than cordial if you look at it from a nutritional perspective. Fruit is packed with vitamins and minerals so it’s a great way to get a healthy dose of all the ‘good stuff’ your body needs to function at peak level.

Say Goodbye to Cordial – why? - The Natural Way It’s great to sit back and reflect on your childhood memories:  do you remember what … Say Goodbye to Cordial – why? Read More »

The Two Most Common Weight Loss Excuses - The Natural Way 26/09/2023

What are you telling yourself as to why you can’t lose weight?
Excuses, excuses, excuses…
We all do it!
Now, there’s a million reasons why you might not feel able to make changes in your life even when you desperately want to.

The Two Most Common Weight Loss Excuses - The Natural Way In our clinics, we have literally dealt with 1000’s of clients who have come to … The Two Most Common Weight Loss Excuses Read More »

Four Pillars – holistic, long term weight loss - The Natural Way 13/09/2023

Don’t do another DIET or FAD quick fix drug this time (that will only bring you short-term success), try a lifestyle-friendly weight loss program where you get to eat REAL food and can achieve PERMANENT results. We have over 43 years track record in helping people all over Australia – now that’s experience for you!

Four Pillars – holistic, long term weight loss - The Natural Way ‘Just eat less and exercise more’ – how many times have you heard people say … Four Pillars – holistic, long term weight loss Read More »

What is Stopping Your Weight Loss? - The Natural Way 29/08/2023

These are only some of the reasons why your weight loss efforts may be at a standstill. If you need help to get the scales moving downwards again, come and see us.

What is Stopping Your Weight Loss? - The Natural Way You may be currently on a weight loss program, and doing quite well, but suddenly … What is Stopping Your Weight Loss? Read More »

Ozempic is all the rage these days – or so it seems! - The Natural Way 26/06/2023

What are Ozempic and if they’re working so well for Hollywood stars and social media influencers, should I think about trying these weight loss drugs?
Before you race to your doctor to get a prescription, it’s vital to consider the fine print for the medications.
Joseph Curl wrote in The Daily Wire on 27th May, 2023
‘Users Say Ozempic Causing One Really Gross Side Effect’.
…and many others.

Ozempic is all the rage these days – or so it seems! - The Natural Way If you’re interested in losing weight, perhaps your ears perked up when Jimmy Kimmel cracked a … Ozempic is all the rage these days – or so it seems! Read More »

Helen lost 10kgs in 12 weeks! - The Natural Way 06/06/2023

Today I am so happy and proud of my ‘Stay At Home’ (says Cora at Gold Coast Clinic) client Helen’s achievements and hearing her joy of reaching her goal weight. I want to share her inspiring ‘real story’ with everyone!!!
Helen lost 10kgs in 12 weeks! Read it here:

Helen lost 10kgs in 12 weeks! - The Natural Way Our Gold Coast Clinic consultant, Cora wanted to share an inspiring letter received from a … Helen lost 10kgs in 12 weeks! Read More »

30 weeks of losing weight EVERY week! - The Natural Way 24/04/2023

Maureen has lost 36 kgs in ONLY 30 weeks.
"Despite challenges and even sometimes tears, it was the easiest weight loss program I have ever followed." Maureen has been one of very few Losers that we have had over the years that has not had ONE week where she has put on any weight, a very rare feat - 30 weeks of losing weight EVERY week! Inspiring story - read it all here. 🙏

30 weeks of losing weight EVERY week! - The Natural Way Maureen’s story, as told by Tomas – Senior Consultant and owner of The Natural Way … 30 weeks of losing weight EVERY week! Read More »

Can we trust what we see on packaged food in supermarkets? - The Natural Way 24/03/2023

This week we received an email from a client with a question about this Keto Pudding pictured.
Our client is new to our Quick Start Program (QS). The Natural Way Quick Start Eating Plan is low in carbohydrates and high in protein – a very popular and sure way to lose weight, we know that… Quick Start recommends a total of 15 -20 gms of carbs per day – so it is important that the counting is done correctly!

Can we trust what we see on packaged food in supermarkets? - The Natural Way Many of the popular weight loss eating plans available require a limitation of carbs in … Can we trust what we see on packaged food in supermarkets? Read More »

Detox 'The Natural Way ' - The Natural Way 08/03/2023

So, if you think your body needs a good clean from the inside-out, look no further. Call 1300 SLIMMER (754663) and talk to your friendly consultant about our 2-week Detox Program

Detox 'The Natural Way ' - The Natural Way The concept of Detox is not new:  in fact, Detoxification methods have been used for thousands … Detox ‘The Natural Way ‘ Read More »

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