Soulful Health with Erena

Soulful Health with Erena

Guiding professional women to their soul wisdom with trauma informed mentorship

Spiritual & Personal Development


Spirit whispers with gentleness there's a larger plan for you.

A plan that will have you leave behind that that you have built with all your heart, your devotion and dedication for many years.

This is not who you are.

Sometimes, the heart speaks of greatness that makes me weep in humbleness.

To surrender to the great divine and accept these initiations.

How irrelevant those titles, awards and grandstanding identity pieces are.

They are NEVER your essence.

Significance has been this unconscious internalised fight and more layers are being stripped away.

What do you become when you truly surrender to the medicine that is you?

What actions are to be taken now, that you know?

Listening and receiving are only one side of this precious exchange.

How will you give to this?

When you are moved by the heart of all you get to answer.

Now, to experiment with uncertain movements, playful investigation and deep faithfulness that the pulse of my life was bought back here to step inward.


Someone has to say it - not everyone is built to be a successful heart-centred entrepreneur

You will connect with the raw data of your possibility and decide that it is so.

There's no safety net outside of you.

There's no one coming to save you.

There's problems you cannot plan for that you are the solution for.

There are risks that you commit to that others would hesitate for years to entertain or possibly, never leap into.

Women that work with me know I challenge to encourage and support you to have the possibility realised.

I help women
- to rest in the certainty of their soul wisdom.

- to place your priorities, values and business before temporary likes, naysayers, critical observers (they ain't in the game)

- to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and experiences that are sensed for professional and personal development

- to give themselves permission to be seen and not stay small.

- to move with absolute love on the wings of their true desires.

There's limited space to work with me as I run two businesses with positive cash flow and I want to love on me, my family, clients and team members.

Women that are seeking grounded support to release sabotaging beliefs, to heighten their intuitive perception, to adjust your worth crown and wants to embody the community leader that has soul nourishing projects -- I want to work with you.

High level transformational coaching sessions with me are swift, effective and agitate your comfortability comment ๐Ÿ’Ž to set up a connection call or PM me to learn more about The Bridge 6 week package.


Throwback Thursday ๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿค‘ 2020

Sharing my 6 step process for Affirmations for Success and giving a taste tester for Mums in Business as a Guest Speaker resulted in one attendee having her best month in business!!

"After writing my affirmation at Erenaโ€™s workshop, and saving it on my phoneโ€™s screen saver, everything has fallen into place. Over the last week, Iโ€™ve become more confident, Iโ€™ve believed it will be, and Iโ€™ve literally smashed my goal and had the biggest month in my business for a very long time"

I do enjoy speaking and also, love love, love when there's interactive ways for participants to be included, engaged and turned on for profit and leadership!!

As a woman that has experienced financial abuse in previous relationships involving domestic violence I enjoy helping women receive joyfully.

Tomorrow I am speaking at the Shine event to raise awareness for life after DV and to raise money for the Lily House -- an organisation that helps women and their families to build a new life away from toxic and traumatic environments. ๐Ÿ‘‘


There's freedom in saying no to misaligned clients, collabs, events and businesses...

and a big fat YES to those that are soul aligned, passionate and are a perfect match to the services, events and products you provide to help them.

For women in business that have big hearts and visions for community impact I am here for you.

For women in business that want to add value first then profit I am here for you.

For women in business that are confused with making money flow with your energy, your skills and knowledge I am here for you.

I made a decision to make it easy to pay me by investing in a new system that removes $$ barriers from accessing my services.

The value is rock steady and the women that work with me in 6 month solutions have life changing results and more immediate short term results like:

- meeting their next client the next day
- downloading their next offer or service to the world
- opening and attracting collaborations for their next business power move
- releasing limiting beliefs without 5 million sessions and yuck co-dependent relationships
- clarity on future self
- get rid of emotional garbage blocking up their vitality
- making sales with ease and bringing back the joy of why they got into business in the first place

The Bridge is a 6 week coaching package that will support you to
- value who you are
- get clear on what you want to create (the dream to become reality with action)
- attract money, resources, people and God/Source/Universe to co-create with you
by invite only.

Book a free 15 minute activation call here to ensure we are a match head to profile click link

๐Ÿ“ธ Marie Ferguson


Let money look after you

When you notice patterns of money coming in and there's a tendency to get rid of it quickly (with bills, purchases or "something " happening) this usually, has to do with an energetic imprint on your past timeline that was planted to make sense of the world around you.

An imprint is an anchor or placement of energetic sensation that creates information packets of meaning that trap within the physical body and inhibit the flow of energy through the system of your chakras.

They can arise and reveal themselves as emotional charges, stressors, beliefs or attachments and are often hidden deep in the unconscious playground of our psyche.

Our brains are wired for predictable outcomes so that we can understand the way the world works for us (regardless, of whether that is positive or negative).

High level transformational energetic coaching sessions will support you to unearth the sensation to release that stress, charge and attachment so you can be free and decide to come home to your true core essence.

To be completely free is to get the support to integrate and embrace this new opening within you to create that which you truly desire: security from money resting safely with you.

The Bridge is a 6 week pathway for women in business that are frustrated with the feast and famine cycles of money, are heart-centred and have tried "everything" to build their soul aligned enterprises and are stuck in this pattern.

Invite only for business women that accept support for high level transformational sessions.

Activation calls available via link in bio


๐Ÿฅน Appreciate this feedback!! This session morphed into a breakthrough last week with a heart centred Mum in Business!!

My genius is to guide you back to your deepest recognition of who you are "becoming" by releasing societal expectations, attachments to old versions of self, the views of the industry and to come back to the power of you to co-create fulfilment.

To accept that you are NOT here to mold yourself to the limited expectations of family, friends and others but rather to belong as the Divine Feminine Leader in our community.

Now that's magnetic!!

Comment "Queen" to learn more about how to work with me.


Throwback Tuesday because Thursday is too far away for this share ๐Ÿ˜›

Glancing back at the Embodiment Hacks for Confidence in Business MIBs event thanks Jo.

I was stoked to be able to speak about Divine Feminine leadership and how to so with ease.

"Erena was amazing and gave us some really practical tips for on the daily and they literally only take a couple of minutes and being Mums and business women that's what we need, things that we can do in the morning, during the day or at night to calm ourselves and bring us back into the moment."

Looking back with pride at the younger version of me that continuously, takes brave action consistently and crafts impact with heart, thoughtfulness for others and passionate desire to ignite women around me.

It is immensely, satisfying to listen and immerse in the reflections of attendees at events even the feedback that challenges ๐Ÿ˜›

"Thank you Erena for running an amazing presentation teaching us. My highlight was one of the exercises that we did, the yoni mudra. Sitting in our power and creativity I got hit with so much emotion. I think that holding that mudra within ourselves but collectively doing that together put a phenomenal energy into the space and I really felt it. I felt myself blinking back tears...there was a really quick and powerful shift in the space."

"So lovely to meet you too, thank you for facilitating such an uplifting and grounding, powerful energetic space for us all to connect."

I was dreaming about running and speaking in more corporate spaces for Mental Health, Stress Management and Employee Wellbeing last night.

Enjoying the time to reflect on patterns, learnings and wisdom gathered with the entrepreneurial path as I step in.

Referrals and opportunities are so welcome for retreats, events, podcasts, stages and women in business that would match my medicine -- around soul confidence, holistic health, love after abuse, women empowerment, mental health and wellbeing is right up my alley!

Join us at the Shine event in August. I am a panel Speaker - supporting this event generates funding for the Lily House that helps women and families impacted by domestic violence DM for tix


Has Spirit been asking you to step up into a greater vision of service and expertise than you feel you are ready for?

Downloads bringing internalised fears and worries to the surface?

Yes, I have sensed it too!!

And yes, it is perfect.

The perfect opening for you to explore what is NOT pulling you upward and to make a decision about how to take aligned action with support to clear out the erroneous beliefs, the energetic blocks and the comfortable patterns that you have been serving you so you can RAPIDLY transform.

Not going to lie working with me is not a walk in the park.

I command more self responsibility, more messy imperfect action and less caution to the wind because I have the belief and trust that that landed FOR YOU.

I challenge and celebrate the women that take the brave actions that she knows are the next BEST steps for that manifestation to become her reality.

We are not working alone -- the Universe/God/Source will conspire with you.

We are not unconsciously, going with the flow and "seeing what happens" to generate little progress.

We are not making do with what is in our bank balance -- this does not reflect your worth and I know secretly, you want more.

If you are ready to open the door to remove the resistance that you have to move forward the Queen Care 3 session high level transformational coaching package is for you.

DM me to get out of your own way.


The women that work with me want more money, more time to evolve and less inhibition to take soul aligned action toward their version of success.

They have worked damn hard to be where they are with a steady stream of good hard earned income but they are:
- ridiculously, stressed and overwhelmed with holding their business together and ensuring everyone gets paid
- quality relationships are non-existent OR suffering as you measure the effort d**k at the end of every day
- you have no time for your family because you gotta work right?!

You know something has to change.

Let me get to it quick -- it's not the grandstand moments that equate to you feeling fulfilled it is your capacity to hold more, get support for stress management and cultivate concrete soul confidence.

Sure, you can continue to just keep hacking away and follow this trajectory but your health will suffer, you will have slow growth, and your family will resent you.

I would love to support you to relax into your highest potential with ease. Activation call available DM me.


I finally gave up.

After spending so many years of trying to fit in, I gave up.

I decided to be outrageously, more.

The more freedom to be in full expression; the more magnetism to your true essence.

Not to be liked by everyone but, to connect with soul-aligned clients that resonate with the authentic authority that I have.

There's a soft pull to draw into the collective fake sisterhood by fading into the masses.

Not question but, agree.
Not speak up but, quieten.
Not stand out but, blend.

What's worse is it is holding women in business back just like you, from asserting your unique energetic flavour, your offers, your products, and is effectively, dampening your bank accounts.


To make it hard for people to buy from you ๐Ÿคฏ
To avoid success with system upgrades ๐Ÿคฏ
To be accepted as less than all of you ๐Ÿคฏ

Ladies, are you hiding, staying small, dragging others along to avoid your own brightness and shielding your true essence?

When you work with me you acknowledge these protective pieces and resolve their purpose so you can bring yourself back to wholeness safely and with support.

Ready to lead yourself home?

DM me for a VIP upgrade ONLY available today.

It'll be bananas ๐Ÿ˜œ to delay.


The sister wounding is f*cked and we've got to stop it!!

This wound is the dis-ease, distrust and hurt that many women feel when relating to other women.

It can manifest in comparison, judgements, insecurity, gossip, cattiness and downright fear of women striving for more or shining bright.

Women start to see each other as competition or a source of harm and pain.

It's something that I definitely have had to navigate through with many a judgement detox ๐Ÿ˜‚

When you are on the way to the top know the women you surround yourself with helps.

When you are at your lowest -- notice the women that reach out to you, remember the kindness reflected from you and keep them close.

I know, because my future self is calling ๐Ÿค‘

Judgements, backlash, blaming, shaming, squashing women into girl containers, and directing pain toward another well...

I ain't got time for that!!

That's why my workshops are different. The women that join the Empower You workshop for Healthy Relationships are here for
- loving and respectful connections
- value their soul
- want to learn how to attract and retain healthy relationships

The smart women are collaborating, coaching, connecting, resourcing, providing constructive feedback and celebrating each other's success.

Yes, it's for you Queen.

Book here

๐Ÿ“ธMarie Ferguson


Magick happens when women work with me, and this is not an accident; this is the secret sauce to your next level of growth.

I possess a proven mixture of business sense, wellbeing strategies and intuitive intelligence to help women to develop deep trust in their vision, have the soul confidence to make it a reality and embrace health without overwhelming stress and old lingering doubts holding them back.

Women enter the doorway of my heart with a mission to enact change in the world not mediocre desires to have money for money's sake.

My favourite transformative result from a previous client is:

She came in with the desire to be a Mum and left pregnant and ready for her baby.

Now, not everyone is going to have these results or desires this.

But it is a perfect visualisation of what is possible for your manifestations coming to fruition from working with me: the CEO that births her offers, business, community, children, charities or ventures.

AND let me make it very obvious: it was her commitment to her co-creation that led her to take soul-aligned action, accept my support and surrender into healing that generated this result.

Top 3 key transformations that ALL women have with me:

All women move away from unconscious creation to feeling like their intuition is on steroids with signs, information, opportunities and resources landing in her lap for her co-creations quickly.

All women went from feeling unable to express how they truly feel with others respectfully to communicating their worth and value in professional and personal relationships.
(*translates to more money, more love, more self-confidence)

Women start with confusing power dynamics with partners, family, clients and relationships and they move to empowered energy exchanges by setting boundaries to stand firmly in their true essence.

"This course empowers you to take inspired action to create your dreams, becoming aligned with yourself and the Universe. You feel supported, guided and encouraged to develop tools to be able to reduce stress, anxiety and move forward without being held back by trauma or past experiences that no longer serve you."

Get ready for the next 6 months, DM me


Money post: look away if you're avoiding it ๐Ÿค‘

The reason why women in business return to get coached with me is because I allow them to unlayer all the bs judgement around money, how they spend and use it, the way they make it, guilt of success as others struggle and life challenges that are preventing them from feeling amazing about who they are as a Soul, a Business owner and as a Woman.

And that's before I even got all the shiny modality certificates ๐Ÿคฃ

Women were literally, throwing more money at me than what I charged because they were:

- getting new opportunities
- attracting new clients
- were okay with humbling themselves to get another less stressful job to improve their mental health
- restructuring their workload to help them reset their nervous system and freakin rest to enable much needed healing
- seeing partnerships and collaborations for the next step
- start charging more for the amazing transformations they were already providing
- applying for higher paying jobs that were less work and more money
- having downloads of new programs and products fall into their lap

That's the difference in having high transformational coaching you get to decide with guidance what is the next step for your version of success.

I have experienced all different forms of scarcity and abundance
- poverty
- full time employee
- part time jobs
- financial abuse in marriage DFV
- part time job / side hustles
- part time jobs / business
- business owner
- multiple business owner
- mixtures of them all

Money has been one of the greatest spiritual teachers I have had and I continue to appreciate the opportunity it provides for me to share money with others in the community, give back, spoil my family and love on me!!

When you jump on a call with me the value of the exchange for my services is acknowledged and I make it easy for you to pay me.

Looking for 2 women in business to work with me for soul aligned growth in the next 6 months.

Yes, you can DM me for a quick activation call or drop a ๐Ÿ‘‘ below.


Chat with me if you want to smash your goals in the next 6 months with soul aligned growth.

If you a Mum in Business that wants to successfully, set boundaries, hold money safely, and keep your sanity ๐Ÿ˜œ

I help you to
- have crystal clear clarity on the next 6 months
- improve your confidence
- support you to trust yourself
- develop your intuition to attract resources, opportunities, collaborations and abundance
- have the health and stress management to thrive
- recognise your priorities family, wealth, & health
- remove limiting beliefs about money and emotional stress from life challenges AND
- stop you from falling into sabotage so you can not be stuck

Yes I would love to support you to relax into your highest potential with ease so send me a DM so we can create your version of success together.

P.s life always throws curveballs and it is with your powerful presence of loving acceptance and trust in your co-creations that you can recognise there's medicine in all that life offers โœจ


If I had to start all over again in business, I would ...

- make the business name so predictable you would have no doubt what I do and who I serve

- quickly get over mistakes and learning curves without bashing myself up with annoying thoughts about "not being good enough"

- stopped chasing so many SHINY balls without completion because I was secretly scared no one would like it

- followed up as seriously, as I reached out

- would have more playful fun with the offers I created and see if others were jiving with it too

- take more breaks to relax and chill the heck out as I grew into business ownership

- invest in support SOONER

- laugh more at the mental hurdles you jump over as your identity morphs into your future vision

- let people help and allow their genius to flourish

- remind others often that I have limited availability for bs and firmly, cut off those that try to mock, downplay success or rubbish expertise

I love to help women in established businesses to have mental health, emotional wellbeing and soul confidence if you are interested in how I can help you to be happier, healthier and have thriving relationships just DM me


Women that love to work with me are usually

a) making more money than I am in very established businesses ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿช™
b) recognise deeply that they are magic on legs

All of them have a secret yearning to have more intimate connections, more joy, more money and more magical prowess to attract it all in.

I give them full permission to want, to stretch out all over the World to receive abundance, to leisurely, manifest without complicated spiritual jargon and strategies that just make sense.

I've been called:
The Healer of Healers
Miracle Worker
Shadow Shaker
Powerhouse Mama

I genuinely, have an exhilarating thrill when women in my field just say YES!!

I know once they commit: the keys to their version of success begin to unlock the invisible barriers that have been blocking what is seeking them so they can relish in fulfilling relationships, nek level business growth and bliss.

I place offers in front of women that need that service...not dangling crap for sale bites ๐Ÿคข

The calibre of powerhouse women that join me realise that I acquired the skillset, the expertise through countless reps in coaching, and that I continually, develop on professional and spiritual levels to meet them with absolute presence and professionalism.

The Queen Care package is the first open door to my energy.

If you are reading this -- YES -- I am for you. DM me.


"Colour therapy with Soulful Health with Erena was truly enlightening".

So thankful to Kerri Speyers for inviting me into her retreat space to share creative therapy and sound healing with crystal singing bowls.

Women that gather together weave collective healing into the space with deep listening, sharing and inspiration.

"Hearing other women's journey. As women we often feel our situation/trauma is unique yet so many women follow a similar path."

"Erena is an absolutely beautiful soul who guides you through the experience with love and warmth."

This group were brave to speak about their creations openly, vulnerably and each women present held and witnessed the speaker with love.

It is a blessing to honour our truth in sacred spaces.

The biggest highlights were:

"the sense of community and togetherness."

"Sharing with others in a safe space."

"Enlightening, enabled me to express and release my feelings."

"Gave me clarification about feelings I'm experiencing - which was unexpected."

"Learning what's important to me."

"Digging deep into self"

"Very cathartic and therapeutic."

Showing up to facilitate with women that rise up to meet the depths of their life experiences and what is present in the now is truly heartwarming and every workshop is always different

"The art therapy with Erena created the safe space and opportunity to create self awareness and understanding on our journey."

Having "connection through art in a safe and supported setting for emotional awareness."

The crystal sound bowls were the perfect accompaniment for soothing surrender into deep relaxation for self-healing.

Loving the service I bring into the World ๐ŸŒน


Women in Business often ask me how do I win so many gifts, sponsored packages, workshops, retreat, coaching sessions, ideal clients bump into me on my travels "I knew I met you for a reason" and so many blessings fall at my feet.

It's a four word solution to become miracle prone: take your heart seriously.

The greatest healing you will have during your awakening is not the focus on traumatic baggage rather learning to build joyful sustenance as a divine being in your body so that you can effortlessly, release that that no longer serves on your way to the next level of abundance.

Stop right now with those niggling doubts. No it doesn't mean:
- problems disappear overnight (it has happened before though)
- you become boring
- challenges are non-existent
- life has no speed bumps

You will still harness your survival modes to get through ridiculous hurdles.

The difference is there is wisdom that bliss consciousness is available.

Always, has been.

You can source freedom inward and accept the support that can direct you to your capacity to heal, think clearly and fall madly in love with yourself.

You want to get magnetic? Drop a ๐Ÿ’š and I will share with you 6 actionable ways to implement gratitude into your life so you can amplify your heart.


Being in synch with my partner today opened my eyes to a deeper level of connection between us

Simultaneously, creepy ๐Ÿคฃ

It's quite fascinating how we grasp thought forms from one another that we are in heart harmony with.

Although, in my workspace I feel quite distant from my partner I am reminded often that we

- Think of eachother when apart and the other will ring or message
- Suggest something to the other when we are twirling it over in our own minds eye
- Go to touch and comment on the same items in an aisle while out shopping ๐Ÿคฃ
- Pick up the emotional states of the other
(this has pros and cons)
- Offer presence without logical explanation to do so other than a feeling that that is right as the other has an inner disturbance (off notes)
- Manifest quickly together

As many have heard, when I met my partner my heart rate slowed to match his.

I sensed this through the etheric heart and as I learn more about heart coherence it makes sense that we seek connection to emit, infuse and amplify through our energetic field more peace, calm and enlightenment through being together.

The greatest healing that I have discovered on this evolutionary path is when all cells vibrate according to your divine design at the perfect frequency in resonance with your soul family system because this happens and more
- quicker to activate rememberings or upgrades
- swift healing and realignment with purpose
- easier to maintain high vibrational states
- more money with ease
- more opportunities with less resistance

Let me know if you want more support to release old hurts from past relationships to open your heart to loving connections by sending me a message.


Full moon: surrender all the pieces to fall into nothingness and everything.


Look closer into the darkness of the heart cave.

You will find yourself ripping at your innards piece by piece.

Giving the last toss of vital organs that you have pumped with meaning.

Notice how much you have thrown at the World wanting to appease the masses.

Not enough?

Have more.

Take this arm.

Not right?

This leg.

Is that all?

This smile.

Pick them up, hurl them out of you.

Rolling out the last remnants to the light.

Blind, unable to even stumble in the darkness.


Destruction never felt so good.

Now, I am nothing.

Now, I am the dark of the cosmic womb.

Safe in the cacoon of creation.

The haven of my unrealised dreams.

Morphing, moving, suffocated with the ecstasy of newness.

Fighting to breathe new life.

In the space between this world and the next.

Power evolves through surrender to what is to become.


Channeled this morning for the good girl that still loves to be saved and selfishly, gives false value to others to hide her true desires ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ

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Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 20:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00