Blackfullas for Palestine

Blackfullas for Palestine

Blackfullas for Palestine is a digital project to showcase Black and Palestinian solidarity.


“Today marks Nakba Day, the 76th Anniversary of ‘The Catastrophe’ in 1948. It is equivalent of our Invasion Day.

Like us, the violence of settler-colonialism continues for Palestinians. People in Gaza have been rounded up into Rafah and Israeli forces continuing to slaughter Palestinians as they have done since 1948.

We must continue to show up for Palestinians today and everyday.

The next call to action is 12pm Saturday 25 May, Nationwide at The Ports.”

Tarneen Onus-Browne | Gunditjmara, Yorta Yorta, Bindal and Merium | Community Organiser & Writer

Please follow to keep up to date with more events nationwide & head to to join the protest on 25 May at the Ports.

Photos from Blackfullas for Palestine's post 29/04/2024

“We must always find the words and take action to condemn the ongoing atrocities, denouncing them for what they truly are: genocide. By doing so, we are speaking up for every single Palestinian who has been murdered, displaced, orphaned and bereaved.

Australia’s media has failed Palestine, Blackfullas cannot. Our solidarity with Palestine means speaking up in a world where the media opt for silence, where governments turn a blind eye. We will not stand for it. Land back, sovereignty, Palestine will be free.”

Pekeri Ruska | Goenpul | Phd Candidate and Community Organiser


“You don’t need to be an expert to understand that the indiscriminate slaughter of tens of thousands of men, women and children is wrong.

We can’t just watch this human tragedy unfold on our tvs and phones.

We need to speak up and urge our governments to find ways to pull the Government of Israel back from the brink of the living hell it’s unleashed on the Palestinian people, on millions of civilians.

The bloodshed needs to stop.”

| Ngarra Murray

Wamba Wamba, Yorta Yorta, Dja Dja Wurrung and Dhudhuroa


“I stand in solidarity with Palestinians because they deserve to be loved, protected, believed and trusted.
It is vital that we do everything possible to end the dispossession, displacement, genocide and apartheid which they have been enduring for decades.

We know these as common experiences used to create colonial projects the world over.

We can’t watch a frontier war on our phones play out in Palestine and be silent when our own liberation from colonialism is attached to theirs.”

Melinda Mann | Darumbal and South Sea Islander

Photos from Blackfullas for Palestine's post 03/04/2024

Blackfullas have a shared struggle with Palestine, and have long stood in solidarity with other colonised and Indigenous communities worldwide. From Congo, West Papua, Yemen, Sudan and beyond, we are witnessing the domination, control and atrocities of settler colonialism and violence, something all Blackfullas continue to feel and experience in so called “Australia”.

We have borne witness to mass genocide of babies and children, mothers, brothers and sisters for land appropriation and ethnic cleansing. The slaughter, displacement and torture are undeniable. Standing up, and showing up against these injustices is by no means radical, it’s quite simply, the right thing to do.

It’s crucial that we persist. That we continue to work together to understand our roles in the movement. That we lean into the power of the community/the collective, we acknowledge our capacity and limitations at times, that in the pursuit of justice we don’t neglect ourselves entirely and feel shame in reaching out for support or a yarn, when we need it. This work is emotionally charged, it requires our strategy, love, agility, endurance and our rest at times, too. With unwavering love, rage, and solidarity. From the river to the sea. Always was always will be

Caroline Kell | Mbarbrum (living on Wurundjeri)


“As an Aboriginal woman, I see and I feel the love, joy and loyalty that exists in Palestinian families and communities, a love and joy like ours which has a right to be protected and a right to continue growing.

Forever fighting in solidarity for a free Palestine, as have many generations of Blackfullas before me.”

Sissy Austin / | Gunditimara, Kirrae Whurrong & Djab Wurrung | Writer and Activist

Photos from Blackfullas for Palestine's post 21/03/2024

“I stand with Palestine not only because l’m a First Nations person but because I believe it’s a human obligation to stand with those who are suffering a genocide.

Israel is a colonial project created to exploit the region for its resources similar to how the colony of Australia exploits our land here.

I think it’s disgraceful for people like Nova Paris who have been paid off by Zionists to disrespect the solidarity between Blak Australia and Palestine.

First Nations people who support Israel have either been egregiously dooped by propaganda or they are paid by Zionists to support colonisation.”

| Noonuccal, Nughi &
Kaanju | Rapper and Poet

Photos from Blackfullas for Palestine's post 20/03/2024

“Resistance and solidarity have been key to our survival as Aboriginal people since the point of first contact and the illegal occupation of our lands.

How can any Aboriginal person not feel the same solidarity with Palestinians who have been denied for decades their human rights, rights to land, rights to control their lives, their futures.

While also being under constant violent attack. The Palestinian story is our story, except today world powers are watching and endorsing this strategic genocide of an entire group of people.

We are all witnessing crimes against humanity and I call on all my mob to speak up and to also wave our flag as a symbol of resistance and solidarity.

Prof | Wiradyuri | Author, Speaker and Creator

Photos from Blackfullas for Palestine's post 20/03/2024

“Blakfulla-Palestinian solidarity is boundless.

We share similarities not only in our struggle against settler colonialism but also in our cultures and histories, and thats what sustains our struggle together.

On one hand, we share a common understanding of the beauty of our land, the stories and traditions it holds and also the sacrifices we make to protect these things.

On the other, we know the lengths that Western imperialism will go to slaughter, bombard and dispossess us to take our land and culture.

To see struggle is to see what has been taken - I see my deep connection to land and culture, the same way Palestinians do and that’s all I need to know to visualise and join the struggle against the settler states who try to strip this from us.”

| Wiradjuri |
Student, Community Organiser & Writer


“Blackfellas know what it means to survive an attempted extermination. We’ve also seen how powerful forces will try and rewrite the narrative, to say that it never happened.
We cannot standby while Israel tries to exterminate the Palestinian people and simultaneously deny that they are.
We have immense knowledge and power in this moment.”

| Wailwan | Journalist


“We want the same thing: land rights, human rights, self determination.

Our ancestors went through what
Palestinians are going through now.

We met guns with spears, they meet bombs with stones, and yet the world still paints us as the savages.
We can’t change the past, but we can fight like hell for the future of all colonised peoples.

Maggie Knight-Williams, Gamilaraay & Ngunnawal


“I take all my deepest life lessons from my grandmothers. Staunch First Nations women of integrity and generosity, despite the oppressive systems they were constantly subjected to their entire lives.

It was from them that I learnt we are only free, when all of us are free.

That was how they lived their lives.
Which is why I stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine. I have do doubt they would too.”

Larrakia Yanyuwa


“Make no mistake: the attempted genocide being perpetrated by Israel against Palestinian people is colonial frontier violence. Instead of invaders on horses with muskets, in 2024 it’s drones, tanks, bombs & white prosperous.

Children are being targeted because they are the inheritors of Palestinian futures - of culture, stories & practices that connect a people to their Homelands.

Every day I am ashamed by our government’s complicity.

Every day I mourn for our Palestinian siblings and am in awe of their courage & resistance.”

Dr Lilly Brown, Gumbaynggirr

Photos from Blackfullas for Palestine's post 03/03/2024

“As Indigenous people, our longstanding solidarity against oppression across all groups has always been present. I had the privilege to personally visit Palestine, and what I witnessed upon my arrival was deeply troubling - racism, segregation, and violence against Palestinian elders and communities.
This experience made me realise that the treatment of Palestinians on the ground is fundamentally harmful. It is through speaking out for justice and showing solidarity that we can bring about change. We must believe that a better world is possible, where Palestine is free.

The targeting of children and young people is unacceptable in any world.
My advocacy in this world has always been for our little ones and their futures. The future of Palestinian children and young people matters greatly.
If you are unsure about taking action or have not yet learned about the history, I encourage you to reach out. As a collective, we are always open to learning and unlearning, as our ancestors have taught us. There is no shame in seeking more information.

Supporting Palestine does not mean being against the Jewish people or their community. In fact, the Jewish community has shown incredible strength in standing up for Palestine. The Jewish way is to advocate against human rights violations and stand for community, which I have personally witnessed.
It is important not to confuse this, as it is Zionism and the settler project undertaking the violence. Taking a stand is crucial, as remaining silent only hinders progress. A permanent ceasefire, the right of return, land restitution, and freedom for present and future Palestine are imperative, including justice for the lives already lost.“

Vanessa Turnbull-Roberts, Bundjalung


“The brutality being rained down on Gaza, resulting in so much death and destruction, cannot be allowed to continue. As an Arrernte woman, I stand with Palestinians in their struggle for liberation from
oppression at the hands of the Israeli regime (and their allies).
I also stand with the many Jewish people worldwide who say “not in my name”. “


“Palestinian people are currently being subjected to a genocide, and colonial governments - including the Australian government - are actively participating. Blackfullas have always prioritised solidarity with other Indigenous people, from sovereignty work with the UN Permanent Forum and land claims on the international stage, to fighting against deaths in custody and the removal of our children here in this continent. Solidarity with
Palestinians as they fight for their lives and their land is the very least we can do.
It’s disappointing to hear Indigenous people who have leadership roles in the government and universities claim otherwise.”

Dr Sandy O’Sullivan, Wiradjuri


“As Blackfullas we understand the trauma of cultural knowledge and land being desecrated through the act of ongoing genocide and ecocide. It is important for us to raise our voices when we see it happening to other First Nations folk around the world and remind them that they are not alone in their fight for liberation and right to live and practice culture on their lands. Free Palestine, West Papua, Congo and all those who are experiencing loss at the hands of colonisers.
None of us are free til we’re all free!”


“Our people have survived attempted genocide, we continue to survive through ongoing settler colonialism and we see the similarities in the current situation in Palestine, it is critical that we stand in solidarity with Palestinian people.” Dr Eugenia Flynn Larrakia and Tiwi


“We stand in solidarity with Palestine because our shared experiences of colonisation, dispossession, and ongoing oppression. Both mob and Palestinians understand what it means to maintain a connection to Country, our sovereignty and cultural identity in the face of systemic injustice and genocide. Standing with our Palestinian kin raises both our voices and strengthens global movements for self-determination and Indigenous liberation. By fighting against colonialism and apartheid, Blakfullas uphold principles of justice, human rights, and solidarity across borders, nations and mobs. We are not free until Palestine is free.”


from Invasion Day 2024

Photos from Blackfullas for Palestine's post 15/02/2024

“Black-Palestinian solidarity has been long and ongoing. It exists because of our shared histories as Indigenous peoples. We look over to what’s happening in Palestine and we see a similar story, but what’s happening now [since October 7 2023] is totally unprecedented. It’s so important that we as Indigenous people continue to make known that we stand with Palestinians, especially in this time when there’s genocide and ethnic cleansing – because that’s what happened on the Queensland frontier. We have to make our voices strong and proud and stand in solidarity.

The racism we saw in the referendum we are seeing reflected in the current day dehumanisation of Palestinian people. The original racism is settler-colonial, it is about entrenching white supremacy over this land, so wherever you go, we have these shared connections and experiences.

We have to continue to call out media silencing of Blackfullas and Palestinians. This silence reproduces violence upon the bodies of the most vulnerable. It’s important that all of us raise our voices and contest media silencing and media dehumanisation. Show up, stand with BDS, come to the streets, do everything you can.”

Dr Darumbal & South Sea Islander | Journalist

Photos from Blackfullas for Palestine's post 14/02/2024

“I stand with and for Palestine.

Palestines sovereignty has never been ceded neither has ours.

Our resistance is the same. This is a fight for all of us, against all colonial oppression and for the liberation of all oppressed peoples.

We both were colonised by the British and continue to be oppressed under white supremacy regimes.

We are all witnesses to the atrocities being committed in Gaza.

The governments failure to intervene is disgusting and they are complicit.

We have survived their genocidal polices for 235 years.

This ‘war’, is racism, colonialism, capitalism, imperialism, oppression and genocide.

Like the referendum we no longer want symbolic gestures. Decolonisation is the only form of justice for the crimes of settler colonialism.

We want LAND BACK.

I stand in solidarity and call for an immediate permanent unconditional ceasefire and an end to the genocide and occupation.

From the sea to the river, Palestine will live forever.

Always was always will be.”

Meyne Wyatt, Wongutha and Yamatji | Actor


A screenshot from our website that we will continue to share words from Blackfullas from around the country and their words of solidarity.

A note on our logo. The artwork with the people holding the Aboriginal and Palestinian flag banners was made from a poster of the Blak-Palestinian Solidarity Rally 28 October in Melbourne. It was made by the incredible Gabi Briggs that said we could use it for Blackfullas for Palestine logo.

We are so grateful for Blak artists and creatives that continue to inspire us and help us showcase Black and Palestinian solidarity. It shows our demands for justice, liberation and freedom from the settler-colonialism of Australia and Israel.

You can check out our website in the bio here:


A screenshot from our website that we will continue to share words from Blackfullas from around the country and their words of solidarity.

A note on our logo. The artwork with the people holding the Aboriginal and Palestinian flag banners was made from a poster of the Blak-Palestinian Solidarity Rally 28 October in Melbourne. It was made by the incredible that said we could use it for Blackfullas for Palestine logo.

We are so grateful for Blak artists and creatives that continue to inspire us and help us showcase Black and Palestinian solidarity. This shows our demands for justice, liberation and freedom from the settler-colonialism of Australia and Israel.

You can check out our website in the bio.


“Thousands of Aboriginal people came out on Invasion Day to resist the celebrations of colonialism and to support Palestine. Black people here and elsewhere have a long history of standing with Palestine. No colonial borders here and Palestine. From Gunditjmara to Gaza FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸”

Gunnai & Gunditjmara | Community Organiser and Writer

Photos from Blackfullas for Palestine's post 14/02/2024

“I stand with and for Palestine.

Palestines sovereignty has never been ceded neither has ours.

Our resistance is the same. This is a fight for all of us, against all colonial oppression and for the liberation of all oppressed peoples.

We both were colonised by the British and continue to be oppressed under white supremacy regimes.

We are all witnesses to the atrocities being committed in Gaza.

The governments failure to intervene is disgusting and they are complicit.

We have survived their genocidal polices for 235 years.

This ‘war’, is racism, colonialism, capitalism, imperialism, oppression and genocide.

Like the referendum we no longer want symbolic gestures. Decolonisation is the only form of justice for the crimes of settler colonialism.

We want LAND BACK.

I stand in solidarity and call for an immediate permanent unconditional ceasefire and an end to the genocide and occupation.

From the sea to the river, Palestine will live forever.

Always was always will be.” Wongutha and Yamatji | Actor


“Take whatever action you can, big or small, because we know first hand as Indigenous peoples that none of us are free until all of us are free.

Raise your voice, rally up, amplify through your socials and let the world know this horrific occupation must end.”
- Shari Sebbens, Bardi and Jabirr Jabirr | Actor, Writer and Artist


We will be launching on Wednesday 14 February at 6pm!

Blackfullas for Palestine is a digital project to amplify and strengthen the solidarity of Blackfullas with Palestinian justice and freedom. We will be showcasing words and stories from Blacfullas in an effort to show our Palestinian siblings that we stand with them. We stand with them as they face genocide at the hands of Israeli government and the complicity of the Australian Government and many settler-colonial states that are arming Israel. We refuse to be silence on the streets and online about Blackfullas standing up for justice and against colonialism.

Join us as we all fight for a future free from genocide, free from colonialism and a Free Palestine.

Videos (show all)

We are Blackfullas for Palestine!
Uncle David Bell speaking about his support for Palestine 🖤💛❤️
Meyne Wyatt at the Free Palestine Rally in Sydney December 2023
