Chicks and Mortar

Chicks and Mortar

There has never been a better time for women to build the life they love through property. Find out more here --->

Chicks and Mortar helps women achieve maximum results with their biggest asset...their property. Chicks and Mortar provides:

- Independent and unbiased education and information about the property process,

- Practical hands on tools to help women make important property decisions, and

- Ongoing support to help women build confidence during their property journey and beyond. There has never been a better time for women to embrace her strengths and abilities to build her own property empire.


From our family to yours, have a wonderful Christmas.

It's always good to take the time to stop and enjoy your home. And what better time than at Christmas time.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence

Todays Tip is…

It is never too early or late to buy, build or renovate a property.

Your adventures in property are yours and yours alone. Go at your own pace, make decisions are are good for you and stop comparing your progress with other people.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence

Todays Tip is…

Your network of friends and family who support you on your property adventure, are just as important as the professionals you engage to help you.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence

Todays Tip is…

The best way to buy property is to make an offer.

High, low, up, down, unique… You can do all the research and due diligence in the world, but unless you actually make an offer, you are never going to buy a property.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence

Todays Tip is…

Don’t get caught in the FOBO trap when it comes to buying property…

Fear of Better Options.

If it ticks all your boxes, make an offer.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence

Todays Tip is…

The rules and regulations of buying, selling, building, renovating, renting can be vastly different in each state and council area.

So make sure you’re getting accurate information for the area you want to buy, sell, build, renovate, rent.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence

Todays Tip is…

Making assumptions is one of the biggest mistakes you can make in property.

Unless you’ve got accurate information from the horses mouth or reputable sources, it’s simply and assumption.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence

Todays Tip is…

Whether you’re a tenant or a landlord, know your rights and responsibilities and don’t be a s**t human.

You are not better than or less than because of your position in the equation and treating each other with respect will make the world of difference.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence

Todays Tip is…

Don’t be ashamed to rent. Renting can sometimes be a more viable option for your circumstances.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence

Todays Tip is…

Consider a building broker if you want to build or renovate a home and you are time poor or nervous about navigating the process yourself.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence

Todays Tip is…

Consider a buyers agent if you want to buy property but you are time poor or nervous about doing it yourself.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence

Todays Tip is…

Do your own due diligence.

What is due diligence?

Making sure the information you learn and know about the property is factual.

The agent will most likely give you good information, but they are also human and can make mistakes.

Also, the agents sole job is to sell the property, and while they won’t outright lie (we hope) they will also put a spin on the information or withhold information that will ultimately lead to a better outcome for the seller.

The agent will act like your best friend, but their client is the seller and that’s who they are working for.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence

Todays Tip is…

Get more out of your open homes by speaking to the agent.

The agent will be able to provide all the property holding costs, if there are any easements or restrictions on the land, if there is a body coporate in place and if so, what are the details.

The agent, especially if local, will be able to provide information about the area including infrastructure, transport, schooling.

Remember to do your own due dilligence, but speaking to the agent is a great way to find out more.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence

Todays Tip is…

Don’t waste your open homes by looking at the wrong thing.

Grab our property inspection pocketbook that outlines everything you need to look for at a property inspection.

Get your copy over on our website. Link in our bio.



Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence

Todays Tip is…

Ask questions… Lots and lots of questions.

Remember there are no silly questions.

You don’t know what you don’t know, and the only way you are going to know is by asking questions.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence

Todays Tip is…

Consider the pros and cons of going to a ‘one stop shop’

If the one company is selling you a property, organising your building and pest and managing your finance approval, then you need to be aware of the benefits and downfalls.

On the plus side, you only need to deal with the one person/company.

On the downside, you are missing out on the wealth of information that comes from independent sources. A ‘one-stop-shop’ can be convenient but also poses a higher risk.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence

Todays Tip is…

If you are buying, selling or upgrading property, don’t forget to adjust your insurance accordingly and look at also revising your Will.

We don’t want to imagine anything going wrong, but if they do, we want to be covered, right?


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence

Todays Tip is…

The current interest rate is only one factor that determines if you are getting a good deal on your home loan.

Fees and charges, extra features such as an offset or a drawdown facility also need to be factored in.

Find yourself a good mortgage broker for more information.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence.

Todays Tip is…

Know your risk profile.

This is very handy when it comes to knowing how you buy and whether your appetite to risk is hindering your investment journey.

Remember, our risk profile changes throughout our lives.

Take the risk profile quiz to find out your risk profile.



Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence.

Todays Tip is…

Use your common sense when it comes to property advice.

Property advice is like parenting advice. Everyone thinks they are the expert and they know best.

But unless they are a property professional (and sometimes even IF they are a property professional) they only know from their own experience and perspective.

So take on board what you feel is relevant for your circumstances and discard the rest.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence.

Todays Tip is…

Sweat equity can sometimes cost you more than hiring a professional to do it.

Check out our sweat equity blog for more info.



Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence.

Todays Tip is…

There are no secrets to property. The fundamentals never change.

What does change is the market, the conditions, the interest rate and your circumstances.

The only people that try and sell you the ‘secrets’ to property are spruikers.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence.

Todays Tip is…

Find a good team of property experts who can guide you through the process…

Broker, accountant, conveyancer, building inspector to start.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence

Todays Tip is…

Know your numbers…

How much you earn,
How much you spend,
How much you save,
How much you can afford to spend to buy or renovate a property,
How much it costs to hold a property every day, month, year.

The more you know the more informed choices you can make.


Welcome to 24 days of property tips, where everyday for the next 24 days we give you a property tip to help you grow your property confidence

Todays Tip is…

Know your end goal with property.

What do you want to achieve and why.
If you want to buy an investment, then what you look for will be different to what you look for if you are after a forever home.


Happy Halloween! 🎃👻

In the spirit of all things goulish, we want to hear all your property horror stories. What nightmares did you experience and what was the outcome?

Share in the comments below 👇


Want to read more about property?

We have a few articles over on that give you relevant advice when buying, building or renovating property.

Head over and have a read... And while you're there, why not check out some properties for sale 😁



How much money can I borrow?

One of the first things you need to figure out when buying property right?

If you Google this questions, you will get a whole list of calculators that will give you an idea of how much you can borrow, but each calculator will produce a different result and won't factor in all the elements a bank looks at when assessing your lending capacity.

The best person to ask this question is a broker. Seek out a good one and they will help you maximise your borrowing potential.


When you are in the market looking for a property, one of the main people you are going to speak to is the selling agent. Who else has all the relevant information about the property than the agent right?

And it's true, you can get a wealth of information from the agent. Especially if you ask the right questions.

But never forget that the agent is working for the seller, not you. And while it's highly unlikely they are going to outright lie to you... It's not that unlikely that they may stretch the truth or spin a story in order to sell the property for the best price possible.

So, regardless of what others tell you, always, always, always do your own research and due dilligence.
